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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 29901-30000

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 14.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 29901-30000

번호                  용어                  해설

29901             tuned filter                  a filter composed of tuned circuits.

29902             tuned-anode oscillator              an electron tube oscillator whose operating frequency is determined by the adjustment of a resonant tank circuit in the anode circuit of the tube. Also, tuned-plate oscillator.

29903             tuned-base oscillator                a transistor oscillator whose operating frequency is determined by the adjustment of a resonant tank circuit in the base circuit of the transistor.

29904             tuned-collector oscillator          a transistor oscillator whose operating frequency is determined by the adjustment of a resonant tank circuit in the collector circuit of the transistor.

29905             tuned-grid oscillator                 an electron tube oscillator whose operating frequency is determined by the adjustment of a resonant tank circuit in the grid circuit of the tube.

29906             tuned-grid tuned-anode oscillator             an electron tube oscillator whose operating frequency is determined by the adjustment of resonant tank circuits in both the grid and anode (plate) circuits of the tube. Also, tuned-plate tuned-grid oscillator, tuned-grid tuned-plate oscillator.

29907             tuned-radio-frequency transformer                     a transformer that operates with capacitive circuit elements to form resonant circuits in the transformer's primary and/or secondary windings; adjustment of the resonant frequency is achieved by adjusting either the capacitance or the inductance of the winding; used to provide resonant coupling between stages in radio receivers or transmitters.

29908             tuner              any device or apparatus used for selecting and controlling the operating frequency of a circuit or equipment, such as the channel selector in a television receiver.any device or apparatus used for selecting and controlling the operating frequency of a circuit or equipment, such as the channel selector in a television receiver. a unit that selectively accepts radio or television broadcast signals, amplifying and converting them to produce intermediate-frequency or audio-frequency signals to drive other equipment, such as television monitors or audio amplifiers.a unit that selectively accepts radio or television broadcast signals, amplifying and converting them to produce intermediate-frequency or audio-frequency signals to drive other equipment, such as television monitors or audio amplifiers.

29909             tungar tube                 a gas-filled thermionic electron tube having a tungsten filament that contains a small quantity of thorium oxide and serves as a directly heated cathode and a graphite disk-shaped anode; used chiefly as a rectifier in battery charger applications.

29910             tuning            the act of adjusting the resonant frequency of a circuit to the desired frequency or performance level.  Computer Technology. the act of adjusting system controls to make a system perform optimally for the current workload.

29911             tuning core                 a core of powdered iron that slides or screws in and out of a coil for inductance adjustment. Also, tuning slug.

29912             tuning indicator           any indicating device that shows whether or not a tuned circuit is resonant to the frequency of the current signal; tuning indicators usually take the form of meters or cathode-ray tube tuning eyes.

29913             tuning range               the range of frequencies over which a given tuned circuit or equipment can be adjusted.

29914             tunnel borer                a machine that is used to bore a tunnel, such as the massive borers used for the English Channel tunnel.

29915             tunnel carriage            a machine that combines a drill carriage with a manifold containing air and water; used in tunnel-drilling operations to eliminate the time spent connecting or waiting for drill steels.

29916             tunnel diode               a heavily doped PN-junction diode that is characterized by a negative-resistance region in the forward-bias direction; in the negative-resistance region, an increase in applied voltage causes a decrease in forward current and vice versa. Tunnel diodes are used in ultrahigh-frequency and microwave oscillator and amplifier circuits. Also, ESAKI DIODE.

29917             tunnel rectifier             a low-peak, current-rated tunnel diode used in computer memory applications.

29918             tunnel resistor             a semiconductor device that combines the characteristics of a resistor and a tunnel diode; resistive material is plated across a tunneling junction, effectively connecting the resistor and the diode in parallel.

29919             tunnel triode               a semiconductor device that combines a tunnel diode with a conventional transistor; the base-emitter junction is a tunneling junction, and the base-collector junction is that of a conventional triode.

29920             tunneling cryotron                   a cryotronic superconducting switching device consisting of two electrodes separated by a thin film and acting similarly to a switch contact; the switch on-off state is controlled by a small current through a control line located in proximity to the main electrodes, and switching time is in the picosecond range.

29921             Turbidimeter                A device that measures the cloudiness of suspended solids in a liquid; a measure of the quantity of suspended solids.

29922             turbidimeter                an instrument that estimates the growth of microorganisms by analyzing the turbidity of a sample; a light beam is passed through the prepared culture and the decrease in absorbance is measured.

29923             turbidimetric analysis               the determination of concentrations of particles in cloudy solutions by the measurement of the loss in intensity of a beam of light passing through the solution. Also, turbidimetry.

29924             turbidimetric titration               a titration with the end point indicated by the turbidity of the titrated solution.

29925             Turbidity          1. Haziness in air caused by the presence of particles and pollutants. 2. A cloudy condition in water due to suspended silt or organic matter.

