환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 13301-13400
번호 용어 해설
13301 ◆ attenuator ◆ a resistive or capacitative circuit designed to lower a signal amplitude to some desired value without distorting the signal waveform.
13302 ◆ ATTF ◆ Air Toxics Task Force
13303 ◆ Attractant ◆ A chemical or agent that lures insects or other pests by stimulating their sense of smell.
13304 ◆ ATTRACTION FORCE ◆ 인력, 흡인력
13305 ◆ Attrition ◆ Wearing or grinding down of a substance by friction. Dust from such processes contributes to air pollution.
13306 ◆ Atwood machine ◆ a device consisting of a pulley over which is passed a stretch-free cord connecting two weights; can be used to determine the acceleration of gravity.
13307 ◆ aucuparious ◆ attracting birds or having abundant bird life.
13308 ◆ audio frequency ◆ a term for any frequency within the audio frequency range; i.e., from about 20 to 20,000 hertz.
13309 ◆ audio frequency range ◆ the portion of the acoustic energy spectrum, from about 20 to 20,000 vibrations per second, that can be detected by a human with normal hearing.
13310 ◆ audio image ◆ a specific sound that a sound-reproduction system attempts to record, or to reproduce from a recording.
13311 ◆ audio oscillator ◆ an electronic device that produces a signal of a specified frequency or range of frequencies in the audio spectrum, for the calibration of a sound-measurement device such as a real-time analyzer.
13312 ◆ audio patch bay ◆ an electronic device that interfaces two or more audio channels for multichannel recordings and playback.
13313 ◆ audio signal ◆ any signal within the audio frequency range; i.e., from about 20 to 20,000 hertz.
13314 ◆ audio taper ◆ the logarithmic change in volume and tone with the rotation of a control potentiometer.
13315 ◆ audio-frequency meter ◆ any of various instruments used to measure the frequencies of sound waves that are audible to the human ear.
13316 ◆ audio-frequency transformer ◆ an iron-core transformer designed for use with audio-frequency circuits.
13317 ◆ audiogram ◆ a graphic representation of hearing ability, especially a representation that indicates hearing loss at various frequency levels.
13318 ◆ audio-impedance measurement ◆ the direct assessment of acoustic impedance over a given range of audible frequencies.
13319 ◆ audiologist ◆ a person who is trained or skilled in audiology. Medicine. a person skilled in the science of hearing, including the rehabilitation of patients whose hearing cannot be improved medically or surgically.
13320 ◆ audiology ◆ the scientific study or measurement of hearing ability. Medicine. the study of hearing loss or impairment, and of techniques or methods for dealing with such a condition.
13321 ◆ audiometer ◆ ㆍ an instrument that generates sounds of known frequency and intensity; used to measure an individual's hearing ability, especially the level at which a sound becomes audible at a given frequency.an instrument that generates sounds of known frequency and intensity; used to measure an individual's hearing ability, especially the level at which a sound becomes audible at a given frequency. ㆍ an instrument used to measure the intensity of sounds.an instrument used to measure the intensity of sounds.
13322 ◆ audiometry ◆ the scientific measurement of hearing ability, through the use of audiometers and similar devices. Thus, audiometric.
13323 ◆ audiphone ◆ a device used by individuals with certain types of hearing impairment; it consists of a diaphragm that picks up vibrations on a tooth, rather than the eardrum, and transmits the signal to the inner ear.
13324 ◆ Audit Criterion ◆ 감사기준
13325 ◆ auditory perspective ◆ ㆍ a three-dimensional sound field in which sound is produced.a three-dimensional sound field in which sound is produced. ㆍ the creation by a sound reproduction system of the illusion of this three-dimensional reality.the creation by a sound reproduction system of the illusion of this three-dimensional reality.
13326 ◆ Aufbau principle ◆ a description of the building up of the elements, in which the structure of each successive element is obtained by adding one proton to the atomic nucleus and one electron to an atomic orbital simultaneously. The electrons are placed in their orbitals in order of increasing energy.
13327 ◆ aufwuch ◆ ㆍ an aquatic organism that clings to submerged rocks, plants, and other objects.an aquatic organism that clings to submerged rocks, plants, and other objects. ㆍ aufwuchs. a community of such organisms forming a layer on underwater objects.aufwuchs. a community of such organisms forming a layer on underwater objects.
