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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 29701-29800

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 14.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 29701-29800

번호                  용어                  해설

29701             TRANSMISSIVITY          투과능, 전도 계수

29702             Transmissivity              The ability of an aquifer to transmit water.

29703             TRANSMISSOMETER                 시정측정계 : 가시거리를 측정하는 기기

29704             transmit-receive tube                in a radar system waveguide, a gas-filled tube that functions as an automatic switching device to connect the radar transmitter to the antenna when the transmitter is producing an output; at all other times it directs echos received from the antenna to the receiver. Also, DUPLEXER, TR TUBE, TR BOX.

29705             transmittance              the amount of radiant energy transmitted by a sample being analyzed during absorption spectroscopy.

29706             TRANSPARENCY           투명도

29707             transpassive region                  the portion of an anodic polarization curve in which a metal anode becomes inert.

29708             Transpiration               The process by which water vapor is lost to the atmosphere from living plants. The term can also be applied to the quantity of water thus dissipated. Transportation Control Measures (TCMs): Steps taken by a locality to reduce vehicular emission and improve air quality by reducing or changing the flow of traffic; e.g., bus and HOV lanes, carpooling and other forms of ride-shairing, public transit, bicycle lanes.

29709             transponder                an electronic device that emits a radio code in response to a detected radar signal; the response is detected by the radar and provides additional information to the radar operator.

29710             transponder set           a piece of navigation or military identification equipment consisting of a transmitter and receiver that transmits the appropriate reply whenever it receives the proper coded interrogating signal from a distant station, such as a ship or aircraft.

29711             transponder suppressed time delay                     the inherent time delay between the receipt of an interrogation signal and transmission of a reply signal from a transpondertransrectification: the rectification that occurs in one circuit due to the application of an alternating voltage applied to another circuit.

29712             TRANSPORT PROCESS              이동과정

29713             transport vehicle          any vehicle used to move people or cargo.

29714             Transporter                 Hauling firm that picks up properly packaged and labeled hazardous waste from generators and transports it to designated facilities for treatment, storage, or disposal. Transporters are subject to EPA and DOT hazardous waste regulations.

29715             transrectification characteristic                  a family of curves showing the degree of transrectification that occurs in an electron tube for several values of applied alternating voltage; each curve plots the DC voltage-current curve for an electrode at different values of AC voltage applied to a different electrode, with voltages on all other electrodes held constant.

29716             transrectifier                a device, typically an electron tube, in which rectification takes place in the circuit on one electrode when an alternating voltage is applied to another electrode.

29717             transverse electromagnetic wave               an electromagnetic wave in which both the electric and magnetic field vectors are everywhere perpendicular to the direction of propagation.

29718             transverse interference                interference caused by coupling between adjacent wires or components

29719             transverse magnetoresistance                   an effect in which an electric current perpendicular to a magnetic field gives rise to a potential gradient along the direction of the current.

29720             transverse recording                 a method of magnetic tape recording of television signals using rotating, quadruple-pickup recording heads that are set at right angles to the tape surface.

29721             transverse vibration                     vibration of a rod in which the motion is perpendicular to its axis.

29722             TRANSVERSE WAVE                  횡파, 전단파

29723             TRANSVERSE WAVE SHEAR WAVE             횡파 : 매질중 각 점의 입자변위의 방향이 전파방향에 대해 수직인 파

29724             trap               a device that reduces the effect of the vapor pressure of oil or mercury on the high-vacuum side of a diffusion pump.a device that reduces the effect of the vapor pressure of oil or mercury on the high-vacuum side of a diffusion pump. a vessel or pump used to collect certain discharges from industrial and process equipment, such as condensate from steam plants or heat exchangers.a vessel or pump used to collect certain discharges from industrial and process equipment, such as condensate from steam plants or heat exchangers.

29725             TRAPATT diode            a solid-state diode that operates as an oscillator in the microwave frequency spectrum; it depends for its operation on the synchronous interchange of energy between an external high-Q resonator and an electron-hole plasma created in the P or N region by the avalanche breakdown of the diode junction. (An acronym for trapped plasma avalanche transit time diode.)

29726             trapezohedron             a geometric solid in which all faces are trapezium faces, that is, they are plane figures with four sides, no two of which are parallel.

29727             trapezoidal excavator                a digging machine that removes earth in trapezoidal cross sections.

29728             trapezoidal generator               a circuit or piece of test equipment that generates a trapezoidal waveform for testing and alignment of electromagnetic sweep circuits in television receivers and similar circuits; the frequency, pulse-width, and amplitude are usually adjustable.

29729             trapezoidal pulse          a pulse shape in which the plot of the voltage consists of an abrupt increase from a baseline level to some other level, followed by a linear, ramped increase to a higher level, and then an abrupt decrease back to the baseline level.

29730             trapezoidal wave          a recurring wave shape in which the plot of the voltage for one-half cycle consists of a trapezoidal pulse.

