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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 12701-12800

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 10.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 12701-12800

번호                  용어                  해설

12701             aletophyte                   a weed growing in an area where the natural vegetation has been cleared away, as along a roadside or railroad track. Thus, aletophilous, aletophile. Also, RUDERAL.

12702             alfa laval contractor                  a centrifuge in which a vertically mounted bowl rotates around a central shaft; used for liquid-liquid extraction.

12703             Algae             Simple rootless plants that grow in sunlit waters in proportion to the amount of available nutrients. They can affect water quality adversely  by lowering the dissolved oxygen in the water. They are food for fish and small aquatic animals.

12704             Algal Blooms               Sudden spurts of algal growth, which can affect water quality and indicate poten-tially hazardous changes in local water chemistry.

12705             Algicide          Substance or chemical used specifically to kill or control algae.

12706             ALICYCLIC HYDROCARBONS                     탄화수소를 대분류한것으로,  한개의 탄소고리구조를 가진 탄화수소

12707             alignment                   the process of varying the parameters of a tuned circuit to achieve the desired frequency response.the process of varying the parameters of a tuned circuit to achieve the desired frequency response. the process of adjusting the synchronization of different components of an electrical system.the process of adjusting the synchronization of different components of an electrical system.  Mining Engineering. the planned direction of a tunnel or other construction.

12708             ALIPHATIC HYDROCARBON                      탄화수소를 대분류한것으로, 선이나 가지구조를 가진 탄화수소


12710             ALJ                Administrative Law Judge

12711             alkalescent                  having the property of being alkaline; having a pH greater than 7. Thus, alkalescence.

12712             alkali              a hydroxide of one of the alkali metals, producing solutions with pH greater than 7, soluble in water, neutralizing acids to form salts, and turning red litmus paper blue; e.g., sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide. In aqueous solutions, the term is equivalent to base.  Geology. a bitter-tasting salt consisting of sodium or potassium carbonate, found in soils in arid or semiarid regions; generally unproductive for agriculture.

12713             alkali emission             an emission of light from energized lithium, potassium, and sodium molecules in the upper atmosphere that can be seen at twilight.

12714             alkali metal                 any of the elements of Group IA, which form highly alkaline solutions in water and burn vigorously in air. They all have a valence of one, and are softer and less dense than other metals; included are the elements lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium, and francium.

12715             alkali-aggregate reaction           in a cement, the chemical reaction between the aggregate and the alkali that causes a weakening.

12716             alkalimeter                  an instrument that measures the amount of base in a solution; used to measure the amount of carbon dioxide liberated from a weighed sample.

12717             alkalimetry                  an analytical method for determining the basicity of a solution, as by titration with a standard solution of acid.

12718             alkaline           relating to, containing, or having the properties of an alkali.relating to, containing, or having the properties of an alkali. solutions have a pH higher than 7.0.solutions have a pH higher than 7.0.

12719             Alkaline          The condition of water or soil which contains a sufficient amount of alkali substance to raise the pH above 7.0.

12720             alkaline cell                 a primary cell in which the electrolyte consists of an alkaline solution, usually potassium hydroxide.

12721             alkaline flooding          a form of oil recovery in which alkaline chemicals are combined with polymer flooding or are injected during a water flooding; surfactants form when the chemicals react with acids in the crude oil.

12722             alkaline wash              a process by which impurities are removed from kerosene by using a caustic soda or other alkaline solution.

12723             alkaline-earth metal                 any of the elements of Group IIA, which are divalent and strongly basic (though less so than the alkali metals). These include beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, and radium; some classifications do not include beryllium and may also omit magnesium.

12724             Alkalinity                    The capacity of bases to neutralize acid. An example is lime added to lake to decrease acidity.

12725             alkalinity                     the fact of being alkaline; the extent to which a solution has excess hydroxide ions.

12726             alkalize           to make or become alkaline. Also, alkalanize.

12727             alkaloid          any of a large group of naturally occurring organic nitrogenous compounds posessing a broad range of biological and pharmacological properties; usually crystalline solids, but also existing in gum or liquid form. Examples include caffeine, nicotine, cocaine, atropine, quinine, and morphine.any of a large group of naturally occurring organic nitrogenous compounds posessing a broad range of biological and pharmacological properties; usually crystalline solids, but also existing in gum or liquid form. Examples include caffeine, nicotine, cocaine, atropine, quinine, and morphine. relating to or resembling an alkaloid compound. Thus, alkaloidal.relating to or resembling an alkaloid compound. Thus, alkaloidal.

12728             alkalometry                 an analytical method for determining the amount of alkaloids present in a solution.

12729             ALKANES                    알칸류  Aliphatic hydrocarbon CnH2n+2 구조를 가진 탄화수소

12730             Alkar process              a process in which alkylaromatics are produced by the catalytic alkylation of aromatic hydrocarbons with olefins.

12731             ALKENES                    알켄류  Aliphatic hydrocarbon CnH2n 구조를 가진 탄화수소

12732             alkylate           a high-octane alkylate substance added to aviation fuel. Thus, alkylated gasoline.

