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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 14401-14500

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 10.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 14401-14500

번호                  용어                  해설

14401             BUY BACK CENTER                   재활용품 환매센타

14402             Buy-Back Center          Facility where individuals or groups bring reyclables in return for payment.

14403             BUY-BACK LOCATION               재활용품 환매소

14404             buzz              a low-pitched sound with high-frequency components resulting from nonsinusoidal voltage interference.  Control Systems. a force with a controlled amplitude and frequency, continuously applied to a servomotor-driven device to prevent it from sticking in the null position. Also, DITHER.  Aviation.  a humming noise produced by vibration of a control surface.a humming noise produced by vibration of a control surface. to fly low over or dive at a place or object.to fly low over or dive at a place or object.

14405             BVS                생물학적 분해가능한 휘발성 고형물; 폐기물속에 포함되어 있는 생물학적으로 분해가능한 유기성물질들 중의 휘발성 고형물; Biodegradable volatile solids

14406             BWR              Boiling Water Reactor (instrument)

14407             BY PRODUCT               부산물

14408             BYPASS FACILITIES                    통과시설; 우회 시설

14409             bypass filter                a filter that provides a low-attenuation path around some other circuit or equipment.

14410             BYPASS PIPE                우회관 ; 수로, 우물 등의 한쪽 측면에 설치해서 이들의 유수를 차단할 경우에 사용되는 부수로를 말하는데, 바이패스관이라고도 함

14411             By-product                  Material, other than the principal product, generated as a consequence of an industrial process or as a breakdown product in a living system.

14412             C                   a symbol that describes the saturation concentration of dissolved oxygen; often used in fermentation investigations and procedures.

14413             C battery                    an energy source that supplies the voltage for biasing the grid of an electron tube. Also, GRID BATTERY.

14414             C display                    the representation of targets on a radar screen that appear as blips whose bearings are indicated by the horizontal coordinate and whose angles of elevation are indicated by the vertical coordinate. Also, C INDICATOR, C SCAN.

14415             C index           a daily subjective evaluation of geomagnetic activity in a given location, which is graded 0 for quiet, 1 for moderately disturbed, and 2 for very disturbed

14416             C scope          a radarscope that produces a C display.

14417             C/D WASTE                 건설폐기물; construction and demolition wastes

14418             C/N RATIO                  C/N ; 퇴비의 성상을 나타내는 지표

14419             C3 식물 (C3 plants)                  광합성 과정 중에 3개의 탄소를 가진 화합물을 만들어 내는 식물을 말한다. 대부분의 나무와 쌀, , , 감자 및 야채와 같은 농작물을 포함한다.

14420             C4 식물 (C4 plants)                  광합성 과정 중 4개의 탄소를 가진 화합물을 만들어 내는 식물. 주로 열대성 기원 식물들이며, 여기에는 잔디와 농업적으로 중요한 작물인 옥수수, 사탕수수의 줄기, 수수 및 사탕수수를 포함한다.

14421             C4 식물 [C4 plants]                  광합성 과정 중 4개의 탄소를 가진 화합물을

만들어 내는 식물. 주로 열대성 기원 식물들이며, 여기에는 잔디와 농업적으로 중요한 작물인 옥수수, 사탕수수의 줄기, 수수 및 사탕수수를 포함한다.

14422             C40 기후리더십 그룹 (C40 Climate Leadership Group)                   전 세계 온실가스 배출량의 80% 내외를 차지하는 대도시들이 세계적 기후변화에 공동 대응한다는 취지하에 온실가스감축에 대한 행동과 협조를 위한 구체적 방안을 마련하기위해 시작된 모임. 신재생 에너지 및 에너지 효율화 기술 개발과 이용 경험을 공유하고 있다. 2005 10월 영국 런던에서 18개 세계의 대도시 대표들 모임으로 시작되어 2006 8월 클린턴재단과 Large Cities Climate Leadership Group 간의 파트너쉽이 이루어지면서 이후 C40라 개명됐다. 현재 회원국은 서울, 런던, 파리, 뉴욕, 도쿄, 상하이 등 40개 대도시가 정회원으로 참여하고 있으며, 샌프란시스코, 스톡홀름, 창원 등 16개 도시도 협력회원으로 가입해 있다.

14423             CA                 Citizen Act. Competition Advocate. Cooperative Agreements. Corrective Action

14424             CAA               대기청정법  Clean air act

14425             CAA               Clean Air Act; Compliance Assurance Agreement

14426             CAAA             Clean Air Act Amendments

14427             Cabannes' factor          a correcting factor for the depolarizing effect of horizontal components of scattered light during the determination of molecular weight by optical methods.

14428             cable conveyor            a conveying machine consisting of a bulk-transport car that rides on a flexible cable.

