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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 20901-21000

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 12.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 20901-21000

번호                  용어                  해설

20901             idler pulley                  a movable pulley that presses against a driving belt to tighten or guide it. Also, IDLE PULLEY, GUIDE PULLEY.

20902             idler wheel                  a wheel that is interposed in a gear train to reverse the direction of rotation.a wheel that is interposed in a gear train to reverse the direction of rotation. a wheel in a gear train that is used to change the spacing of the gear centers without affecting the ratio of the drive.a wheel in a gear train that is used to change the spacing of the gear centers without affecting the ratio of the drive. 3. a rubber roller used to transfer sound on a magnetic surface by frictional means. Also, idle wheel.a rubber roller used to transfer sound on a magnetic surface by frictional means. Also, idle wheel.

20903             IDLH              Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health

20904             idling jet                     a part of the carburetion system in which gasoline is diffused during the idling speed of the engine or under minimal load conditions.

20905             idling system               a system for obtaining sufficient fuel and air metering with small throttle openings of an automobile carburetor in the idling position.

20906             IEA(International Energy Agency)               국제에너지기구. 국제에너지계획(IEP: International Energy Program)을 수행하기 위하여, 1974 9월에 경제협력개발기구(OECD: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development)내 설치된 자율적 기관으로서, OECD 회원국을 중심으로 26개국이 참여하여 에너지 문제 협력에 관한 포괄적인 프로그램을 수행.

20907             IEB                 International Environment Bureau

20908             IED, (Industrial Emission Directive)             IPCCD*에서 EU 회원국이 의무적으로 준수하여야 하는 BATC(BAT Conclusion)를 포함하여 제정된 지침   * IPPCD(Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Directive) : EU의 통합오염예방?관리 지침으로 BAT 적용, 허가 재검토 등 규정

20909             IEE                 초기환경평가  initial environmental evaluation

20910             IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)                   국제 전기전자 기술자 협회 세계 각국의 전기 및 전자 기술 분야의 학자, 기술자가 회원으로 조직되어 있으며, 세계 최대의 기술자 단체로서 지역과 개인회원으로 구성되는 민간 단체이다. 주요 업무로는 컴퓨터 분야에서의 활동 및 각국의 통신 기술자에 의한 IEEE 주최의 국제회의(ICC 국제통신회의)를 지원하고 있다.

20911             IEEP               국제환경교육 프로그램  international environmental education program

20912             IEMP              Integrated Environmental Management Project

20913             IES                 Institute for Environmental Studies

20914             IETC               국제환경기술센타  international environmental education program

20915             IF                   intermediate frequency. Thus, IF strip, IF transformer.

20916             IFB                 Invitation for Bid

20917             IFCAM            Industrial Fuel Choice Analysis Model

20918             IFCS               International Forum on Chemical Safety

20919             IFIS                Industry File Information System

20920             IFMS              Integrated Financial Management System

20921             IFPP               Industrial Fugitive Process Particulate

20922             IGC                국제녹십자 : International greed gross, 1992년 리우회의에서 만장일치로 창설이 공식 결정되어 1993년 네덜란드 헤이그에서 출범한 단체로 환경보전과 인류생활의 질적 향상을 조화시키기 위한 가치관 및 행동약식의 변혁을 추구하고 환경문제의 근본원인에 대한 연구조사 및 예방, 해결에 목적이 있다.

20923             IGCC              Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle

20924             IGCI               Industrial Gas Cleaning Institute

20925             igneous cycle              the progress of igneous activity from a volcanic action to large and then smaller intrusions

20926             igneous meteor           any optically visible electric discharge in the atmosphere, such as lightning.

20927             IGNITABILITY               인화성 (가연성) ; 유해폐기물의 특성

20928             Ignitable                     Capable of burning or causing a fire.

20929             ignition lag                 the time interval between the onset of a spark and the resulting pressure rise due to combustion in an engine cylinder. Also, ignition delay.

20930             IGNITION LOSS            강열감량

20931             ignition quality            the characteristic of a fuel represented by the cetane number that causes ignition when the fuel is injected into the compressed air in a diesel engine cyclinder.

20932             ignition system            the system in an internal combustion engine that produces the spark to ignite the mixture of fuel and air; it includes the battery, ignition coil, spark plugs, distributor, and associated switches and wiring. Also, IGNITION.

