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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 12601-12700

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 10.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 12601-12700

번호                  용어                  해설

12601             air outlet                    a device at the end of a duct that supplies air to a conditioned space in a ventilation system.

12602             Air Padding                 Pumping dry air into a container to assist with the withdrawal of liquid or to force a liquefied gas such as chlorine out of the container.

12603             Air Permeability           Permeability of soil with respect to air, Important to the design of soil-gas surveys. Measured in darcys or centimeters-per-second.

12604             AIR PIPING                  송기관

12605             Air Plenum                  Any Space used to convey air in a building, furnace, or structure. The space above a suspended ceiling is often used as an air plenum.

12606             Air Pollutant                Any substance in air that could, in high enough concentration, harm man, other animals, vegetation, or material. Pollutants may include almost any natural or artificial composition of airborne matter capable of being airborne.They may be in the form of solid particles, liquid droplets, gases,or in combination thereof. Generally, they fall into two main groups: (1) those emitted directly from identifiable sources and (2) those produced in the air by interaction between two or more primary pollutants, or by reaction with normal atmospheric constituents, with or without photoactivation. Exclusive of pollen, fog, and dust, which are of natural origin, about 100contaminants have been identified. Air pollutants are often grouped in categories for ease in classification; some of he categories are : solids, sulfur compounds, oxygen compounds, halogen compounds, radioactive compound, and odors. Air Pollution : The presence of contaminants or pollutant substances in the air that interfere with human health or welfare, or welfare, or produce other harmful environmental effects.

12607             AIR POLLUTANTS                     대기오염물질 : 어떤 과정으로든 공기를 오염시키는 물질들

12608             air pollution                a general term for the contamination of the atmosphere by wastes from such sources as industrial burning and automobile exhausts. Thus, air pollutant.

12609             AIR POLLUTION ACT                대기오염관리법

12610             Air Pollution Control Device                     Mechanism or equipment that cleans emissions generated a source (e.g., an incinerator, industrial smokestack, or an automobile exhaust system) by removing pollutants that would otherwise be released to the atmosphere.

12611             AIR POLLUTION ENGINEERING                 대기오염 공학

12612             Air Pollution Episode                A period of abnormally high concentration of air pollutants, often due to low winds and temperature inversion, that can cause illness and death. (See: episode, pollution.)

12613             air preheater               a device in steam boilers that transfers heat from flue gases to the combustion air before entering the combustion chamber, thus increasing flame temperatures, returning utilizable heat to the furnace, and increasing furnace efficiency.

12614             air pump                    a centrifugal or reciprocating pump used to add or remove air from an enclosed space, or to remove condensate from the condenser of a steam plant.

12615             air purge                    elimination of particulates from air within an enclosed system by the displacement of air.elimination of particulates from air within an enclosed system by the displacement of air. removal of air from a piping system or hot water heating system.removal of air from a piping system or hot water heating system.

12616             Air Quality Control Region                      

12617             Air Quality Criteria                   The level of pollution and lengths of exposure above which adverse health and welfare effaects may occur.

12618             AIR QUALITY MODEL                대기질 모델

12619             AIR QUALITY MONITORING DATA             대기오염도 조사

12620             Air Quality Standards               The level of pollutants prescribed by regulations that are not be exceeded during a given time in a defined area.

12621             air regulator                any device for regulating the flow or pressure in a system, as in the burner of a furnace.

12622             air reheater                 a device that heats the return air for reuse in an air-conditioning system.a device that heats the return air for reuse in an air-conditioning system. any device in a heating system that heats or reheats circulating air.any device in a heating system that heats or reheats circulating air.

12623             AIR RISC                     Air Risk Information Support Center

12624             air screw                     an older term for an aircraft propeller, especially in British use.

12625             air separator               a device that uses a current of air to separate particles by density or by size.

12626             air shooting                a technique for sending seismic pulses through a given area of the earth by detonating explosives in the air above the surface

12627             AIR SPARGING             공기주입법; 포화층내 오염물질을 제거하기 위해 공기를 주입하 여 주변의 가스추출정으로 휘발성오염물질을 제거하는 토양복원기술

12628             Air Sparging                Injecting air or oxygen into an aquifer to strip or flush volatile contaminants as air bubbles up through The ground water and is captured by a vapor extraction system.

12629             air spring                    a type of shock absorber used in automobiles that consists of a plunger operating in a cylinder containing oil and compressed air.

12630             AIR STRIPPING             공기탈기; Air sparging  과 같은 의미로 쓰임

12631             Air Stripping               A treatment system that removes volatile organic compounds(VOCs) from contaminated ground water or surface water by forcing an airstream through the water and causing the compounds to evaporate.

12632             air sweetening             a process to oxidize lead mercaptides to disulfides, using oxygen or air.

12633             air system                   a refrigeration system using air as the working fluid, in which air is compressed and the heat of compression is dissipated, while the air is being chilled by expansion and the performance of work.

