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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 12401-12500

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 10.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 12401-12500

번호                  용어                  해설

12401             Adverse effect (악영향)             특정물질(, 유해화학물질)에 노출됨에 따라 생물체(동물, 식물)내의 정상적인 기능에 장애를 유발할 수 있는 영향

12402             Adverse Effect Date                  FAFRA requires a pesticide registrant to submit data to EPA on any other infogmation regarding unreasonable adverse effects of a pesticide at any time after its registration

12403             Advisory                     A non-regulatory document that communicates risk information to those who may have to make risk management decisions.

12404             ADVISORY ASSOCIATION          자문협회

12405             adz block                    the section of a wood-planing machine that holds the cutters.

12406             AEA               Atomic Energy Act

12407             AEC               Associate Enforcement Counsels

12408             AEE                Alliance for Environmental Education

12409             AEERL            Air and Energy Engineering Research Laboratory

12410             AEM               Acoustic Emission Monitoring

12411             aeolian tones              high tones such as whistles or howls due to eddies formed in a fluid as it flows around a wire, cable, or pole.

12412             aerate             to expose to air; mix with air.to expose to air; mix with air. to mix with a gas, such as carbon dioxide.to mix with a gas, such as carbon dioxide.  Physiology. to expose to oxygen; oxygenate.  Agronomy. to allow or cause air to enter the soil for the purpose of improving plant growth.

12413             AERATED CHANNEL                 포기 수로

12414             aerated flow                a flow of liquid that contains fine bubbles of air or gas.

12415             Aerated grit chambers              포기식 침사지; 침사지의 종류

12416             AERATED LAGOON                  호기성 라군; 탄소성 유기물 제거에 쓰이는 주요한 부유성장 생물학적 처리공정

12417             Aerated Lagoon           A holding and/or treatment pound that speeds up the natural process of biological decomposition of organic waste by stimulating the growth and activity of bacteria that degrade organic waste.

12418             AERATED PILE              공기주입 퇴비단 공법, =static pile system

12419             AERATED STATIC PILE                포기식 공정관 공법

12420             AERATED WINDROW                포기 퇴비단 공법

12421             Aeration          A process which promotes biological degration of organic matter in water. The process may be passive (as when wast is exposed to air), or active (as when a mixing or bubbling device introduces the air).

12422             aeration cell                a device that generates electromotive force across electrodes that are made of the same material but located in different concentrations of dissolved air. Also, OXYGEN CELL.

12423             aeration number          the mathematical ratio between gas-flow rates and impeller speed and diameter in fermenters; used to analyze aeration-agitation data.

12424             AERATION TANK          포기조

12425             AERE              Air and Energy Engineering Research Laboratory

12426             AERENCHYMAL STRUCTURE                     통기조직

12427             aerial              a radio or television antenna; i.e., a device of wires or metal rods that receives or transmits electromagnetic waves. In technical use antenna is the preferred term.  Botany.  a plant that lives above the surface of the ground or water.a plant that lives above the surface of the ground or water. relating to or describing such a plant.relating to or describing such a plant.  Military Science. of or relating to air warfare or to operations involving aircraft. Thus, aerial observation, aerial bombardment.  Ordnance. of a weapon or missile, launched, dropped, or fired from an aircraft. Thus, aerial bomb,aerial mine,aerial torpedo, aerial dart, and so on.

12428             aerial spud                  a cable that is used to move and anchor a dredge.

12429             aeroacoustics              the study of sound transmission through the air, especially in terms of the effects of environmental noise from machinery, vehicles, aircraft, and so on.

12430             aeroballistics               the study of the motion and behavior of projectiles and high-speed vehicles in the earth's atmosphere.

12431             AEROBIC                     호기성

12432             Aerobic          Life or processes that require, or are not destroyed by, the prescence of oxygen.(See:anaerobic.)

12433             AEROBIC COMPOSTING            호기성퇴비화; 폐기물의 유기물에 대한 생물학적 처리공정의 하나로서, 유기성분을 호기성 미생물의 대사작용으로 유기물을 산화분해시킨다. 최종생산물로는 새로운 세포, 잔류유기물질, 이산화탄소, 물 암모니아, 황산염이온이며, 최종 유기성잔류물질을 퇴비라 한다.

12434             Aerobic digestion processes                     호기성 소화공정; 탄소성 유기물 제거에 쓰이는 주요한 부유성장 생물학적 처리공정

12435             aerobic lagoon            a pond in which sewage that is raw or only partially treated is decomposed by aerobic bacteria.