29926             turbidity          a measure of the degree of clarity of a solution.  Materials Science. a cloudy or hazy appearance in a naturally clear liquid caused by the suspension of fine solids or colloids in the liquid.  Meteorology. a condition in which the atmosphere becomes less transparent to radiation, especially when this reduction in transparency is caused not by cloud cover but by suspensoids such as smoke, dust, and haze.  Astronomy. the disklike appearance of a star in a long-exposure photo caused by light scattering inside the emulsion.

29927             turbidity factor            a measure of the rate at which the atmosphere transmits incident solar radiation.

29928             turbine           a rotary power-generating device driven by a moving fluid, such as water, steam, gas, or wind, that converts kinetic energy into mechanical energy.

29929             TURBINE MIXER           터빈 교반기; 수처리장에서 사용되는 혼합기

29930             Turbine pump              터어빈 펌프; 원심력 펌프의 일종

29931             turbo-            a combining form indicating a machine coupled to a turbine that drives it, such as a turbogenerator; or a machine that is a turbine, such as a turbomotor.

29932             turboblower                a centrifugal or axial-flow compressor.

29933             turbodrill                    a rotary drill used in oil or gas drilling operations, driven by a turbine motor located inside the well.

29934             turbosupercharger                   a centrifugal air compressor driven by a gas turbine, used to increase the induction pressure in an internal combustion engine.

29935             TURBULENT FLOW                   난류; 소용돌이가 한방향으로 떠내려가는 모양으로 흐르기도 하는데 이를 말함. =turbulence

29936             TURBULENT FLOW BURNER                     동시공급식 버너  불꽃 원자화 장치의 버너 형태

29937             TURBULENT INVERSION            난류역전 : 난류가 발생하는 기층 전체는 혼합이 이루어져서 기온분포는 건조단열감율에 가까와지고 이 혼합층 상단에 역전층이 생김

29938             TURBULENT SHEAR STRESS                      난류 전단 응력

29939             TURGOR PRESSURE                  팽압 : 식물의 세포를 저장액에 담그면 세포의 내용물인 원형질이 물을 흡수하여 팽창하고 세포벽을 넓히려는 힘.           세포벽을 긴장시키고 식물체 모양을 유지하는 힘이 됨.

29940             TURN OUT VALVE                    분기밸브

29941             TURNDOWN RATIO                  부하조정비 : 폐기물열적처리시설에서 부하율이 다른 상태에서 장치를 가동할 수 있는 범위

29942             TURNED PILE SYSTEM               뒤집기 퇴비단공법; 퇴비화 방식

29943             turning           the process of producing cylindrical, flat, or tapered workpieces on a lathe.

29944             TURNKEY                    일괄수주계약; 설계에서 시공까지 단일계약자가 책임지는 수주계약

29945             turn-off time               the amount of time required for current in a switching device to fall to zero after being gated off.

29946             turn-on time               the amount of time required for current in a switching device to rise to its normal value after being gated on.

29947             TURN-OVER                전도현상

29948             turnover number          the quantity of substrate or feed converted by a measured amount of catalyst.

29949             turnover rate               a value that corresponds to the turnover number during a specified unit of time.

29950             Turnover time              전도시간; 혐기성소화조 혼합방법의 설계인자로서 소화조 부피를 슬러지유량으로 나눈것

29951             turret lathe                 a high-production lathe in which the turret holds several tools and is mounted on a saddle that slides on the lathe bed; used for long workpieces.

29952             turret tuner                 a television tuner composed of a rotating cylindrical device on which resonant circuit elements are mounted; as the channel selector knob is turned, the turret tuner rotates to switch in the correct circuit element for the selected channel frequency.

29953             tuya               a steep-sided, flat-topped volcano.

29954             TUYERES                     튀어스; 유동상소각로의 구성장치

29955             TVA                Tennessee Valley Authority

29956             TVOC             Total Volatile Organic Compounds

29957             TVR시스템                  열 압축시스템 (The, mal Vapo, Recompression System)이란 Jet Pump (Ejector)의 여러 기능중에서 고압의 증기를 구동원으로 하여 저압의 폐증기를 흡입·압축한 후, 압축된 토출 증기를 공정의 가열 열원으로 재사용하는 기능(열압축기 : Thermo Compressor)을 이용한 폐열회수 시스템이다.          원래 시스템의 주기기인 Steam Ejector는 고진공도를 요하는 단위조작에 주로 이용하며, 시설투자비가 낮고 기기의 설치 및 운전의 용이성으로 석유화학 및 식품 등 각종 산업공장에서 발생되는 저온 폐열을 회수하기 위한 목적으로 그 종류 및 응용범위가 매우 다양하다.          대표적인 응용분야로써는 석유화학, 식품, 제지, 제철, 화력발전 등의 증기순환(폐열회수) 및 진공장치로 이용된다.

