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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 14601-14700

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 10.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 14601-14700

번호                  용어                  해설

14601             carrier amplifier           an amplifier that operates through a capacitor with a capacitance that varies with the applied voltage. Also, DIELECTRIC AMPLIFIER.

14602             CARRIER GAS              운반기체 : 크로마토그래피의 이동상 기체

14603             carrier repeater            a circuit that boosts the power of a carrier signal level without increasing the noise level.

14604             carrier rig                   a self-contained mobile unit created to service gas and oil wells with many pieces of equipment, such as engines, hoists, masts, and the like.

14605             carrier terminal            an apparatus attached to one end of a carrier transmission system in which such transmission functions as modulation, filtering, and amplification are performed.

14606             carrier transfer filter                 a group of filters that act as a carrier-frequency bridge between two transmission circuits.

14607             Carrying Capacity                     1.In recreation management, the amount of use a redreation area can sustain without loss of quality. 2. In wildlife management, the maximum number of animals an area can support during a given period.

14608             carryover or carry-over             any undesired solid or liquid substance entrained by the overhead effluent from a reaction vessel, absorber, or fractionating column.

14609             cartridge                     a unit attached to the arm of a record player that houses the pickup transducer.a unit attached to the arm of a record player that houses the pickup transducer. a closed-loop reel and housing developed primarily for eight-track recordings, which operate at 4-3/4 inches per second and are now obsolete due to their poorer quality recording and reproduction as well as durability, compared to cassette recordings.a closed-loop reel and housing developed primarily for eight-track recordings, which operate at 4-3/4 inches per second and are now obsolete due to their poorer quality recording and reproduction as well as durability, compared to cassette recordings.

14610             cartridge starter           a combustible device that detonates in an engine, moving a piston and starting the engine.

14611             Carver-greenfield process          카버 그린필트 법; 슬러지 다단증발기

14612             CAS               Center for Automotive Safety; Chemical Abstract Service

14613             CAS No.가 없는 혼합물(Compound)을 사용하고 있습니다. 어떤 CAS No.를 사용하여야 하나요?                     이 경우는 조사대상화학물질을 확정하기 위해서 MSDS, 화학물질 공급자가 제공하는 정보, 공정에 관한 정보, 화학물질에 관한 정보 등, 모든 가능한 조사대상화학물질정보를 이용합니다.           조사대상화학물질이 순수한 형태로 존재하는 경우는 물론 조사대상화학물질에 포함되고, 혼합물로 존재하는 경우에도 조사대상화학물질의 조성을 확인하여 조사기준을 참조하여 순물질의 무게로 환산하신 후 조사대상여부를 결정하시면 됩니다.

14614             CAS No.의 의미는?                     Chemical Abstracts Service의 약자로 화학물질을 구별하기 위하여 각 화학물질에 코드(숫자)를 부여한 것입니다. 예를 들어, C8H10이라는 화학식으로 만들 수 있는 화학물질은 1,3-Butanedithiol, 1,7-Octadiyne, 2-Ethylbenzenethiol, Dimethylbenzenethiol, Xylene, 6,6-Dimethylfulvene 등 수없이 많습니다.          이를 구분하기 위하여 IUPAC에서는 각각의 화학물질에 대한 표준명명법을 정하였으나, 이름이 길어 일상에서 화학물질을 지정하는데 어려움이 많았습니다. 그리하여 각 화학물질별로 번호를 부여하여 화학물질의 분류를 편하게 하였는데, 이를 CAS No.라고 합니다.           CAS No.에 관한 일반적인 내용은 CAS 홈페이지 http://www.cas.org를 참조하시고, 화학물질별 CAS No.는 화학물질 제조회사의 홈페이지 (: 시그마알드리치 http://www.sigma-aldrich.com) 등을 참조하시기 바랍니다.

14615             CAS Number               Chemical Abstracts Service No. (미국화학회에서 부여하는 화학물질 고유번호).

14616             CAS Registration Number          A number asigned by the Chemical Abstrated Service to identify a chemical.

