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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 14301-14400

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 10.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 14301-14400

번호                  용어                  해설

14301             BTL(Build-Transfer-Lease)              BTL(Build-Transfer-Lease) : 민간이 자금을 투자하여 사회기반시설을 건설(Build)한 후 국가?지자체로 소유권을 이전(Transfer)하고, 국가?지자체 등에 시설을 임대(Lease)하여 투자비를 회수하는 사업방식

14302             BTZ                Below the Treatment Zone

14303             Bubble           A system under which existing emissions sources can propose alternate means to comply with a set of emissions limitations; under the bubble concept, sources can control more than required at one emission point where control costs are relatively low in return for a comparable relaxation of controls at a second emission point where costs are higher.

14304             bubble cap                 a metal cap that covers a riser in the plate of a distillation tower; designed to permit vapors to rise through the cap to make contact with the liquid on the plate.

14305             bubble point               the temperature at which gas bubbles first appear in a solution with more than one component.

14306             bubble point test (버블 포인트 시험)                     적절한 물로 필터를 충분히 적시고, 기체의 가압에 의해서, 필터 요소의 미세공으로부터 액체가 억지나왔을 때의 차압을 측정하는 것에 의해, 필터의 완전성을 확인하는 시험법.

14307             Bubble Policy              (See: emissions trading.)

14308             bubble pulse               an extraneous pulse created by a bubble formed when detonating a charge in water during seismic prospecting.

14309             bubble tower               a bubble-cap plate distillation column.

14310             bubble train                a string of vesicles in lava that reveals the path that rising gas has taken as it escaped.

14311             bubble tray                 a circular plate with bubble caps, installed in a vapor-liquid contacting tower. Also, bubble-cap tray.

14312             bubble-cap plate          a device designed to produce a bubbling action in a distillation column that provides intimate contact between the vapor bubbles flowing up the column and the downflowing liquid.

14313             Buchner funnel test                  탈수시험 방법

14314             buck              to reduce the total voltage in a circuit by the series connection of an additional voltage of opposite polarity.  Mining Engineering.  to break up or crush a material, such as ore.to break up or crush a material, such as ore. to push coal down a chute toward a mine car, in anthracite coal regions.to push coal down a chute toward a mine car, in anthracite coal regions. 3. a large quartz reef void of accessory minerals such as gold. Also, BUCK QUARTZ, BULL QUARTZ.a large quartz reef void of accessory minerals such as gold. Also, BUCK QUARTZ, BULL QUARTZ.

14315             bucket conveyor          a bulk-material carrier that consists of a series of buckets attached by pivots to two endless roller chains; the buckets pivot in such a manner that they remain upright except when tilted into a dumping position.

14316             bucket dredge             a dredge resting on two pontoons, between which passes a series of buckets on a conveyor chain or belt; the buckets excavate soil material from the bottom of a pond or lake and deposit the soil on the deck of the dredge.

14317             bucket-brigade device               a semiconductor device in which carriers transfer charges from point to point in sequence.

14318             bucket-wheel excavator             a power-operated shovel consisting of a series of buckets attached to a wheel, which allows for continuous digging.

14319             Buckingham's equations           a series of equations for calculating the durability of gears and the dynamic loads to which they are subjected in relation to their composition, dimensions, hardness, and surface endurance.

14320             buckling          the bending or abrupt lateral deflection of a column, plate, or similar structure under longitudinal compression which causes instability of one mode of deformation bifurcating to another stable mode.

14321             buckling load              the minimum load or stress that, when applied steadily, will cause a certain structure to buckle.

14322             buckling strength                     the ability of a material to withstand stress without buckling. Also, BREAKING CAPACITY.

14323             buckstay                     a supporting rack or frame for a furnace wall.

14324             bucky ball                   a molecule made up of 60 atoms of carbon that are shaped like a geodesic dome; the third form of pure carbon (the other two are ordinary graphite and precious diamonds). This molecule is extremely durable and can be blasted apart only by powerful lasers; bucky balls are thought to be in the forefront of such applications as powerful superconductors and as carriers of radioactive atoms in cancer therapy. (Named after the American inventor Buckminster Fuller, 1885-1983, who designed geodesic domes.) Also, BUCKMINSTERFULLERENE.

14325             buffer             a solution containing a weak acid and a conjugate base of this acid (or, less commonly, a weak base and its conjugate acid); it resists change in its pH level when an acid or a base is added to it, because the acid neutralizes an added base and vice versa. Also, BUFFER SOLUTION.  Agronomy. organic matter or a carbonate and phosphate compound in the soil that preserves hydrogen-ion concentrations and resists change in pH value.

