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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 13201-13300

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 10.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 13201-13300

번호                  용어                  해설

13201             ASH PIT          재저장소()

13202             ASH REMOVAL WASTEWATER                   재제거 발생폐수

13203             ash rock          rock composed of sandy material that is produced from volcanic explosions.

13204             ASHAA           Asbestos in Schools Hazard Abatement Act

13205             ashing            the heating of a substance to leave only noncombustible ash, which is analyzed for elemental composition.

13206             ASHRAE          American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning

13207             ASIWCPA                    Association of State and Interstate Water Pollution Control Administrators

13208             ASMA            남극특별관리구역  Antarctic specially managed area

13209             ASMDHS                    Airshed Model Data Handling System

13210             ASPA              남극특별보호 구역  Antarctic specially protected area

13211             aspect            the extent to which a site is exposed to environmental factors.the extent to which a site is exposed to environmental factors. a seasonal change in the physical appearance of a species.a seasonal change in the physical appearance of a species. 3. the direction the slope of a hill or mountain faces; e.g., north-facing aspect.the direction the slope of a hill or mountain faces; e.g., north-facing aspect.

13212             aspect ratio                 the ratio of the height of an automobile tire to its width. Also, TIRE ASPECT RATIO, TIRE PROFILE.

13213             aspection                    the periodic physiological changes observed in certain species that occur with periodic changes in the environment, such as seasonal changes. Also, aspectation, aspect diversity.

13214             ASPEI             남태평양 환경기구연합  association of south pacific environmental institutions

13215             asphalt cutter              a power-operated machine with a rotating abrasive disk or blade that is designed to cut asphalt or other bituminous surfacing material.

13216             Asprating diffuser                    흡출식 산기장치; 산기식 포기장치

13217             ASRL              Atmospheric Sciences Research Laboratory

13218             assay              a quantitative or qualitative analysis of the composition of a material.  Mining Engineering.  to test ores or minerals by chemical or blowpipe examination.to test ores or minerals by chemical or blowpipe examination. a means of ascertaining the commercial value of a mineral substance.a means of ascertaining the commercial value of a mineral substance.

13219             Assay             A test for a specific chemical, microbe, or effect.

13220             assembly                    a fabricated product containing the component parts of a machine, mechanism, or the like.

13221             ASSESSMENT BODY                 평가기구

13222             Assessment Endpoint               In ecological risk assessment, an explicit expression of the environmental value tobe protected; includes both an ecological entity and specific attributed thereof. entity(e.g., salmon are a valued ecological entity; reproduction and population maintenance--the attribute--form an assessment endpoint.)

13223             ASSET            Assessment of Safety Significant Event Teams(원전중대사고평가팀)의 약칭. 원자력발전의 안전대책에 관계되는 IAEA의 국제프로그램의 하나. 가맹국의 요청에 따라 안전성에 관한 특별한 사건, 특수사건, 인적인 과오, 운전상의 안전성에 관한 문제점 등의 조사를 위한 기술훈련, 분석기술 및 인간-기계 연계에 관련하여 파견되는 조사단이다.

13224             Assimilation                The ability of a body of to purify itself of pollutants.

13225             ASSIMILATIVE  CAPACITY          동화능력

13226             Assimilative Capacity                The capacity of a natural body of water to receive wastewaters or toxic materials without deleterious effects and without damage to aquatic life or humans who consume the water.

13227             associated corpuscular emission               all the secondarily charged particles that are associated with the passage of a gamma-ray or X-ray beam through the air.

13228             associated gas             gas that occurs with oil; gaseous hydrocarbons present in a free gas phase under original temperature and pressure conditions in an oil reservoir in the early stages of production. Also, GAS-CAP GAS, SOLUTION GAS.

13229             Association of Boards of Certification                     An international organization representing boards which certify the operators of waterworks and wastewater facilitise.

13230             ASSURANCE OF CONFORMITY                 적합성 보증  제품, 공정, 서비스가 규정된 요건을 충족시키고 있음을 입증하는 절차

13231             AST                Advanced Secondary (Wastewater )Treatment

13232             astable circuit              a circuit that bounces between two unstable states at a rate determined by the circuit's time constants; an example of this is a blocking oscillator.

13233             ASTHO           Association of State and Territorial Health Officers

13234             ASTM             물리적, 화학적, 생물학적 시험법을 기술; American society for testing and materials

13235             ASTM             American Society for Testing and Materials

13236             astroballistics              the study of the motion of meteroids and other solid bodies entering the earth's atmosphere.

13237             astron            an early form of an experimental nuclear fusion reactor using field-reversing particle rings for the magnetic confinement of a fusion plasma.