14429             Cable driven bar racks              케이블 구동식 바렉; 기계청소식 바렉의 일종

14430             cable railway               an engine-driven continuous track used to carry coupled bulk-transport cars.

14431             Cadmium                    카드뮴은 지구상에 존재하는 자연적인 원소이다. 이것은 대체로 산소(이산화카드뮴), 염소(염화카드뮴), (황산카드뮴, 황화카드뮴)등과 같은 다른 원소와 결합되어 있는 미네랄이다. 이것은 분명한 맛이나 냄새를 갖고 있지는 않다.        석탄과 미네랄 비료를 포함하여 모든 토양과 암석은 약간의 카드뮴을 가지고 있다. 산업에서 사용되는 카드뮴은 아연, , 구리 등의 다른 금속을 생성하는 동안 추출된다.        카드뮴은 쉽게 부식하지 않으며 다용도로 사용된다. 산업과 소비자의 면에서 밧데리, 염료, 금속 코팅, 플라스틱 등으로 사용된다.        ATSDRIC@cdc.gov

14432             Cadmium oxide의 특성 및 방제방법                     주최 : 국립환경 연구원

14433             cadmium selenide cell              a photoconductive cell that uses a cadmium selenide semiconductor to measure electromagnetic radiation, characterized by a fast response time and high sensitivity to waves emitted by incandescent lamps and some infrared light sources.

14434             cadmium sulfide cell                a photoconductive cell that uses a small wafer of cadmium sulfide, characterized by an extremely high dark to light resistance ratio, to measure electromagnetic radiation.

14435             cadmium telluride detector                      a device that measures electromagnetic radiation continuously at ambient temperatures of up to 400°C; used in solar cells and in infrared nuclear radiation and gamma-ray detectors.

14436             Cadmium(Cd)              A heavy metal that accumulates in the envionment.

14437             cadmium-silver oxide cell          an alkaline-electrolyte cell that can be used without recharging in primary batteries.

14438             CAEM             남극환경감시 센터  center on Antarctic environmental monitoring

14439             CAER              Community Awareness and Emergency Response

14440             CAF                경제적 평균연비제도  Corporate average fuel economy

14441             CAFE              Corporate Average Fuel Economy

14442             CAFF              북극동식물보전(작업반)의 약어. 북극 전문가, 토착민 대표, 옵서버국가 및 기구들로 이루어진 포럼으로서 북극의 보전 및 지속가능한 이용 문제를 논의하고 이에 대응함.

14443             CAFO             Concentrated Animal Feedlot; Consent Agreement/Final Order

14444             CAG               Carcinogenic Assessment Group

14445             cage               an enclosing device within a bearing that uniformly separates the individual balls or rollers.an enclosing device within a bearing that uniformly separates the individual balls or rollers. the enclosed platform or carriage of an elevator, used especially in mine shafts.the enclosed platform or carriage of an elevator, used especially in mine shafts.

14446             cage mill                    a grinding machine used to pulverize moist, sticky materials, such as clay, talc, and asbestos. Also, STEDMAN DISINTEGRATOR.

14447             Cailletet-Mathias law                the principle that the relationship between the density of a pure liquid at a given temperature and the density of its saturated vapor at the same temperature is a linear function of that temperature.

14448             CAIR              Comprehensive Assessment of Information Rule

14449             calandria                    a closed vessel through which tubes carry the heating fluid in a vacuum-evaporating system.

14450             calcic             describing minerals and rocks having a high calcium content.

14451             calcification                 a process in which the colloids in surface soil become highly saturated with calcium, making them relatively fixed and more or less neutral in reaction.

14452             calcination                  the heating of a solid to a high temperature, below its melting point, to create a condition of thermal decomposition or a phase transition other than melting or fusing.

14453             calcium hardness                     a term for hardness of water that is caused by the presence of calcium ions from dissolved carbonates and bicarbonates.

14454             calcium phosphate transfection                a method for the integration of viral DNA into a eukaryote cell's chromosomes in which calcium phosphate serves as the facilitator.

14455             CALCIUM SULFATE                   황산칼슘

14456             calcium-45                  a radioactive isotope of calcium with a half-life of 165 days; commonly used as a tracer in the study of calcium metabolism in humans.

14457             caldera           a large, more or less circular volcanic crater usually resulting from the collapse of underground lava reservoirs, and having a diameter that is many times greater than that of the vent.

14458             CALIBRATION              보정

14459             Calibration Curves 캐소책자-숀 곡선(교정 곡선)              캐소책자-숀 기록의 그래프 표시.

14460             Calibration Cycle (캐소책자-· 사이클 )                     상승과 하강 방향의 캐소책자-.

14461             CALIBRATOR                교정기

14462             California polymerization          a catalytic polymerization method to convert C3 and C4 olefins into motor fuel.

