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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 12901-13000

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 10.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 12901-13000

번호                  용어                  해설

12901             ancophyte                   a plant having a canyon forest habitat. Thus, ancophilous, ancophile.

12902             Andersen sampler                    a device that collects airborne microflora by filtering air through a series of different-sized mesh screens and then having the collected material deposited on agar plates.

12903             Andes lightning           an often intense electrical coronal discharge that may be visible for up to 100 miles and, because of the distance, appears to make no sound. Also, Andes glow.

12904             Andrade's creep law                 a law stating that strain in a creeping solid is proportional to the cube root of time before its rate becomes constant.

12905             Andrade's indicator                     C20H17Na2N3O9S3, a pH indicator having a molecular weight of 586.

12906             androphilous               living or thriving in proximity to humans. Thus, androphile, androphily.

12907             anechoic                     echo-free; having the property of absorbing sound, as tiles in a sound room.  Radiology. of or referring to a chamber or material that allows ultrasound waves to pass without reflecting back to their source.

12908             anechoic chamber                    a room whose walls are constructed of sound-absorbing material in order to minimize internal sound reflection; used in acoustical testing. Also, anechoic room, anechoic test chamber.

12909             anelasticity                  the failure of a material's strain to vary proportionately with applied stress due to small time effects or plastic deformation.

12910             ANEROID BAROMETER             아네로이드 기압계 : 기압을 측정하는 기기

12911             angle modulation                    a modulation technique that varies the angle of the carrier wave, as in phase modulation and frequency modulation.

12912             angle of action            the angle of revolution of one of two meshed gears when at least one tooth is in contact.

12913             angle of approach                    the angle of revolution of one of a pair of wheels in gear, from the initial contact between two teeth until the pitch points of the same teeth fall together.

12914             angle of incidence                   the angle at which a wave strikes a reflective surface, which is normally the boundary of a different medium, and which results in a reflection from the surface, a transmission into the different medium, or a combination of the two.  Aviation. the angle between a chord of a fixed or adjustable airfoil and the longitudinal axis of the aircraft.  Ordnance. the angle with the vertical at which a bomb or projectile strikes the ground or a target; the complement of the angle of impact.

12915             angle of nip                the maximum included angle between two approaching faces of a crusher at which an object can still be gripped. Also, ANGLE OF BITE.

12916             angle of obliquity                    the deviation in the direction of the force between two gear teeth that are in contact from the direction of their common tangent.

12917             angle of orientation                 the angle between the plane containing the axis of a projectile and the tangent to the trajectory and the vertical plane containing the tangent to the trajectory.

12918             angle of pressure                     the angle between a gear tooth's profile and the radial line at its pitch point.

12919             angle of recess            the angle of rotation of one of a pair of wheels in gear, from the coincidence of the pitch points of the two teeth until the last contact point of the same teeth.

12920             angle of slide              the angle, measured in degrees of deviation from the horizontal, at which loose or fragmented materials on a surface will begin to slide. Also, angle of slip.

12921             angle of static friction              for an object resting on an inclined plane surface, the maximum angle of inclination from the horizontal that can be reached before the object begins to slide down the plane under the action of gravity. Also, ANGLE OF FRICTION, ANGLE OF REPOSE.

12922             angle of torsion           the angle through which a shaft or a similar body rotates when a torque is applied. Also, angle of twist.

12923             angle press                 a hydraulic press having both vertical and horizontal rams that is used for molding and extruding plastics; specially designed for the production of complex moldings with deep undercuts, protrusions, or the like.

12924             angle variable              the dynamical variable appearing in HamiltonianMechanics, denoted w, that is conjugate to the action variable J; defined for periodic motion only.

12925             angledozer                  a tractor having a broad steel blade that is set at an angle for pushing earth, snow, or debris to one side. Also, ANGLING DOZER.

12926             angular acceleration                 the time rate of change in the angular velocity of a rotating body, expressed in radians per second squared.

12927             angular advance          the angle that the center of an eccentric sheave or valve actuator makes with a line set at 90° in advance of the crank pin, dependent on the lead and lap of the valve in a steam engine. Also, ANGLE OF ADVANCE, ANGULAR LEAD.

12928             angular bitstock           a tool that is used to hold a bit in rotary motion, fitted with handles positioned so that it may be used in corners and cramped areas. Also, angular bitstalk, angular brace.

12929             angular correlations                 an experimental technique for measuring how the intensity or the cross section of a nuclear reaction depends on its directional orientation with respect to incident and emitted radiation.

12930             angular cutter             a tool-steel milling cutter with the cutting face at an angle greater or less than 90° to the axis of the cutter; it is used to make flutes on taps, reamers, and the like. Also, ANGLE CUTTER.

