환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 13101-13200
번호 용어 해설
13101 ◆ arc of recess ◆ on a gear wheel, the arc on the pitch circle along which the face of the driving wheel is in contact with the side of the wheel being driven.
13102 ◆ arcback ◆ in a gas tube, reverse current flow in the anode-cathode region as a result of a cathode spot on the anode. This condition causes rectification failure in the tube.
13103 ◆ ARCC ◆ American Rivers Conservation Council
13104 ◆ arch press ◆ a machine used for forming metals or punching holes in metals by means of a punch, moved by a ram with an arch-shaped frame to allow work on wide pieces.
13105 ◆ ARCHAEBACTERIA ◆ 원시세균
13106 ◆ archaeomagnetism ◆ the principle that the earth's magnetic field has changed over time; this permits the dating of certain ancient materials by comparing their magnetic orientation to the current local magnetic orientation.
13107 ◆ Archimedes' Principle (Archimedes의 원리) ◆ 유체 중에서 정지하고 있는 물체는, 주위의 액체로부터 압력의 합력으로서 부력을 받는다. 부력의 방면은 중력과 정반대로(에서), 그 크기는 물체를 주위의 유체로(에서) 옮겨놓았을 때에 그것에 움직이는 중력(그 물체가 배제된 액체의 중량) 에 동일하다.
13108 ◆ architectural acoustics ◆ ㆍ the process or technology of designing a room or building to provide for optimal sound conditions within it.the process or technology of designing a room or building to provide for optimal sound conditions within it. ㆍ specifically, the design of architectural spaces for recording and broadcasting and for musical and theatrical productions.specifically, the design of architectural spaces for recording and broadcasting and for musical and theatrical productions.
13109 ◆ Architectural Coatings ◆ Covering such as paint and roof tar that are used on exteriors of buildings.
13110 ◆ ARCP ◆ 책임있는 CFC정책을 위한 동맹 alliance for responsible CFC policy
13111 ◆ ARCS ◆ Alternative Remedial Contract Strategy
13112 ◆ arc-suppressor coil ◆ a device, usually a diode, resistor-capacitor network, or coil, that extinguishes an arc discharge.
13113 ◆ arctic-alpine ◆ describing areas above the timberline in mountainous northern regions.
13114 ◆ Arctogea ◆ the zoogeographical area including the Palaearctic, Nearctic, Ethiopian, and Oriental regions.
13115 ◆ area detector ◆ an electronic device for measuring at one time the intensities of a large number of X-ray beams diffracted by a crystal. Such a device may, for example, involve a multiwire proportional counter coupled to an electronic device for recording the data in computer-readable form.
13116 ◆ AREA METHOD ◆ 지역법(폐, 매립방법)
13117 ◆ AREA METHOD ◆ 평지매립방식; 매립방법
13118 ◆ Area of Review ◆ In the UIC program, the area surrounding an injection well that is reviewed during the permitting process to determine if flow between aquifers will be induced by the injection operation.
13119 ◆ AREA SOURCE ◆ 면오염원
13120 ◆ Area Source ◆ Any source of air pollution that is released over a relatively small area but which cannot be classified as a point source. Such sources may include vehicles and other small engines, small businesses and household activities, or biogenic sources such as a forest that releases hydrocarbons.
13121 ◆ AREA TO BE SERVED ◆ 계획급수구역
13122 ◆ AREAL DUST DENSITY ◆ 먼지의 면적 : 밀도 연과재 단위면적당 질량
13123 ◆ areal eruption ◆ a type of volcanic eruption caused by the collapse of the roof of a batholith.
13124 ◆ areal pattern ◆ the distribution pattern of water-or gas-injection wells and oil-production wells in a specific oil reservoir.
13125 ◆ areogeography ◆ the study of the geographical distribution of plant and animal life.
13126 ◆ ARG ◆ American Resources Group
13127 ◆ argentic ◆ ㆍ of or relating to silver, which is also called argentum.of or relating to silver, which is also called argentum. ㆍ describing various compounds of silver, especially those in which the element has a valence of ㆍdescribing various compounds of silver, especially those in which the element has a valence of ㆍ
13128 ◆ ARGENTOMETRIC METHOD ◆ 은법 적정; 질산은으로 적정하는 적정법
13129 ◆ argentometry ◆ a volumetric analysis using the precipitation of insoluble silver salts.
13130 ◆ argentum ◆ the Latin word for silver; this is the derivation of the symbol Ag to represent silver.
13131 ◆ argillophilous ◆ living or thriving in clay or mud. Thus, argillophile, argillophily.
13132 ◆ arid ◆ lacking vegetation.
13133 ◆ ARIP ◆ Accidental Release Information Program
13134 ◆ arithmetic symmetry ◆ a situation in which a filter's frequency response is symmetrical about the center frequency when frequency is plotted linearly.
13135 ◆ ARL ◆ Air Resources Laboratory
13136 ◆ ARM ◆ Air Resources management
13137 ◆ arm conveyor ◆ a vertical conveyor consisting of armlike projections or shelves connected to a belt or chain, best suited for moving barrels, drums, and the like. Also, RIGID ARM CONVEYOR.
