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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 29601-29700

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 14.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 29601-29700

번호                  용어                  해설

29601             T-R                Transformer-Rectifier

29602             trace              the visible pattern observed on the face of a cathode-ray tube indicator.

29603             trace analysis              the analysis of very low concentrations or small amounts of a substance in a mixture or solution, using such techniques as spectroscopy or polarography.

29604             trace element              an element occurring in very small quantities in a mineral or rock and not essential to the formation of the material. Also, ACCESSORY ELEMENT, GUEST ELEMENT.

29605             trace interval               the time interval between the start and the end of the trace on the screen of a cathode-ray-tube indicator.

29606             trace material              미량가스, 추적물질

29607             TRACE METAL              미량금속

29608             trace sensitivity            the degree of sensitivity of an oscilloscope; the greater the trace sensitivity, the lower the value of input voltage that must be applied to produce a visible trace on the oscilloscope display.

29609             traceability                  표준기또는 계측기가, 보다 고위의 측정 표준에 의해 차례차례로 교정되고, 국가 표준· 국제 표준으로 이어지 는 경로가 확립되고 있는 일.

29610             tracer             a radioactive isotope that is added to a material in order to facilitate monitoring the behavior of the material during a reaction. Also, tracer element.

29611             tracer milling               the duplication of a three-dimensional form using a mastic or hard plastic to direct the tracer-controlled cutter.

29612             track              either of a pair of roller chains used to support and propel a machine such as an earth-mover or military tank.

29613             track in range              to set the range gate of a radar set so as to permit tracking of a target that is changing in range with respect to the radar set.

29614             tracking          a condition in which ganged or interrelated controls maintain the proper relationship over the entire adjustment range.a condition in which ganged or interrelated controls maintain the proper relationship over the entire adjustment range. a condition in which a component or several interrelated components maintain the correct alignment over the entire operating range.a condition in which a component or several interrelated components maintain the correct alignment over the entire operating range.

29615             tracking filter              a narrow bandwidth filter that is capable of passing a single desired input signal by automatically adjusting its own center frequency to track the changing frequency of the input signal.

29616             track-while-scan           a radar system equipped to scan for targets while simultaneously tracking one or more targets and computing their speed and future position.

29617             traction          the force of adhesive friction exerted on a body moving over a surface.

29618             tractor            an automotive vehicle on crawler tracks or large pneumatic tires that is used to pull agricultural or construction equipment.an automotive vehicle on crawler tracks or large pneumatic tires that is used to pull agricultural or construction equipment. a piece of mechanical equipment that converts engine power into tractive power to move itself and other vehicles.a piece of mechanical equipment that converts engine power into tractive power to move itself and other vehicles.

29619             tractor drill                 a drill that has a crawler-mounted feed guide on an extendable arm.

29620             tractor loader              a tractor equipped with a tipping bucket that is used to dig, elevate material, and then dump it. Also, tractor shovel.

29621             trade restraints on environmental grounds                     환경기준미달에 따른 무역규제

29622             tradeable emission permit system             배출권 거래제도

29623             TRAFFIC INTERNATIONAL          1976 IUCN에 의해 설립된 단체로서 동식물의 불법교역에 대한 조사, 감시, 보고활동을 담당하고 야생 동식물의 교역, 보전정책 수립에 기술적 기반을 제공

29624             TRAFFIC NOISE INDEX              교통소음지수

29625             trailer             a length of nonmagnetic tape attached to the end of a reel of magnetic recording tape to permit handling of the tape reel without damaging the recorded material.a length of nonmagnetic tape attached to the end of a reel of magnetic recording tape to permit handling of the tape reel without damaging the recorded material. the visible effects of poor video channel response shown on the picture tube screen of a television set and manifesting itself a bright or dark streak positioned to the right of a light or dark area in the scene being viewed.the visible effects of poor video channel response shown on the picture tube screen of a television set and manifesting itself a bright or dark streak positioned to the right of a light or dark area in the scene being viewed.

29626             trailing edge               the portion of the waveform of a pulse that occurs last, such as the high-to-low excursion of a positive rectangular pulse.

29627             train               to point a radar antenna toward the azimuth.  Mining Engineering. to trace an alluvial mineral deposit to its place of origin.  Psychology. to carry out a process of training.

29628             tram               a vehicle or cage that is suspended from cables in a tramway system.a vehicle or cage that is suspended from cables in a tramway system. a usually open-sided bus used to carry passengers at low speeds for short distances, as at a zoo or amusement park.a usually open-sided bus used to carry passengers at low speeds for short distances, as at a zoo or amusement park.

29629             tramway          a suspended cable system along which passengers or freight are transported. Also, AERIAL TRAMWAY, AERIAL CABLEWAY.

29630             TRANSACTION COST                전이비용 : 환경정책수단이 무역 및 경쟁력에 미치는 효과를 논의하는 과정에서 추가비용부담요인을 분석할 때 국가별로 서로 다른 환경기준에 각각 맞추기 위해서 제품을 제조할 때 소요되는 비용임

29631             transaxle                     an assembly containing the transmission and differential systems of a motor vehicle.

