환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 12501-12600
번호 용어 해설
12501 ◆ aggressive carbon dioxide ◆ the amount of carbon dioxide soluble in water beyond that needed to cause a specific concentration of calcium ions to precipitate as calcium carbonate; used as a measure of the scaling properties and corrosivity of water.
12502 ◆ agitate ◆ to move or shake a material vigorously, especially so as to mix it with another material.
12503 ◆ AGITATED BED ◆ 교반상 반응조
12504 ◆ AGITATED SOLIDS BED SYSTEM ◆ 뒤집기식퇴비화; 퇴비화공정중Nonreactor system 형태로서 Windrow composting 이라 불리움
12505 ◆ AGITATION ◆ 휘저음, 교반.
12506 ◆ agitator ◆ a mechanical device used to maintain fluidity and plasticity, and to prevent segregation of liquids and solids in liquids, such as concrete and mortar.
12507 ◆ agitator body ◆ a truck-mounted drum for transporting concrete or other semifluid materials, containing blades that are rotated to agitate the contents. Thus, agitating truck.
12508 ◆ agium ◆ a beach habitat or beach community. Also, AIGIALIUM.
12509 ◆ agonic line ◆ an imaginary line through all points on the earth's surface at which the magnetic declination is zero; the locus at which magnetic north coincides with true north.
12510 ◆ agonist ◆ an agent capable of stimulating a biological response by occupying cell receptors.
12511 ◆ AGP (algal growth potential) ◆ 자연수 ·처리수 등이 가지고 있는 조류(藻類)의 생산력. 조류증식 잠재능력(藻類增殖潛在能力)의 약칭이다. 최대조류증식량(단위 mg/ℓ)으로 나타낸다. 이 방법은 폐수처리 분야에서 유효하게 이용할 수 있고, 방류수역(放流水域)의 부영양화에 미치는 처리수의 영향, 부영양화 여러 가지 영양염류에 의하여 일어나는 부영양화(富營養化)의 지표로 쓰인다. 시료(試料)에 조류를 접종하고 이상적인 조건하에서 일정기간 배양하여, 그때의 방지를 위한 3차 처리수질의 검토에도 응용할 수 있다.
12512 ◆ AGR ◆ Asian Forum of Environmental Journalists (International)
12513 ◆ agrad ◆ a term for a cultivated plant, as opposed to one growing wild.
12514 ◆ agravic ◆ having no gravitation.
12515 ◆ AGREEMENT ON AGRICULTURE ◆ 농업협정문 : 농산물무역분야에 대한 개혁의 기초를 마련한 협정
12516 ◆ AGREEMENT ON ESTABLISHING THE WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION ◆ 세무역기구 설립협정 : 세계경제헌법이라고 할 수 있으며, 전문과 총 16개 조문으로 구성되어 있고 세계무역기구의 기능, 구조, 조직, 가입 및 탈퇴, 의결방법등을 규정하고, UR협상의 결과인 17개 다자간 무역협정및 4개의 다각적 무역협정을 부속협정으로 포함하고 있음
12517 ◆ AGREEMENT ON IMPORT LICENSING PROCEDURES ◆ 수입허가절차에 관한 협정 : 수입업자가 수입국정부로 부터 수입허가를 얻는 과정을 간소화하고 투명성, 공평성의 확보를 목적으로 한 협정
12518 ◆ AGREEMENT ON SUBSIDIES AND COUNTERVAILING MEASURES, UR ◆ 보조금 및 상계조치협정 : 보조금 및 상계관세에 관련된 GATT규율의 개선을 목적으로 보조금의 종류를 무역 왜곡 효과에 따라 구분하고 이에 상응하는 규제조치를 마련하는 한편, 금지보조금 및 허용보조금의 범위와 기준등을 제시하고 있음
12519 ◆ AGREEMENT ON TECHNICAL BARRIERS TO TRADE ◆ 무역에 대한 기술장벽 협정 : TBT, 어떤 상품의 기술명세에 대한 기준의 차이에 따라 발생할 수 있는 국가간의 상품이동에 대한 비관세장벽을 기술장벽이라고 함
12520 ◆ AGREEMENT ON THE APPLICATION OF SANITARY AND PHYTOSANITARY MEASURES ◆ 위생 및 검역규제 협정 : 동물, 식물, 인간의 생명과 건강을 보호하기 위해 필요한 규제조치를 채택 또는 시행할 수 있으나, 동조치가 동일조건의 국가간에 자의적이고 불공정하게 차별되거나 국제교역에 위장된 제한수단으로의 이용을 예방하기 위한 협정
12521 ◆ agrichemical ◆ a chemical or chemical product used in farming, such as a pesticide or herbicide.
