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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 21001-21100

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 12.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 21001-21100

번호                  용어                  해설

21001             impactor                     a machine that operates with striking blows.

21002             IMPATT amplifier          an amplifier using an IMPATT diode. The operating frequency usually ranges from 5 to 100 gigahertz, and the power output reaches up to 20 watts continuous wave or 100 pulsed.

21003             IMPATT diode              a device in which electron transit time and a sudden increase of current, known as avalanche breakdown, causes it to generate negative resistance; generally used as a gigahertz oscillator or amplifier. (An acronym for Impact Avalanche Transit-Time diode.)

21004             impedance                  the effective resistance to the flow of current at a given frequency in an alternating current circuit, due to the combined effect of resistance and reactance.

21005             Impedance, Input (입력 impedance)                     트랜스듀서의 센서부분의 려기단자의 양단에서 측정되는 저항.

21006             Impedance, Output (출력 impedance)                     압력 트랜스듀서의 출력 단자상에서 측정되는 저항.  호이트스톤 다리형의 왜게이지의 경우, 출력 impedance는 오무단위의 저항으로서 표현되고, 그 저항은, 모든 부하를 분리해 모든 표가되는 구동력을 없앤 부의 려기단자를 제로로서, 출력 단자로부터 부의 려기단자까지로(에서) 측정된 저항이 됩니다.  트랜스듀서의 경우, 입력 impedance는 저항의 오무로서 통상 표현됩니다.  특정의DC전압이 표가되는 경우, 저항은2개의 절연 포인트간으로 측정됩니다.  트랜스듀서의 경우, 절연 저항이란(과는) 특정의DC전압이 게이지와 검출 소자 본체사이에 표가된 경우가, 측정할 수 있는 최소 저항을 통상 명시 합니다 .

21007             impeller          a rotor for transmitting motion, as in a centrifugal pump, blower, turbine, agitator vessel, or fluid coupling.a rotor for transmitting motion, as in a centrifugal pump, blower, turbine, agitator vessel, or fluid coupling. a rotating member of a centrifugal flow compressor or supercharger.a rotating member of a centrifugal flow compressor or supercharger.

21008             impeller pump             a mechanical pump designed to move fluids continuously through a system.

21009             Imperforate basket centrifuge                   구멍이 없는 바스켓 원심분리기; 슬러지 탈수방법

21010             Impermeable               Not easily penetrated, The property of a material or soil that does not allow, or allows only with great difficulty, the movement or passage of water.

21011             impermeable               not permeable; not allowing liquid to pass through. Also, impervious.

21012             IMPERMEABLE METHOD           가스차단방법

21013             impingement               the fact or process of coming into physical contact with or striking an object or substance in motion.

21014             implanted atom           an atom of different material that has been placed in a semiconductor material in order to change its electrical properties.

21015             implanted device          a device, such as a resistor, that has been deposited into a semiconductor material by bombardment with highly energized atoms.

21016             IMPLEMENTATION AND OPERATION                     실시 및 운용()

21017             IMPLOSION                 응폭, 내파

21018             Imports          Municipal solid waste and recyclables that have been transported to a state or locality for processing or final disposition (but that did not originate in that state or locality).

21019             Impoundment             A body of water or sludge confined by a dam, dike, floodgate, or other barrier.

21020             IMPROVE                    Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environment

21021             impulse          a single, usually sudden flow of current or voltage in one direction for a brief time.  Physics. a vector quantity given by the integral over time of the force acting on a body, usually in a collision in which the time interval is very brief; it is equal to the change in the momentum of the body.  Metallurgy. in resistance welding, a pulse of heating current.

21022             IMPULSE NOISE           충격소음 : 지속시간이 약 1초이하로서 복수 혹은 단발적인 소음

21023             impulse separator                    a circuit that divides the horizontal synchronizing signals from the vertical synchronizing signals in a television receiver. Also, SYNC SEPARATOR.

