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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 21101-21200

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 12.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 21101-21200

번호                  용어                  해설

21101             INDORE PROCESS                    인도의 지명을 따서 명명된 폐기물 퇴비화 공법

21102             induced draft              a mechanical draft produced by suction, stream jets, or fans at the point where air or gases leave a furnace or heater.

21103             INDUCED DRAFT FAN               유도 송풍기

21104             induced fission            fission incurred by the bombardment of the target nucleus by neutrons or high-energy radiation (gamma rays).

21105             induced magnetization             the magnetic field in a rock that has the same direction as, and strength proportional to, the ambient geomagnetic field.

21106             inductance                  the proportionality constant (denoted by L) of a coil or other inductive component, equal to the ratio of a generated electromotive force to the rate of change of the current.the proportionality constant (denoted by L) of a coil or other inductive component, equal to the ratio of a generated electromotive force to the rate of change of the current. the property associated with a circuit (self-inductance) or a neighboring circuit (mutual inductance) whereby an electromotive force is generated in the presence of a changing current.the property associated with a circuit (self-inductance) or a neighboring circuit (mutual inductance) whereby an electromotive force is generated in the presence of a changing current.

21107             induction force            a relatively weak force of attraction that arises from the momentary interaction between a polar atom or molecule and a polarizable one that is adjacent to it. Also, INDUCED ATTRACTION, INDUCED FORCE, INDUCTION ATTRACTION, DEBYE FORCE.

21108             induction method                    a technique used to estimate the radioactivity in the atmosphere by means of the electrical change in a negatively charged wire exposed to the air.

21109             induction motor          an alternating-current motor in which the currents in the secondary winding are created by induction; often used because of its simple construction, efficiency, and speed regulation.

21110             induction noise            sound interference in an electrical sound reproduction system, caused by electromagnetic waves, due to close-proximity electrical current flow.

21111             induction period          the time required for a chemical reaction to advance from zero to its maximum observable rate; usually expressed as an ideal figure that is not affected by the physical limitations of the reactor system.

21112             induction valve            a valve through which a charge is induced into the cylinder of an internal-combustion engine.a valve through which a charge is induced into the cylinder of an internal-combustion engine.

21113             inductive neutralization             a process by which capacitance cancels inductance in an amplifier's feedback circuit. Also, COIL NEUTRALIZATION, SHUNT NEUTRALIZATION.

21114             inductive tuning          a method for adjusting the frequency on a radio that involves moving a core in and out of a coil to change its inductance.

21115             INDUSTRIAL EMISSION SOURCE               산업배출원

21116             industrial microorganism          a microorganism, such as a mold, yeast, or bacterium, that is employed in industry to convert raw material into a new, commercially useful product.

21117             Industrial Pollution Prevention                  Combination of industrial source reduction and toxic chemical use substitution.

21118             Industrial Process Waste              Residues produced during manufacturing operations.

21119             Industrial Sludge          Semi-liquid residue or slurry remaining from treatment of industrial water and wastewater.

21120             Industrial Source Reduction                      Practices that reduce the amount of any hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant entering any waste stream or otherwise released into the environment. Also reduces the threat to public health and the environment associated with such releases. Term includes equipment or technology modifications, substitution of raw materials, and improvements in housekeeping, maintenance, training or inventory control.

21121             INDUSTRIAL WASTE                 산업쓰레기,산업 폐수

21122             INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER                       산업폐수; 산업폐기물이 주가 되는 폐수

21123             Industrial water reuse               산업폐수의 재사용;

21124             Industrial water withdrawals                     산업체에서의 용수 사용량;

21125             Industril Waste            Unwanted materials from an industrial operation; may be liquid, sludge, solid, or hazardous waste.

21126             inelastic          not having the property of elasticity; not able to return to its original shape after experiencing strain.

21127             inelastic buckling                     buckling in a structural member beyond its elastic limit.

21128             inelastic collision          a collision between bodies in which some kinetic energy is lost by conversion into internal energy for one or both bodies

21129             inelastic stress             a stress beyond the elastic range of a material.

21130             inelasticity                   the property of a material, such that it is not able to return completely to its original shape after experiencing strain.

21131             inert atmosphere          an atmosphere of nonreactive gas used to blanket stored reactive liquids or partly filled containers of reactive substances, and for purging process lines and vessels of reactive liquids and gases. Examples are nitrogen, carbon dioxide, helium, and argon.

21132             Inert Ingredient           Pesticide components such as solvents, carriers, dispersants, and surfactants that are not active against target pests. Not all inert ingredients are innocuous.