12634             AIR TEMPERATURE LAPSE RATE                기온감률

12635             AIR TOXICS                 대기독성물질

12636             Air Toxics                    Any air pollutant for which a national ambient air quality standard(NAAQS) dose not exit (i.e., excluding ozone, carbon monoxide, PM-10,sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide) that may reasonably be anticipated to cause cancer; respiratory, cardiovascular, or developmental effects; reproductive dysfunctions, neurological disorders, heritable gene mutations, or other serious or irreversible chronic or acute health effects in humans.

12637             air valve          any valve that serves to control air passage.any valve that serves to control air passage. specifically, a valve that is located at the highest point in a liquid-carrying pipeline, and that automatically lets air in or out when the internal pressure of the accumulated air has reached atmospheric pressure.specifically, a valve that is located at the highest point in a liquid-carrying pipeline, and that automatically lets air in or out when the internal pressure of the accumulated air has reached atmospheric pressure.

12638             air volcano                  a type of mud volcano from which large volumes of gas, in addition to mud and stones, are given off.

12639             air washer                   a device that sprays water into an air stream to heat, cool, humidify or dehumidify the air.a device that sprays water into an air stream to heat, cool, humidify or dehumidify the air. a unit that removes particulates and impurities from the air by spraying the air stream with liquid.a unit that removes particulates and impurities from the air by spraying the air stream with liquid.

12640             Air/Oil Table                The surface between the vadose zone and ambient oil; the pressure of oil in the porous medium is equal to atmospheric pressure.

12641             AIR/VACUUM RELIEF VALVE                      공기/진공조절밸브

12642             air-aspirator valve                    a one-way air intake valve on some automotive engines, installed on the exhaust manifold, that provides extra oxygen to the exhaust to convert carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide.

12643             airbag or air bag          a passive-restraint safety device for automobile passengers, consisting of a large bag that instantaneously inflates to provide cushioning during the impact of a collision.

12644             air-blast circuit breaker (switch)                 an electric switch that, as it opens, uses a high-pressure gas blast to break the arc.

12645             Airborne Particulates                Total suspended particulate matter found in the atmosphere as solid particles or liquid droplets. Chemical composition of particulates varies widely, depending on location and time of year.

12646             Airborne Release          Release of any pollutant into the air.

12647             AIRBORNE SOUND                  공기음 : 음원에서 직접 공기중으로 방사되고, 체적탄성파로서 전하는음

12648             airborne waste             a collective term for various contaminating substances, such as dust, smoke, fumes, or vapors, set aloft into the atmosphere as a result of combustion and chemical processes. Also, airborne pollutants.

12649             air-breathing               of an engine or aerodynamic vehicle, requiring air for combustion purposes. Thus, air-breathing missile, air-breather.

12650             air-condition               to supply a building, room, or other enclosure with air conditioning. to treat air by means of air conditioning. Thus, air-conditioned.to supply a building, room, or other enclosure with air conditioning. to treat air by means of air conditioning. Thus, air-conditioned.

12651             air-cooled                   cooled by a stream of air rather than by water or another liquid coolant. Thus, air-cooled engine.

12652             air-cure           to harden or vulcanize at room temperature without the help of heat.  Materials Science.

12653             air-cushion vehicle                   a transportation craft that rides on a cushion of air over water and relatively level land, with the air pressure under the vehicle maintained by rotors or fans. Also, GROUND-EFFECT MACHINE.

12654             air-depolarized battery              a primary battery that is kept depolarized by atmospheric oxygen instead of chemical compounds.

12655             air-earth conduction current                     the part of the air-earth current that is generated by the electrical conduction of the atmosphere.

12656             air-earth current          the natural transfer of electrical charge between the positively charged atmosphere and the negatively charged earth.

12657             air-fall deposition                     the accumulation of layered airborne volcanic debris following an explosive eruption.

12658             AIRFOIL BLADE FAN                 비행기 날개형 송풍기 : 원심력 송풍기의 유형

12659             AIRFOLD BLADE           비행기날개형

12660             AIR-FUEL RATIO           공연비

12661             airglow           the fairly steady emission of light found in the middle and lower latitudes, caused by the absorption of energy by certain molecules of the upper atmosphere during the day that is then released at night in the form of radiant light.

12662             air-injection (system)                a system used primarily in diesel engines in which a fuel pump controls the amount of fuel flowing into the injection valve; the valve then opens mechanically, and compressed air drives the fuel charge and some air into the combustion chamber.

12663             airless injection            an internal-combustion system in which a high-pressure fuel pump injects fuel directly into the cylinder, without the aid of compressed air.

12664             airlift              a system or device for lifting dry, fine granular material or powder through pipes, using compressed air as the fluidizing medium.a system or device for lifting dry, fine granular material or powder through pipes, using compressed air as the fluidizing medium.