12733             alkylate bottom           the fraction remaining which boils at a higher temperature than the aviation gasoline which is collected after the distillation of alkylate.

12734             alkylation                    a refinery process in which a high-octane blending component for gasolines is created by chemically combining an isoparaffin and an olefin.

12735             ALKYNES                    알킨류  Aliphatic hydrocarbon CnH2n-2 구조를 가진 탄화수소

12736             ALL PASS LEVEL           전역레벨 : 필터를 통하지 않은 레벨

12737             Allee's principle           the principle that a specific habitat will support an optimal population level for any given species if neither too few nor too many individuals of that species are present in the habitat. Also, Allee's law.

12738             Allegheny subregion                a distinct zoogeographical region that includes the eastern half of the United States and adjacent areas of Canada.

12739             allelochemistry            the study of organic products that stimulate or inhibit other organisms.

12740             Allergen          A substance that causes an allergic reaction in individuals sensitive to it.

12741             ALLERGIC RESPOND                 자극성, 알레르기성 반응

12742             ALLEY SERVICE            골목수거 ; 폐기물 수거방법

12743             allo-               a combining form meaning: another, different, or reversed, as in allogrooming.another, different, or reversed, as in allogrooming. the more stable of two geometrical isomers.the more stable of two geometrical isomers. 3. other; another, as in allomother.other; another, as in allomother. allo-   a combining form meaning: another, different, or reversed, as in allogrooming.another, different, or reversed, as in allogrooming. the more stable of two geometrical isomers.the more stable of two geometrical isomers. 3. other; another, as in allomother.other; another, as in allomother.

12744             allobar            an isotope with a different atomic weight than the naturally occurring form of the same element

12745             allochemical                relating to or being a change in chemical composition.

12746             allochoric                    describing a species that occurs in two or more communities within a given geographical region. Also, allochorous.

12747             allochromatic crystal                a crystal that exhibits various colors as a result of microimpurities within it. Therefore the crystal cannot be identified by its color.

12748             allochthonous             living or growing away from the place of origin; not native.

12749             allogenic                     relating to the replacement of one community by another as a result of changes in the environment. Thus, allogenic succession.

12750             allomerism                  a variation in the chemical composition of a crystal that does not involve a change in its crystalline form. Thus, allomeric.

12751             allomorphism              a variation in crystalline form that does not involve a change in chemical composition. Thus, allomorphic.

12752             allopatric                    relating to or being two taxonomic entities or populations whose ranges are geographically separate and thus cannot interbreed.

12753             allopatry                     the occurrence of allopatric (geographically separated) organisms or species

12754             allotrope                     a substance that exists and is metastable in two or more physical forms over a given temperature range.

12755             allotrophic                  of an organism, obtaining nourishment from other organisms.of an organism, obtaining nourishment from other organisms. of an ecosystem, receiving nutrients from outside the system.of an ecosystem, receiving nutrients from outside the system.

12756             allotrophic lake            a lake that receives organic material by drainage from the surrounding land.

12757             allotropy                     the existence of the same population or species in different habitats. Also, allotropism.

12758             ALLOWABLE EMISSION RATE                    허용배출속도 : 오염물질의 허용가능한 배출속도

12759             ALLOWABLE HEADLOSS            가능한 손실수두;

12760             allowable maximum differential pressure (최대 허용차압)            요소의 성능을 해치는 일없이 사용할 수 있는 필터의 일차측과 이차측과의 최대차압.

12761             allowable maximum temperature (최대 허용 온도)          요소의 성능을 해치는 일없이 사용할 수 있는 최고 온도.

12762             allowable stress           the maximum force per unit area that can be applied to a structure or solid according to some saftey standard. Similarly, allowable load.

12763             Alluvial           Relating to and/or sand deposited by flowing water.

12764             ALMS             Atomic Line Molecular Spectroscopy

12765             alnico magnet             a ferromagnetic material commonly used for permanent magnets due to its high degree of magnetic intensity; the alloy composition is 54% iron, 18% nickel, 10% aluminum, 12% cobalt, and 6% copper.

12766             alpha decay                a type of spontaneous disintegration that takes place within a radioactive nuclide in which the parent nucleus emits an alpha particle (identical with a helium nucleus) at high velocity in one or more discrete energy groups. Also, alpha disintegration.

12767             alpha emission            the release of alpha particles at high velocity from an atom's nucleus as it undergoes radioactive transformation. Thus, alpha emitter.

12768             Alpine or alpine           relating to a mountain area above the timberline, but below the area of permanent snow.relating to a mountain area above the timberline, but below the area of permanent snow. describing an organism, population, or community that lives or thrives in such an area.describing an organism, population, or community that lives or thrives in such an area.

12769             alpine tundra              an extensive region of lightly vegetated but treeless land above the timberline in a mountainous area.

12770             ALR                Action Leakage Rate

12771             alsad              a plant that typically grows in a grove of plants of the same kind.