13328 ◆ AUGER HOLE METHOD ◆ 굴착법(오거 굴착법)
13329 ◆ auger packer ◆ a feed mechanism in which a rotating screw or auger enclosed in a pipe is used to transport granulated solids into containers for shipping.
13330 ◆ augmentation distance ◆ the extrapolation distance from the physical boundary of a nuclear reactor to an imaginary point where the neutron flux is zero.
13331 ◆ aural signal ◆ ㆍ any acoustic signal that can be identified by listening to its acoustic characteristics such as pitch, beats, and so on.any acoustic signal that can be identified by listening to its acoustic characteristics such as pitch, beats, and so on. ㆍ the audio portion of a television signal.the audio portion of a television signal. : ㆍ any signal that is audible.any signal that is audible. ㆍ the sound portion of a TV signal.the sound portion of a TV signal.
13332 ◆ aurora ◆ a form of sporadic radiant emission occurring in the upper atmosphere over the middle and high latitudes and seen most often in the Arctic and Antarctic regions; thought to be caused by charged particles from the sun that collide with and excite atoms in the upper atmosphere, which then emit light as they return to their ground state.
13333 ◆ aurora australis ◆ the aurora of the Southern Hemisphere.
13334 ◆ aurora borealis ◆ the aurora of the Northern Hemisphere.
13335 ◆ aurora polaris ◆ the auroral emissions of the Northern or Southern Hemisphere that occur at higher than usual altitudes.
13336 ◆ auroral absorption event ◆ a large increase of electric and radio wave density in the D-level of the atmosphere during an aurora or a magnetic storm.
13337 ◆ auroral caps ◆ the polar regions within the auroral zones.
13338 ◆ auroral electrojet ◆ a strong current of electricity that flows through the auroral zone during a polar substorm.
13339 ◆ auroral form ◆ any of various shapes of auroral emissions: arcs (bands of arching light extending across the sky), rays (beams of light, appearing singularly or in bundles), draperies (sheets of light spreading across the sky), crowns (rays that seem to emanate from a common point), and diffuse aurora (diffuse cloudlike surfaces).
13340 ◆ auroral frequency ◆ the frequency of auroral activity, determined by figuring the percentage of nights an aurora can be seen from a given location.
13341 ◆ auroral isochasm ◆ an imaginary line that connects areas of equal auroral intensity observed over a number of years.
13342 ◆ auroral oval ◆ an oval-shaped region, centered on the Northern or Southern magnetic pole, within which auroral emissions occur.
13343 ◆ auroral poles ◆ the sites at which the auroral isochasms coincide with the magnetic-axis poles of the geomagnetic field.
13344 ◆ auroral region ◆ the geographic area in either hemisphere from which auroral activity can normally be observed, usually within 30 degrees magnetic latitude from each magnetic pole.
13345 ◆ auroral storm ◆ a series of auroral substorms coming in rapid succession during a geomagnetic storm.
13346 ◆ auroral substorm ◆ a characteristic pattern of an auroral episode, consisting of the intensification of auroral emission that occurs about midnight in which auroral arcs move rapidly toward the pole, causing a bulge in the auroral oval.
13347 ◆ auroral zone ◆ the region of maximum auroral activity in either hemisphere that lies 10-15 degrees geomagnetic latitude from the geomagnetic poles.
13348 ◆ auroral zone blackout ◆ a term for the disruption of communications within the auroral zone due to increased ionization in the atmosphere.
13349 ◆ AUSM ◆ Advanced Utility Simulation Model
13350 ◆ austral axis pole ◆ the location, in the Southern Hemisphere, at which the magnetic pole intersects the earth's surface.
13351 ◆ auto reset (자동 복귀) ◆ 조작하고 있는 동안만 접점이 개폐하고, 조작을 그만두면, 원래 상태로 돌아오는 일. 예를 들면, 순수한 물 장치 (AFS 시리즈) 에 있어서, 공급 수압 저압 정지를 해도 일정시간에서 자동적으로 재기동하는 시스템.
13352 ◆ AUTO IGNITION TEMPERATURE ◆ 자동점화온도 : 공기중 연소성 VOC혼합물이 외부의 근원없이 점화되는 온도
13353 ◆ autocatalysis ◆ a catalytic reaction produced by the products of the reaction.
13354 ◆ autoclave ◆ 고압 멸균기. 고온 고압 (상압+ 1kg/cm2· 120℃ ) 의 증기를 이용해 약30분으로, 수용액, 기구류등을 멸균하는데 이용하는 솥.