20933             IGNITION TEMPERATURE           착화온도; 더 가열하지 않아도 자신의 연소열에 의해 연소를 계속하게 되는 온도

20934             ignitor            an element that triggers and sustains a discharge in a switching tube. Also, PILOT ELECTRODE.an element that triggers and sustains a discharge in a switching tube. Also, PILOT ELECTRODE. an element in a mercury-pool cathode that causes conduction at a given point in an alternating-current cycle.an element in a mercury-pool cathode that causes conduction at a given point in an alternating-current cycle.

20935             ignitron          a mercury-pool rectifier in which a high concentration of electrons, known as a cathode spot, appears on the pool surface before conduction begins.

20936             ignitron contactor                    a device that serves as a heavy duty switch in a resistance-welding transformer.

20937             ignorable coordinate                a term for a generalized coordinate that does not appear explicitly in the Lagrangian expression for the kinetic and potential energy of a conservative holonomic dynamical system.

20938             IGWMC          International Ground Water Modeling Center

20939             I-head cylinder            an internal-combustion engine design characterized by the placement of both inlet and exhaust valves in the cylinder head.

20940             IIED                국제환경개발연구소  international institute for environment and development

20941             IINDIRECT RESUE          간접재사용; 재생된 폐수를 호수 및 하천 혹은 지하수로 방류한 후 이를 다시 취수하여 사용하는 과정

20942             IINERT            In-Place Inactivation and Natural Restoration Technologies

20943             IIS                  Inflationary Impact Statement

20944             IJC                 International Joint Commission(on Great Lakes)

20945             IL                   삽입손실  insertion loss

20946             ILEC               국제호수환경위원회  international lake environment committee

20947             Ilkovic equation           a mathematical relationship used in polarography; the diffusion current is related to the diffusion coefficient, the concentration of the active substance, and the electrode parameters.

20948             illumination control                  a device that automatically turns on an artificial light when the amount of daylight falls below a certain point.

20949             IM240            A high-tech, transient dynamometer automobile emissions test that takes up to 240 seconds.

20950             image frequency          in a heterodyne receiver, a frequency whose value is two times the local oscillator frequency minus the frequency of the desired signal. On a frequency scale, the signal and image frequencies are displaced from the local oscillator frequency by equal amounts in opposite directions.

20951             image iconoscope                    a type of iconoscope in which the charge storage function is separated from the photoemission function in order to achieve greater sensitivity.a type of iconoscope in which the charge storage function is separated from the photoemission function in order to achieve greater sensitivity. a tube that resembles a camera tube, except that the image is projected onto a photocathode and then transferred onto another material by photoelectrons.a tube that resembles a camera tube, except that the image is projected onto a photocathode and then transferred onto another material by photoelectrons.

20952             image impedance                    in an electric transducer, one of two impedance values associated with the input and output, respectively. When the output is terminated by the output image impedance, the impedance seen at the input is equal to the input image impedance, and vice versa.

20953             image isocon              a tube in a television camera that resembles a highly sensitive iconoscope, except that the image produced by a photoemitting surface is scanned by a highly charged electron beam.

20954             image load                 the load impedance seen by a source when an electrical transducer is inserted between it and the actual load.

20955             image orthicon            a tube in a television camera that resembles a highly sensitive iconoscope except that the image produced by a photoemitting surface is scanned by a low-velocity electron beam.

20956             image parameter design           a technique for designing filters that uses image impedance and image transfer functions to specify the filter operation.

20957             image parameter filter              a filter whose operation is specified by its image impedances and image transfer functions.

20958             image phase constant              the imaginary part of the image transfer constant in a transducer.

20959             image ratio                 the relationship between the undesired signal and the desired signal received by a heterodyne receiver.

20960             image reject mixer                   in a heterodyne receiver, a circuit that produces a response from the desired input signal but suppresses any response from the image frequency signal without using a filter.

20961             image response           the response of a heterodyne receiver to the image frequency.

20962             IMAGE SOURCE           허상 오염원

20963             IMAGE SOURCE METHOD          허상법

20964             image storage array                 a panel in a solid-state device in which an layer of light-sensitive material, such as zinc oxide, illuminates characters on a display when there is little natural light.

20965             image transfer constant            in an electric transducer, the ratio of output power to input power when operated between a source and load whose impedances are equal to the input and output image impedances, respectively. Also, TRANSFER CONSTANT.

20966             image tube                 a device that projects an optical image generated by electromagnetic radiation from a photosensitive surface onto a fluorescent screen. Also, ELECTRON IMAGE TUBE.