21133             inertia            of a device, activated or operated by an abrupt change in velocity. Thus, inertia starter, inertia switch.

21134             inertia ellipsoid            an imaginary surface, stationary with respect to a rotating body, that is determined by the body's moments of inertia and that shares the same principal axes. Also, POINSOT ELLIPSOID; MOMENTAL ELLIPSOID.

21135             inertia governor           a governor that utilizes an eccentrically pivoted arm, which responds to and suppresses speed fluctuations by reason of its inertia.

21136             inertia matrix              an n × n matrix I corresponding to a system having n generalized coordinates; the value Iij gives the independent contribution to the kinetic energy of the product of generalized velocities i and j.

21137             inertia tensor              a tensor associated with a body in a given coordinate system; the body's angular momentum is given by the product of the tensor and the angular velocity.

21138             inertial           relating to or caused by inertia.

21139             inertial flow                the flow that occurs in the absence of a pressure gradient.

21140             inertial frame of reference                        a frame of reference that will allow Newton's laws to be valid in describing the motion of a system; the frame must either be at rest or be translating with a constant velocity. Also, NEWTONIAN or GALILEAN FRAME OF REFERENCE, INERTIAL REFERENCE SYSTEM.

21141             inertial mass               the property of a body of matter that makes it resistant to a change in its motion (or lack of motion); empirically, it is equal to gravitational mass, but the fundamental reasons for this are not clear.

21142             INERTIAL SEPARATION              관성선별; 유럽에서 광법위하게 사용하는 폐기물 선별방법으로 파쇄된 폐기물을 가벼운 것과 무거운것으로 분리하기 위하여 중력을 이용한다.

21143             Inertial Separator                     A device that uses centrifugal force to separate waste particles.

21144             INERTS SEPARATORS                불활성물질선별기; 재활용품회수시설에서 트롬멜스크린으로 선별된 유기물에서 잔모래를 제거하기 위하여 사용되는 스토너

21145             inextensional deformation                        the bending of a surface in such a way that the length of any line and the curvature of any surface is unchanged at any point.

21146             Infectious Agent          Any organism, such as a pathogenic virus, parasite, or or bacterium, that is capable of invading body tissues, multiplying, and causing disease.

21147             Infectious Waste          Hazardous waste capable of causing infections in humans, including: contaminated animal waste; human blood and blood products; isolation waste, pathological waste; and discarded sharps (meedles, scalpels or broken medical instruments).

21148             INFECTIVITY                 전염성; 유해폐기물의 특성

21149             infilling well                a well that is drilled between two or more producing wells in order to achieve greater recovery of oil from a reservoir.

21150             Infiltration                   1. The penetration of water through the ground surface into sub-surface soil or the penetration of water from the soil into sewer or other pipes through defective joints, connections, or manhole walls. 2. The technique of applying large volumes of waste water to land to penetrate the surface and percolate through the underlying soil. (See: percolation.)

21151             INFILTRATION              침투수; 파손된 관, 연결부 또는 맨홀벽을 통하여 지하수에서 하수관거로 유입되는 물

21152             INFILTRATION GALLERY             집수매거; 복류수를 취수하기 위하여 매설한 유공관거

21153             Infiltration Gallery                    A sub-surface groundwater collection system, typically shallow in depth, constructed with open-jointed or perforated pipes that discharge collected water into a watertight chamber from which the water is pumped to treatment facilities and into the distribution system. Usually located close to streams or ponds.

21154             INFILTRATION INFLOW              침투수, 유입수; 직접, 간접으로 하수관거 계통에 들어오는 물

21155             Infiltration Rate            The quantity of water that can enter the soil in a specified time interval.

21156             infinite baffle               a loudspeaker enclosure that is designed to prevent sound from traveling from the front to the back of the speaker.

21157             infinity transmitter                   a device that can intercept a phone transmission from a remote location, so that a conversation can be tapped without the caller's knowing about it.

21158             INFLOW          유입수

21159             Inflow             Entry of extraneous rain water into a sewer system from sources other than infiltration, such as basement drains, manholes, storm drains, and street washing.

21160             INFLOW MASS DIAGRAM          유입질량곡선; 유량조정조의 필요용량 결정시 사용되는 도식법에서의 곡선

21161             influence line              a graph of a quantity such as stress or strain at a given point versus the position of a moveable load on a structure.

21162             INFLUENCED COEFFICIENT ALGORITHM                     영향계수법

21163             INFLUENT                   유입수

21164             Influent          Water, wastewater, or other liquid flowing into a reservoir, basin, or treatment plant.