29731             trapped radiation                     any radiation from space that has become trapped in the earth's magnetic field.

29732             TRAPPING                   구속형()

29733             TRASH            가루가 된 쓰레기

29734             Trash              Material considered worthless or offensive that is thrown away. Generally defined as dry waste mate- rial, but in common usage it is a synonym for garbage, rubbish, or refuse.

29735             Trash-to-Energy Plan                Burning trash to produce energy.

29736             Traube's rule                the observation that the addition of a methylene substance causes the surface tension of a dilute solution to decrease threefold.

29737             travel             the complete movement or stroke in one direction of a moving part of a machine or the distance traversed.

29738             TRAVEL GRATE             이동식 화격자

29739             traveling block             a movable unit that is hoisted or lowered with the load in a block-and-tackle system. Also, FLOATING BLOCK, RUNNING BLOCK.

29740             TRAVELING BRIDGE CONTINUOUS FILTER                     이동다리식 연속 여과지; 입상여과에 사용되는 여과지

29741             TRAVELING BRIDGE DOWNFLOW FILTER                     이동다리식 하향류식 여과지; 입상여과에 사용되는 여과지

29742             TRAVELING BRIDGE DUAL-MEDIUM FILTER                     이동다리식 복층여상 여과지; 입상여과에 사용되는 여과지

29743             TRAVELING BRIDGE MONO-MEDIUM FILTER            이동다리식 단층여상 여과지; 입상여과에 사용되는 여과지

29744             traveling grate stoker               a furnace stoker with a continuously moving grate that transports coal toward the furnace.

29745             traveling valve             a moving discharge valve on a sucker-rod pump used in an oil well.

29746             TRAVELING-BRIDGE                  이동가교식

29747             TRAVELING-BRIDGE FILTER                       이동다리식 여과지

29748             TRAVELING-GRATE                   이동화격자

29749             traveling-screen dryer               a moving belt made of screen that conveys damp substances through a heated drying zone.

29750             traveling-wave amplifier            an amplifier using a traveling-wave tube

29751             traveling-wave magnetron                        a traveling-wave tube device that operates as an oscillator in the microwave-frequency spectrum.

29752             traveling-wave magnetron oscillations                     oscillations in a magnetron produced by the synchronous interchange of energy back and forth between an electron stream and a traveling-wave electromagnetic field, which results in a net transfer of more energy to the field than to the stream.

29753             traveling-wave parametric amplifier                     a specialized amplifier combining the characteristics of a parametric amplifier and a traveling-wave amplifier in which the pump-, signal-, and difference-frequency waves are propagated in a traveling-wave pattern.

29754             traveling-wave phototube          a sensitive phototube in which electrons emitted from the photocathode as a result of the detection of incident illumination from a laser beam become part of an electron stream that synchronously interacts with a traveling-wave electromagnetic field to produce an output signal.

29755             traveling-wave tube                  a specialized electron tube device that operates in the microwave frequency spectrum and whose operation depends on the synchronous interchange of energy between an electron stream and a traveling-wave electromagnetic field, resulting in a net transfer of energy from the electron stream to the field; the output is taken from a helical coil wound around the body of the tube; used chiefly as amplifiers and oscillators.

29756             travel-time curve          a plot of the various seismic waves (P-, S-, and L-wave travel times) recorded by a station used to discover the origin of a seismic disturbance.

29757             tray elevator                an elevator, having spaced trays attached to two vertical-mounted continuous chains, that lifts drums, barrels, or boxes.

29758             tray tower                   a vertical process tower containing a series of trays designed to create contact between falling liquid and rising vapor.

29759             TRC                Techanical Review Committee

29760             TRD               Techanical Review Document

29761             TREATABILITY               처리도;

29762             Treatability Studies                   Tests of potential cleanup technologies conducted in a laboratory (See: bench-scale tests.)

29763             Treated Regulated Medical Waste              Medical waste treated to substantially reduce or eliminate its pathogenicity, but that has not yet been destroyed.

29764             Treated Wastewater                     Wastewater that hs been subjected to one or more physical, chemical, and biological processes to reduce its potential of being ahealth hazard.

29765             treater            a system or vessel used for contacting a process stream with a reagent or treating chemical, as in caustic or acid treating.

29766             treating          the process of contacting a fluid stream with a chemical agent to enhance the qualities of the fluid by converting, removing, or sequestering unacceptable impurities found in petroleum products, mixed gases, water, or sewage.

29767             Treatment                   (1) Any method, technique, or process designed to remove solids and/or pollutants from solid waste, waste-streams, effluents, and air emissions. (2) Methods used to change the biological character or composition of any regulated medical waste so as to substantially reduce or eliminate its potential for caus- ing disease.

29768             Treatment Plant           A structure built to treat wastewater before discharging it into the environment. Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facility: Site where a hazardous substance is treated, stored, or disposed of. TSD facilities are regulated by EPA and states under RCRA.