13138 ◆ arm elevator ◆ a chain elevator for carrying fixed-shape objects, such as barrels or drums, and equipped with projecting curved arms that cradle the objects during transport. Also, BARREL ELEVATOR.
13139 ◆ armature ◆ the movable part in an electromagnetic mechanical device, such as the winding in which the electromotive force is induced in an electric motor.
13140 ◆ Armstrong frequency-modulation system ◆ a phase-shift modulation system developed by E.H. Armstrong, in which a low-frequency carrier is modulated at a low level, and the signal is passed through several amplifying stages to reach the desired high level and high carrier frequency.
13141 ◆ ARNEWS ◆ Acid Rain National Early Warning Systems
13142 ◆ ARO ◆ Alternate Regulatory Option
13143 ◆ AROMATIC COMPOUND ◆ 방향족 화합물
13144 ◆ AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS ◆ 방향족 탄화수소; 예 벤젠, 톨루엔
13145 ◆ Aromatics ◆ A type of hydrocarbon, such as benzene or toluene, with a specific type of ring structure. Aromatics are sometimes added to gasoline in order to increase octane. Some aromatics are toxic.
13146 ◆ aromatization ◆ the conversion of nonaromatic hydrocarbons to aromatic hydrocarbons.
13147 ◆ arostat process ◆ a process in which aromatic molecules are saturated by catalytic hydrogenation to yield high-quality jet fuels, high-purity cyclohexane from benzene, and solvents which are nearly free of aromatics.
13148 ◆ arrester ◆ a device used to protect an installation from lightning. Engineering. a protective screen above a chimney or incinerator that keeps the burning material within the stack.
13149 ◆ ARRESTOR ◆ 방지장치
13150 ◆ Arrhenius equation ◆ a rate equation that is used for many chemical transformations and processes, in which the rate is exponentially related to temperature; one version is k = Ae-Ea/RT, in which k is the rate constant of the chemical reaction, A is a constant called the preexponential factor or frequency factor, Ea is the activation energy, R is the gas constant, and T is the absolute temperature. (From S. A. Arrhenius.)
13151 ◆ Arrhenius theory ◆ the theory that an acid can be defined as any substance that increases the concentration of hydrogen ions when added to a water solution.
13152 ◆ ARRP ◆ Acid Rain Research Program
13153 ◆ ARRPA ◆ Air Resources Regional Pollution Assessment Model
13154 ◆ ARS ◆ Agricultural Research Service
13155 ◆ arsenic ◆ a chemical element having the symbol As, the atomic number 33, an atomic weight of 74.9216, and a boiling point (sublimes) of 613°C. It is a silver-gray crystalline solid forming compounds that are highly toxic and carcinogenic. It is used as an alloy, especially in lead shot, and in electrical circuits. Mineralogy. this element in its native form, a tin-white, opaque, trigonal mineral usually occurring in granular massive form, or as small, rhombohedral crystals with a nearly metallic luster and highly perfect cleavage, having a specific gravity of 5.7 and a hardness of 3.5 on the Mohs scale; found in hydrothermal veins, in limestones, and in the anhydrite cap rock of salt domes. (Thought to go back to a Persian word meaning gold; golden; also influenced by a Greek term meaning manly or strong; with reference to its powerful properties.)
13156 ◆ Arsenicals ◆ Pesticides containing arsenic.
13157 ◆ Artesian(Aquifer or Well) ◆ Water held under pressur in porous rock or soil confined by impermeable geo-logical fogmations.
13158 ◆ articulated leader ◆ a wheel-mounted unit with a pivoting loading element for moving soil, sand, and the like.
13159 ◆ ARTICULATION INDEX ◆ 명로도지수 : 회화방해정도를 측정하는 방법; AI
13160 ◆ artificial atmosphere ◆ a gas or mixture of gases used in place of air in industrial or laboratory operations; classified as an active, or process, atmosphere, or as an inactive, or protective, atmosphere.
13161 ◆ artificial drive ◆ a technique for producing oil from a reservoir when natural solution-gas, drives-gas-cap, and water are not present or have been exhausted; waterflood, recycling or repressuring, and in situ combustion are types of artificial drives.
13163 ◆ artificial ionization ◆ the introduction of an artificial reflecting layer into the atmosphere for long-distance communication.
13164 ◆ artificial lift ◆ a procedure for producing oil from wells by injecting gas into the sand or rock formation, or by pumping with a rod, tubing, or bottom-hole centrifugal pump.
13165 ◆ Artificial media drying beds ◆ 인공여재를 이용한 건조상; 슬러지 탈수방법의 하나인 건조상의 종류
13166 ◆ artificial radiation belt ◆ a belt of high-energy electrons trapped in the earth's magnetic field, as a result of nuclear explosions.
13167 ◆ ARTIFICIAL VENTILATION ◆ 강제환기; =forced ventilation
13168 ◆ artificial voice ◆ a voice simulation that is created electronically, rather than by any reproduction of a recorded human voice.