12522 ◆ agricultural ◆ of, relating to, or used in farming.
12523 ◆ agricultural chemistry ◆ the use of chemical substances for agricultural purposes, such as enrichment of the soil, destruction of insect pests, and control of plant and animal diseases.
12524 ◆ agricultural climatology ◆ the study of climatic conditions and their relationship to the production of specific strains or varieties of crops, as in the development of drought-resistant grasses for areas of low rainfall. Also, agroclimatology.
12525 ◆ agricultural meteorology ◆ the use of meteorological information for agricultural purposes, as in the protection of crops from a predicted frost. Also, agrometeorology.
12526 ◆ Agricultural Pollution ◆ Farming wastes, including runoff and leaching of pesticides and fertilizers; erosion and from plowing ; improper disposal of animal manure and carcasses; crop residues, and debris.
12527 ◆ agrium ◆ a wildlife community on cultivated land or on other land subject to significant human activity.
12528 ◆ agrochemical ◆ ㆍ a chemical used to improve the quality of farm products.a chemical used to improve the quality of farm products. ㆍ of or relating to the use of chemicals in :of or relating to the use of chemicals in :
12529 ◆ agroecology ◆ the study of the relationship between the environment and agricultural crops. Thus, agroecological.
12530 ◆ Agroecosystem ◆ Land used for crops, pasture, and livestock; the adjacent uncultivated land that supports other vegetation and wildlife; and the associated atmosphere, the underlying soils, groundwater, and drainage networks.
12531 ◆ agroecosystem ◆ the ecological relationships of agriculture in general or of a particular agricultural locale. Similarly, agroenvironment. Also, AGROSYSTEM.
12532 ◆ AGT ◆ 평균지구온도 average global temperature
12533 ◆ AH ◆ Allowance Holders
12534 ◆ AHERA ◆ Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act
12535 ◆ AHERA Designated Person (ADP) ◆ A person designated by a Local Education Agency to ensure that the AHERA requirements for asbestos management and abatement are properly implemented.
12536 ◆ AHU ◆ Air Handling Unit
12537 ◆ AI ◆ Active Ingredient
12538 ◆ AI(articulation INDEX) ◆ 명료도 지수
12539 ◆ AIC ◆ Active to Inert Conversion
12540 ◆ AICUZ ◆ Air Installation Compatible Use Zones
12541 ◆ AID ◆ Agency for International Development
12542 ◆ aigialophilous ◆ thriving in beach environments. Thus, aigialophile, aigialophyte.
12543 ◆ AIHC ◆ American Industrial Health Council
12544 ◆ aiming screw ◆ a screw on an automotive vehicle that secures a headlight and allows it to be aimed vertically and horizontally.
12545 ◆ AIP ◆ Auto Ignition Point
12546 ◆ aiphyllophilous ◆ thriving in evergreen woodland environments. Thus, aiphyllophile, aiphyllophyte.
12547 ◆ AIR ◆ air-injection reactor, a system installed in an automotive engine that mixes fresh air with exhaust gases in the exhaust manifold, causing reaction with any escaped and unburned or partially burned fuel from the cylinders.
12548 ◆ Air activated sludge ◆ 활성슬러지; 활성슬러지조에서 나오는 슬러지
12549 ◆ AIR BALANCE ◆ 공기수지(평형) : 공기에 대한 물질평형
12550 ◆ Air Basin ◆ A land area with generally similar meteorological and geographic conditions throughout. To the extent possible, air basin boundaries are defined along political boundary lines and include both the source and receptor areas. California is currently divided into 15 air basins.
12551 ◆ air battery ◆ a connected group of air cells
12552 ◆ air belt ◆ a pressure-equalizing chamber in a cupola or furnace.