12931             ANGULAR DISPERSION             각분산 : 반사면에서 일어난 회절현상으로 인하여 생기는 현상

12932             ANGULAR FREQUENCY             각주파수(각진동수) : 진동수 또는 주파수에를 곱한값

12933             angular gear               an arrangement of bevel gearing that transmits motion between two nonparallel rotating shafts, thus permitting changing the direction of motion. Also, angle gear.

12934             angular impulse           the integral over time of all torques applied.

12935             angular length             a wavelength expressed in radians or an equivalent angular measure; equal to 2 radians or 360° times the length in wavelength units.

12936             angular milling            the milling of flat surfaces that are at an angle to the cutter axis of the milling machine.

12937             angular momentum                 for a single particle moving about an axis, the moment of its linear momentum; i.e., the vector product of the particle's position and its linear momentum at the moment it passes a given point. Also, MOMENT OF MOMENTUM.for a single particle moving about an axis, the moment of its linear momentum; i.e., the vector product of the particle's position and its linear momentum at the moment it passes a given point. Also, MOMENT OF MOMENTUM. for a system of particles, the vector sum of the individual angular momentum vectors of all the particles in the system.for a system of particles, the vector sum of the individual angular momentum vectors of all the particles in the system.

12938             angular resolution                    a measure of the ability of a radar to detect two targets exclusively by angle measurements.

12939             angular shear              a metal-cutting process in which the shear is accomplished by two blade edges inclined to each other, effectively reducing the necessary shear force.

12940             angular speed             the scalar change in direction per unit time, i.e., the magnitude of the angular velocity vector. Also, ANGULAR RATE, ROTATION RATE.

12941             angular velocity           a vector whose magnitude equals the time rate of change of angular displacement, and which is directed along the axis of rotation of the body, i.e., perpendicularly to the radial and linear velocity vectors; it is usually expressed in radians per second or revolutions per minute.

12942             angular-contact bearing            a rolling-contact antifriction bearing for heavy radial and thrust loads, designed with a high shoulder on one side of the outer race that takes the thrust.

12943             anhydride                   a substance that is derived from an acid when water is removed, or that becomes an acid in the presence of water; e.g., carbon dioxide, CO2, is the anhydride of carbonic acid, H2CO3.

12944             aniline point                the lowest temperature at which equal volumes of aniline and a test liquid are miscible; used as a test for components of hydrocarbon fuel mixtures.

12945             aniline-formaldehyde resin                       a synthetic resin created by polymerizing aniline and formaldehyde; it is thermoplastic.

12946             animal black               a fine carbon pigment made by the calcination of animal bones, used as a decolorizer and purifier.

12947             animal cell culture                   the commercial isolation and growth of specific cell types for the production of antibodies and interferons.

12948             animal charcoal           the carbon residue left after the destructive distillation or carbonization of animal matter, such as blood, flesh, or bone.

12949             Animal Dander            Tiny scales of animal skin, a common indoor air pollutant.

12950             animal power              the rate of work done by a horse, bullock, or other work animal.

12951             Animal Studies            Investigations using animals as surrogates for humans with the expectation that the result are pertinent to humans.

12952             anion             a negatively charged ion, which is attracted to an anode, the positive electrode in an electrolytic cell.

12953             anion analysis             a test for negatively charged particles (anions) in an aqueous solution

12954             anion exchange           a process in which anions in solution exchange with anions in an insoluble matrix or resin.

12955             anion-exchange resin               a type of resin used in chromatography; characterized by the ability of negative ions in its immobilized (stationary) phase to be exchanged for anions in its solute (mobile phase).

12956             anionotropy                the breaking off of an ion (such as OH- or X-) from a molecule to leave a positive ion in a state of dynamic equilibrium.

12957             anisotropic membrane              a filtration membrane consisting of a thin skin at the separating surface supported by a spongy sublayer.

12958             Anisotropy                  In hydrology, the conditions under which one or more hydraulic properties of an aquifer vary from a reference point.

12959             anisotropy constant                  a temperature-dependent parameter of a ferromagnetic material, associating magnitization in various directions to the anisotropy energy.

12960             anisotropy energy                    the energy associated with a ferromagnetic crystal when the magnetization domain is rotated away from the direction of easy magnetization by an external field.

12961             annidation                  the ability of a mutated genotype to survive, though competitively inferior, by occupying a niche its parent type is unable to inhabit.

12962             annihilation radiation               the energy produced from the joining of a positron and an electron, in which the positive and negative charges neutralize each other and become electromagnetic radiation.

12963             annual variation           the observed changes in any geophysical field at a specific location over a period of one year.

12964             annuation                   a variation in a wildlife community, as in abundance or distribution, resulting from annual changes in its environment.

12965             annular           the ringlike space between a cylindrical element and its surroundings, such as the space between the casing and the wall of a hole.the ringlike space between a cylindrical element and its surroundings, such as the space between the casing and the wall of a hole. having the shape or form of a ring, such as the annular fins of heat exchanger tubes.having the shape or form of a ring, such as the annular fins of heat exchanger tubes.