13355 ◆ autocorrelation ◆ extracting information from a signal by integrating the product of the signal waveform and an identical waveform with a variable delay.
13356 ◆ autogenous grinding ◆ the secondary grinding of a material achieved by tumbling the material alone in a revolving drum, without the use of balls or bars.
13357 ◆ autogenous mill ◆ a ball mill grinder that uses the coarse incoming material as the grinding medium. Also, autogenous tumbling mill.
13358 ◆ autoignition ◆ in an internal combustion engine, the spontaneous ignition of fuel when introduced into the combustion chamber, either due to the heat of compression or to glowing carbon in the chamber.
13359 ◆ autolysis ◆ ㆍ the return of a substance to solution as a result of natural processes, such as decay or decomposition.the return of a substance to solution as a result of natural processes, such as decay or decomposition. ㆍ the process by which a substance dissolves or digests itself.the process by which a substance dissolves or digests itself. Pathology. ㆍ the automatic dissolution of cells or tissue by the enzymes contained within them, occurring upon death or under particular pathological conditions.the automatic dissolution of cells or tissue by the enzymes contained within them, occurring upon death or under particular pathological conditions. ㆍ the destruction of cells due to the presence of a lysin.the destruction of cells due to the presence of a lysin.
13360 ◆ automated diffractometer ◆ an instrument for automatically measuring and recording the intensities of X-ray beams diffracted by a crystal. The mutual orientations of the crystal and of the detector with respect to the source of radiation are computed from some initial data on a few selected reflection. The computer calculates these orientation angles and drives the gears that move the crystal orienter and detector to the desired angular settings.
13361 ◆ AUTOMATED SIDE LOADING ◆ 자동측면적재장치
13362 ◆ automatic batcher ◆ a batcher, generally used for concrete, that blends all the ingredients of a mixture at predetermined weights and is actuated by a single starter switch. Also, automatic batch mixer.
13363 ◆ automatic choke ◆ on the carburetor of an automotive engine, an automatic device that opens and closes the choke to satisfy air requirements of the engine, preventing excessive richness of the air-fuel mixture by opening the choke when the normal operating temperature for the engine is reached.
13364 ◆ automatic level control ◆ ㆍ in an automotive vehicle, a suspension system that compensates for variations in load at the front, rear, or both ends of the car by means of electrically controlled air-chamber shock absorbers that position the car at a predetermined level, regardless of load.in an automotive vehicle, a suspension system that compensates for variations in load at the front, rear, or both ends of the car by means of electrically controlled air-chamber shock absorbers that position the car at a predetermined level, regardless of load. ㆍ a self-activated system that automatically controls a fluid level in a vessel, container, or the like.a self-activated system that automatically controls a fluid level in a vessel, container, or the like.
13365 ◆ automatic music search ◆ a control mechanism in a tape player that allows it to move forward or in reverse from any given point on a tape to the nearest gap in sound, thus enabling the listener to search for the beginning of a selection.
13366 ◆ automatic press ◆ a press equipped with a mechanical feeding device that synchronizes the feed of the workpiece with the press action.
13367 ◆ automatic stoker ◆ a device that supplies solid fuel continuously by gravity; it may also carry the fuel on an endless chain through a boiler furnace and deposit the ash. Also, MECHANICAL STOKER.
13368 ◆ automatic titrator ◆ ㆍ a titration with a measured flow of the reactant.a titration with a measured flow of the reactant. ㆍ electrically generated reactant with potentiometric, ampherometric, or colorimetric end-point determination.electrically generated reactant with potentiometric, ampherometric, or colorimetric end-point determination.
13369 ◆ automobile ◆ ㆍ a mechanical, four-wheeled, trackless passenger vehicle, generally designed for use on paved roads and propelled by electricity, diesel fuel, or gasoline.a mechanical, four-wheeled, trackless passenger vehicle, generally designed for use on paved roads and propelled by electricity, diesel fuel, or gasoline. ㆍ of or relating to such a vehicle. Also, CAR.of or relating to such a vehicle. Also, CAR.