21024             IMPULSE SOUND LEVEL METER                충격소음계 : 충격음 측정에 주로 이용되는 소음계

21025             impulse theory            a theory stating that sound is created by a brief disturbance or pressure change in an acoustic medium, thereby creating waves of this disturbance in the medium.

21026             impulse turbine           a turbine that moves pressurized steam into a stationary nozzle where its potential energy is converted to kinetic energy that is directed onto blades carried by a rotor.

21027             IMPULSE WAVE            충격파 : 지속시간이 극히 짧은 파

21028             impulsive sound equation                        an equation stating the relationship between the decay of short-burst sound intensity in a room and the characteristics of the room.

21029             IMS [IP Multimedia Subsystem]                 All-IP 기반 차세대 통신환경에서 새로운 서비스를 제공하기 위한 핵심기술인 IMS(IP Multimedia Subsystem)는 무선통신의 국제표준을 개발하는 3GPP에서 처음 제기한 개념으로 이동통신망과 유선망 등을 IP 기반으로 구축해 플랫폼에 상관없이 각종 통신서비스를 이용할 수 있도록 연계시켜 주는 실질적인 유무선 통합 컨버전스 환경을 의미한다.

21030             IN SITU           현장 내에서

21031             in situ            현장 내에서(in is original place; unmoved unexcavated; remaining at the site or in the subsurface.)

21032             In Situ            In is original place; unmoved unexcavated; remaining at the site or in the subsurface.

21033             in situ combustion                   a procedure for recovering oil of low API gravity and high viscosity from a field, which involves igniting the oil downhole in the formation; the heat breaks down the oil into coke and light oil, and while the coke burns, the lighter, less-viscous oil is forced ahead to the wellbores of the producing wells.

21034             IN SITU FLUSHING                   적정한 용매를 이용 현장내에서 토양이나 지하수에 투입하여 유해화합물을 씻어내는 토양복원기술

21035             IN SITU VITRIFICATION             토양내 유리화기술; 고온에서 유리화시키는 오염토양 복원기술

21036             IN VESSEL                   용기식 공법

21037             In Vitro           Testing or action outside an organism (e.g., inside a test tube or culture dish.)

21038             in vitro           within a glass or observable in a test tube; referring to a process that takes place under artificial conditions or outside of the living organism. (From Latin; literally, in glass.)

21039             in vitro fertilization                  a technique in which an ovum, especially a human one, is fertilized by sperm outside the body; the resulting embryo is implanted in the uterus for gestation.

21040             in vitro replication                   the replication that takes place in a synthetic medium outside of a living organism.

21041             in vitro transcription                 the transcribing of the information contained in a nucleotide sequence of DNA outside of a living organism.

21042             In Vivo           Testing or action inside an organism.

21043             inactive volcano           a volcano having no known history of eruption.

21044             INACTIVE WASTE DISPOSAL                     불량매립지 대책

21045             INBIO             국제생물다양성기구  instituto national de biodeversidad

21046             INC                생물다양성에 관한 협약을 위한 정부간 협상 위원회  intergovernmental negotiating committee for a convention of biological diversity

21047             incandescent readout               a readout that displays data characters by energizing an appropriate combination of seven bar-shaped incandescent lamps.

21048             Incident Command Post            A treatment technology involving destruction of waste by controlled burning at high temperatures; e.g., burning sludge to remove the water and reduce the remaining residues to a safe, non-burnable ash that can be disposed of safely on land, in some waters, or in underground locations.

21049             Incident Command System (ICS)                The organizational arrangement wherein one person, normally the Fire Chief of the impacted district, is in charge of an integrated, comprehensive emergency response organization and the emergency incident site, backed by an Emergency Operations Center staff with resources, information, and advice.

21050             incident field intensity              the field strength of a wave as measured at the location of a receiving antenna.

21051             incident wave              the wave that travels toward a discontinuity in a transmission line or wave-propagating medium.

