환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 29501-29600
번호 용어 해설
29501 ◆ toolhead ◆ the tool-carrying part of a machine tool.
29502 ◆ tooling ◆ the process of shaping metal with cutters, as opposed to shaping with grinders.
29503 ◆ tools and practices ◆ 관리방법 관례
29504 ◆ top dead center ◆ the dead-center position of an engine piston and its crankshaft arm when at the top or outer end of a stroke.
29505 ◆ Top Runner Program - 일본 ◆ ▣ 개요 - 각 품목별로 기준년도의 최고효율수준을 최저효율기준으로 설정하고 이를 목표기간 내에 달성토록 하는 방식 - 목표기간 내에 목표효율을 달성하지 못한 제조업자에 조치 (1단계: 권고조치 → 2단계: 업체명 공포 → 3단계: 벌금부과) ▣ 대상품목 : 에어컨, 형광램프, 텔레비전, 복사기, 컴퓨터, 자기디스크장치, 비디오, 승용차, 화물차, 냉장고, 냉동고 등(17품목) ▣ 시행기관 : 일본 통산성 ▣ 근거법령 : 에너지 사용의 합리화에 관한 법률(에너지 절약법)
29506 ◆ top steam ◆ the steam added close to the top of a shell still to purge it, and to guard against the formation of a vacuum while the liquid contents are pumped out.
29507 ◆ topochemical ◆ occurring in certain, usually limited, zones or fields of force.
29508 ◆ topochemical control ◆ the inhibition of a reaction due to the structural arrangement of the atoms in at least one of the molecules.
29509 ◆ topochemical reaction ◆ a reaction that can occur only at certain sites on a molecule where reactive groups are available, as on the surfaces of a crystalline area.
29510 ◆ TOPOGRAPHY ◆ 지형
29511 ◆ Topography ◆ The physical features of a surface area including relative elevations and the position of natural and man-made (anthropogenic) features.
29512 ◆ topping ◆ the process of removing benzene or light distillate from heavier crude fractions.
29513 ◆ topple ◆ a sudden change in the motion of a precessing body, occurring when the rotation rate declines below a minimum value necessary to sustain gyroscopic precession.
29514 ◆ topple axis ◆ the axis around which topple occurs.
29515 ◆ topspin ◆ a spinning motion that is imparted by an external source to a ball or other projectile, causing it to rotate forward. Also, OVERSPIN.
29516 ◆ tornadotron ◆ a device designed to produce microwave energy through interaction between an orbiting cloud of electrons and a radio-frequency field, when pulsed by a strong magnetic field.
29517 ◆ toroidal magnetic circuit ◆ a magnetic circuit in which a coil is wound about a toroidal core whose permeability is sufficiently high to confine virtually all the magnetic field lines within the core. Also, toroidal coil.
29518 ◆ toromatic transmission ◆ a semiautomatic transmission that contains a planetary gear train and a torque converter.
29519 ◆ TORONTO TARGET ◆ 토론토 목표 법적으로 구속력이 있는 것은 아니나, 1988년 선진국들이 2005년까지 1988년 수준의 20%까지 이산화탄소의 배출량을 토론토 세계기상회의에서 합의한 배출감소목표을 말함
29520 ◆ torque ◆ ㆍ the tendency of a force applied to an object to cause the object to rotate about a given point.the tendency of a force applied to an object to cause the object to rotate about a given point. ㆍ this tendency expressed by the equation = r × F, where is the torque, F is the vector of the force, and r is the position vector from the point of origin to the point of application of the force.this tendency expressed by the equation = r × F, where is the torque, F is the vector of the force, and r is the position vector from the point of origin to the point of application of the force.
29521 ◆ torque arm ◆ an arm that takes the torque of the rear axle in an automotive vehicle.
29522 ◆ torque converter ◆ ㆍ a hydraulic coupling that utilizes slipping to multiply torque.a hydraulic coupling that utilizes slipping to multiply torque. ㆍ a device that acts as an infinitely variable gear.a device that acts as an infinitely variable gear.
29523 ◆ torque reaction ◆ the reaction between the bevel pinion and the bevel ring gear of a shaft-driven vehicle.