12553 ◆ Air Binding ◆ Situation where air enters the filter media and harms both the filtration and backwash processes.
12554 ◆ air bleeder ◆ ㆍ a small air valve in an automotive engine that allows the air-to-fuel mixture to be varied.a small air valve in an automotive engine that allows the air-to-fuel mixture to be varied. ㆍ a valve or device for removing air from a hydraulic system. Also, air bleed.a valve or device for removing air from a hydraulic system. Also, air bleed.
12555 ◆ air brake ◆ ㆍ a mechanism operated by compressed air acting on a piston that is used to stop or slow a moving element.a mechanism operated by compressed air acting on a piston that is used to stop or slow a moving element. ㆍ an absorption-type dynamometer that dissipates power through the rotation of a fan or like device.an absorption-type dynamometer that dissipates power through the rotation of a fan or like device.
12556 ◆ AIR BUBBLE SCREEN ◆ 기폭 스크린
12557 ◆ air burst ◆ a geophysical technique in which an air gun towed by a seismographic vessel releases bursts of compressed air to produce sound waves; air bursts are not detrimental to marine life as are explosive charges.
12558 ◆ air bypass valve ◆ a valve through which air is allowed to flow as an alternative to passage through the normal piping. Also, DIVERTER VALVE.
12559 ◆ air cap ◆ a device that forms and directs a pattern of air in the atomization of various spray materials.
12560 ◆ air capacitor ◆ a capacitor using air as the dielectric material between its plates. Also, AIR CONDENSER.
12561 ◆ air cell ◆ a cell where a positive electrode is depolarized chemically by oxygen reduction.
12562 ◆ air chamber ◆ any chamber or compartment filled with air, especially one installed on a piston pump or reciprocating pump to equalize the pressure and flow of the pumped fluid.
12563 ◆ Air Changes Per Hour(ACH) ◆ The movement of a volume of air in a given period of time ; if a house has one air change per hour, it means that the air in the house will be replaced in a one-hour period.
12564 ◆ air check ◆ a recording of a broadcast signal from a radio station in order to log the effective range of the signal.
12565 ◆ AIR CLASSIFICATION ◆ 풍력선별기; 폐기물처리공정중 밀도차선별에 이용되는 장비
12566 ◆ air classifier ◆ a device that uses currents of air to sort particles by size, or to separate coarse material from finer dust. Also, air elutriator.
12567 ◆ Air Cleaning ◆ Indoor-air quality-control strategy to remove various airborne particulates and/or gases from the air. Most common methods are particulate filtration, electrostatic precipitation, and gas sorption.
12568 ◆ air compressor ◆ a machine that draws in air at one pressure, compresses it by increasing its density, then delivers it at a higher pressure. Thus, air-compressor valve.
12569 ◆ air condenser ◆ ㆍ an air-steam heat exchanger that uses air to condense the steam. Also, air-cooled condenser.an air-steam heat exchanger that uses air to condense the steam. Also, air-cooled condenser. ㆍ a device that removes vapors from a compressed-air line.a device that removes vapors from a compressed-air line.
12570 ◆ air conditioner ◆ ㆍ any device that modifies or controls one or more aspects of air, such as its temperature, relative humidity, purity, or motion.any device that modifies or controls one or more aspects of air, such as its temperature, relative humidity, purity, or motion. ㆍ such a device used in a building, room, vehicle, or other enclosed area to maintain the air therein at a comfortably cool and dry level.such a device used in a building, room, vehicle, or other enclosed area to maintain the air therein at a comfortably cool and dry level.
12571 ◆ air conditioning ◆ the maintenance of air in enclosed spaces to control factors such as its temperature, relative humidity, and flow, with consideration given also for removing impurities, such as dust and contaminant gases. Also, CLIMATE CONTROL.
12572 ◆ Air Contaminant ◆ Any particulate matter, gas, or combination thereof, other than water vapor.(See: air pollutant.)
12573 ◆ air curtain ◆ a continuous broad stream of high-velocity, temperature-controlled air circulated across a doorway or other opening, to reduce airflow in or out of the space, exclude insects, and so on.
12574 ◆ Air Curtain ◆ A method of containing oil spills. Air bubbling through a perforated pipe causes an upward water flow that slows the spread of oil. It can also be used to stop fish from entering polluted water.