13169 ◆ ARZ ◆ Auto Restricted Zone
13170 ◆ AS ◆ Area Source
13171 ◆ AS DISCARDED BASES ◆ 폐기상태 기준
13172 ◆ AS DRY BASIS ◆ 건조기준
13173 ◆ Asbestos ◆ A mineral fiber that can pollute air or water and cause cancer or asbestosis when inhaled. EPA has banned or severely restricted its use in manufacturing and construction.
13174 ◆ asbestos ◆ removal, encapsulation, enclosure, repair, and operations and maintenance. (See: cleanup.)
13175 ◆ Asbestos Abatement ◆ Procedures to control fiber release from asbestos-containing materials in a building or to remove them entirely, including removal, encapsulation, repair, enclosure, encasement, and opera-tions and maintenance programs.
13176 ◆ Asbestos Assessment ◆ In the asbestos-in-schools program, the evaluation of the physical condition and potential for damage of all friable asbestos containing materials and thermal insulation systems.
13177 ◆ Asbestos Program Manager ◆ A building owner or designated representative who supervises all aspects of the facility asbestos management and control program.
13178 ◆ Asbestos-Containing Waste Meterials (ACWM) ◆ Mill tailings or any waste that contains commercial asbestos and is generated by a source covered by the Clean Air Act Asbestos NESHAPS.
13179 ◆ Asbestosis ◆ A disease associated with inhalation of asbestos fibers. The disease makes breathing progres-sively more difficult and can be fatal.
13180 ◆ ASC ◆ Area Source Category
13181 ◆ A-Scale Sound Level ◆ A measurement of sound approximating the sensitivity of the human ear, used to note the intensity or annoyance level of sounds
13182 ◆ ascending branch ◆ the portion of an object's trajectory prior to reaching the summit, along which its altitude increases constantly with time.
13183 ◆ ascending chromatography ◆ a separation technique in which the mobile phase of a mixture rises through the stationary phase due to capillary action.
13184 ◆ asdic ◆ a British term for underwater acoustic detection equipment. (An acronym for Anti-Submarine Detection Investigation Committee.)
13185 ◆ ASDWA ◆ Association of State Drinking Water Administrators
13186 ◆ ASEAMS ◆ 동남아시아 해양학자협회 association of south-east Asian marine scientists
13187 ◆ ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations, 동남아시아국가연합) ◆ 동남아시아국가연합(ASEAN)의 회원국은 동 기구의 설립 당시 회원국은 필리핀.말레이시아.싱가포르.인도네시아.타이의 5개국이나, 1984년의 브루나이 1995년 베트남이 가입,그뒤에도 라오스.미얀마· 캄보디아가 가입하여 회원국이 10개국으로 늘어남.동남아시아국가연합(ASEAN)의 활동내용은 회원국 정상들이 화합하는 정상회담, 회원국 외무장관으로 구성되는 각료회의, 주최국의 외무장관과 해당국 주재 회원국 대사로 구성되는 상임위원회, 전문위원회 그리고 각국의 국내 사무국 등으로 구성되며 당초에는 경제.문화 등 비정치적 분야의 협력을 주로 하였으나 1970년대에 접어들면서 닉슨 독트린에 따른 미국의 아시아지역 이탈과 중국.미국간의 접근으로 아시아지역에 긴장완화의 조짐을 보이자 동남아시아에 있어서의 대국간의 힘의 균형을 노리고 1971년 ‘동남아시아 중립화 선언’을 채택하였습니다. 1972년 각료회의에서는 정치문제에 대하여도 협력하기로 합의하였고, 1976년 인도네시아에서 열린 정상회담에서는 지역발전과 안전보장이 강조되었습니다.
13188 ◆ ASEDS ◆ 남극과학 및 환경자료체계 Antarctic scientific and environmental data system
13189 ◆ aseismic area ◆ a geographic area in which earthquakes do not usually occur.
13190 ◆ ASEXUALLY ◆ 무성
13191 ◆ ASF ◆ Atmospheric Stabilization Framework
13192 ◆ ash ◆ fine or very fine pyroclastic particles, less than 4 millimeters in diameter, that are blown out from a volcanic explosion.
13193 ◆ Ash ◆ The mineral content of a product remaining after complete combustion.
13194 ◆ ASH BURNOUT INDEX ◆ 재연소지수; ABI
13195 ◆ ASH COAL ◆ 재탄(대), 석탄재
13196 ◆ ash cone ◆ a conical hill composed mainly of unconsolidated volcanic ash that forms around and above a volcanic vent.
13197 ◆ ash fall ◆ a shower of volcanic ash that falls from an eruption cloud, or a deposit of such material lying on the ground. Also, ASH SHOWER.
13198 ◆ ash field ◆ an area covered by a thick, extensive accumulation of unconsolidated volcanic ash.
13199 ◆ ash flow ◆ an extremely hot mixture of ash and volcanic gases ejected by an explosion of magma from a volcanic crater or fissure. Also, PYROCLASTIC FLOW, INCANDESCENT TUFF FLOW, GLOWING AVALANCHE.
13200 ◆ ASH HANDLING FACILITY ◆ 재처리 설비
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