29769             TREATMENT PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM                     처리공정도;

29770             TREATMENT PROCESS SLUDGES               처리공정슬러지; 가정하수와 산업폐수를 처리한 후 발생되는 액상과 반고상의 폐기물

29771             TREATMENT RESIDUALS            처리 잔류물; 단위 조작 및 공정의 선정과 평가시에 고려되어야 할 인자

29772             treatment technology               오염방지기술

29773             Treatment with granular activated carbon                     입상활성탄에 의한 처리;

29774             Treatment with powdered activated carbon                     분말활성탄에 의한 처리;

29775             treble             the higher portion of the audio-frequency spectrum, above about 500 hertz.the higher portion of the audio-frequency spectrum, above about 500 hertz. notes of musical works written in the treble clef, which starts at middle C and progresses upward.notes of musical works written in the treble clef, which starts at middle C and progresses upward.

29776             tree                a network or circuit that has no closed loops.  Mathematics. a connected graph containing no cycles; i.e., a connected forest.

29777             Tremie            Device used to place concrete or grout under water.

29778             tremor            a minor earth movement, usually preceding or following a larger movement or a volcanic eruption.

29779             TRENCH          도랑, 해구

29780             trench excavator          a self-propelled digging machine, usually mounted on crawler tracks, that is designed for digging trenches or ditches. Also, trencher, trenching machine.

29781             TRENCH SHEET            간이 강널말뚝

29782             TRENCH SYSTEM          도량형공법

29783             trepan            a cutting tool, consisting of a circular tube with teeth fixed in the end, that is rotated and fed axially into a workpiece to cut a narrow grooved surface in it. Also, trepanning tool.a cutting tool, consisting of a circular tube with teeth fixed in the end, that is rotated and fed axially into a workpiece to cut a narrow grooved surface in it. Also, trepanning tool. to cut circular disks from stock using a trepan.to cut circular disks from stock using a trepan.

29784             TRI                 Toxic Release inventory

29785             triac               a semiconductor AC switch that has three terminals and is gate controlled

29786             triad               a three-dot group of phosphor particles on the inside face of a color-picture tube; the dots are arranged in a triangular pattern, and each dot emits one of the three primary colors when stimulated by an electron beam.a three-dot group of phosphor particles on the inside face of a color-picture tube; the dots are arranged in a triangular pattern, and each dot emits one of the three primary colors when stimulated by an electron beam. a group of three interrelated pulses or data bits.a group of three interrelated pulses or data bits. 3. a group of three widely separated radio direction-finder stations that are operated as a group for determining the position of aircraft or ships through direction-finding triangulation techniques.a group of three widely separated radio direction-finder stations that are operated as a group for determining the position of aircraft or ships through direction-finding triangulation techniques.

29787             Trial Burn                    An incinerator test in which emissions are monitored for the presence of specific organic com- pounds, particulates, and hydrogen chloride. Trichloroethylene (TCE): A stable, low boiling-point colorless liquid, toxic if inhaled. Used as a solvent or metal degreasing agent, and in other industrial applications.

29788             triangle of forces          a graphical technique used to determine the resultant of two forces; the two forces are drawn as the two sides of a triangle whose third side will represent the resultant.

29789             triangular pulse           a pulse shape in which the voltage waveform ramps linearly to a peak value and then ramps downward at the same rate to the original level.

29790             triangular wave            a waveform consisting of periodically repeating triangular pulses.

29791             tribasic           describing an acid that has three hydrogen atoms which can be replaced by basic atoms or radicals.describing an acid that has three hydrogen atoms which can be replaced by basic atoms or radicals. containing three atoms or groups, each having a valence of one.containing three atoms or groups, each having a valence of one.

29792             TRIBASIC LEAD PHOSPHATE                     3염기성 인산납

29793             TRICALCIUM SILICATE               규산 3 석회

29794             TRICHLOROETHYLENE               삼염화에틸렌

29795             Trichloroethylene의 특성 및 방제방법                     주최 : 국립 환경 연구원        문의처 : 02)389-6711∼20

29796             Trickle application systems                       살수공급장치; 페수의 자연처리방법중 저속법에 이용되는 분배방법

29797             trickle filter                 a bed of broken rock or other coarse aggregates (generally 50 to 100 mm in diameter) onto which sewage or industrial waste is sprayed intermittently; as the waste water trickles through, it is purified. Also, TRICKLING FILTER.

29798             trickle hydrodesulfurization                      a fixed-bed, petroleum refining method used for desulfurizing gas, oils, and middle distillates, using a catalyst of cobalt molybdenum on alumina, over which the oil trickles down against the upflowing stream of hydrogen.

29799             TRICKLE IRRIGATION                살수 관개법

29800             Trickle Irrigation           Method in which water drips to the soil from perforated tubes or emitters.

