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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 14101-14200

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 10.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 14101-14200

번호                  용어                  해설

14101             bond angle                 the angle between the lines connecting the nucleus of one atom to the nuclei of two other atoms that are bonded to it. Also, VALENCE ANGLE.

14102             bond axis                   a central line between the nucleus of one atom and the nucleus of another atom that is bonded to it, bisecting the area of high electron density between the two nuclei.

14103             bond dissociation energy          the actual bond energy required to break a single bond of one type in one molecule. Also, SINGLE BOND ENERGY.

14104             bond energy               the force that maintains a chemical bond, described in terms of the average amount of energy per mole required to break bonds of the same type per molecule; in general, the larger the bond energy, the stronger the bond.

14105             bond hybridization                   the manner in which atomic orbitals mix or change to accommodate different types of chemical bonds.

14106             bond length                the average distance between the nuclei of two atoms bonded together in a stable molecule. Also, BOND DISTANCE.

14107             bonded NR diode                    an N+ junction semiconductor device that combines avalanche breakdown and current flow conductivity modulation to form negative resistance.

14108             bonded-phase chromatography                a form of high-pressure liquid chromatography that uses a stable stationary phase.

14109             bonding electron          an electron whose charge density resides predominately between two atoms, so that it helps hold the molecule together.

14110             bonding orbital           a relationship between an electron and a nucleus in which the electron's energy decreases as it draws closer to the nucleus, causing them to unite. Also, bonding molecular orbital.

14111             bonding pad               a metallized region on the surface of a semiconductor device, to which connections can be made.

14112             bonding strength                     the strength of adhesives, welds, solders, glues, and the like in response to shear or tension.

14113             BONDING WITHIN FILTER          결합; 입상여재 여과지내에서 부유물질제거에 기여하는 메카니즘

14114             Bond's law                  a theory used to explain the relationship between the amount of energy needed to crush solid materials, and the size and shape of the end-product; intermediate between Kick's law and Rittinger's law. Also, Bond's third theory.

14115             BONN CONVECTION                본협약 :  1979년에 이동성 야생동물 보호협약으로 국가간의 경계를 주기적으로 이동하는 이동성동물자원의 멸종을 막기 위해 보호관리하는 데 그 목적이 있음

14116             Boom             1. A floating device used to contain oil on a body of water. 2. A piece of equipment used to apply pesticides from a tractor or truck.

14117             boom             a beam member of a crane used to project the upper end of the hoisting tackle.

14118             boom microphone                   an apparatus widely used in moviemaking and television broadcasting, consisting of a movable mechanical arm from which a microphone is suspended; it can be positioned so that it is close above the performer's head but still high enough to be out of camera range.

14119             boom stop                  a device that is used to stop a boom when it has reached a maximum angle.

14120             Boord synthesis           a technique for making - olefins by reducing -bromo ethers with zinc.

14121             boost             a rise in the atmospheric pressure in the induction of a supercharged or turbocharged piston engine.

14122             boost  pump   (가압 펌프)                   순수한 물 장치 설치시에, 설치 장소의 공급 수압이, 순수한 물 장치 공급 수압 사양의 하한을 밑돌 때에 보조 설비로서 설치하는 펌프. 배관에 직접다는 라인 펌프식과, 수수탱크로 받아 펌프 가압하는 방식이 있다.

14123             booster           a radio-frequency amplifier used to amplify and rebroadcast a television or communication radio signal at higher power without altering the carrier frequency.a radio-frequency amplifier used to amplify and rebroadcast a television or communication radio signal at higher power without altering the carrier frequency. any device that increases the amplitude of a signal or of an energy source.any device that increases the amplitude of a signal or of an energy source.  Ordnance. a small explosive charge used to augment the fuse in setting off the main explosive charge.  Immunology. a vaccine given after a primary immunization to renew or increase an immune response.

14124             booster brake              an air chamber connected to the brake pedal that uses the vacuum produced by the engine to force hydraulic fluid or compressed air to the wheel brake, thus requiring less pressure on the brake pedal to stop the vehicle.

14125             booster fan                 a fan used to increase the amount of air pressure or air flow.

14126             booster pump             an auxiliary pump used to increase pressure in a liquid or compressed-air pipe.

14127             boot               a cylindrical separator through which well fluids sometimes pass before flowing into the actual separator; the boot aids the separation process by working as a surge column to allow gas to separate out.

14128             bootstrap circuit          a circuit in which part of the output is fed back across the input, providing a higher effective input impedance and unity gain.

14129             bootstrapping              a method of lifting a generator circuit above ground by a voltage value derived from its own output signal.

14130             BOP               Basic Oxygen Process

14131             BOPF              Basic Oxygen Process Furnace

14132             Border strip flooding                두렁 범람법; 폐수의 자연처리방법중 저속법의 지표공급방법

14133             BORDER TAX ADJUSTMENT                      국경세조정  국가별로 상이한 세금수준을 보상하기 위하여 수입제품에 대한 세금부과 또는 수출품에 대한 면세를 통해 국가간 세금수준을 조정하는 것

14134             bore               an outlet of a geyser at the surface of the earth.