29524 ◆ torque winding diagram ◆ a diagram that shows the variation of winding load on a winch drum; used to determine the best method of balancing.
29525 ◆ torque-free precession ◆ the precession observed in a rigid, rotating body free from torques, undergoing Poinsot motion.
29526 ◆ Torricelli's theorem ( 트리체리의 정리 ) ◆ 구멍으로부터 유출하는 유체의 속도는 국물면으로부터 구멍까지의 높이 (m) 의 평방근에 비례한다. V= √ 2 gH(m/ s)
29527 ◆ torsiometer ◆ a device that measures the power transmission of a rotating shaft by determining the slight twist of the loaded shaft. Also, TORSIONMETER.
29528 ◆ torsion ◆ a twisting or turning motion of a solid body about its axis of symmetry, produced by the application of opposing forces or torques at opposite ends of the body.
29529 ◆ torsion angle ◆ the angle of rotation about the bond B-C in a series of bonded atoms A-B-C-D needed to make the projection of the line B-A coincide with the projection of the line C-D, when viewed along the B-C direction. The positive sense is clockwise. If the torsion angle is 180o, the four atoms lie in a planar zigzag (Z-shaped). If the torsion angle is 60o, one end atom is twisted 60o out of the plane of the other three. Enantiomers have torsion angles of equal absolute value but opposite sign. Also, CONFORMATIONAL ANGLE, ANGLE OF TWIST.
29530 ◆ torsion bar ◆ a spring flexed by twisting about its axis.
29531 ◆ torsion damper ◆ a device used to reduce torsional vibration of an automobile engine.
29532 ◆ torsional ◆ relating to or involving torsion.
29533 ◆ torsional angle ◆ the relative rotation of the ends of a cylindrical bar subjected to torsion.
29534 ◆ torsional modulus ◆ the ratio of the torsional rigidity of a cylindrical body to its length. Also, MODULUS OF TORSION.
29535 ◆ torsional pendulum ◆ a device consisting of a disk or other body with a large moment of inertia, suspended by a thin rod or wire having a linear ratio of twist to torque for small amplitude vibrations. The disk is analogous to the bob of a standard pendulum, and the wire torsion provides the restoring torque, causing the device to oscillate in a manner similar to a standard pendulum. Also, torsion pendulum.
29536 ◆ torsional rigidity ◆ the ratio of the applied torque for a cylindrical body to its torsional angle.
29537 ◆ torsional vibration ◆ the motion of a bar in which it twists back and forth about its longitudinal axis.
29538 ◆ total conductivity ◆ the aggregate electrical conductivity of positive and negative ions found in any given portion of the atmosphere.
29539 ◆ Total Dissolved Phosphorous ◆ The total phosphorous content of all material that will pass through a filter, which is determined as orthophosphate without prior digestion or hydrolysis. Also called soluble P. or ortho P. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS): All material that passes the standard glass river filter; now called total filtrable residue. Term is used to reflect salinity. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH): Measure of the concentration or mass of petroleum hydrocarbon constituents present in a given amount of soil or water. The word Atotal@ is a misnomer--few, if any, of the procedures for quantifying hydrocarbons can measure all of them in a given sample. Volatile ones are usually lost in the process and not quantified and non-petroleum hydrocarbons sometimes appear in the analysis. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH): Measure of the concentration or mass of petroleum hydrocarbon constituents present in a given amount of soil or water. The word Atotal@ is a misnomer--few, if any, of the procedures for quantifying hydrocarbons can measure all of them in a given sample. Volatile ones are usually lost in the process and not quantified and non-petroleum hydrocarbons sometimes appear in the analysis.
29540 ◆ TOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD ◆ 전양정; 펌프에 의하여 물에 가해지는 모든 수두의 합계
29541 ◆ TOTAL FIXED SOLIDS ◆ 총 강열잔류 고형물 (총 고정성 잔유물) ; TFS
29542 ◆ total global cet emission of GHG ◆ 셰계총순GHG배출량
29543 ◆ total harmonic distortion ◆ a measure of the quality of an audio amplifier system; the ratio (usually expressed as a percentage or in decibels) of the combined power of all the harmonics present to the power of the fundamental frequency, as measured at the output of the amplifier.