29958             TWA              Time Weighted Average

29959             twilight zone               anything resembling the twilight zone of the earth, as in a four-course radio range station in which one signal is barely heard above the monotone on-course signal.

29960             twin crystal                 a crystal composed of two or more individuals, either in contact or intergrown, in a systematic crystallographic orientation with respect to one another. Also, twinned crystal.

29961             twin-cable ropeway                  an aerial ropeway with parallel track cables on which carriers run in opposite directions.

29962             twin-geared press                    a crank press with the drive gears attached to both ends of the crankshaft.

29963             TWO CASING TURBINE             2 케이싱터빈; 케이싱수에 따른 증기터빈

29964             two-body problem                   a problem that deals with the motion of two mutually interacting bodies; it can be solved by reformulating the equations of motion into a single equation using the reduced mass.

29965             two-cycle engine          an internal-combustion engine in which only two strokes of the piston, corresponding to one revolution of the crankshaft, complete a single cycle.

29966             two-degrees-of-freedom gyro                   a gyroscope whose axis of spin can freely rotate about two orthogonal axes.

29967             two-dimensional chromatography             a separation technique in which the sample is resolved by standard procedures on chromatography paper that is turned at right angles in a second solvent and resolved again.

29968             two-dimensional electrophoresis               the separation of molecular mixtures into fractions, due to the influence of an electrical field and with the separation conducted in a geometry that is very thin in one dimension.

29969             two-dimensional gel electrophoresis                     a flat-bed electrophoretic technique in which the compounds are first electrophoretically separated in one direction, rotated by 90°, and then separated in a second direction.

29970             two-fluid cell               any cell that has two different electrolytic solutions, one positive and one negative.

29971             two-lip end mill           an end milling cutter that has two cutting edges and straight or helical flutes.

29972             Two-phase process                   2단공정; 혐기성 폐수처리의 전형적인 반응조 형태로서 고율 소화조와 저율소화조의 혼합형

29973             two-point press           a mechanical press having a slide that is activated by two connections.

29974             two-pulse canceler                   a circuit used in the moving-target indicator of a radar set; permits comparison of two successive returns from the same target to determine if the target is moving with respect to the radar set.

29975             two-stage digester                   an anaerobic digester that separates acid-forming reactions and methanogenic reactions.

29976             Two-stage digestion                 2단 소화; 혐기성 슬러지 소화 공법

29977             Two-stage filters          2단 살수여상; 살수여상의 형태

29978             two-stroke cycle           an internal-combustion engine cycle, completed in two strokes, in which the piston compresses the fuel mixture on one side and receives the thrust of the previously compressed gases on the other side during the first stroke, and draws in a fresh charge on one side while expelling burnt gasses on the other during the second stroke.

29979             two-way valve              a valve that allows fluid to flow in either direction.

29980             TWS               Transient Water System

29981             Twystron                     a high-power, wide-band electron tube that incorporates elements of a traveling-wave tube and a klystron in the same envelope; the Twystron has a very high operating efficiency. (A shortened form of traveling-wave klystron tube.)

29982             Tyler screen                 a standard for the number of openings in screenlike media founded on the number of meshes per linear inch.

29983             Type of organisms                    유기체의 종류

29984             type-alpha leader                     a type of stepped leader that shows little branching and has dimly lit, short steps. Also, TYPE-X LEADER.

29985             type-beta leader          a type of stepped leader in which the upper portion has longer and brighter steps than the lower portion.

29986             Typical (전형적)            에러가, 모집단 합계로부터 계산한 표준 편차가± 1이내의, 의 불과의 값인 경우, 그 에러는 전형적이라고 생각됩니다.

29987             Typical hanging nozzle type chlorine diffuser for open channels                    개수로용 현수식 노즐형 염소분산장치; 염소용액을 주입하는데 사용되는 분산기 종류

29988             TZ                  Treatment Zone

29989             U index          the difference between successive daily mean values of the horizontal component of the geomagnetic field. Also,U figure.

29990             U.V. PHOTOMETRIC METHOD                   자외선광도법

29991             UAC               User Advisory Committee

29992             UAM              Urban Airshed Model

29993             UAO               Unilateral Administrative Order

29994             UAPSP            Utility Acid Precipitation Study Program

29995             UAQI              Unifoam Air Quality Index

29996             UARG             Utility Air Regulatory Group

29997             UASB, UPFLOW ANAEROBIC SLUDGE BLANKET                    상향류 혐기성 슬러지 블랭킷

29998             U-bend die                 a die machined horizontally, having a rectangular cross-sectional opening that provides two edges over which metal is drawn into a channel shape.

29999             UCC               Ultra Clean Coal

30000             UCCI              Urea-Fornadehyde Foam Insulation



컬러링 스몰미빌딩 (20개 도시 세트) 미술교육. 창의력 발달. 해외여행. 창의력교육. 색칠공부, :

[스몰미 와 아트리트] 나만의 작은 나. 스몰미, 색다른 자기표현. smallME.