14135             Borehole                     Hole made with drilling equipment.

14136             borehole mining          the extraction of minerals in the form of gas or liquid from the earth, through the use of suction pumps and boreholes.

14137             borer              a tool or apparatus that is used to bore a hole.

14138             boring            the process of making or enlarging a cylindrical hole using a lathe, boring machine, or boring mill.

14139             Born equation             an equation that determines the free energy of solvation of an ion in terms of the Avogadro number, the ionic radius, the ionic valency, the ion's electronic charge, and the dielectric constant of the electrolytic.

14140             Born-Oppenheimer approximation             a system for calculating electronic states, such as wavefunctions and energy levels, in which nuclei are assumed to have infinite masses and be in a fixed position in space, because their vibrations, compared to those of the electrons, are exceedingly slow.

14141             boron-10                    a stable isotope of boron that emits  rays after neutron capture and, because of this property, is widely used in radiation detectors.

14142             Bosch fuel-injection pump                       a fuel pump in which the plunger and barrel are closely lapped to reduce leakage; used in internal-combustion engines.

14143             Botanical Pesticide                   A pesticide whose active ingredient is a plant-produced chemical such as nicotine or strychnine. Also called a plant-derived pesticide.

14144             Bottle Bill                    Proposed or enacted legislation which requires a returnable deposit on beer or soda containers and provides for retail store or other redemption. Such legislation is designed to discourage use of throw-away containers.

14145             bottleneck                   an area of reduced diameter in a drill pipe, caused by inordinate longitudinal strain or weight or a combination of strain and abnormal swaying of the mechanism.

14146             BOTTOM ASH              바닥재

14147             Bottom Ash                 The non-airborne combustion residue from burning pulverized coal in a boiler; the material which falls to the bottom of the boiler and is removed mechanically; a concentration of non-combustible materials, which may include toxics.

14148             bottom dead center                 the point at which a piston is at the end of its downstroke.

14149             bottom drive               any of several methods used to stimulate and drive oil from a difficult formation, including water, steam, or CO2 drive, pressure maintenance by gas injection, or in situ combustion in the formation.

14150             bottom fraction           in petroleum distillation, the heaviest, least volatile fraction; the final cut. Also, BOTTOM, BOTTOMS.

14151             bottom hole                the section of an oil well with the greatest depth.

14152             Bottom Land  Hardwoods                       Forested freshwater wetlands adjacent to rivers in the southeastern United States, especially valuable for wildlife breeding, nesting and habitat.

14153             bottom sample            a core removed from the bottom of a borehole for reservoir evaluation.

14154             BOTTOM SEALS           지반밀폐

14155             bottom-dump              describing a vehicle that dumps its load through gates or doors in the underside of its body.

14156             bottom-dump truck                 a trailer or semitrailer that can dump its contents through doors in the underside of its body. Also, DUMP WAGON.

14157             bottom-hole pressure               the recorded gas-drive pressure, expressed in pounds per square inch, at the base of an oil well shaft; used to determine oil-reservoir performance and downhole equipment productivity.the recorded gas-drive pressure, expressed in pounds per square inch, at the base of an oil well shaft; used to determine oil-reservoir performance and downhole equipment productivity. thewell pressure determined at a point opposite the producing formation.thewell pressure determined at a point opposite the producing formation.

14158             bottom-hole pump                  a compact, high-volume electric or hydraulic pump, placed near the bottom of a well to lift well fluids.

14159             bottom-hole separator              a unit that separates natural gas and crude oil at the bottom of a well in order to increase the volumetric efficiency of the pumping system.

14160             bottoming                  a limiting action in positive grid-voltage peaks in a beam-power tube or pentode, caused by the formation of a virtual cathode under certain operating conditions; the anode current is limited by the virtual cathode and flattens the corresponding anode voltage peak.

14161             bottoms          BASIC SEDIMENT AND WATER.

14162             Boudouard reaction                 a term for the chemical reaction in which carbon dioxide is reduced by carbon.

14163             Bouguer anomaly                    a gravity anomaly calculated after corrections for latitude, elevation, and terrain have been made, without taking into account isostasy corrections. Also, Bouguer gravity anomaly.

14164             Bouguer-Lambert law               a law stating that the change in the intensity of light transmitted through an absorbing substance is related exponentially to the thickness of the absorbing medium and a constant dependent on sample and wavelength.

14165             Bouguer-Lambert-Beer law                       a law stating that the intensity of a beam of monochromatic radiation in an absorbing medium decreases exponentially with penetration.

14166             boule             a small rounded mass produced by fusion of alumina, as in sapphires and rubies.  Materials Science. the raw product initially formed in any of the manufacturing processes used to produce single crystals of desired shapes.