12436             AEROBIC METABOLISM             호기성 물질대사

12437             Aerobic sludge digestion          호기성 슬러지 소화; 활성슬러지법과 유사하며, 미생물의 내생호흡단계를 이용한다

12438             Aerobic Treatment                    Process by which microbes decompose complex organic compounds in the presence of oxygen and use the liberated energy for reproduction and growth.(Such processes include extended aeration, trickling filtration, and rotating biological contactors.)

12439             aerobic waste treatment            a commercial method of waste water and sewage treatment that alters the biochemical oxygen demand by the growth of aerobic microorganisms.

12440             aerobic-anaerobic                    relating to the process of treating sewage material by means of both aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms.

12441             aerobic-anaerobic interface                      the point at which both aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms participate in a body of sewage sludge or compost; at this point the decomposition of the material goes no further.

12442             aerobic-anaerobic lagoon          a pond containing partially treated or raw waste water where both aerobic and anaerobic stabilization occurs.

12443             AERODYNAMIC           공기 역학의.

12444             AERODYNAMIC DIAMETER                       공기역학적 직경; 움직임이 없는 정체된 공기 중 실제의 분진과 같은 속도로 떨어지면, 단위밀도를 갖는 구형입자의 직경

12445             aerodynamic noise                   noise that is caused by a moving fluid, such as air or another gas, as it flows over a body. Also, aerodynamic sound.

12446             aerodynamic trajectory             the path of a body significantly affected by aerodynamic forces, especially a rocket, missile, or the like.

12447             aerofall mill                 a large-diameter grinding mill with crushing bodies of steel balls, pebbles, or lumps of ore.

12448             aerogenerator              a wind-driven generator designed for commercial use.

12449             aeromagnetic              relating to the earth's magnetic field as studied from the air. Thus, aeromagnetic map, aeromagnetic surveying.

12450             aeromagnetic surveying            the plotting of the earth's magnetic field through the use of airborne electronic magnetometers that are suspended from aircraft.

12451             aeronomy                   the study of the features and phenomena of the upper atmosphere. Thus, aeronomical.

12452             aeropause                   the region of the upper atmosphere in which the air is too rarefied to support commercial aviation; thought of as a transition zone between the atmosphere and space.

12453             Aerosol           1.Small droplets or paticles suspended in the atmosphere, typically containing sulfur. They are usually emited naturally(e.g., in volcanic eruptions)and as the result of anthropogenic (human)activities such as burning fossil fuels. 2. The pressurized gas used to propel substances out of a container.

12454             AEROSOL                    연무질; 매연, 안개, 연무같이 가스내에 미세한 고체 혹은 액체입자가 분산된 것

12455             Aerosol           A finely divided material suspended in air or other gaseous environment.

12456             AEROSOL SIZE DISTRIBUTION                   입자상 물질의 크기분포

12457             aerospace environment             the conditions of the earth's atmosphere in space as encountered by airborne vehicles and missiles.

12458             aerothermodynamic border                      that region of the atmosphere above 100 miles (160 km), which is so rarefied as to create virtually no friction with the surface of a object moving through it.

12459             Aerotolerant anaerobes             내산소성 혐기성 미생물; 엄격한 발효대사를 하지만 분자상태 산소의 존재에 대하여 상대적으로 둔감한 미생물

12460             AEROVANE                 풍향 풍속계 : 풍속을 측정하는 기기

12461             AES                Auger Electron Spectrometry

12462             aestidurilignosa           a deciduous broadleaf forest and bush community in which the trees are leafless in winter.

12463             aestilignosa                 a forest community of mixed evergreen and deciduous hardwoods.

12464             AFA                American Forestry Association

12465             A-factor          a bioregulator produced by Streptomyces griseus and other Streptomyces species; used to induce morphological differentiation and the production of streptomycin in mutant strains that lack this bioregulator.

12466             AFCA              Area Fuel Consumption Allocation

12467             AFCEE            Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence

12468             AFEAS            대체 플로로카본 환경수용성 조사  alternative fluorocarbon environmental acceptability study

12469             AFEJ               Asian Forum of Environmental Journalists (International)

12470             Affected Landfill          Under the Clean Air Act, landfills that meet criteria for capacity, age, and emissions rates set by EPA. They are required to collect and combust their gas emissions. t

12471             Affected Public            1. The people who live and/or work near a hazardous waste site. 2. The human population adversely impacted following exposure to a toxic pollutant in food, water, air, or soil.

