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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 20801-20900

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 12.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 20801-20900

번호                  용어                  해설

20801             hygric            of or relating to moisture.

20802             hygristor                     a resistor whose resistance is dependent upon humidity; used in the measurement of relative atmospheric humidity.

20803             HYGROMETER             모발습도계 : 습도를 측정하는 기기

20804             hygroscopic                of a substance, absorbing or attracting moisture from the air; having an affinity for moisture.  Botany. of a plant, sensitive to moisture or responding to changes in moisture.

20805             hylotropic                   describing a substance that has the ability to change from one phase to another, as from a liquid to a gas, without any change in chemical composition.

20806             hylotropy                    the fact of being hylotropic; the capability of changing phase without a change in composition.

20807             hyperacoustic zone                  a part of the atmosphere (altitude 100 to 160 kilometers) in which the distance between air molecules approximates a wavelength of sound, resulting in the transmission of sound at lower volume than below this zone.

20808             hyperbolic antenna                  an antenna having a reflector whose cross section is in the form of a half-hyperbola.

20809             hyperbolic decline                    a type of decline in the gas or oil production rate; the other types of decline are harmonic and constant-percentage.

20810             hyperbolic sweep generator                     a sweep generator whose generated waveform resembles a hyperbola

20811             hyperbolic waveform                a waveform that is approximately a hyperbola.

20812             HYPERCONCENTRATED FLOW                   과농도류

20813             HYPERFILTRATION                    극초여과; 역삼투와 유사한 용어

20814             hyperforming              a catalytic hydrogenation process to increase the naphtha octane number by removing nitrogen or sulfur compounds.

20815             hyperfullerene structure            a structure that is proposed to form along with ordinary fullerenes in a laser-vaporized carbon plume; this process could reoccur indefinitely to make a particle whose pentagons are in icosahedral alignment.

20816             hyperfusible                describing a material that is capable of lowering the melting range of magmatic fluids.

20817             hypergolic                   self-igniting; tending to ignite spontaneously.  Space Technology. of a fuel or propulsion system, igniting spontaneously upon contact with an oxidizer.

20818             hypernucleus               a nucleus that is strange and has one or more hyperons in addition to nucleons; only lambda hypernuclei with one or two lambda particles have been observed.

20819             hyperoid axle              a gear set in some rear-axle drives that carries the pinion 5 or more inches below the gear's centerline.

20820             hyperpure germanium detector                 a variation on the lithium-drifted germanium crystal that utilizes high-purity germanium, thus allowing the device to be stored at room temperature

20821             hypersaline                 relating to geological material whose salinity exceeds that of seawater.

20822             Hypersensitivity Diseases           Diseases characterized by allergic responses to pollutants; diseases most clearly associated with indoor air quality are asthma, rhinitis, and pneumonic hypersensitivity.

20823             hypersensor                a single-component, resettable circuit breaker that functions as a majority-carrier tunneling device; used for overcurrent or overvoltage protection.

20824             hypersonic                  relating to extremely high-frequency vibrations, greater than about 1 GHz, such as magnetorestrictive or piezoelectric phenomena.

20825             hypersonics                 the use of extremely high frequencies, as in transducers that use magnetorestrictive or piezoelectric vibrations to produce sound, or sound to produce such vibrations.

20826             hypersorption              a process in which activated carbon selectively adsorbs less volatile components from a gaseous mix, leaving the more volatile components unaffected.

20827             hypertonic solution                  a solution having a greater osmotic pressure than another solution.  Cell Biology. specifically, a solution that when bathing body cells causes a net flow of water out of the cells through the semipermeable membrane.

20828             hypervelocity               extremely high velocity; a velocity many times the speed of sound

20829             hypo-             a combining form indicating that a compound contains an element in its lowest oxidation state, or has the lowest proportion of oxygen of any in a series of compounds.  Materials Science. a combining form indicating that the composition of an alloy is less that the eutectic or eutectoid composition.

20830             hypochromicity            a decrease in the absorption of ultraviolet light by a polynucleotide solution.

20831             hypoid gear                a gear system in which gear wheels connect nonparallel, nonintersecting shafts.

20832             HYPOLIMNION            심수층; 차갑고 비중이 큰물로 이루어진 호수의 층

20833             Hypolimnion               Bottom waters of a thermally stratified lake. The hypolimnion of a eutrophic lake is usually low or lacking in oxygen.