29632             transboundary air pollution                      이동성 대기오염

29633             Transboundary Pollutants          Air pollution that travels from one jurisdiction to another, often crossing state or international boundaries. Also applies to water pollution.

29634             transboundary waters               국제수자원

29635             transceiver                  a single unit comprising a radio transmitter and receiver and having some common components for both transmitting and receiving functions.

29636             transconductance                     a value expressing the performance of an amplifying device, defined as the ratio of the change in output current to the change in input voltage. Also, MUTUAL CONDUCTANCE, TRANSADMITTANCE.

29637             Transducer  (변환기)                에너지를 있는 형식으로부터 다른 형식으로 변환하는 기기. 이 용어는, 압력, 온도, 습도, 유량등을 확보하고, 그것들의 값을 자극의 량에 비례하는 전기 신호로 변환하는 기기에 적용.

29638             Transducer Absolute (절대압트랜스듀서)                     Absolute Pressure Transducer 를 참조.

29639             transducer loss            an indication of the efficiency of a transducer defined as a ratio of the power into the transducer to the power out of the transducer.

29640             Transducer, Gaug (게이지압트랜스듀서)                     Pressure Transducer (압력 트랜스듀서) 를 참조.

29641             TRANSFER                  적환; 수거차량에서 대형운반차량으로 폐기물을 옮기는 행위

29642             transfer admittance                  a value expressing the performance of a transducer or network under dynamic conditions; defined as the value of the AC component of the current at one set of terminals divided by the AC component of the voltage applied to the other pair of terminals.

29643             transfer characteristic               the general relationship between the voltage and current at two different electrodes in an active device; usually shown in graph form.the general relationship between the voltage and current at two different electrodes in an active device; usually shown in graph form. the function or characteristic of a circuit or device that describes its performance, usually expressed as a numeric value; for example, the voltage gain of an amplifier or the sensitivity of a television camera tube expressed as the relationship between output signal and input illumination.the function or characteristic of a circuit or device that describes its performance, usually expressed as a numeric value; for example, the voltage gain of an amplifier or the sensitivity of a television camera tube expressed as the relationship between output signal and input illumination.

29644             transfer coefficient                   a quantity indicating the rate at which mass, heat, or momentum is transferred in a physical or chemical process.a quantity indicating the rate at which mass, heat, or momentum is transferred in a physical or chemical process. in an electrochemical process, the fraction of the potential difference at the electrode surface that assists in charge transfer in one direction, but inhibits it in the opposite direction; related to the slope of a plot of log current versus potential.in an electrochemical process, the fraction of the potential difference at the electrode surface that assists in charge transfer in one direction, but inhibits it in the opposite direction; related to the slope of a plot of log current versus potential.

29645             transfer machine          a device used to move equipment within a factory.

29646             transfer reaction          a nuclear reaction in which the target nucleus and the incident projectile exchange nucleons.

29647             TRANSFER STATION                 적환장; 수거되었거나 소형차량에 실려있는 폐기물을 대형수송차량으로 옮겨 싣기 위한 장소

29648             Transfer Station            Facility where solid waste is transferred from collection vehicles to larger trucks or rail cars for longer distance transport.

29649             transfer unit                the relationship in fixed-bed sorption operations between the overall rate coefficient, the fluid volumetric flow rate, and the column volume.

29650             transference number                the fraction of the electrical current carried by a single ion in an electrolytic solution. Also, HITTORF NUMBER, TRANSPORT NUMBER.

29651             transferred electron                  a free electron that has been transferred from one minimum to another within the same zone; the effective mass of the electron changes to that of the new minimum, but not its location.

29652             transferred-electron amplifier                   a microwave amplifier circuit in which the two main elements are a transferred-electron diode and a suitable resonator such as a tuned cavity.

29653             transferred-electron device                       a semiconductor device, usually a diode made from gallium arsenide or indium phosphide, whose operation depends on the negative resistance characteristics associated with transferred electrons; it is capable of operating in the microwave range of frequencies when combined with an appropriate cavity or a microstrip integrated circuit.

29654             transferred-electron diode                        a transferred-electron device that produces microwave energy directly from a DC input when combined with a cavity or microstrip integrated circuit.

29655             TRANSFORMATION FACILITY                    처리시설; 폐기물관리에 있어서 폐기물을 처리하는 관련시설

29656             TRANSFORMATION PROCESS                   변천과정, 형질 전환

29657             transformer                 an electromagnetic device that consists of an input coil (primary) and an output coil (secondary), both of which are wound on a common core; an alternating input signal is inductively coupled to the output and will generally have different voltage and current but will have the same frequency as the input.

29658             transformer coupling                the use of a transformer as a means of coupling signals between stages in an amplifier or similar electronic device.

29659             transformer-coupled amplifier                   an amplifier, usually an audio-frequency amplifier, that uses transformers as a means of coupling between stages.