12472             affine strain                a strain in the earth in which pressure is equal everywhere along the strain

12473             affinity chromatography            a separation technique that utilizes the ability of biological molecules (mobile phase) to bind to certain ligands that are coupled to a matrix or support (stationary phase).

12474             affinity partitioning                  a procedure for liquid-liquid separation in which one of the liquids is chemically treated to produce a ligand that has a particular affinity for the molecule that is being separated.

12475             Aflatoxin (아플라톡신)               곰팡이 가운데 Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus parasiticus 라는 특정 균주에서 만들어지는 독소. 1960년 영국에서 땅콩사료를 먹은 칠면조 10만 마리 이상이 집단폐사 당한 것을 계기로 처음 알려졌다. 곡물의 저장 상태가 좋지 않을 경우 곰팡이가 오염되어 독소가 생성된다. 아플라톡신은 화학적 구조가 다른 18종이 있는데 그 중 Aflatoxin B1 이 제일 독성이 강하다. 국제암연구소(IARC)에서는 아플라톡신을 인체 발암(특히 간암)을 일으키는 Group1 발암물질로 정의하고 있다.

12476             AFNOR(Association France Normalization)                     프랑스표준협회

12477             AFS                AIRS Facility Subsystem

12478             after top dead center               a reference to a timing mark used on engines when the number one piston is moving down after reaching the top of its stroke.

12479             afterboil          an overheating of an automobile engine after the engine has been turned off.

12480             Afterburner                 In incinerator technology, a burner located so that the combustion gases are made to pass through its flame in order to remove smoke and odor. It may be attached to or be separated from the incinerator proper.

12481             AFTER-BURNER            재연소장치; 증기 소각로의 다른 호칭

12482             aftercondenser            a small heat exchanger used in steam plants to condense motive steam, which allows noncondensable gases to be expelled to the atmosphere.

12483             aftercooler                  a device or chamber for removing heat from compressed air. Thus, aftercooling.

12484             afterfilter                    a filter used to separate fluid streams that contain only minute quantities of solids.

12485             AFUG             AIRS Facility Users Group

12486             AG13 (Ad hoc Group on Article 13)                     1차 당사국총회(COP-1)에서 만들어진 보조기구로 정부가 의무감축 이행 시 어려운 점들을 극복하는데 어떻게 도움을 줄 것인가를 연구한다

12487             AG13 [Ad hoc Group on Article 13]                     1차 당사국총회(COP-1)에서 만들어진 보조기구로 정부가 의무감축 이행 시 어려운 점들을 극복하는데 어떻게 도움을 줄 것인가를 연구한다.

12488             agarose gel electrophoresis                      a method for fractionating DNA fragments under the influence of an electric field.

12489             age distribution           the number or percentage of individuals in various age groups within a given population. Also, age composition, age structure.

12490             age of diurnal inequality           the time elapsed between the maximum semimonthly declination of the moon (north or south) and the time at which that declination has its greatest effect on the range of the tides or the speed of tidal currents. Also, age of diurnal tide.

12491             age of parallax inequality          the time elapsed between the perigee of the moon's orbit and the time it takes that orbit to have its maximum effect on the range of the tides or speed of the tidal currents.

12492             age of phase inequality             the time elapsed between the new or full moon and the time it takes these phases to have their maximum effect on the range of tides or the speed of tidal currents.

12493             Age Tank                    A tank used to store a chemical solution of known concentration for feed to a chemical feeder. Also called a day tanj.

12494             AGENDA 21                의제 21; 1992 6월 브라질 리우데자네이로에서 채택된 지속가능한 개발을 실현하기 위한 국제적 지침으로 21세기를 향한 지구인의 행동지침의 성격을 띄고 있음

12495             Agent             Any physical, chmical, or bioligical entity that can be harmful to an organism (synonymous with stressor).

12496             Agent Orange             A TOXIC HERBICIDE AND DEFOLIANT USED IN THE vIETNAM CONFLICT, CONTAINING 2,4,5-TRICHLOROPHEN-OXYACETIC ACID (2,4,5-T) and 2-4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) with trace amounts of dioxin.

12497             AGGLOMERATION                    응집; 콜로이드 현탁을 여과할 수 있는 고체로 바꾸는 과정

12498             aggregate recoil           the release of atoms from the surface of radioactive material, occurring primarily during -particle decay when kinetic energy is transferred from the -particle.

12499             aggregate structure                  a mass composed of separate crystals or grains that are eclipsed when viewed under a polarizing microscope at different intervals while the stage is rotated.

12500             aggressive                   describing a magma or magmatic intrusion that forces its way into place. Also, INVASIVE.