21052             Incineration                 A treatment technology involving destruction of waste by controlled burning at high temperatures; e.g., burning sludge to remove the water and reduce the remaining residues to a safe, non-burnable ash that can be disposed of safely on land, in some waters, or in underground locations.

21053             incineration                 the process of incinerating, especially at very high temperatures.

21054             INCINERATION ASH                 소각재

21055             Incineration at Sea                   Disposal of waste by burning at sea on specially-designed incinerator ships.

21056             Incinerator                  A furnace for burning waste under controlled conditions.

21057             INCINERATOR-PYROLYSIS REACTOR                     열분해기

21058             inclination                   the angle between the horizontal and the dip of the earth's magnetic field at a given location.

21059             INCLINED (FIXED) SCREENS                      경사식 고정 스크린; 수처리에 사용되는 스크린

21060             INCLINED (ROTARY) SCREENS                   경사식 회전 스크린; 수처리에 사용되는 스크린

21061             inclined cableway                     a single-cable arrangement in which the slope of the track cable is steep enough to allow the carrier to descend along the cable under its own weight.

21062             inclined plane              a surface sloped at an angle to the horizontal (or some other reference surface), which provides a mechanical advantage for raising loads; one of the simple machines along with the lever, screw, and so on.

21063             inclusion                     a small, foreign body of solid, liquid, or gaseous substance contained within a crystal.

21064             inclusion complex                    a combination of two or more materials wherein the molecules of one are enclosed in the crystal lattice of the other.

21065             Incompatible Waste                  A waste unsuitable for mixing with another waste or material because it may react to form a hazard.

21066             incomplete lubrication              a condition that occurs when the load on rubbing surfaces is carried by both fluid viscous film and boundary lubrication; the friction is intermediate between fluid and boundary lubrication.

21067             incompressibility          the property of an idealized substance that is able to maintain a constant volume regardless of the extent of the pressure applied to it.

21068             incompressible            not able to be compressed; maintaining its original volume regardless of pressure

21069             incremental cost          약속이행에 따른 비용, 부대비용(누적비용)

21070             incremental hysteresis loss                       the hysteresis loss in a magnetic material that is subjected to a pulsed magnetic field, rather than a continuously varying magnetic field.

21071             incubation                  specifically, the hatching of chicken eggs naturally or by the use of an incubator.  Medicine.  the maintenance of environmental conditions for the purpose of growing or developing microbial or tissue cultures.the maintenance of environmental conditions for the purpose of growing or developing microbial or tissue cultures. the maintenance of enviromental conditions in order to encourage the development of an infant, usually a premature or hypoxic one.the maintenance of enviromental conditions in order to encourage the development of an infant, usually a premature or hypoxic one. 3. the formation of the embryo in the eggs of oviparous animals.the formation of the embryo in the eggs of oviparous animals. 4. the development, without sign or symptom, of an infection from the time it gains entry until the appearance of the first signs or symptoms.the development, without sign or symptom, of an infection from the time it gains entry until the appearance of the first signs or symptoms.  Chemistry. the process of maintaining a substance at a certain temperature over time to study chemical reactions.

21072             incubator                    an apparatus in which environmental conditions may be controlled, as for culturing microoganisms, for developing eggs or other living cells, or for maintaining a premature infant.

21073             Indemnification            In the pesticide program, legal requirement that EPA pay certain end-users, dealers, and distributors for the cost of stock on hand at the time a pesticide registration is suspended.

21074             independent migration law                      a law stating that each ion in a conductiometric titration contributes a definite amount to the total conductance, regardless of the other ions in the electrolyte.

21075             independent suspension           an automotive suspension system in which the wheels are mounted separately on a chassis by means of springs and guide links, rather than being connected by an axle beam, allowing independent vertical movement so that a road bump affecting one of the wheels will not affect the others.