13370 ◆ automotive ◆ ㆍ of or relating to a self-propelled vehicle designed for land transportation, such as an automobile, truck, motorcycle, or bus. Thus, automotive engine, automotive fuel, automotive transmission, and so on.of or relating to a self-propelled vehicle designed for land transportation, such as an automobile, truck, motorcycle, or bus. Thus, automotive engine, automotive fuel, automotive transmission, and so on. ㆍ of or relating to any vehicle that is propelled by a self-contained engine or motor, such as a motor boat, helicopter, or airplane.of or relating to any vehicle that is propelled by a self-contained engine or motor, such as a motor boat, helicopter, or airplane.
13371 ◆ automotive industry ◆ the various companies and enterprises involved in the design, development, manufacture, and sale of motor vehicles and related products.
13372 ◆ automotive vehicle ◆ ㆍ an automobile or other motor vehicle.an automobile or other motor vehicle. ㆍ any other self-propelled vehicle used for the transportation of people or materials, including aircraft and motor boats.any other self-propelled vehicle used for the transportation of people or materials, including aircraft and motor boats.
13373 ◆ autopatrol ◆ a self-propelled machine with a blade for shaping excavated surfaces to the desired shape or slope. Also, MOTOR GRADER.
13374 ◆ autopolarity ◆ on a digital meter display, the ability to display the correct polarity for the quantity measured, by means of a plus sign for positive polarity and a minus sign for negative polarity.
13375 ◆ autoprotolysis ◆ the transfer of a proton from one molecule to another molecule of the same substance.
13376 ◆ autorail ◆ a self-propelled vehicle equipped with flanged wheels and pneumatic tires in order to adapt it to both railways and roads.
13377 ◆ autorotation ◆ the turning of a rotor due solely to the action of passing air, as in windmills and other wind-energy devices.
13378 ◆ autosled ◆ a propeller-driven vehicle equipped with four retractable runners and wheels, for travelling on packed snow, ice, and bare roads.
13380 ◆ AUTOTROPH ◆ 독립영양계미생물
13381 ◆ Autotrophs ◆ 독립영양물 ; 세포합성을 위한 탄소원으로 탄산가스를 이용하는 무기영양체
13382 ◆ AUXILIARY AIR SCOUR ◆ 보조공기세척
13383 ◆ auxiliary electrode ◆ in a electrochemical cell, such as a battery, the electrode that transfers current to the test electrode. Also, SECONDARY ELECTRODE.
13384 ◆ AUXILIARY FUEL ◆ 보조연료, =supplemental fuel
13385 ◆ auxiliary plant ◆ accessory equipment, such as condenser pumps, mechanical stokers, feedwater pumps, and fans, that are used with the main boiler, turbine, or engine at a power-generating station.
13386 ◆ auxochrome ◆ a group that, in the presence of a chromophore, enhances coloration and the ability of the color to act as a dye. An auxochrome group contains lone pairs of electrons.
13387 ◆ AVAILABILITY ◆ 이용도. 유효성
13388 ◆ Availability Session ◆ Informal meeting at a public location where interested citizens can talk with EPA and state officials on a one-to-one basis.
13389 ◆ Available Chlorine ◆ A measure of the amount of chlorine available in chlorinated lime, hypochlorite com-pounds, and other materials used as a source of chlorine when compared with that of liquid or gaseous chlorines.
13390 ◆ available energy ◆ the maximum amount of energy that can be converted to mechanical work.
13391 ◆ available heat ◆ the maximum amount of heat energy that can be obtained in the combustion of a given fuel under ideal conditions.
13392 ◆ avalanche ◆ a term for a condition in which a highly reverse-biased semiconductor junction generates large currents due to high energy electrons that ionize atoms and create new charge carriers with a snowball effect.
13394 ◆ average acceleration ◆ the ratio of change in velocity to elapsed time for an accelerating body as it moves from one given point to another point.
13395 ◆ AVERAGE DAILY FLOW ◆ 일평균유량;
13396 ◆ AVERAGE DAILY FLOW RATE ◆ 일평균 유입량
13397 ◆ AVERAGE GLOBAL TEMPERATURE ◆ 평균지구온도 : 기온상승의 척도에 사용됨, AGT
13398 ◆ AVERAGE MASS LOADING ◆ 평균질량부하;
13399 ◆ average operating pressure (평균 사용 압력) ◆ 모듈에 사용하는 압력의 평균치.
13400 ◆ AVERAGE PARTICLE SIZE ◆ 평균입자크기; 입자의 무게기준으로 50%가 통과할 수 있는 체의 크기
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