환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 21201-21300
번호 용어 해설
21201 ◆ INHIBITING AND UNAFFECTED CONSTITUENTS ◆ 억제와 영향을 받지 않는 성분; 단위 조작 및 공정의 선정과 평가시에 고려되어야 할 인자
21202 ◆ inhibitor sweetening ◆ a treating process for sweetening gasoline with low mercaptan content using caustic, air, and a phenylenediamine inhibitor.
21203 ◆ inhomogeneity ◆ specifically, the property of a solid or fluid whose physical properties vary with position, making the analysis of stress and strain in the medium much more difficult.
21204 ◆ initial boiling point ◆ the recorded temperature when the first drop of distilled vapor liquefies and drops from the end of a condenser, according to the American Society for Testing and Materials petroleum-analysis distillation procedures.
21205 ◆ Initial Compliance Period (Water) ◆ The first full three-year compliance period which begins at least 18 months after promulgation.
21206 ◆ initial free space ◆ the initial volume of a gun chamber, behind the projectile, that is not filled with propellant; the spaces between and in the grains are included.
21207 ◆ initial inverse voltage ◆ the peak-inverse voltage that appears in a rectifier tube when current just stops flowing.
21208 ◆ initial time delay ◆ a measure of the sound qualities of an area, defined as the time interval between the first signal arriving at a receiver and the first significant reflection.
21209 ◆ injected gas ◆ gas that has been pumped into an oil-producing formation to supply gas-drive for greater oil production.
21210 ◆ injection ◆ the process of spraying fuel into the inlet manifold or cylinder of an internal-combustion engine by means of an injection pump.
21211 ◆ injection carburetor ◆ a carburetor in which fuel delivery to the jets is maintained by pressure rather than by a float chamber. Also, PRESSURE CARBURETOR.
21212 ◆ injection electroluminescence ◆ the radiation that arises when minority charge carriers are recombined and injected into the semiconductor junction with a forward bias.
21213 ◆ injection fluid ◆ water or gas that is injected into a reservoir formation to augment hydrocarbon production. Thus, injected water, injected gas.
21214 ◆ injection grid ◆ ㆍ the electrode that controls the flow of electrons while preventing interaction between the screen and control grids in a vacuum tube.the electrode that controls the flow of electrons while preventing interaction between the screen and control grids in a vacuum tube. ㆍ the point in a multigrid converter tube where a signal from a local oscillator is applied.the point in a multigrid converter tube where a signal from a local oscillator is applied. 3. in some superheterodyne receivers, the point where the oscillator signal enters the mixer stage.in some superheterodyne receivers, the point where the oscillator signal enters the mixer stage.
21215 ◆ injection locking ◆ a process that stabilizes an oscillator's frequency by injecting a weak signal whose frequency equals the oscillator's natural frequency.
21216 ◆ injection luminescent diode ◆ a device that serves as a source of visible or near-infrared light in a triggering circuit, such as a switch.
21217 ◆ injection mold ◆ a mold that is filled with molten material by means of a heating cylinder located outside the mold.
21218 ◆ injection molding ◆ the process of molding shapes out of softened, usually thermoplastic material that has been forced or squirted out of a heated cylinder by a plunger into a water-cooled metal mold; used, for example, in powder metallurgy.
21219 ◆ injection pressure ◆ the pressure of the fluid forced into formations of oil for pressure or waterflood maintenance.
21220 ◆ injection pump ◆ a unit of a diesel engine or gasoline injection system that injects measured quantities of fuel for each cylinder in turn on a compression stroke.
21221 ◆ injection well ◆ a well created for injecting water or gas into a formation in secondary recovery, to supply extra energy for driving the remaining oil in the reservoir toward the production wells; also used in pressure-maintenance operations.
21222 ◆ Injection Well ◆ A well into which fluids are injected for purposes such as waste disposal, improving the recovery of crude oil, or solution mining.
21223 ◆ Injection Zone ◆ A geological formation receiving fluids through a well.
21224 ◆ injectivity index ◆ the barrels per day of gross liquid pumped into an injection well per pounds per square inch pressure differential, this differential being the average injection pressure minus the average formation pressure.
21225 ◆ injectivity test ◆ at various pressures, a sequence of tests of reservoir water injection rates to forecast the performance of an injection well.
21226 ◆ injector ◆ ㆍ a device that introduces feedwater into a boiler by means of a jet or stream.a device that introduces feedwater into a boiler by means of a jet or stream.
21227 ◆ INLAND RESOURCES ◆ 내륙자원
21228 ◆ inlet ◆ an opening through which air, fuel, or power enters a machine or system.
21229 ◆ Inlet feed gate control ◆ 유입수문 조절식; 유량분산 방법
21230 ◆ INLET PIPE ◆ 인입관; 탱크, 우물 및 못에 물을 끌어 넣는 관
21231 ◆ INLET TIME ◆ 유입시간; 우수가 배수구역의 가장 원거리의 지점으로부터 관거에 유입할 때까지의 시간
21232 ◆ inlet valve ◆ a valve through which fluid is drawn into a cylinder in a positive-displacement engine, pump, or compressor.