14326             Buffer             A solution or liquid whose chemical makcup is such that it minimizes changes in pH when acids or bases are added to it.

14327             Buffer action               완충작용; 용액에 산또는 염기를 가했을 때 pH변화에 대응하려는 작용

14328             buffer capacitor           a capacitor used to suppress voltage surges that might damage other parts in the circuit. It is connected across the secondary of a vibrator transformer or between the anode and cathode of a cold-cathode rectifier tube.

14329             buffer capacity            the amount of an acid or base that must be added to a solution to produce a given change in pH.

14330             BUFFER SOLUTION                   완충용액; pH 변화에 저항하는 용액

14331             BUFFER STOCK SYSTEM            폐기물 비축제도

14332             Buffer Strips                Strips of grass or other erosion-resisting vegetation between or below cultivated strips or fields.

14333             BUFFER ZONE             완충지역 : 보통 핵심지역 둘레나 주변으로 환경교육, 기초, 응용연구소 등 생태적으로 건전한 이용이 되도록 하고 핵심지역을 보호하기 위한 완충지대를 말함

14334             buffering action           resistance to change in either acidity or alkalinity.

14335             BUFFERING CAPACITY               자연적 완충능력

14336             buhrstone mill             a grain-processing machine in which the grinding surfaces are of buhrstone.

14337             BUILDING BLOCK                     구조단위

14338             Building Commissioning (21C 대비 신건축공정)              건축물은 아무리 잘 지어도 물리적 열화가 진행되고 또한 사회적, 경제적, 환경 변화는 건물 기능의 고도화를 요구하게 되는 등 건축 초기의 기능과 현재의 요구 기능 사이의 격차로 인한 사회적 열화도 최근에는 급속히 진행되고 있어 개ㆍ보수를 위한 설계ㆍ시공 기술의 개발 필요성이 어느 때보다 절실하게 느껴진다.          물론 건축 초기부터 건물주의 요구에 따른 성능을 갖는 건축물을 건축하도록 해야함은 재론의 여지가 없다. 이러한 건축물의 신축이나 개ㆍ보수를 함에 있어서 효율적인 에너지관리를 위하여 건물주나 설계자의 의도대로 설계, 시공, 유지ㆍ관리되도록 하는 새로운 개념의 건축 공정이 최근에 많은 주목을 받고 있다. 이름하여 빌딩 커미셔닝(Building Commissioning)이라는 것인데 이는 '건물이 설계 단계부터 공사 완료에 이르기까지 건물주가 요구하는 설계 시방서와 같은 성능을 유지하고, 또한 운영 요원의 확보를 포함하여 입주후 건물주의 유지 관리상 요구를 충족할 수 있도록 모든 건물 시스템이 작동하는 것을 검증하고 문서화하는 체계적인 공정'으로 정의되고 있다.          신축 건물의 설비 설치시나 기존 건물의 설비 개ㆍ보수시에 표준화된 설계ㆍ시공 및 검증 절차의 이행이 없이는 에너지를 20~40%까지 과다하게 소비할 뿐 아니라 실내 환경을 포함한 건물의 제반 여건이 건물주 및 거주자의 요구에 크게 부족할 것이다.          빌딩 커미셔닝은 특히 효율적인 건물 에너지 관리를 위한 가장 중요한 요소로서 전술한 바와 같이 건축물의 계획, 설계, 시공, 시공후 설비의 시운전 및 유지 관리를 포함한 전 공정을 효율적으로 검증하고 문서화하여 에너지의 낭비 및 운영상의 문제점을 최소화하는 공정 기술이기 때문에 이를 잘 활용하면 건물 시스템의 건전하고 합리적인 운전이 가능하여 거주자의 쾌적성 확보, 안전성 및 목적한 에너지 절약을 달성할 수 있다.

14339             Building Cooling Load              The hourly amount of heat that must be removed from a building to maintain indoor comfort(measured in British thermal units(Btus).

14340             BUILDING DOWNWASH            건물세류현상()

14341             Building Envelope                    The exterior surface of a building's construction--the walls, windows, floors, roof, and floor. Also called building shell.

14342             building noise             a term for background noise that is inherent in a particular sound-recording location, such as the noise of a central air-conditioning unit.