20834             Hypoxia/Hypoxic Waters           Waters with dissolved oxygen concentrations of less than 2 ppm, the level generally accepted as the minimum required for most marine life to survive and reproduce.

20835             hypsochrome              an atom or group whose introduction into a compound shifts the compound's absorption band toward the violet end of the spectrum.

20836             hypsochromy              a process in which a compound shifts its absorption band toward the violet end of the spectrum. Also, hypsochromatic shift.

20837             hypsometric formula                a formula, based upon the hydrostatic equation, for determining differences in geopotential between two points or determining the pressure at one level when the pressure at another level is known.

20838             Hysteresis 히시테리시스(회귀성)                플랜지의 행정을, 스케일의 윗쪽과 하부의 각각의 방향에 이동했을 때의, 같은 입력값에 있어서의 지시값의 최대 차이.  압력 트랜스듀서의 경우, 히시테리시스는 압력을 최초에 상승하는 다음에 강하시켰을 때의, 같은 압력으로(에서)의 출력의 차이입니다.  히시테리시스는, 1개의 캐소책자-숀 사이클에 있어서의, 훌스케일에 대한 비율로(에서) 통상 표현됩니다.

20839             hysteresis clutch          a clutch that produces torque by magnetic hysteresis.

20840             hysteresis damping                  the damping of a vibration caused by mechanical hysteresis.

20841             hysteresis motor          a small synchronous motor such as a phonograph motor, for light-duty, constant-speed applications; it uses the hysteresis and eddy-current losses induced in its hardened-steel rotor to produce rotor torque.

20842             hysteretic damping                  the dissipation of energy in a vibrating mechanical system or solid because of mechanical hysteresis.

20843             I channel                    the American color-television system channel used to transmit cyan-orange color information.

20844             I display          the representation of a target on a conical-scan radar screen, in which a full circle indicates the radar antenna is pointed directly at the target; the radius of the circle is proportional to the target distance. Also, I SCAN.

20845             I scope           a radarscope that produces an I display.

20846             I/A                 Innovative/Alternative

20847             I/M                Inspection/Maintenance

20848             IA                  Interagency Agreement

20849             IAAC              Interagency Assessment Advisory Committee

20850             IADN              Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network

20851             IAG                Interagency Agreement

20852             IAP                Incentive Awards Program. Indoor Air Pollution

20853             IAP-WASAD                 물과 지속가능한 농업개발에 관한 국제 행동프로그램  international action program on water and sustainable agricultural development

20854             IAQ                Indoor Air Quality

20855             IAQINFO                     Indoor Air Quality Information Clearinghouse

20856             IARC              International Agency for Research on Cancer

20857             IATDB             Interim Air Toxics Data Base

20858             IBSIN              Innovations in Building Sustainable Industries

20859             IBT                 Industrial Biotest Laboratory

20860             IC                  Internal Combustion

20861             IC 세정제 (IC Cleaning Agent)                  유기용제 트리클로로에틸렌, 테트라 클로로에틸렌, 1,1,1-트리클로로에탄, 프레온113이 있다. 앞의 두 가지는 발암성으로 지하수 오염을 일으킨다. 프레온은 세정용이 생산량의 37%를 차지하며 오존층 파괴의 주범이다.

20862             ICAIR              Interdisciplinary Planning and Information Research

20863             ICALPE            국제알프스 환경센타  international center for alpine environment

20864             ICAP               Inductively Coupled Argon Plasma

20865             ICB                Information Collection Budget

20866             ICBN              International Commission on the Biological Effects of Noise

20867             ICCBD             생물다양성협약 정부간위원회  intergovernmental committee on the convention on biological diversity

20868             ICCM (International Conference on Chemicals Management)           '국제적 화학물질관리를 위한 전략적 접근(SAICM)''의 국가적 이행 현황 점검, 이행 진척 평가 등 기능 수행( 3년마다 개최)

20869             ICCP               International Climate Change Partnership

20870             ICE                 Industrial Combustion Emissions Model. Internal Combustion Engine

20871             ice point                     the true melting point of ice (or the true freezing point of water), reached when a combination of pure ice and air-saturated pure water reaches equilibrium at standard atmospheric pressure; represented by 32°F or 0°C.

20872             ice splinters                minute electrically charged ice fragments that form when ice crystals are exposed to air currents; chiefly observed under laboratory conditions.