12665             airlift fermenter           a bioreactor, used for aerobic fermentation, in which a plant or animal cell suspension is kept mixed and aerated by the introduction of air at the base of the central draft tube.

12666             airlift hammer             a double-acting, gravity-drop power hammer that uses an air cylinder to raise the ram; used in drop forging for roughing out heavy forgings in foundry work. Also, AIR HAMMER.

12667             airlift pump                 a device for extracting water or another liquid from a well or borehole, consisting of two concentric tubes; the inner tube is charged with compressed air and submerged in the liquid, thus forcing a mixture of air and liquid up through the outer pipe.

12668             air-mixing plenum                    a compartment in which a recirculating air supply is mixed with incoming outdoor air before being discharged to an air-conditioning system.

12669             AIRMON                     Atmospheric Integrated Research Monitoring Network

12670             AIR-NITROGEN            공기질소 : 질소산화물이 배출되는 경로로서, 가연물질을 연소시키기 위한 산소공급원인 공기의 공급으로 인한 질소

12671             AIRS               Aerometric Information Retrieval System

12672             air-standard engine                  a heat engine that operates in an air-standard cycle, so that its performance or efficiency may be compared to other engines. Thus, air-standard efficiency.

12673             air-suspension encapsulation                    a method for microencapsulation of different types of solid particles. The particles go through cycles in which they are suspended by a vertical current of air while they are sprayed with a coating material; they are then floated by the airstream to another zone for a drying treatment.

12674             air-suspension system               the intermediate parts of an automotive vehicle between the frame and wheels that support the vehicle's frame and body with a cushion of air to absorb road shock, as with an air spring.

12675             AIR-TO-CLOTH RATIO               공기/여과재 비율

12676             Airy isostasy                a theory that explains the hydrostatic equilibrium of the Earth's surface by stating that mountains float on a base of fluid lava higher than do other features of the Earth's crust, and that the mass and roots of mountains increase along with their height.

12677             Airy phase                  an acoustic wave produced by an explosion occurring in a bed of shallow water having a flat bottom.

12678             Airy stress function                  a biharmonic function whose second partial derivatives with respect to spatial coordinates give the components of stresses in a homogeneous linear elastic material.

12679             aithalophilous              thriving in evergreen thicket environments. Thus, aithalophile, aithalophyte.

12680             aktology          the study of the conditions, sediments, or life of inshore or shallow water areas. Thus, aktological.

12681             AL                 Acceptable Level

12682             ALA               Delta-Aminolevulinic Acid

12683             Alachlor          A herbicide, marketed under the trade name Lasso, used mainly to control weeds in corn and soy-bean fields.

12684             ALA-O            Delta-Aminolevulinic Acid Dehydrates

12685             ALAPO           Association of Local Air Pollution Control Officers

12686             Alar               Trade name for daminozide, a pesticide that makes apples redder, firmer, and less likely to drop off trees before growers are ready to pick them. It is also used to a lesser extent on peanuts, tart cherries, concord grapes, and other fruits.

12687             ALARA           As Low As Reasonably Achievable

12688             ALBEDO          알베도  입사에너지에 대하여 반사되는 에너지의 비

12689             albedo particles           any particles freed from the earth's atmosphere by the effect of radiant energy from space. Also, albedo neutrons.

12690             Alberger process          a process for manufacturing salt by heating brine under high pressure, then passing it to a graveler to remove calcium sulfate.

12691             Albert's stain               a dye or stain used to detect metachromatic granules; a mixture of toluidine blue and malachite green is added to ethanol and acetic acid.

12692             Albuminoid nitrogen                알부미노이드성 질소; 암모니아성 질소로 되기적전의 분해되기 쉬운 상태의 질소화합물

12693             ALC                Application Limiting Constituent

12694             alchemy          a pseudoscience that existed from about 500 BC to about 1600 AD, and widely practiced in Europe in the Middle Ages. It was primarily concerned with attempts to transform base metals into gold and discover a universal cure for disease. Alchemy involved the experimental analysis of various materials and thus can be regarded as the forerunner of the modern science of chemistry.

12695             Alclad             a trade name for a compound that is highly resistant to seawater corrosion, made from the aluminum alloy, duralumin, with a pure aluminum coating

12696             alcogel           a colloidal gel made with alcosol.

12697             ALCOHOL THERMOMETER                       알코올온도계 : 온도를 측정하는 기기

12698             alcosol           a solution made with a mixture of a colloid and an alcohol.

12699             Aldicarb          An insecticide sold under the trade name Temik. It is made from ethyl isocyanate.

12700             ALE                CFC 의 대기중 수명측정 실험  atmospheric lifetime experiment



페인팅 스몰미 15세트 (painting smallME, 컬러링 스몰미) 페인팅스몰미, 미술교육. 창의력교육. 색칠

[스몰미 와 아트리트] 나만의 작은 나. 스몰미, 색다른 자기표현. smallME.