14343             Building Related Illness                Diagnosable illness whose cause and symptom can be directly attributed toa specific pollutant source within a building(e.g., Legionnaire's disease, hypersensitivity, pneumonitis.)(See:sick building syndrome.)

14344             buildup pressure          the increase of bottom-hole pressure up to an equilibrium value in a shut-in gas or oil well.

14345             buildup test                a test to measure the effective drainage radius of a wellbore and the presence of permeability barriers or other deterrents to production; for a certain period of time, the well is closed and a bottom-hole pressure bomb is used to record pressure.

14346             bulk acoustic wave                   a total acoustic wave, consisting of the first propagation and all subsequent propagations of the wave, which can be measured for ultrasonic sound in a superfluid such as helium.

14347             BULK DENSITY             겉보기 밀도

14348             bulk diode                  a semiconductor microwave diode that utilizes the bulk effect.

14349             bulk effect                  an effect that takes place within the entire bulk of a semiconductor material, rather than in a localized region or junction. Thus, bulk-effect device.

14350             BULK GRADE               벌크등급; 폐지등급, 잉크제거작업을 하지 않고 직접 상자용으로 사용될 수 있는 종이

14351             bulk modulus              the ratio of the change in pressure applied on a body to the corresponding fractional change in volume that this pressure produces; usually denoted by B or K. Also known by various other names, such as MODULUS OF VOLUME ELASTICITY, HYDROSTATIC MODULUS, COMPRESSION MODULUS.

14352             bulk photoconductor                a photoconductor having high- power handling capabilities and other unique properties depending on the semiconductor and doping materials used, such as cadmium, selenite, germanium, and silicon.

14353             bulk plant                   a wholesale facility for receiving and distributing petroleum products, equipped with tank car unloading facilities, warehouses, truck loading racks, and railroad sidings. Also, bulk terminal.

14354             bulk resistor                an integrated-circuit resistor that uses the N-type layer of a semiconducting substrate as a noncritical high-value resistor.

14355             Bulk Sample                A small portion(usally thumbnail size) of a suspect asbestos-contating building material collected by an asbestos inspector for laboratory analysis to determine asbestos content.

14356             bulk strain                  the fractional change in volume of a body under compression.

14357             bulk strength              the strength per unit volume of a solid.

14358             bulk stress                  an external force that tends to cause a change in the volume of a body.

14359             bulk transport             any mechanical system for conveying bulk materials, such as cement, coal, or grain.

14360             Bulk Waste                  Large items of waste materials, such as applians, furniture, large auto parts, trees, stumps. Burial Ground(Graveyard):A disposal site for radioactive waste materials that uses earth or water as a shield.

14361             BULKING                    팽화; 과대번성한 사상균들이 활성슬러지 공정의 혼합액내에 존재하는 상태

14362             BULKING AGENT          공극개량제; 유효공극 확보를 위해 공급하는 유기/무기 물질

14363             bulking value              the relative capacity of a pigment or other substance to increase the volume of paint.

14364             BULKY ITEMS               대형폐기물; 크기가 매우 큰 폐기물

14365             BULKY WASTE             대형폐기물; 가전제품, 가구, 일부 자동차부품, 나무가지등 부피가 큰 쓰레기

14366             bull wheel                   the largest and usually strongest wheel or gear of a machine. Similarly, bull gear.

14367             bulldozer                    a tractor-driven machine with a broad, blunt, horizontal, front-mounted blade that is used to push soil, rock, and other excavated material.

14368             bullet perforator          perforating equipment in the shape of a tubular gun that fires bullets through the casing and cement at specific depths in a well; holes are formed through which formation fluids are able to enter the wellbore.

14369             bump contact              a large-area contact for alloying directly to the substrate of a transistor for mounting or interconnecting uses.

14370             bumping                    a low-frequency knocking within a furnace or other device, indicating unstable combustion.

14371             BUN               Blood Urea Nitrogen

14372             buncher resonator                   the resonator in a velocity-modulated tube, next to the cathode, where the faster electrons catch up with the slower ones to produce bunches of electrons.

14373             bunching                    the succession of electron groups during the flow of electrons from cathode to anode of a velocity-modulated tube, resulting from the differences of electron transit time produced by the velocity modulation.  Transportation Engineering. a buildup of vehicles beyond the number needed or scheduled.

14374             bunching voltage                     in a velocity-modulated tube, the peak value of a radio-frequency voltage between the grids of the buncher resonator.

14375             bundling machine                    a machine that can be preset to count items, load them into cartons, and wrap the cartons for shipping.