29544 ◆ TOTAL INFLOW ◆ 총유입수; 하수관거의 어느 지점에서 직접 유입수과 그지점 상류에서의 유출수량, 양수장으로의 우회유량 등을 합한 값
29546 ◆ total organic carbon ◆ the total quantity of carbon contained in a measured sample; often used as an indicator of the amount of organic pollution in a water sample.
29547 ◆ total oxygen demand ◆ the amount of oxygen consumed in the total combustion of all the organic carbon in a sample, occurring at about 900°C.
29548 ◆ total pressure ◆ the gross applied load on a surface.
29549 ◆ TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT ◆ 품질관리 상품 및 서비스의 품질에 주안점을 두어 조직의 모든 성원의 참여를 기반으로 하여 장기적으로 고객만족과 조직내부의 구성원 및 사회에 주는 혜택을 통해 성공을 거두는 것을 목표로 하는 조직관리 접근법을 말함
29550 ◆ Total Recovered Petroleum Hydrocarbon ◆ A method for measuring petroleum hydrocarbons in samples of soil or water.
29551 ◆ total solids ◆ the entire content of all solids, dissolved and suspended, in water.
29552 ◆ Total Suspended Solids (TSS) ◆ A measure of the suspended solids in wastewater, effluent, or water bodies, determined by tests for total suspended non-filterable solids. (See: suspended solids.) Total Suspended Particles (TSP): A method of monitoring airborne particulate matter by total weight.
29553 ◆ TOTAL VOLATILE SOLIDS ◆ 총 휘발성 고형물; TVS
29554 ◆ touch-tone dialing ◆ a technique for placing a telephone call in which an individual, by pressing a button, transmits an audio signal that is read as a digit by the telephone circuit. Also, TONE DIALING, PUSH-BUTTON DIALING.
29555 ◆ tower bioreactor ◆ any of a variety of highly efficient reactors consisting of a vertical cylinder with a conical base, topped by a large-diameter settling zone with baffles.
29556 ◆ tower fermenter ◆ a reactor whose height is several times its diameter; the result is productivity much greater than that of simple batch fermenters.
29557 ◆ Townsend characteristic ◆ the characteristic current versus voltage curve for a Townsend discharge phototube at a fixed value of illumination and at voltage levels insufficient to allow a self-sustained discharge (a discharge without photo excitation of the cathode) to occur.
29558 ◆ Townsend coefficient ◆ a value representing the requirements for an ionization breakdown in a Townsend discharge device, such as a radiation counter; the coefficient is expressed as the average number of ionizing collisions by an electron per centimeter of path length as it drifts in the direction of the applied electric field.
29559 ◆ Townsend discharge ◆ a discharge that occurs in a gas at voltage levels insufficient for it to be maintained by the electric field alone; the discharge must be started and sustained by ionization produced by stimuli such as photons, radioactivity, or cosmic rays.
29560 ◆ TOX ◆ Tetradichloroxylene
29561 ◆ Toxaphene ◆ Chemical that causes adverse health effects in domestic water supplies and is toxic to fresh water and marine aquatic life.
29562 ◆ Toxic Chemical ◆ Any chemical listed in EPA rules as Toxic Chemicals Subject to Section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986.
29563 ◆ Toxic Chemical Release Form ◆ Information form required of facilities that manufacture, process, or use (in quantities above a specific amount) chemicals listed under SARA Title III.
29564 ◆ Toxic Chemical Use Substitution ◆ Replacing toxic chemicals with less harmful chemicals in industrial pro- cesses.
29565 ◆ Toxic Cloud ◆ Airborne plume of gases, vapors, fumes, or aerosols containing toxic materials.
29566 ◆ Toxic Concentration ◆ The concentration at which a substance produces a toxic effect.
29567 ◆ Toxic Dose ◆ The dose level at which a substance produces a toxic effect.
29568 ◆ TOXIC EQUIVALENCY FACTOR ◆ 독성등가계수(폐)
29570 ◆ TOXIC POLLUTANT ◆ 독성 오염물질
29571 ◆ Toxic Pollutants ◆ Materials that cause death, disease, or birth defects in organisms that ingest or absorb them. The quantities and exposures necessary to cause these effects can vary widely.