14167             bounce           an abrupt abnormal variation in television picture brightness, independent of the actual brightness of the original subject.an abrupt abnormal variation in television picture brightness, independent of the actual brightness of the original subject. a similar variation in the vertical position of the picture.a similar variation in the vertical position of the picture.

14168             bounce table               a device that tests the resilience of objects, especially metal components, by subjecting them to high impacts caused by dropping.

14169             bound vector              a vector whose direction, line, and point of application are all prescribed.

14170             bound water               molecules of water held tightly by chemical groups in a larger molecule; proteins tend to hold water in this way. It may not freeze until as low as -40°C.

14171             boundary                    an area of meeting of P-type and N-type semiconductor materials where the donor and acceptor concentrations are equal.  Robotics. a line that defines the edge of an image in machine vision.

14172             boundary line              the line where any two phase areas meet in a binary system, or the line where any two liquidus surfaces intersect in a ternary system.

14173             BOUNDARY POTENTIAL            경계전위

14174             boundary wave            a seismic wave that moves along a free surface or the boundary of clearly defined layers.

14175             BOUNDED TARIFFS                   양허관세 : 다자간 협상과정을 통해 국제적으로 공인된 관세, 일단 관세를 양허하면 그 이하로 낮출 수는 있어도 더 이상의 관세를 부과할 수 없음

14176             Bounding Estimate                   An estimate of exposure, dose, or risk that is higher than that incurred by the person in the population with the currently highest exposure, dose, or risk. Bounding estimates are useful in developing statements that exposures, doses, or risks are Anot greater than an estimated value.

14177             Bowden cable              a spring-steel wire in a flexible metal casing, used to pull loads over long distances.

14178             Bowie formula             a formula that calculates the local gravity anomaly on earth.

14179             bowl classifier             a shallow, concave-bottomed bowl in which a liquid-solid suspension is admitted to the center. Larger particles drop to the bottom and are moved to a discharge point; small particles and liquid are collected as they flow over the edge of the bowl.

14180             bowl mill                    a crushing device that consists of a rotating bowl and stationary rollers, with the grinding pressure being produced by means of springs; it grinds and pulverizes coal to the preferred size range and then passes the crushed fuel directly to a furnace. Also, bowl-mill pulverizer.

14181             bowl scraper               a steel bowl hung on a wheeled frame; as it is pulled forward by a tractor, its bottom edge digs into the ground; the soil is then ejected at the dumping site through a tailgate.

14182             Bow's notation             a notation used to represent coplanar forces graphically, where forces are represented by line segments.

14183             BOXBOARD                 상자용판자

14184             boxcar circuit              a circuit used in radar to sample voltage waveforms and store the latest value sampled. (So called because of the flat, boxlike shape of the waveform.)

14185             BOYSNC          Beginning of Year Significant Non-Compliers

14186             BP                 Boiling Point

14187             BPJ                 Best Professional Judgment

14188             BPT                Best Practicable Technology. Best Practicable Treatment

14189             BPWTT           Best Practical Wastewater Treatment Technology

14190             brachistochrone           the curved path taken by a body, descending without friction under the force of gravity alone, from one point to another in minimal time.

14191             brachyaxis                   the shorter of the horizontal axes of an orthorhombic crystal.

14192             Brackish          Mixed fresh and salt water.

14193             brackish water (관수)                담수보다도 소금농도의 높은 물

14194             bradding                    the loss of sharpness and subsequent deformation of a bit tooth when too much weight is placed on it.

14195             Bragg equation            in the diffraction of X-rays by crystals, each diffracted beam is considered as a Bragg reflection from a lattice plane in the crystal. If the angle between the nth order of diffraction of X-rays, wavelength l, and the normal to a set of crystal lattice planes is (90°- q), and the perpendicular spacing of the lattice planes is d, then nl = 2d sin(q). Thus when X-rays strike a crystal they will be diffracted, when, and only when, this equation is satisfied. With this equation, Bragg first identified the integers, h, k, and l of the Laue equation with the Miller indices of the lattice planes.

14196             brake             a device designed to slow or stop the motion of a vehicle or machine by the use of friction in a controlled manner.a device designed to slow or stop the motion of a vehicle or machine by the use of friction in a controlled manner. a similar device that controls the tension on the reel of a rotary printing press.a similar device that controls the tension on the reel of a rotary printing press.

14197             brake band                 the flexible band of a band-type brake that is tightened around a brake drum to stop the motion of a wheel.

14198             brake block                 the part of the brake where the brake shoe is held.

14199             brake drum                 the revolving cylindrical component with which either the brake band or the brake shoe comes into frictional contact.

14200             BRAKE HORSE POWER (BHP)                    제동마력(실마력) ; 펌프를 운전할 때 펌프의 주축을 회전시키는데 요하는 동력