13238             astronomical refraction             the bending of light or a ray of celestial radiation as it passes into the atmosphere from space.

13239             ASTSWMO                  Association of State and Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials

13240             asymmetric membrane (비대칭막)             동일 소재로(에서), 밀층과 다공질지지층과로부터 되는 막.

13241             asymmetric unit           the smallest part of a crystal structure from which the complete structure can be obtained from the space group symmetry operations.

13242             asymmetrical cell          a photoelectric cell whose impedance for current flow in one direction is greater than that in the other direction.

13243             asymmetry                  a structure or design of a molecule, atom, or ion that cannot be duplicated by reversing or reorienting the pattern. Also, MOLECULAR ASYMMETRY.

13244             ASYMMETRY POTENTIAL           비대칭전위, 비대칭성 전위

13245             asymptotic cone of acceptance                 a solid angle that particles must enter in order to be picked up and counted by a neutron monitor on earth.

13246             asymptotic direction of arrival                   the direction of positively charged particles at a set point on the earth's surface, after they have passed through the geomagnetic field.

13247             asynchronous logic                  in digital systems, logic whose input and output relationships are independent of a clock.

13248             AT                  Advanced Treatment. Alpha Track Detection

13249             AT SITE TIME               처리처분장 체재시간; 적환장이나 재활용품회수시설또는 처분장에서 소요되는 시간으로, 적재폐기물을 하역하는데 소요되는 시간과 대기시간이 포함된다.

13250             ATERIS            Air Toxics Exposure and Risk Information System

13251             athermal solution                     a solution that resembles an ideal solution in that its heat of mixing is zero, but that exhibits some internal energy change and thus is nonideal; this may occur when components are similar in chemical nature but very different in molecular size.

13252             atmosphere                 a unit of pressure that is taken to be the standard pressure of the earth's atmosphere at sea level; equal to the pressure of a column of mercury 760 mm high and expressed as 10325 kilopascals (01325 × 105 newtons per square meter), or about 14.7 pounds per square inch.

13253             atmospheric absorption            the absorption of radiation by the gases and moisture in the atmosphere.

13254             atmospheric acoustics              the propagation of sound through the atmosphere, which affects sound in predictable ways according to atmospheric conditions such as temperature and precipitation.

13255             atmospheric attenuation           the depletion of electromagnetic energy in the atmosphere due to absorption or diffusion.

13256             ATMOSPHERIC BOUNDARY LAYER             대기경계층

13257             ATMOSPHERIC CONCENTRATION              대기농도

13258             atmospheric convection current                the vertical movement of air currents due to temperature variations.

13259             atmospheric cooler                  a cooler for fluids that uses air circulation obtained by natural convection to cool hot, fluid-filled tubes. Also, NATURAL-DRAFT COOLER.

13260             atmospheric distillation             a distillation procedure performed at atmospheric pressure, as distinguished from vacuum or pressure distillation.

13261             atmospheric duct                     a layer of the troposphere in which refractive properties are such as to trap a large proportion of certain high frequency radiations.

13262             atmospheric electric field          a measure, in volts per meter, of the electrical energy in a given portion of the earth's atmosphere at a given time.

13263             atmospheric electricity              a collective term for all electrical phenomena occurring in the atmosphere, including lightning, St. Elmo's fire, atmospheric ionization, and air-earth currents.

13264             atmospheric interference          the radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation, originating for the most part in lightning discharges, that interferes with radio communications. Also, ATMOSPHERICS.

13265             atmospheric ionization             the charging of neutral particles in the atmosphere through violent contact with charged particles.

13266             Atmospheric Monitoring Station               대기권 감시소

13267             atmospheric physics                 a branch of science dealing with the physical phenomena of the atmosphere.

13268             ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE          기압; 기표위에 쌓여 있는 대기가 지표면 단위면적당 내려 누르는 압력 또는 힘

13269             atmospheric pressure cure                       the preparation of petroleum specimens for testing purposes by aging them at regular atmospheric pressure for a specific time period at a particular humidity and temperature.

13270             atmospheric radiation               the radiation emitted by the atmosphere either upward into space or downward toward the earth, consisting mainly of long-wavelength terrestrial radiation plus the small amount of short-wavelength solar radiation absorbed in the atmosphere.

13271             atmospheric refraction              the refraction of light passing through the earth's atmosphere, including both astronomical refraction and terrestrial refraction.  Astronomy. an apparent upward displacement of celestial objects relative to the horizon as light from them is bent toward the vertical by the decreasing density with altitude of the earth's atmosphere; it is greatest for objects on the horizon and negligible at elevations higher than about 45°.