12966             annular blowout preventer                       in a drilling operation, a type of blowout preventer which uses a sealing component made of a rubber ring that is compressed into the annular space between the pipe and the wellbore by hydraulically operated pistons. Also, SLEEVE BLOWOUT PREVENTER.

12967             Annular Space, Annulus            The space between two concentric tubes or casings, or between the casing and the borehole wall.

12968             annular velocity           the rate of speed of the fluid carrying cuttings to the surface in the annular space of a drilling well; a typical velocity is 100 feet per minute.

12969             anode            the electrode that is positive with respect to the cathode in a electrochemical cell. It is the electrode at which oxidation occurs, toward which anions generally migrate as they carry current, and from which electrons leave the system.the electrode that is positive with respect to the cathode in a electrochemical cell. It is the electrode at which oxidation occurs, toward which anions generally migrate as they carry current, and from which electrons leave the system. the negative electrode of a battery or storage cell that is delivering current.the negative electrode of a battery or storage cell that is delivering current.

12970             anode corrosion efficiency                       an expression of the ratio between the actual weight loss of an anode from corrosion to the theoretical loss.

12971             anode effect                a condition that produces an abrupt increase in voltage and a decrease in current flow.

12972             anode film                  a coating formed on the anode of an electrochemical cell.

12973             anodic control             the polarization at the anode of an electrochemical cell, in which a decrease of the anode potential dominates current density reduction.

12974             anodic migration          the movement of a charged electric particle toward the anode in an electric field.

12975             anodic polarization                  the changes in an anode's energy levels caused by electron flow.

12976             anolyte           the portion of an electrolytic solution that surrounds the anode.

12977             anomalon                   a fragment produced during a nuclear reaction, in which the projectile nucleus collides with a neighboring target nucleus at rest.

12978             anomalous                  formed or changed by being incorporated into foreign material. Thus, anomalous magma.

12979             anomalous scattering               a phase change that occurs upon the scattering of X rays by a crystal containing one or more atoms that strongly absorb the X rays. As a result, in crystals that lack symmetry elements of the second kind (rotation-inversion axes and glide planes), Bragg reflections from opposite faces of the crystal may have different intensities. These differences in intensity may be used to determine the absolute configuration of chiral crystals. Also, ANOMALOUS DISPERSION.

12980             anonymous dimensionless group 1-4                     four dimensionless groups used to solve problems in laminar boundary-layer flow, gas absorption in wetted-wall columns, and transfer processes.

12981             anotron          an electron tube rectifier that operates on the principle of cold-cathode discharge. It has a copper anode and a large cathode of sodium or some other material.

12982             ANOXIC          무산소성; 이화작용에서 결합산소를 전자수용체로 이용하는 화학반응

12983             Anoxic denitrification               준혐기성 탈질화; 분자상태의 산소가 없는 상태에서 질산성 질소를 생물학적으로 질소가스로 변환시키는 공정

12984             ANPR             Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

12985             ANRHRD                    Air, Noise Radiation Health Research Division/ORD

12986             ANSS             American Nature Study Society

12987             antacid           a substance that neutralizes acids or counteracts acidity.

12988             ANTAGONISM             길항작용; 혼합배양에서 한 미생물이 다른 미생물의 증식을 억제하는 상호작용

12989             Antagonism                Interference or inhibition of the effect of one chemical by the action of another.

12990             Antarctic Ozone Hole               Refers to the seasonal depletion of ozone in the upper atmosrhere above a large area of Antarctia.(See:Ozone Hole.)

12991             ANTARCTIC TREATY                  남극조약  남극지역을 평화목적에만 이용하고, 과학연구의 자유와 협력을 약속하기 위해 1959 121일 워싱톤에서 채택되고 1961 6월에 발효된 조약

12992             antenna directivity diagram                      a graphic representation of a quantity proportional to the gain of a particular antenna for various directions in a plane or cone.

12993             anther culture             a method of producing haploid plants by inducing embryo formation in pollen, accomplished in solid or liquid culture.

12994             anthracitization            the transformation of bituminous coal into anthracite coal as a result of metamorphism.

12995             anthropogenic             caused or influenced by the activities of humans. Also, anthropogenous.

12996             ANTHROPOGENIC EMISSION SOURCE                     인위적 배출원

12997             antibonding orbital                  a relationship between an electron and a nucleus in which the electron's energy increases as it moves away from the nucleus, causing them to separate rather than bond. Also, antibonding molecular orbital.

12998             anticatalyst                  an agent that inhibits the effects of a catalyst.

12999             anticathode                 in an X-ray tube, the electrode from which X rays are emitted and to which electrons are directed.

13000             antichlor                     any product that neutralizes and removes hypochlorite or free chlorine after the bleaching process in the manufacture of textiles or paper.



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