21165             INFLUENT WASTEWATER CHARACTERISTICS                   유입폐수 특성; 단위 조작 및 공정의 선정과 평가시에 고려되어야 할 인자

21166             INFOCLIMA                 세계 기후정보서비스  world climate data information referral service WMO

21167             Information Collection Request (ICR)                     A description of information to be gathered in connection with rules, proposed rules, surveys, and guidance documents that contain information-gathering requirements. The ICR describes what information is needed, why it is needed, how it will be collected, and how much collecting it will cost. The ICR is submitted by the EPA to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for approval.

21168             Information File           In the Superfund program, a file that contains accurate, up-to-date documents on a Superfund site. The file is usually located in a public building (school, library, or city hall) convenient for local residents.

21169             INFORTERRA               인포테라  international referral system

21170             INFOTERRA                 국제 환경정보시스템  international environmental information system

21171             INFRA SOUND             초저주파음 : 16Hz 보다 낮은 주파수의 음

21172             infradyne receiver                    a device that raises the frequency of audio or video signals to enhance selectivity.

21173             infrared          the portion of the invisible spectrum consisting of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths in the range from 750 nanometers to 1 millimeter.the portion of the invisible spectrum consisting of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths in the range from 750 nanometers to 1 millimeter. relating to such rays.relating to such rays.

21174             infrared bolometer                   a device whose sensitivity to heat has been adjusted for infrared radiation detection, as opposed to one adjusted for microwave radiation detection.

21175             infrared detector          a device that responds to infrared radiation, commonly used to detect the presence of fire or heat in machinery, vehicles, or people.

21176             infrared heterodyne detector                    a device that makes infrared signals audible by combining them with signals generated by a local oscillator.

21177             infrared image converter           a device that transforms invisible infrared images into visible ones through a system of light-sensitive components. Also, infrared imaging device, infrared image tube.

21178             infrared jamming                     the use of infrared radiation to reduce the effectiveness of heat-seeking missiles by overloading their detectors.

21179             infrared optical material            any material that transmits infrared radiation.

21180             infrared photoconductor           a device that transmits electricity when exposed to infrared radiation.

21181             INFRA-RED RADIATION             적외선 복사

21182             infrared receiver          a device that intercepts infrared radiation thought to be carrying intelligence.

21183             infrared scanner          a device that reacts to infrared radiation in such a way that it can be used to scan a field of view line by line.

21184             infrared spectrum                    the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that lies between radio waves and visible light.

21185             infrared thermistor                   a resistor that responds to heat in a predictable manner, used to measure the intensity of infrared radiation.

21186             infrared vidicon           a television camera forming an electron beam that scans a charged-density pattern formed and stored on the surface of a photoconductor that is sensitive to infrared radiation.

21187             infrared window          any region from 0 to about 20 micrometers in the infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum in which the earth's atmosphere is partly or largely transparent, and in which transmission of electromagnetic radiation through the atmosphere is good.

21188             infrared-emitting diode             a device in which current flowing across a junction produces radiant energy in the infrared region.

21189             infrasonic                   describing sound waves of low frequency, below the normal range of human hearing (about 20 hertz). Also, SUBSONIC.

21190             infrasonics                  the study of infrasonic sound waves.

21191             infrasound                  slow vibrations of about 20 hertz or less.

21192             Inhalable Particles                    All dust capable of entering the human respiratory tract.

21193             INHALATION LC50(RATE)           쥐를 대상으로 흡입시 50%의 치사에 도달하는 량

21194             inhaler            an apparatus designed to prevent dust, smoke, or noxious gases from entering the lungs, or to enable a person with affected lungs to breathe more easily.

21195             inhaul cable                a line that pulls a bucket to dig and remove soil for cable excavating operations. Also, DIGGING LINE.

21196             inherent damping                    a method of vibration damping that utilizes the mechanical hysteresis of certain materials such as rubber and cork.

21197             inhibited acid              an acid used in procedures of acid fracturing that has been altered chemically to lessen corrosive action on piping, though still maintaining its effectiveness in fracturing.

21198             inhibited mud             a drilling fluid that is chemically treated to prohibit the swelling of clay particles in a formation, thereby not affecting the permeability of a productive zone.

21199             INHIBITED OXIDATION PROCESSES                     억제산화법 : 습식폐기공정의 유형

21200             inhibit-gate                 a device that produces an output signal only when certain signals are absent from the inputs.



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