13272             atmospheric scattering             a diffusion or alteration in the direction of the propogation, frequency, or polarization of electromagnetic radiation through contact with atoms in the atmosphere.

13273             ATMOSPHERIC STABILITY CLASSES             대기안정도 계급 : 대기의 안정도에 따른 등급

13274             atmospheric tide          the rhythmic, periodic oscillation of the earth's atmosphere due to the gravitational effects of the earth, sun, and moon and to the absorption of radiation by the atmosphere.

13275             atomic absorption spectrophotometry                     a method to determine the elemental composition of a substance by vaporizing the sample and measuring at specific wavelengths the amount of radiation absorbed, which is proportional to the concentration of the element in the sample.

13276             atomic coordinates                  a set of numbers that specifies the position of an atom in a crystal structure with respect to the axial directions of the unit cell of the crystal. Coordinates are generally expressed as the dimensionless quantities x, y, z (fractions of unit-cell edges).

13277             atomic heat                 the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a gram-atomic weight of an element by one degree. Also, atomic heat capacity.

13278             atomic number            the number, denoted by the letter Z, of protons in the nucleus of an atom; this number uniquely characterizes a nuclear species and determines its place in the periodic table; the atomic number is written as a subscript before the elemental symbol, thus 92U.

13279             atomic orbital              the region of high probability that is occupied by an individual electron as it travels with a wavelike motion in the three-dimensional space around a nucleus; an indicator of the electron's energy level.

13280             atomic paramagnetism             a form of paramagnetism that results from a permanent magnetic moment of an atom.

13281             atomic parameters                   a set of numbers that specifies the position of an atom in the unit cell of a crystal structure and the extent of vibration of that atom. Usually three parameters define position; one parameter can be used to define isotropic vibration, or six to define simple (harmonic) anisotropic vibration.

13282             atomic polarization                  the distortion of the electronic charge clouds between unlike atoms in molecules.

13283             atomic radius              half the distance from center to center between two like atoms that are not bonded together.

13284             ATOMIC SPECTROSCOPY           원자분광법  70여 원소의 정성 및 정량 분석에 사용됨

13285             atomic susceptibility                 the magnetization of a substance per atom per unit of applied magnetic field strength; a dimensionless quantity.

13286             atomic theory              the theory that all matter is composed of minute, distinct particles called atoms, and that these particles cannot be further subdivided; first developed by the Greek philosopher Democritus in about 400 BC and formally proposed by the English chemist John Dalton in 1808; later modified as it became established that atoms consist of even smaller particles.

13287             atomic volume            the value obtained by dividing the atomic weight of an element by its specific gravity in the solid condition.

13288             atomization                 the process of reducing a liquid or meltable solid to fine particles or spray by forced passage through a nozzle or jet.the process of reducing a liquid or meltable solid to fine particles or spray by forced passage through a nozzle or jet. the reduction of liquid fuel to a fine spray or mist that readily ignites in an automotive engine.the reduction of liquid fuel to a fine spray or mist that readily ignites in an automotive engine.

13289             atomizer burner           a liquid-fuel burner that sprays the unignited fuel into a readily igniting fine mist before it enters the combustor.

13290             atomizer mill               a solids grinder that reduces materials to a fine powder through fracturing and abrasion.

13291             atomizing humidifier                a device that adds a fine spray of water to a stream of air.

13292             ATS                Action Tracking System; Allowance Tracking System

13293             ATSDR            Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

13294             ATT                감음량  attenuation, 대책전 음압레벨과 대책후의 음압레벨 차

13295             Attached growth processes                      부착성장 공정; 폐수내의 유기물이나 기타성분을 새로운 세포나 기체로 전환시키는 미생물을 불환성 고체의 표면에 부착시켜 처리하는 생물학적 처리공정

13296             ATTAINMENT AREA                  기준달성 지역

13297             Attainment Area          An area considered to have air quality as good as or better than the national ambient air quality standards as defined in the Clean Air Act. An area may be an attainment area for one pollutant and a non-attainment area for others.

13298             attemperation of steam             the control of any excessive superheat in a steam boiler, either by admixture between the superheated steam and cooling steam, or by forcing cooling steam across superheated steam tubes, thereby regulating the final steam temperature.

13299             attenuation                 an exponential reduction of signal amplitude due to distance.

13300             Attenuation                 The process by which a compound is reduced in concentration over time, through absorption, degradation, dilution, and/or transformation. an also be decrease with distance of sight caused by attenuation of light by particulate pollution.



컬러링 스몰미빌딩 (20개 도시 세트) 미술교육. 창의력 발달. 해외여행. 창의력교육. 색칠공부, :

[스몰미 와 아트리트] 나만의 작은 나. 스몰미, 색다른 자기표현. smallME.