20873             Icelandic type              a volcanic eruption characterized by great volumes of fluid basaltic lava flowing from fissures over a broad area.

20874             ICLEI              자치단체국제환경협의회. UN의 국제환경 자문기구로서 지구온난화·기후변화에 대한 대응방안을 모색하고 지방차원의 지속 가능한 환경정책수립 등을 수행하는 국제기구

20875             ICNIRP            이온화되지 않는 방사능보호에 관한 국제위원회  international commission for non-ionizing radiation protection

20876             ICOLP             오존층 보호산업협회  industry cooperative for ozone layer protection

20877             iconoscope                 a television-camera tube in which an electron beam scanning a photoemissive mosaic screen generates a charge equal to the intensity of light at various points on the screen. Also, STORAGE CAMERA.

20878             ICP                 Inductively Coupled Plasma

20879             ICP : INDUCTIVELY COUPLED PLASMA EMISSION SPECTOSCOPE          유도결합플라즈마 분광광도계

20880             ICPEMC          환경적 변종과 발암물질 보호를 위한 국제위원회  international commission for protection against environmental mutagens and carcinogens

20881             ICR                Information Collection Request

20882             ICRE               Ignitability, Corrosivity, Reactivity, Extraction

20883             ICRP               International Commission on Radiological Protection

20884             ICRU              International Commission of Radiological Units and Measurements

20885             ICS                 Incident Command System. Institute for Chemical Studies; Intermittent Control Strategies; Intermittent Control System

20886             ICWM             Institute for Chemical Waste Management

20887             IDA                국제개발협회  International development association, 양허적 재원확보를 위하여 소득수준과 대외신임도가 낮은 최빈개도국을 대상으로 장기무이자의 개발자금을 효율적으로 공급하기 위해 발족

20888             ideal bunching            the conditions under which alternately accelerating and retarding electrons in a velocity-modulated tube would theoretically generate a large current peak during each cycle.

20889             ideal gas                     a gas for which the product of the pressure and volume is proportional to the absolute temperature; realized in actual gases in extreme dilution where the forces between the molecules have a negligible contribution. Also, PERFECT GAS.

20890             ideal mechanical advantage                      the ratio of input distance to output distance; i.e., the distance that a force must travel in order to move a load for a given distance. For example, if a lever moves a distance of 4 feet to raise a load 1 foot, it has an ideal mechanical advantage of 4.

20891             ideal network              a simplified circuit or network, used to simplify the analysis of a network by disregarding some of its parameters.

20892             ideal polarized electrode           a hypothetical electrode at which no faradaic processes can take place regardless of the external applied potential; an electrode approaching this ideal shows large potential changes upon the passage of very small currents.

20893             ideal solution              a solution that exhibits no attractive force between its components, that experiences no internal energy change on mixing, and that will obey Raoult's law perfectly over all temperatures and concentrations.

20894             Identification Code or EPA I.D. Number                     The unique code assigned to each generator, transporter, and treatment, storage, or disposal facility by regulating agencies to facilitate identification and tracking of chemicals or hazardous waste.

20895             identity element           a symmetry element whose operation leaves unchanged anything on which it operates.  Mathematics. a two-sided identity element for an algebraic operation * is an element e of the object A (such as a group, ring, etc.) on which * is defined, such that e * a = a * e = a for every element a of A. If it is only true that e * a = a (or a * e= a), then e is called a left identity (or right identity). By convention, a (two-sided) identity element for (ring, field, etc.) addition is denoted by 0, and the identity element for (ring, field, etc.) multiplication, if it exists, is denoted by 1 or by 1A.

20896             idiophase                    a phase in culture production in which the biosynthetic pathways are altered and products other than the primary metabolites are formed.

20897             idiotroph                    a microorganism with a mutation in its biosynthetic pathways, making it unable to produce the valuable products for which it is being cultured.

20898             idle                specifically, describing a machine, engine, or other mechanism that is running without a load.specifically, describing a machine, engine, or other mechanism that is running without a load. to operate in such a state.to operate in such a state.

20899             idler frequency            a frequency, generated by merging two signals together in a parametric amplifier, that cannot be used by the circuit.

20900             idler gear                    an intermediate gear placed between a driving gear and a driven gear to transmit motion between them. Also, idle gear.