21076             independent-sideband receiver                 a type of radio receiver that accepts sideband frequencies generated by modulation and has the capacity to restore the carrier signal lost through modulation. Similarly, independent-sideband transmitter.

21077             index chart                 a chart indicating the arrangement of parts in a machine.

21078             INDEX OF PLANTS                   지표식물; 대기오염을 사람보다 빨리 감지하여 대기오염정도를 알리는 식물

21079             index ratio                  the ratio of the radius of a conductor used in induction heating to its skin depth at the operating frequency.

21080             indexing          a machining process in which discrete spaces, angles, or contours are provided through the use of an indexing head.

21081             indexing head             a machine tool attachment used to rotate a workpiece through any required angles so that its faces can be machined and drilled in prescribed angular relationships. Also, index head.

21082             indicated horsepower               the horsepower delivered by an engine as shown on an indicator gauge, according to computations of the average pressure and displacement of the working fluid in the cylinders; this calculation does not take into account frictional losses.

21083             indicator                     a compound that reversibly changes color depending on the pH of the solution or other chemical change.

21084             Indicator                     In biology, any biological entity or processies, or community whose characteristics show the presence of specific environmental conditions. 2. In chemistry, a substance that shows a visible change, usually of color, at a desired point in a chemical reaction. 3.A device that indicates the result of a meas- urement; e.g., a pressure guage or a moveable scale.

21085             indicator electrode                   an electrode that measures changes in the concentration of the electrolytic solution; generally made with metal.

21086             indicator element                     the component within a system that displays the greatest variation in a given parameter.

21087             indicator gate              a signal that sensitizes or desensitizes an indicator in a cathode-ray tube, when applied to the tube's grid or cathode circuit.

21088             indicator organism (지표균)                      지표균은 소위 멸균의 조건 및 효과의 확인에 이용되는 바이오로지컨취인디케이터이고, 통상 각각의 멸균법으로 적합하는 균종을 선택해 사용하지 않으면 안 된다. , 그 멸균법에 대해 가장 저항성의 강한 균인 것과 동시에, 그 성질이 보존 기간중에 변이하지 않는 안정된 균주인 것이 바람직하다.

21089             INDICATOR SPECIES                 지표종

21090             indicator tube              a device in which a voltage applied to its electrode varies the degree of luminances on its fluorescent screen; used as a tuning indicator in radio receivers. Also, MAGIC-EYE TUBE.

21091             indicial notation           the representation of vectors and tensors by indicating the row and column numbers using subscripts; that is, ri is the ith component of the vector rand Aij is the element in the ith row and jth column of the matrix representing the tensor A.

21092             Indirect Discharge                       Introduction of pollutants from a non-domestic source into a publicly owned waste-treatment system. Indirect dischargers can be commercial or industrial facilities whose wastes enter local sewers.

21093             indirect effect              a term for the interaction in a solvent between solute molecules and ions formed by radiation.

21094             INDIRECT POTABLE RESUE                        간접음용수로의 재사용; 재생된 폐수를 호수 및 저수지 혹은 하천으로 방류한 후 이를 다시 취수하여 식용수원으로서의 재사용

21095             INDIRECT REUSE          간접 재사용(재생된 폐수를 호수 및 하천 혹은 지하수로 방류한 후 이를 다시 취수하여 사용하는 과정)

21096             Indirect Source            Any facility or building, property, road or parking area tthat attracts motor vehicle traffic and, indirectly, causes pollution.

21097             indirectly heated cathode          in a thermionic vacuum tube, a cathode that is electrically insulated from the heating element. Also, EQUIPOTENTIAL CATHODE, UNIPOTENTIAL CATHODE.

21098             Indoor Air                   The breathable air inside a habitable structure or conveyance.

21099             Indoor Air Pollution                     Chemical, physical, or biological contaminants in indoor air

21100             Indoor Climate            Temperature, humidity, lighting, air flow and noise levels in a habitable structure or conveyance. Indoor climate can affect indoor air pollution.