14376             buoy sensor                a buoyant device that has one or more hydrophones for picking up sound in the ocean and then transmitting radio frequencies with information regarding these sounds.

14377             BUOYANCY ERROR                  부력오차 : 칭량된 물체의 밀도가 표준추의 밀도와 상당히 다를 때 일어나는 칭량 오차

14378             buoyancy pontoons                     pontoons that hold up offshore pipelines while they are welded together on the water, then are removed to allow the pipeline to sink into the correct position.

14379             buret              a glass tube marked with a scale, usually open at the top and with a stopcock at the bottom, used for measuring the volume of a liquid as it is dispensed in a titration. Also, burette.

14380             burner            a furnace in which sulfur or sulfide ore is burned to produce sulfur dioxide and other gases.  Aviation. a combustion chamber or fuel-injection nozzle therein, especially in a jet engine.

14381             burning line                a pipeline used for carrying refinery fuel gas, as opposed to gas designated for later processing.

14382             BURNOUT ZONE          연소종결 구역 : 연소공정에서 재연소구역의 하단에 위치한 부분

14383             Burnside boring machine          a drilling machine equipped with an apparatus to contain any water that may be tapped.

14384             burst              a sudden increase in the strength of a signal.  Telecommunications. a short block of transmitted signals or data.

14385             burst amplifier             in a color television receiver, an amplifier stage keyed into conduction and amplification by a horizontal pulse at the arrival of the color-burst signal

14386             burst pressure             the highest internal pressure that a vessel can support without bursting.

14387             Burst Pressure  (파괴 압력)                      압력 트랜스듀서 또는 검출 소자 또는 결합부에, 리크를 일으키지 않는 최대압력.

14388             burst separator            the circuit that separates the color burst from the composite video signal in a color television receiver.

14389             bursting strength                     the ability of a material to withstand pressure without rupture.

14390             burton            a light hoisting tackle, usually with a single block and a double block.

14391             bus                a noninsulated conductor used to carry a large current or to make a common connection between several circuits.a noninsulated conductor used to carry a large current or to make a common connection between several circuits.

14392             bushing          a removable, soft-metal lining of a shaft used as a bearing or to limit the size of the opening.a removable, soft-metal lining of a shaft used as a bearing or to limit the size of the opening. a removable hardened steel tube used as a guide for certain tools or parts, as for a drill rod or valve rod.a removable hardened steel tube used as a guide for certain tools or parts, as for a drill rod or valve rod.

14393             bushing         (붓싱)             레듀서이음새의 일종. 메스네지 오스네지가 일체가 되고 있는 구조로(에서) 이음새의 메스 나사 (소켓트등) 의 치수를 작게 하고 싶을 때, 또는 이음새의 수컷 나사 (니플등) 의 치수를 크게 하고 싶을 때에 사용한다.

14394             business opportunity                이윤추구 기회 (환경기준 강화에 따른 선진국의 독점적 이윤추구 기회표현)

14395             Butamer process          a trademark for the process of isomerization of normal butane to isobutane, using hydrogen and a solid, noble metal catalyst of unrevealed components.

14396             butane dehydrogenation           the removal of two or four hydrogen atoms from butane to yield butene or butadiene.

14397             butane vapor-phase isomerization             a method of isomerization of normal butane into isobutane, using an aluminum chloride catalyst and hydrogen chloride promoter.

14398             Butler-Volmer equation             an equation for the rate of an electrochemical reaction, where the relation between current density and activation overpotential is given.

14399             Butterworth filter                     a filter with a maximally flat response in its passband. Mathematically, maximally flat means that at the center of the passband as many derivatives of the response shape as possible have a value of 0.

14400             button            a small knob used to activate an electrical circuit.:  the metal container that holds the carbon granules of a carbon microphone.the metal container that holds the carbon granules of a carbon microphone. a piece of metal joined to the base wafer of an alloy transistor.a piece of metal joined to the base wafer of an alloy transistor.  Metallurgy.  in metal assaying, the globule obtained after fusion is completed.in metal assaying, the globule obtained after fusion is completed. in the destructive testing of a welded specimen, the part that tears out.in the destructive testing of a welded specimen, the part that tears out.  Mycology. a small, young mushroom.



컬러링 스몰미빌딩 (20개 도시 세트) 미술교육. 창의력 발달. 해외여행. 창의력교육. 색칠공부, :

[스몰미 와 아트리트] 나만의 작은 나. 스몰미, 색다른 자기표현. smallME.