14617             CASAC           Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee

14618             Casale process             a method for ammonia synthesis from hydrogen and nitrogen at high pressure, similar to the Huber-Bosch and Claude processes.

14619             cascade          an arrangement of two or more often similar circuits or components in which the output of one is the input of another. Also, TANDEM.an arrangement of two or more often similar circuits or components in which the output of one is the input of another. Also, TANDEM. of or relating to such an arrangement. Thus, cascade converter, cascade network.of or relating to such an arrangement. Thus, cascade converter, cascade network.

14620             cascade  pump         (카스케이드펌프)                     점성 펌프 원주부에 도랑을 다수새긴 원반형구조의 인페러를 소유하는 펌프. 이것을 회전하는 일에 의해 액체의 점성에 의해 원주부를 이동하고  연속적으로 흡인· 가압된다. 소용돌이  펌프는 흡수구가 인페러중심부에 있는데 대하고, 카스케이드펌프는 외주부에 있다. 성능의 특징은 점성의 높은 액체의 가압/ 비교적소수량·고양정.

14621             cascade amplifier                     a circuit arranged in stages, allowing the output produced by one to serve as input for the next, with power increasing at each stage.

14622             cascade connection                  a tandem arrangement of two or more component devices in which the output of one is connected to the input of the next.

14623             cascade cooler             a fluid-cooling apparatus in which fluid flows through a series of horizontal tubes, one above the other, while cooling water runs from a trough over each tube.

14624             cascade fermentation               a system in which a fermenting liquor is fed through a series of up to ten fermenters; the yeast is retained and settled in intermediate tanks. Also, OVERFLOW CONTINUOUS FERMENTATION.

14625             cascade gamma emission          an event in which a nucleus emits two or more gamma rays in succession.

14626             cascade image tube                 a tube in which a number of sections are joined so that the image generated by one section is projected into the next section; used for extremely low-level light detection.

14627             cascade junction          a network of semiconductor devices joined in tandem.

14628             cascade limiter            a circuit that continues to emit signals at predetermined amplitude no matter how widely the incoming signals may vary, thus improving the operation for both weak and strong signals. Also, DOUBLE LIMITER.

14629             cascade mixer-settler                a multiple-stage liquid-liquid contacting system, with each stage consisting of an agitated mixing vessel connected with an unstirred settling tank.

14630             cascade noise              the sounds emanating from a communications receiver when an incoming signal is processed simultaneously through two separate amplifiers.

14631             cascade pulverizer                    a crushing machine that pulverizes materials by the repeated rolling action of hard objects such as balls or pebbles within a tumbler.

14632             cascade system            a series of pieces of equipment, such as evaporators, condensers or reactors, that are used to complete a process.

14633             cascade tray                a fractionating device with a series of parallel troughs placed so that one tray spills onto the tray below.

14634             cascaded feedback canceler                     a device that eliminates interference frequently accompanying radar signals produced by moving targets. Also, VELOCITY-SHAPED CANCELER.

14635             cascading                   a milling process that involves crushing balls that continually fall onto the feed material, such as a grain load, pulverizing the top layer.

14636             cascode amplifier                     a circuit that increases a signal's power by passing it through a grounded cathode then through a grounded-grid, resulting in high gain, high impedance, and low noise.

14637             case               to place a steel or iron pipe into a borehole to prevent caving of the walls or the ingress of water.

14638             Case Study                  A brief fact sheet providing risk, cost, and performance information on alternative methods and other pollution prevention ideas, compliance initiatives, voluntary efforts, etc.

14639             cased hole                  a wellbore that has been lined with casing of tough, thick-walled steel pipe.

14640             cash machine              another name for an ATM (automated teller machine).

14641             cash register               a mechanical or electronic business machine designed to calculate, record, and display the purchase prices and total receipts from a series of commercial sales.

14642             casing            a protective covering that encloses machinery, such as that of a boiler.

14643             casing centralizer                        CENTRALIZER.

14644             casing cutter               a heavy, cylindrical, internal-cutting fishing tool bearing knives and run on a string of tubing or drill pipe into a well; as the pipe string is rotated, the knives are forced outward to cut the inner walls of the pipe to release a particular section.

