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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 21301-21400

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 12.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 21301-21400

번호                  용어                  해설

21301             INTEGRATED ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT                환경과 경제개발의 조화

21302             integrated economic environmental accounting                  환경문제의 내부경제화

21303             integrated electronics               the branch ofElectronics concerned with integrated circuits, especially the interdependence of material, circuits, and design.

21304             Integrated Exposure Assessment               Cumulative summation (over time) of the magnitude of exposure to a toxic chemical in all media.

21305             integrated injection logic          a type of semiconductor device technology that uses bipolar techniques, making possible large-scale integration on a single silicon chip; in a computer, it permits higher speeds, lower power dissipation, and a greater storage capacity than in the older CMOS models. Also, MERGED-TRANSISTOR LOGIC.

21306             integrated intensity                  the total intensity measured at the detector as a Bragg reflection produced by X-ray diffraction is scanned.

21307             Integrated Pest Management (IPM)                     A mixture of chemical and other, non-pesticide, methods to control pests.

21308             Integrated Waste Management                 Using a variety of practices to handle municipal solid waste; can include source reduction, reduction, recycling, incineration, and landfilling.

21309             integrated-circuit capacitor                       a device added to a semiconductor during assembly that stores an electrical charge.

21310             integrated-circuit resistor          a capacitor formed in an integrated circuit as part of its manufacturing process.

21311             integrating amplifier                 an amplifier that produces an output signal that is the time integral of the input signal. Also, integrating circuit.

21312             integrating detector                 a device that extracts information from a radio signal in such a way that it can be restored to its original form by an integrator.

21313             integrating filter           a circuit that suppresses signals at a given frequency; characterized by the buildup of charges and voltage on its output capacitor caused by a continuous wave of electric pulses.

21314             integrating network                  a device in which output voltage is proportional to the time integral of the input voltage. Also, INTEGRATOR.

21315             integrator                   a device that mimics the mathematical process of integration in certain digital machines.a device that mimics the mathematical process of integration in certain digital machines.  Engineering. any system or device that integrates.

21316             integrity test (완전성시험)          세균 도전 시험에 의해 측정되는 필터의 여과 멸균 성능을 비파괴적인 방법으로 예측하는 방법을 말한다.

21317             INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT               지적재산권 : IPR, 새로운 물질의 발견, 새로운 기술의 발명, 새로운 요소의 개발, 새로운 디자인등 배타적 소유권을 의미하는 것임

21318             intensifier                   in the acidizing of an oil well, a solution of hydrofluoric acid that is added to hydrochloric acid in order to eliminate silica films which are insoluble in hydrochloric acid.

21319             intensifier electrode                  the element in an electrostatic cathode-ray tube that allows for additional acceleration of the electron beam following deflection, so as to increase the intensity of the trace without decreasing the tube's deflection sensitivity. Also, POSTACCELERATING ELECTRODE.

21320             intensifier image orthicon                        a circuit that amplifies the electron stream generated by a photocathode tube before the stream strikes its target.

21321             Intensity and nature of physical agent                     물리학적 물질의 성질과 강도;

21322             INTENSITY LEVEL          음의 세기레벨  어떤 음의 세기와 기준음의 세기와의 비의 상용대수에 10

21323             intensity modulation                the process by which the luminance of an electron beam in a cathode-ray tube is varied in accordance with the magnitude of the signal.

21324             interaction space          the section of an electronic tube where the electrons interact with an alternating electromagnetic field.

21325             interatomic                 between atoms; relating to the interaction of different atoms.

21326             interatomic forces                    the forces that act on an atom to cause it to attract or repel adjacent atoms; to be distinguished from intramolecular forces.

21327             interbase current          the flow of electrons from one connection to another in the base region of a junction tetrode transistor.

21328             INTERCEPTING SEWER              차집관거; 합류식에서 청천시의 하수나 우천시 일정량의 하수를 차집하여 하수처리장으로 수송하기 위한 관거

21329             INTERCEPTION WITHIN FILTER                  차단; 입상여재 여과지내에서 부유물질제거에 기여하는 메카니즘으로 유선과 함께 움직이는 많은 입자들은 여재의 표면에서 접촉하여 제거됨

21330             Interceptor Sewers                   Large sewer lines that, in a combined system, control the flow of sewage to the treatment plant. In a storm, they allow some of the sewage to flow directly into a receiving stream, thus keeping it from overflowing onto the streets. Also used in separate systems to collect the flows from main and trunk sewers and carry them to treatment points.

21331             INTERCEPTOR TANK                 차단조

21332             Interceptor tanks          유지성분 및 기름 차단조;

21333             intercommunication                 the drainage of adjacent wells resulting from the flow interconnections between reservoir areas.