14463             CALINE           California Line Source Model

14464             call indicator               an instrument that receives signals from an automated switching system and displays the corresponding called number before an operator at a manual switchboard.

14465             calling device              an instrument that produces the signals that control connections in an automated telephone switching system.

14466             callus culture               the growth of undifferentiated or paren-chymatous plant tissue on semisolid agar; the result is a mass of cells with no regular form.

14467             calomel electrode                    an electrode that consists of a pool of mercury connected to a layer or paste of mercurous chloride (calomel) and a solution of potassium chloride; used as a reference in measuring the electrical potential of other electrodes. Also known by various other names, such as CALOMEL REFERENCE ELECTRODE, MERCURY POOL ELECTRODE, SATURATED CALOMEL ELECTRODE, STANDARD CALOMEL ELECTRODE.

14468             CALORIFIC VALUE                    발열량; 연료의 단위량이 완전연소할 때 발생하는 열량kcal

14469             cam               an eccentric curved wheel on a shaft used to transform rotary motion into reciprocating motion.

14470             CAM              Compliance Assurance Monitoring Rule; Compliance Assurance Monitoring

14471             cam acceleration          the increased speed of the cam follower.

14472             cam cutter                  a grinding machine that uses a rotating master cam to cut and contour a duplicate.

14473             cam engine                 a reciprocating engine that uses a cam mechanism to create rotary motion.

14474             cam follower               the output link or plunger of a cam mechanism.the output link or plunger of a cam mechanism. any part to which movement is imparted by a cam.any part to which movement is imparted by a cam.

14475             cam mechanism          a device that consists of a rotating cam linked to a roller or pin.

14476             cam nose                    the highest point of a cam, used to keep valves open or closed in a reciprocating engine.

14477             cam pawl                    a device that allows a cam to rotate in only one direction.

14478             camber angle              the angled tilt of the steerable wheels of a motor vehicle, which are closer together at the bottom than at the top; current car models have very little camber compared to older models.

14479             camcorder                  equipment combining a video camera and a video tape recorder in one portable unit. (Short for camera-recorder.)

14480             camera           a device that converts images into electric signals.a device that converts images into electric signals. specifically, the device in a television broadcasting facility in which the image to be transmitted is displayed before it is converted into electrical impulses.specifically, the device in a television broadcasting facility in which the image to be transmitted is displayed before it is converted into electrical impulses.

14481             camera cable               the cable that carries picture signals from the television camera to the control room.

14482             camera tube                a tube that scans an optical image to generate an electrical signal.

14483             CAMP             Continuous Air Monitoring Program

14484             CAMRE           아랍환경장관 협의회  council of Arab ministers responsible for environment

14485             camshaft                    a rotating shaft to which a cam is fastened.

14486             CAN               Common Account Number

14487             CAN (Climate Action Network)                  기후환경관련 NGO연대 환경 비정부기구 관련 연대로 기후변화의 이슈에 따른 비정부기관 활동을 하고 있다. *엔지오(NGO) 또는 비정부기구라고도 한다. 개인이나 민간단체가 연합하여 국제적 기관을 조직한 INGO(International Non-Governmental Organization:비정부간국제기구)와 같은 뜻으로 사용되는 경우가 많다.

14488             CAN CRUSHER            캔압축기; 폐기물처리의 단위공정인 압축과정에서 이용되는 장비

14489             CANARI          카리브해 천연자원 연구소  Caribbean natural resources institute

14490             Cancellation                Refers to Section 6 (b) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)which authorizes cancellation of a pesticide registration if unreasonable adverse effects to the environment and public health develop when a product is used according to widespread and commonly recognized prac-tice, or if its labeling or other material required to be submitted does not comply with FIFRA provisions.

14491             cancellation circuit                   a circuit, used in radar, that processes moving-target signals by rejecting all fixed-target signals.

14492             canned motor             a motor encased with a pump that lubricates the motor's bearings.

14493             canned pump              a pump enclosed in a watertight casing for use in underwater machinery and locations.

14494             canonically conjugate variables                 a generalized coordinate and its conjugate momentum; the action and angle variable.

14495             CANOPY HOOD           천개형 후드 : 후드의 종류로서, 가열된 상부개방 오염원에서 배출되는 오염물질 포집에 사용

14496             cantilever spring          a spring supported at one end and holding a load at the other end.

14497             cantilever vibration                   the transverse oscillation of a beam that is fixed (clamped) at one end, the other being free.

14498             canting           the process of subjecting a cantilever beam to a sideways force, just smaller than the fracture load, in order to displace the free end of the beam.

14499             CANYON METHOD                   계곡매립방식; 매립방법

14500             CAO               Corrective Action Order