20967             image-dissection photography                  a technique used in high-speed photography, in which an image may be split in a variety of ways and then reassembled for viewing or for reproduction onto a master negative.

20968             image-dissector tube                a type of television picture tube in which an image is swept past an aperture that dissects it section by section, instead of being scanned by an electron beam. Also, FLYING APERTURE SCANNER.

20969             imaging plate              a surface that behaves like photographic film and can be used to store X-ray intensities as latent images in the form of color centers. The stored image is scanned by laser light. The plate is erasable and can be used many times.

20970             imbibition                   the process by which a solid or a gel absorbs or adsorbs a liquid.

20971             IMHOFF CONE             원추형 용기;

20972             Imhoff Cone                A clear, cone-shaped container used to measure the volume of settleable solids in a specific volume of water.

20973             Imhoff tank                 임호프 탱크; 부유고형물을 침전 제거하고 혐기성소화시킬 수 있는 정화조의 일종

20974             imitative deception                   a technique in which electromagnetic radiation is used to infiltrate an enemy's radio channels in order to generate false data.

20975             IMM               Intersection Midblock Model

20976             Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH)             The maximum level to which a healthy individual can be exposed to a chemical for 30 minutes and escape without suffering irreversible health effects or impairing symptoms. Used as a level of concern. (See: level of concern.)

20977             immersion electron microscope                an instrument that enlarges images of minute objects by causing them to emit low-velocity electrons, through heat, illumination, or bombardment with high-velocity electrons and then accelerating them to a high velocity in an immersion objective or a cathode lens.

20978             Imminent Hazard                     One that would likely result in unreasonable adverse effects on humans or the environment or risk unreasonable hazard to an endangered species during the time required for a pesticide registration cancellation processding.

20979             Imminent Threat          A high probability that exposure is occurring.

20980             Immiscibility                The inability of two or more substances or liquids to readily dissolve into one another, such as soil and water.

20981             immiscible                  not miscible; describing two liquids that do not mix, such as oil and water. Thus, immiscibility.

20982             immobilization            any of a variety of physical or chemical processes used to fix enzymes, bacteria, or plant or animal cell cultures; the substance or cells are permanently affixed to an appropriate support or trapped in a stable matrix.

20983             immunoblotting           a technique that uses antibodies and protein blotting to detect a specific protein on a nitrocellulose sheet.

20984             impact            any contact, collision, or shock that transfers momentum between two bodies.any contact, collision, or shock that transfers momentum between two bodies. to contact another body in this manner.to contact another body in this manner.

20985             IMPACT          Integrated Model of Plumes and Atmosphere in Complex Terrain

20986             impact breaker            a device for breaking up stone in which energy captured from falling stones is combined with the action of extremely large impellers. Also, DOUBLE IMPELLER BREAKER.

20987             impact crusher            a machine in which soft rock is crushed by swift blows from rotating breaker bars or plates coupled with hammers.

20988             impact energy             the amount of energy that is required to fracture hard materials such as rock. Also, IMPACT VALUE.

20989             impact force                the force between two bodies during impact.

20990             impact grinding           a method by which various types of crushing equipment are used to grind rocks, boulders, and stones into fine particles.

20991             impact ionization                     a process for increasing the number of free moving electrons in semiconductor material by bombarding it with highly energized electrons.

20992             impact mill                 a machine for crushing rocks and minerals by means of rotating blades that project the material against steel plates.

20993             impact parameter                    the distance, measured perpendicularly, from the target nucleus to the first line of motion of the particle traveling toward it during a nuclear collision.

20994             impact roll                  an idler roll covered by a resilient material used to protect a conveyor belt from being damaged when material is dumped upon it.

20995             impact screen              a screen designed to swing or rock forward to a particular stop point; it allows varying sizes of material to be processed.

20996             impact stress               any suddenly applied stress, or the measurement of such a stress.

20997             impact velocity            the velocity between two bodies during air impact.

20998             impact wrench             a wrench operated electrically or pneumatically to provide a rapid succession of sudden torque.

20999             IMPACTION                 충돌; 유선에서 벗어난 입자가 고정된 물체에 부딪힐 때 일어남

21000             IMPACTION WITHIN FILTER                      충돌; 입상여재 여과지내에서 부유물질제거에 기여하는 메카니즘으로 무거운 입자는 유선을 따라 흐르지 않고 잡힘