21233 ◆ IN-LINE ◆ 공정내에
21234 ◆ in-line analysis ◆ the analysis of a process using direct reading probes inserted directly into the process stream; this method eliminates errors that could be caused by the disturbance required for sample removal.
21235 ◆ INLINE CENTRIFUGAL FAN ◆ 원심장치 내장형 송풍기 : 축류 송풍기의 유형
21236 ◆ in-line engine ◆ a multicylinder engine that has a bank of cylinders aligned along a common crankcase.
21237 ◆ IN-LINE EQUALIZATION ◆ 공정내 조정; 유량조정을 공정내에 설치
21238 ◆ In-Line Filtration ◆ Pre-treattment method in which chemicals are mixed by the flowing water; commonly used in pressure filtration installations. Eliminates need for flocculation and sedimentation.
21239 ◆ in-line guns ◆ three electron tubes that are aligned horizontally in a color television system, characterized by having metal plates with vertical slots over their color phosphor stripes.
21240 ◆ in-line linkage ◆ an assembly consisting of a power steering linkage coupled with a control valve and actuator.
21241 ◆ inline steam, sterilization(인라인 고압 증기 멸균) ◆ 인라인- 무멸균, 인라인 증기 멸균이라고도 표현된다. 필터를 배관중에 장착한 대로 고압 수증기로 용멸균하는 방법.
21242 ◆ in-line tuning ◆ a process by which all amplifier stages are tuned to the same frequency.
21243 ◆ IN-LINE TURBINE MIXER ◆ 관로내 터빈 교반기; 수처리장에서 사용되는 혼합기
21244 ◆ innage ◆ the quantity of remaining liquid in a fuel tank after operation, especially of a flight vehicle.
21245 ◆ Innovative Technologies ◆ New or inventive methods to treat effectively hazardous waste and reduce risks to human health and the environment.
21246 ◆ Innovative Treatment Technologies ◆ Technologies whose routine use is inhibited by lack of data on performance and cost. (See: Established treatment technologies.)
21247 ◆ Inoculum ◆ 1. Bacteria or fungi injected into compost to start biological action. 2. A medium containing organisms, usually bacteria or a virus, that is introduced into cultures or living organisms.
21248 ◆ Inorganic Chemicals ◆ Chemical substances of mineral origin, not of basically carbon structure.
21249 ◆ INORGANIC MATTER ◆ 무기물질
21250 ◆ inorganic theory ◆ a theory of petroleum formation that attributes the origin of gas and oil to gaseous, hydrocarbonaceous, and volcanic emanations, rather than organic matter.
21251 ◆ in-phase signal ◆ COMMON-MODE SIGNAL. ㆍ the signal that is formed from two subcarriers of the signal used to modulate color in a television.the signal that is formed from two subcarriers of the signal used to modulate color in a television. 3. the sideband frequencies generated by changing the characteristics of chrominance signals, whose colors range from orange to bluish-green. Also, I SIGNAL.the sideband frequencies generated by changing the characteristics of chrominance signals, whose colors range from orange to bluish-green. Also, I SIGNAL.
21252 ◆ INPUFF ◆ Gaussian Puff Dispersion Model
21253 ◆ input capacitance ◆ the effective capacitance between an input terminal and the reference terminal (usually ground).
21254 ◆ input gap ◆ the point at which the velocity modulation of an electron stream in a microwave tube first takes place. Also, BUNCHER GAP.
21255 ◆ INPUT MATERIAL CHANGES ◆ 원자제 변경 : 폐기물 발생원 감량을 위한 발생원 통제를 실행하기 위한 행위
21256 ◆ Insecticide ◆ A pesticide compound specifically used to kill or prevent the growth of insects.
21257 ◆ insertion gain ◆ the increase in power delivered to a load when an amplifier is inserted between the source and the load; usually measured in decibels.
21258 ◆ insertion loss ◆ the decrease in power delivered to a load when a circuit, such as a filter or attenuator, is inserted between the source and the load; usually measured in decibels.
21259 ◆ insertion sequence selection ◆ a technique that distinguishes and selects foreign cells that have been inserted by gene manipulation into a general cell population.
21260 ◆ IN-SITE TREATMENT ◆ 지중처리토양내 처리 ; In-situ remediation 와 같은 의미로 쓰임
21261 ◆ IN-SITU BIOREMEDIATION ◆ 토양내 생물학적 복원; 토양 생물복원기술중 현장의 토양내에 직접 정화기법을 적용하는 방법
21262 ◆ IN-SITU CONDITIONS ◆ 현지내 상태 유전자원이 생태계와 자연서식지에서 존재하는 상태
21263 ◆ IN-SITU CONSERVATION ◆ 현지내 보전 자연환경하에서 생태계와 자연서식지를 보전하고 종의 적정한 개체군 유지 및 회복하는 것을 의미함
21264 ◆ In-Situ Flushing ◆ Introduction of large volumes of water, at times supplemented with cleaning compounds, into soil, waste, or ground water to flush hazardous contaminants from a site.