29572 ◆ Toxic Release Inventory ◆ Database of toxic releases in the United States compiled from SARA Title III Section 313 reports.
29573 ◆ toxic substance ◆ A chemical or mixture that may present an unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment.
29574 ◆ TOXIC UNIT ACUTE ◆ 급성독성단위; TUa, 급성노출기간 말기에 급성독성을 일으켰던 유출수의 농도의 역수
29575 ◆ TOXIC UNIT CHRONIC ◆ 만성독성단위; TUc, 만성노출 기간의 말기에 시험생물에 어떠한 영향도 주지 않은 유출수의 농도중에서 최고농도의 역수
29576 ◆ TOXIC UNITS ◆ 독성 단위; TU, 독성시험결과를 활용하기 위해 수중생물의 보호를 위해 이용된다
29577 ◆ Toxic Waste ◆ Toxicant
29578 ◆ toxicant ◆ A hamful substance or agent that may injuire an exposed organism
29579 ◆ TOXICITY ◆ 독성; 유해폐기물의 특성
29580 ◆ Toxicity ◆ The degree to which a substance or mixture of substances can harm humans or animals. Acute toxicity involves harmful effects in an organism through a single or short-term exposure. Chronic toxicity is the ability of a substance or mixture of substances to cause harmful effects over an extended period, usually upon repeated or continuous exposure sometimes lasting for the entire life of the exposed organism. Subchronic toxicity is the ability of the substance to cause effects for more than one year but less than the lifetime of the exposed organism.
29581 ◆ Toxicity Assessment ◆ Characterization of the toxicological properties and effects of a chemical, with special emphasis on establishment of dose-response characteristics.
29583 ◆ Toxicity of chlorine residuals ◆ 잔유염소물의 독성 ; 유기화합물은 염소와 결합하여 독성물질을 형성하여 잠재적 독성을를 가짐
29584 ◆ TOXICITY TEST ◆ 독성시험
29585 ◆ Toxicity Testing ◆ Biological testing (usually with an invertebrate, fish, or small mammal) to determine the adverse effects of a compound or effluent.
29586 ◆ Toxicological Profile ◆ An examination, summary, and interpretation of a hazardous substance to determine levels of exposure and associated health effects.
29587 ◆ TOXNET ◆ Toxicology Network
29588 ◆ Tozaphene ◆ 톡사펜은 670개이상의 화학물을 가진 살충제이다. 이것은 보통 고체 혹은 가스로서 발견되곤 한다. 그리고 자연의 형태에서 turpentine 과 같은 냄새를 가진 호박색의 밀랍고형물인 노란색이다. 액체와 섞었을 때 혹은 고체의 형태에서 불에 타지 않으며 증발하지 않는다. 톡사펜은 campherchlor, chlorocaamphene, polychlorocamphene, chlorinated camphene 로서 알려져 있다. 톡사펜은 대부분의 사용에서 금지당할 1982년까지 미국에서 대부분의 중요하게 사용되었던 살충제중 하나이다. 모든 사용은 1990년에 금지 당했다. http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfacts94.html
29589 ◆ TP ◆ 전압 total pressure
29590 ◆ TP ◆ Techanical Product; Total Particulates
29591 ◆ T-P ◆ 총인(Total Phosphorus) 하천, 호소등의 부영양화를 나타내는 지표의 하나. 수중에 포함된 인의 총량을 말한다. 인구의 집중도가 큰 지역의 하천, 호소에 많다.
29592 ◆ TPC ◆ Testing Priorities Comittee
29593 ◆ TPH(Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon) ◆ Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon 석유계총탄화수소로 비등점이 높은(150℃~500℃) 유류에 속하는 항공유, 등유, 경유, 중유, 윤활유, 원유 등을 저장하고 있는 시설에 대한 토양오염도 검사항목임.
29594 ◆ TPI ◆ Techanical Proposal Instructions
29595 ◆ TPQ ◆ Threshold Planning Quantity
29596 ◆ TPSIS ◆ Transportation Planning Support Information System
29597 ◆ TPTH ◆ Triphenyltinhydroxide
29598 ◆ TPY ◆ Tons Per Year
29599 ◆ TQM ◆ Total Quality Management
29600 ◆ TR ◆ 기술라운드 technology round
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