14645             casinghead                 the top of a casing where the control valves and flow pipes are attached; it protrudes above the surface of the well, thus permitting the pumping operation to occur along with the separation of gas and oil.

14646             casinghead gasoline                 liquid hydrocarbons that are removed from casinghead gas through refrigeration, absorption, or compression.

14647             Cask               A thick-walled container(usually lead) used to transport radioactive material. Also called a coffin.

14648             CASLP            Conference on Alternative State and Local Practices

14649             Castigliano's theorem               a theorem related to the principle of virtual work, applying to a mechanical system of an elastic material obeying Hooke's law and subjected to loads. It states that the displacement of the system in the direction of each load equals the partial derivative of the system's complementary energy with respect to that load. Also, Castigliano's principle.

14650             Castner cell                 a type of mercury cell used in the commercial manufacture of sodium and chlorine.

14651             Castner process           an industrial method to create high-purity sodium cyanide by combining sodium, charcoal, and dry ammonia gas to form sodamide; the sodamide is converted to cyanamide which, in turn, is converted to cyanide.

14652             CASTNeT                    Clean Air Status and Trends Network

14653             cat cracker                  a petroleum refinery vessel in which catalytic cracking takes place.

14654             CATABOLISM               이화작용, =dissimilation

14655             catalog-order device                 a device that can be obtained from a manufacturer to upgrade or enhance circuits commonly used in computers.

14656             Catalyst          A substance that changes the speed or yeild of a chemical reaction without being consumed or chemically changed by the chemical reaction.

14657             catalyst           any substance that notably affects the rate of a chemical reaction without itself being consumed or essentially altered. Positive catalysts (by far the majority of catalysts) accelerate reactions; negative catalysts retard them.

14658             CATALYST ACTIVITY                  촉매의 활성도 : 촉매가 없을 때의 반응과 비교하여, 화학반응속도의 증가 정도를 나타내는 것

14659             catalyst stripping          the removal of hydrocarbons retained on a catalyst by adding steam at the point where the used catalyst exits the reactor.

14660             Catalystic Converter                 An air pollution abatement device that removes pollutants from motor vehicle exhaust, either by oxidizing them into carbon dioxide and water or reducing them to nitrogen.

14661             catalytic activity           the space velocity of a test catalyst, relative to that of a standard catalyst, required to achieve a given conversion in a particular reactor.

14662             catalytic converter                    an antipollution device in an automotive exhaust system that uses a catalyst to chemically convert pollutants in the exhaust gases, such as carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbons, into harmless compounds.

14663             CATALYTIC CONVERTER SYSTEM               촉매 전환장치(, 배출가스 처리방법)

14664             catalytic cracking          a process of breaking down the heavy hydrocarbons of petroleum, using silica or alumina as a catalyst; used to convert heavy oils into lighter and more valuable products. Also, CAT CRACKING.

14665             catalytic hydrogenation                hydrogenation using catalysts, such as nickel or palladium.

14666             Catalytic Incinerator                 A control device that oxidizes volatile organic compounds(VOCs)by using a catalyst to promote the combustion process. Catalytic incinerators require lower temperatures than cinventional thermal incinerators, thus saving fuel and other costs.

14667             CATALYTIC OXIDATION              촉매산화법 : 공기중에 희석된 VOC를 소각하는 방법

14668             CATALYTIC OXIDIZERS               촉매소각로 : 열소각로와 비교할때, 수백도 정도 온도를 감소시킬 수 있으며, 설비가 차지하는 면적을 상당히 줄일 수 있는 소각로

14669             catalytic polymerization            the use of catalysts to convert low-molecular-weight molecules into polymer molecules of higher molecular weight.

14670             CATALYTIC REDUCTION             촉매환원법 : 배연가스 처리기술

14671             cat-and-mouse engine              an engine in which the pistons move in a circular direction, rather than vertically.

14672             cataphoresis                the movement of charged particles, suspended in an electrolytic medium, toward the cathode, after their exposure to an electric field. Also, ELECTROPHORESIS.