21334             intercondenser            a condenser that separates two stages of a multistage steam jet pump.

21335             intercooler                  in a turbocharged engine, a heat exchanger that lowers the temperature of intake air in order to improve volumetric efficiency.in a turbocharged engine, a heat exchanger that lowers the temperature of intake air in order to improve volumetric efficiency. any device for cooling a fluid between successive heating processes, especially for cooling a gas between successive stages of compression.any device for cooling a fluid between successive heating processes, especially for cooling a gas between successive stages of compression.

21336             INTERDEPENDENCE                  상호의존성

21337             interdiffusion               the mixing by molecular diffusion processes of two fluids previously separated by an impervious diaphragm.

21338             interdigital magnetron              a device that generates microwaves by using an external magnetic field to channel the flow of electrons through anode segments connected at both ends of the cathode.

21339             interdigital structure                 a type of circuit design in which the distance between two electrodes is lengthened by an interlocking-finger structure.

21340             interdigital transducer              a device that turns microwave voltage into surface acoustic waves or vice versa by applying two interlocking comb-shaped metallic patterns to a piezoelectric substrate, such as quartz or lithium niobate.

21341             interelectrode transit time                        the time that it takes for an electron to cross from one electrode to another.

21342             INTERESTED PARTIES                이해관계자  조직의 환경성과에 관심이 있거나 영향을 받는 개인 또는 단체조직의 환경관리담담자, 지역사회공동체, 보험업자, 투자자, 고객 및 소비자, 환경이익단체, 일반대중등이 포함됨

21343             INTERFACE                  계면; 기체상과 액체상 사이의 경계면

21344             Interface                     The common boundary between two substances such as a water and a solid, water and a gas, or two liquids such as water and iol.

21345             interface mixing           the process in which two immiscible or partially miscible liquids mingle at their point of first contact.

21346             interfacial                   between two faces of a crystal.

21347             Interfacial Tension                    The strength of the film separating two immiscible fluids (e.g., oil and water) measured in dynes per, or millidynes per centimeter.

21348             interfacial tension                    the surface tension at the interface of two liquids.

21349             INTERFERENCE            방해물질 : 분석물 농도를 직접 측정할 때 방해하는 물질, 간섭  동일장소에 동시에 도착되는 동일주파수의 2개이상 음파가 상호작용으로 강하거나 약하게 되는 현상

21350             interference analyzer                a device that reveals the frequency and amplitude of a spurious input pulse.

21351             interference blanker                 a device that permits two or more sets of radio or radar equipment to be operated simultaneously without confusion.

21352             interference filter                     a circuit that is placed between a source of interference and a radio receiver in order to reduce or eliminate the interference. Also, interference eliminator.  Optics. a filter that prevents certain light rays from being transmitted by obstructing them rather than scattering or absorbing them.

21353             INTERFERENCE OF SOUND WAVE              음의 간섭; 서로 다른 파동사이의 상호작용으로 나타나는 현상

21354             interference pattern                 the pattern that interference signals form on a radar screen.

21355             interference prediction             an estimate of the level of interference a given device might experience in an electromagnetic environment.

21356             interference reduction              a process by which interference in an electrical circuit from outside factors, such as radio transmitters and lightning, is minimized. Also, interference suppression.

21357             interference rejection               a technique that prevents unwanted signals from entering a system, generally by routing the signals to ground.

21358             interference source suppression                a technique that diminishes the emission of spurious signals at a radiation source.

21359             interference spectrum               the range of frequency distribution that occurs when a device is being jammed.

21360             INTERFERENCE TYPE                 간섭형 : 소음기의 종류

21361             interferometer system               a technique that measures the azimuth of a target by transmitting its signal to two separate antennae, then comparing the phase differences between the signals received by each antenna.

21362             inter-glacials                간빙기

21363             INTER-GOVERNMENTAL CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT                지속가능한 개발에 관한 정부간 회의

21364             Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC)              정부간협상회의 (기후변화)

21365             intergovernmental panel on Climate Change (IPCC)             기후변화에 관한 정부간 패널

21366             INTERGRATED SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT            폐기물종합관리; 폐기물관리상의 특정한 목적과 목표를 달성하기 위하여 적합한 폐기물관리기술과 관리계획을 선정하여 실행해 나가는 것. ISWM

21367             Interim (Permit) Status              Period during which treatment, storage and disposal facilities coming under RCRA in 1980 are temporarily permitted to operate while awaiting a permanent permit. Permits issued under these circumstances are usually called Part A or Part B permits.