21265 ◆ In-Situ Oxidation ◆ Technology that oxidizes contaminants dissolved in ground water, converting them into insoluble compounds.
21266 ◆ IN-SITU REMEDIATION ◆ 지중처리토양내 처리 ; 오염토양의기술처리장소에 따라 구별한 토양복원기술
21267 ◆ In-Situ Stripping ◆ Treatment system that removes or strips volatile organic compounds from contaminated ground or surface water by forcing an airstream through the water and causing the compounds to evaporate.
21269 ◆ In-Situ Vitrification ◆ Technology that treats contaminated soil in place at extremely high temperatures, at or more than 3000 degrees Fahrenheit.
21270 ◆ Insoluble small particle (불용성 미립자) ◆ 입자 (섬유를 포함한다) 등의 불용성협잡물.
21271 ◆ insoluble anode ◆ an anode that resists oxidation during electrolysis.
21272 ◆ insoluble residue ◆ the mainly siliceous material that remains after a geological sample has been dissolved in hydrochloric or acetic acid.
21273 ◆ Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) ◆ 1. Activities to ensure that vehicles' emission controls work properly. 2. Also applies to wastewater treatment plants and other anti-pollution facilities and processes.
21274 ◆ inspissation ◆ specifically, the thickening of an oil deposit over time as gases and lighter fractions evaporate or oxidize, leaving behind the heavier fractions, such as asphalt.
21275 ◆ instantaneous acceleration ◆ the acceleration of a body at some one instant of time or at some one point in its path, as opposed to its average acceleration over time from one point to another.
21276 ◆ instantaneous axis of rotation ◆ a term used in three-dimensional kinematics to describe the axis of rotation of a rotating rigid body at a particular point in time.
21277 ◆ instantaneous center ◆ a term used in two-dimensional kinematics to describe a point of a body not moving at that instant, such as the point of contact of a rolling wheel. Also, VIRTUAL CENTER.
21278 ◆ instantaneous companding ◆ a companding process whose operation depends only on the instantaneous values of the signal, independent of earlier values.
21280 ◆ instantaneous recovery ◆ the immediate disappearance of elastic deformation when the applied force is removed.
21281 ◆ Instantaneous source ◆ 순갅거 오염원;
21282 ◆ instantaneous strain ◆ the immediate appearance of deformation in an elastic material when a force is applied to it.
21283 ◆ instantaneous velocity ◆ the velocity of a body at some one instant of time or at some one point in its path, as opposed to its average velocity over time from one point to another. Similarly, instantaneous speed.
21285 ◆ instant-on switch ◆ a device that continuously supplies all the tubes in a television set with a weak voltage, so that a picture appears almost immediately after the set has been turned on.
21286 ◆ institution of oceanograohy ◆ 해양학연구소
21287 ◆ Institutional Waste ◆ Waste generated at institutions such as schools, libraries, hospitals, prisons, etc.
21288 ◆ Instream Use ◆ Water use taking place within a stream channel; e.g., hydro-electric power generation, navigation, water quality improvement, fish propagation, recreation.
21289 ◆ INSTRUMENT ERROR ◆ 기기오차; 측정기구의 불완전과 전력공급의 불안정에 의한 오차
21290 ◆ instrumentation amplifier ◆ a device that produces a linear scaled version of an incoming voltage, noted for its high input impedance, low drift, and a high common-mode rejection over a range of frequencies.
21292 ◆ insulated-substrate monolithic circuit ◆ a device designed so that all of the components on a silicon substrate are insulated from each other by a strip of silicon dioxide, rather than relying on reverse-biased positive-negative junctions to isolate components.
21293 ◆ insulation ◆ any nonconducting material used to provide electric isolation of two or more conductors.
21294 ◆ In-system storage ◆ 시스템내 저류법; 우기시에 합류식 하수관거의 여유용량을 이용하거나 혹은 차집관거를 저류지로 사용하는 방안
21295 ◆ INT ◆ Intermittent
21296 ◆ intake manifold ◆ in an internal-combustion engine, an assembly of pipes through which fuel flows from the carburetor or fuel injector to the intake valves.
21297 ◆ INTAKE STROKE ◆ 흡입행정(대)
21298 ◆ intake valve ◆ a valve that opens to allow air or an air/fuel mixture to enter a cylinder.
21299 ◆ integral discriminator ◆ a device that accepts only signals whose frequencies exceed a minimum height.
21300 ◆ integrated circuit ◆ a circuit whose components are formed on a single semiconductor substrate.
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