12772             alsium            an area growing with groves of trees or bushes.

12773             Alternate Method                     Any method of sampling and analyzing for an air or water pollutant that is not a reference or equivalent method but that has been demonstrated in specific cases-to EPA's satisfaction-to produce results adequate for compliance monitoring.

12774             alternating current                   an electric current that reverses direction of flow at regular intervals. Worldwide, virtually all electric power is distributed as sinusoidal alternating current. In North America, the frequency of alternation is 60 hertz.

12775             alternating double filter            a highly effective waste- water treatment apparatus that consists of two cycling biological filters; after the biomass accumulated in the first filter consumes most of the biochemical oxygen demand, the order of filters is reversed.

12776             alternating gradient                  a magnetic field set up by a chain of magnets whose dipoles alternate in sequence.

12777             alternating stress          stress in a material produced by a force acting alternately in opposite directions.

12778             alternating-current coupling                     a coupling that allows the passage of AC signals but blocks DC signals; usually accomplished with a series capacitor.

12779             alternating-current/direct-current              describing an electronic device capable of functioning from either an AC or DC power supply. Also, AC/DC.

12780             alternation of multiplicities law                 the arrangement of the periodic table so that the ascending groups have alternating multiplicities, i.e., even and odd numbers of orbital electrons.

12781             Alternative Compliance             A policy that allows facilities to choose among methods for achieving emission-reduction or risk-reduction instead of command-and control regulations that specify standards and how to meet them. Use of a theoretical emissions bubble over a facility to cap the amount of pollution emitted while allowing the company to choose where and how (within the facility)it complies.(See:bubble, emissions trading.)

12782             ALTERNATIVE COVER                대용 복토제

12783             ALTERNATIVE FUEL                   대체연료

12784             Alternative Fuels          Substitutes for traditional liquid, oil-derived motor vehicle fuels like gasoline and diesel. Includes mixtures of alcohol-based fuels with gasoline, methanol, ethanol, compressed natural gas, and others.

12785             Alternative Remedial Contract Strategy Contractors                 Government contractors who provide project management and technical services to support remedial response activites at National Priorities List sites.

12786             alterne            any of two or more ecological communities alternating in succession with each other in the same area.

12787             altherbosa                   a tall herb community growing up in an area where forest has been cleared away.

12788             ALUM             백반, 명반; 수처리에서 화학적 침전을 위해 칼슘이나 마그네슘 중탄산 알카리도가 있는 하수에 가해지는 화학약품

12789             Aluminum(알루미늄)                 모든 사람들이 음식, 공기, 물로부터 낮은 수준의 알루미늄에 노출되어 있다. 높은 수준의 알루미늄에의 노출은 호흡, 신경 시스템, 뼈에 영향을 미친다. 높은 수준의 알루미늄은 또한 출산시의 결함을 일으킬 수 있다. 알루미늄은 환경보호국(EPA)에 의해 확인된 1,416의 국가적 우선선위 목록(National Priorities List sites) 적어도 489에서 찾아질 수 있다.        알루미늄은 무엇인가?        알루미늄은 자연적으로 생성되며, 지구 표면의 8%를 구성하고 있다. 이는 항상 광물과 바위 같은 지구상의 다른 성분들과 결합되어 발견된다. 알루미늄 금속은 은백색이며 유연하다. 주방 용품, 컨테이너, 기구, 건축 물질에서 종종 사용된다.        이것은 알루미늄 질산염, 산화 알루미늄, 수산화 알루미늄(산 중화물에 사용됨), 알루미늄 chlorohydrate(방취제로 사용됨), 알루미늄 황산염(식수 처리시 사용됨)을 포함하는 몇가지 형태에서 사용된다. 이것은 페인트, 불꽃에 사용되며, 유리, 고무, 세라믹 생산시 사용된다.

12790             alvar               a plant community dominated by mosses and herbs, occurring on shallow limestone soils.

12791             amagmatic                  having no magmatic activity.

12792             AMALGAMATION                     수은과 화합(아말감화)

12793             AMBIENS                    Atmospheric Mass Balance of Industrially Emitted and Natural Sulfur

12794             AMBIENT AIR              환경권대기, 주위 공기.

12795             Ambient Air                Any unconfined portion of the atmosphere:open air, surrounding air.

12796             Ambient Air Quality Standards                  (See:Criteria Pollutants and National Ambient Air Quality Standards.)

12797             AMBIENT AIR QUALITY STANDARDS                     대기질기준  AAQS

12798             Ambient Conditions (주위 조건)                압력과 온도, 진동 같은, 트랜스듀서와 측정기의 주위의 조건.

12799             Ambient Measurement             A measurement of the concentration of a substance or pollutant within the immediate environs of an organism;taken to relate it to the amount of possible exposure.

12800             Ambient Medium                     Materal surrounding or contacting an organism (e.g., outdoor air, indoor air, water, or soil, through which chmicals or pollutants can reach the organism.(See:biological medium, environmental medium.)



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