21368             interim multilateral fund           임시 다국적 기금 (오존 기금)

21369             interionic attraction                  the extent to which ions of the opposite charge within a solution have attraction for each other.

21370             interior ballistics          the branch of ballistics dealing with the propulsion of a projectile within the gun barrel and the combustion of the propellant, or of the behavior of rocket propellant prior to exiting the thrust cone of a rocket. Also, INTERNAL BALLISTICS.

21371             INTERIOR WATER USE              실내용수;

21372             interlaced scanning                  a procedure for scanning a television picture in which the odd- and even-numbered lines are transmitted sequentially as two separate fields. Also, LINE INTERLACE.

21373             INTERMEDIATE            중간체. 중간물질. 중간 생성물

21374             intermediate frequency             the frequency to which a signal is shifted before it is modulated for transmission or reception.the frequency to which a signal is shifted before it is modulated for transmission or reception. the frequency produced by combining an incoming signal with one generated internally, chiefly found in superheterodyne circuits.the frequency produced by combining an incoming signal with one generated internally, chiefly found in superheterodyne circuits.

21375             intermediate lava          lava containing 52-66% silica, less than acidic lava but more than basic.

21376             Intermediate rate filters             중간율 살수여상; 살수여상의 형태

21377             intermediate repeater               a device that strengthens a fading signal anywhere along a telephone line except at the end.

21378             intermediate-frequency amplifier               in a heterodyne receiver, an amplifier that processes the intermediate-frequency signal.

21379             intermediate-frequency interference ratio                     in a heterodyne receiver, the relationship between the intermediate-frequency signal input at the antenna and the signal input needed for identical outputs. Also, intermediate-frequency response ratio.

21380             intermediate-frequency jamming               a method for blocking a radar signal in which signals are transmitted to an enemy's radar receiver at frequencies in the frequency range of its intermediate-frequency amplifier.

21381             intermediate-frequency signal                   in a heterodyne receiver, the signal produced by mixing the incoming signal with the output of the local oscillator.

21382             intermediate-frequency stage                   one of the stages in the intermediate-frequency amplifier of a superheterodyne receiver.

21383             intermediate-frequency strip                     a unit added to a receiver that houses its intermediate-frequency stages.

21384             intermittent firing                    a furnace-firing cycle in which fuel and air are burned in short, frequent bursts.

21385             Intermittent gravity flow            단속적 유입;

21386             INTERMITTENT NOISE               간헐소음 : 지속시간이 1초이상으로서 간헐적으로 발생하는 소음

21387             Intermittent sand filter              단속식 여과지; 여과지 상층부에 유출수를 투입할 수 있고 하부에 배수시스템을 설치한 좁은 모래층을 가진 형태

21388             intermittent scanning               a process in which an antenna beam is scanned at intermittent intervals in order to make it more difficult for enemy receivers to intercept it.

21389             intermitter                  an apparatus housed in a well that can be controlled to permit wide-open flow for brief periods at various times a day and then be turned off.

21390             intermodulation           a variation in the characteristics of audio signals that results when they interact while being transmitted through the same system, especially in a nonlinear transducer.

21391             intermodulation distortion                       the appearance of unwanted frequencies that arise when two signals interact at a nonlinear component in a system.the appearance of unwanted frequencies that arise when two signals interact at a nonlinear component in a system. the appearance of veiled or muffled sound quality that arises from the interaction of two unrelated tones in a recording or amplifying system.the appearance of veiled or muffled sound quality that arises from the interaction of two unrelated tones in a recording or amplifying system.

21392             intermodulation interference                    the interference generated when signals of two or more frequencies are applied to a nonlinear amplifier.

21393             intermolecular             relating to interaction between different molecules.

21394             intermolecular distance             the space between two molecules undergoing some form of interaction with each other.

21395             intermolecular forces                the forces that act on an individual molecule to cause it to attract or repel other adjacent molecules; the strength of these forces in a given molecular substance at a certain temperature determines whether the substance exists as a gas, a liquid, or a solid.

21396             internal broaching                   the process of removing material on an internal surface using a tool having teeth of increasing size in a straight line over the surface.

21397             INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE             내연기관 : 이동오염원의 핵심

21398             internal conversion                  a process in which a highly energized nucleus transmits its energy to an orbiting electron, causing the electron to be ejected from the atom.

21399             internal diffusion          the diffusion of gaseous or liquid-phase reactants into the inner pores of a catalyst. High internal diffusion gives high catalyst efficiency.

21400             Internal Dose               In exposure assessment, the amount of a substance penetrating the absorption barriers (e.g., skin., lung tissue, gastrointestinal tract) of an organism through either physical or biological processes. (See: absorbed dose)