12575 ◆ air cushion ◆ ㆍ a shock-absorbing cushion of air.a shock-absorbing cushion of air. ㆍ a mechanical device that arrests motion without shock, by trapping or compressing air.a mechanical device that arrests motion without shock, by trapping or compressing air.
12576 ◆ air cycle ◆ a refrigeration cycle using air as the working fluid, characterized by alternate expansion and compression of the air itself, rather than by a conventional refrigerant. Also, ROVAC CYCLE.
12577 ◆ air cylinder ◆ any cylinder that uses air to drive a piston, or that contains and compresses air.
12578 ◆ AIR DAMPER ◆ 공기조절장치
12579 ◆ AIR DIFFUSER ◆ 산기장치
12580 ◆ AIR DILUTION ◆ 공기희석법 : 고온의 공기를 냉각시키는 가장 손쉬운 방법
12581 ◆ air discharge ◆ ㆍ a type of lightning discharge that branches toward the ground but dissipates in the subcloud layer.a type of lightning discharge that branches toward the ground but dissipates in the subcloud layer. ㆍ an infrequently occurring electrical discharge that develops above an electrical storm.an infrequently occurring electrical discharge that develops above an electrical storm.
12582 ◆ air drilling ◆ a form of drilling in which compressed air or gas is the circulation medium.
12583 ◆ air ejector ◆ an air-removing device, as found in condensers, that uses a jet of fluid to entrain and thus remove the noncondensable gases.
12584 ◆ air eliminator ◆ a device in a steam distribution system that opens when air or other noncondensables reach it, and closes if water or steam is present in the vent body, for the purposes of removing the noncondensables from the system.
12585 ◆ air engine ◆ a heat engine actuated by compressed air.
12586 ◆ Air Exchange Rate ◆ The rate at which outside air replaces indoor air in a given space.
12587 ◆ AIR FLOATATION ◆ 공기부상분리; 대기압하에서 폭기시키는 방법
12588 ◆ air gap ◆ in an offshore drilling operation, the distance between the surface level of the ocean and the bottom of the base of the drilling platforms.
12589 ◆ Air Gap ◆ Open vertical gap or empty space that separates drinking water supply to be protected from another water system in a treatment plant or other location. The open gap protects the drinking water from contamination by backflow or back siphonage.
12590 ◆ air handling ◆ the circulation or mixing of air by an air conditioning unit.
12591 ◆ Air Handling Unit ◆ Equipment that includes a fan or blower, heating and/or cooling coils, regulator controls, condensate drain pans, and air filters.
12592 ◆ air hoist ◆ a lifting tackle, tugger, or air winch, operated by compressed air lifting a piston in a cylinder. Also, PNEUMATIC HOIST.
12593 ◆ air horn ◆ the air inlet of a carburetor in an automotive engine that is controlled by the choke plate and the throttle plate, usually streamlined or contoured to decrease inlet losses and turbulence.
12594 ◆ air horsepower ◆ the theoretical minimum power required for air delivery by a fan, blower, compressor, or vacuum pump with no losses. Also, AIR POWER.
12595 ◆ AIR INJECTORS ◆ 공기주입기
12596 ◆ air inlet ◆ a device or opening through which air is exhausted from or discharged into a conditioned space, as in grilles, registers, diffusers, and slots in an air-conditioning system.
12597 ◆ air leakage ◆ ㆍ the uncontrolled, inward flow of air through cracks in a building element and around the doors of a building or structure, caused by the pressure effects of wind or the indoor-outdoor air density difference.the uncontrolled, inward flow of air through cracks in a building element and around the doors of a building or structure, caused by the pressure effects of wind or the indoor-outdoor air density difference. ㆍ the air that escapes from a joint coupling in ductwork. Also, air infiltration.the air that escapes from a joint coupling in ductwork. Also, air infiltration.
12598 ◆ Air Mass ◆ A large volume of air with certain meteorological or polluted characteristics--e.g., a heat inversion or smogginess--while in one location. The characteristics can change as the air mass moves away.
12599 ◆ Air Monitoring ◆ (See : monitoring)
12600 ◆ air motor ◆ any device in which the rotation of a rotor or the motion of a piston is actuated by compressed air.
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