14673             cataracting                  the movement of feed material, such as crushed grain, from the top of a load to the bottom after the impact of crushing balls falling from above.

14674             catcher           an element in a velocity-modulated electron tube that abstracts the energy in a bunched electron stream as it passes through.

14675             catching diode            a diode that short-circuits whenever its cathode begins to attract more electrons than its anode, preventing the voltage from rising above the voltage at the cathode.

14676             CATCHMENT AREA                   집수면적, =drainage area

14677             Categorical Exclusion                A class of actions which either individually or cumulatively would not have a significant effect on the human environment and therefore would not require preparation of an environmental assessment or environmenal impact statement under the National Environmental Policy Act(NEPA).

14678             Categorical Pretreatment Standard             A technology-based effluent limitation for an industrial facility dis-charging into a municipal sewer system. Analogous in stringency to Best Availability Technology(BAT)for direct dischargers.

14679             Catenary bar racks                   현수선식 바렉; 기계청소식 바렉의 일종

14680             catenation                   the self-linking of certain elements, especially carbon, to form chains or rings.

14681             Caterpillar                   a trade name for a tractor that runs on two continuous belts, which wrap around the vehicle's toothed driving wheels.

14682             catforming                  a naphtha-reforming method using a catalyst composed of platinum, silica, and alumina.

14683             cathead or cat head                 an extension of the drawworks drum used for lifting items of great weight at the rig.

14684             cathode          a negative electrode, such as the negative electrode of a battery or electrolytic capacitor.a negative electrode, such as the negative electrode of a battery or electrolytic capacitor. an electrode through which a primary stream of electrons enters the interelectrode space.an electrode through which a primary stream of electrons enters the interelectrode space.       : the electrode in an electrochemical cell at which reduction occurs; usually negative with respect to the anode.  : the terminal of a forward-biased semiconductor diode that is negative with respect to the other terminal. Also, NEGATIVE ELECTRODE.

14685             cathode bias               a method of restricting the flow of electrons into an electron tube so that the rate of electric current stays near ground level.

14686             cathode coupling                     the process of adding input or output elements to a cathode circuit for coupling energy to another stage.

14687             cathode dark space                  the relatively nonluminous region of a cathode between the cathode glow and the negative glow in a glow-discharge cold-cathode tube. Also, DARK SPACE, CROOKES' DARK SPACE.

14688             cathode disintegration              a process in which a cathode is stripped of its emissive coating.

14689             cathode drop              the difference of potential due to the space charge near the cathode. Also, CATHODE FALL.

14690             cathode efficiency                    the current needed at the cathode compared to the theoretical current needed in an electrochemical process.

14691             cathode emission                     the process by which electrons flow from the cathode.

14692             cathode follower          a circuit in which the input is applied to the grid, and the output is taken from the cathode, which may be at ground potential. Also, GROUNDED-PLATE AMPLIFIER.

14693             cathode glow              the luminosity surrounding the cathode in a gas-discharge tube, such as a neon light, as it operates at low pressure.

14694             cathode interface capacitance                   a capacitance value that appears as part of the cathode interface impedance. Also, LAYER CAPACITANCE.

14695             cathode interface impedance                    a restriction of the flow of electric current between the cathode base and coating, which often results from a poor mechanical bond. Also, LAYER IMPEDANCE.

14696             cathode modulation                 a method of changing the frequency of a signal by applying a modulated voltage to the cathode circuit.

14697             cathode ray                 a beam of electrons produced when the filament in a tube is heated or bombarded by positive ions.

14698             cathode resistor           a resistance opposing the flow of electrons from the cathode in an electron tube to generate an adequate voltage level.

14699             cathode spot               the region of a cathode from which electrons are emitted in an arc, and in which the current density is much higher than in simple thermionic emission.

14700             cathode-coupled amplifier                       an amplifier having two vacuum tubes whose cathodes are connected to a common resistor, with the input applied to the grid of one tube and the output obtained at the anode of the other (or at both anodes).