29660             transient                     a brief sound that does not occur regularly or predictably.  Military Science. of or relating to personnel, ships, or craft that stop temporarily at a post, station, or port to which they are not assigned or attached, or to forces that pass through the area of responsibility of another command. Thus, transient forces.  Computer Programming. describing a program that is stored in secondary storage, from which it is moved into and out of main storage as needed for execution.

29661             transient distortion                  the distortion of a waveform produced by the inability of a transducer or amplifier to reproduce quick changes in level.

29662             Transient Water System             A non-community water system that does not serve 25 of the same nonresidents per day for more than six months per year.

29663             transistance                 the basic property of active electronic devices by which they produce gain; transistance makes possible such active devices and circuits as amplifiers, oscillators, bistable circuits, and switching devices.

29664             transistor                    an active semiconductor device, usually made from germanium or silicon and possessing at least three terminals (typically, a base, emitter, and collector); characterized by its ability to amplify current and used in a wide variety of equipment such as amplifiers, oscillators, and switching circuits.an active semiconductor device, usually made from germanium or silicon and possessing at least three terminals (typically, a base, emitter, and collector); characterized by its ability to amplify current and used in a wide variety of equipment such as amplifiers, oscillators, and switching circuits. relating to, using, or operated with transistors. Thus, transistor radio, transistor amplifier, and so on. (A shortened form of transfer resistor.)relating to, using, or operated with transistors. Thus, transistor radio, transistor amplifier, and so on. (A shortened form of transfer resistor.)

29665             transistor biasing                     the process of applying a steady voltage to a transistor, normally between the base and emitter electrodes; the bias voltage determines the operating point of the transistor under quiescent conditions.

29666             transistor characteristics            the parameters that describe the operation of a transistor, such as values of current gain or input resistance and impedance.

29667             transistor chip             a shaped and processed piece of semiconductor material that forms a transistor.

29668             transistor circuit           any electronic circuit employing one or more transistors as the active element(s); found, for example, in amplifiers, oscillators, logic gates, and bistable circuits.

29669             transistor clipping circuit          a circuit that uses transistors to prevent a signal from reaching the peak amplitude it would otherwise attain; this results in a distorted waveform whose peaks appear clipped.

29670             transistor gain             the amplification factor of a transistor amplifier stage; the ratio of signal output voltage or current to signal input voltage or current.

29671             transistor input resistance                        the resistance presented by a transistor to the input signal. Also, INPUT RESISTANCE.

29672             transistor magnetic amplifier                    a power control circuit consisting of a magnetic amplifier combined with a transistor amplifier; the transistor acts as a preamplifier for the control current to the magnetic amplifier.

29673             transistor-transistor logic          a logic circuit that uses transistors to form the logic elements; circuits are configured as NAND gates, NOR gates, or logic-level inverters. Also, TTL.

29674             transit time                 the time it takes an electron to travel from the cathode to the plate in an electron tube, or for a charge carrier to travel from the emitter to the collector in a bipolar transistor.

29675             TRANSITION AREA                   전이지역 : 지역자원을 지속적으로 이용하기 위해 다양한 인간활동이 허용되는 지역으로 개발과 보존이 조화되는 지역을 말함

29676             transition element                    in the periodic table, any of a group of elements representing a gradual shift from the strongly electropositive elements of groups IA and IIA to the more electronegative elements of groups IB and IIB; such elements have an atomic structure in which the inner orbitals are systematically filled, providing some unpaired electrons. Also, transition metal.  : an element or junction that couples one type of transmission system to another, as in the transition from a transmission line to a waveguide.

29677             transition point            a point in a circuit along which certain constants change such that there is a reflection of the wave propagating along the circuit.

29678             TRANSITION REGIME                천이 영역

29679             transition time             the time interval needed for a indicator electrode to become polarized in chronopotentiometry.

29680             transitional (suvstitutional) substances                     대체물질

29681             TRANSITIONAL ZONE               전이층; 50m-500m사에는 지표부근의 난류로부터 상층의 지균풍또는 경도풍으로 변해가는 부분

29682             transitron                    an electron-tube circuit whose operation depends on the negative resistance characteristic of the suppressor grid of a pentode.  transitron oscillator: an oscillator whose operation depends on the negative resistance characteristics of a pentode vacuum tube in which the suppressor-grid voltage is more positive than the plate voltage and the suppressor grid is capacitively coupled to the screen grid.

29683             transit-time microwave diode                    a solid-state diode in which the transit time of charge carriers is sufficiently fast to permit operation at microwave frequencies.

29684             transit-time mode                    in a transferred-electron diode, any of several operating modes in which the frequency of operation of the device is limited by the dimensions of the drift region between the cathode and the anode.

29685             translation                  the motion of a rigid body or system without any rotation or change in orientation, so that all points of the body move in the same direction.the motion of a rigid body or system without any rotation or change in orientation, so that all points of the body move in the same direction. the act of moving a system to a new position without rotating it or changing its shape or structure.the act of moving a system to a new position without rotating it or changing its shape or structure. 3. the motion of a particle in space, usually a linear or curvilinear motion.the motion of a particle in space, usually a linear or curvilinear motion.

29686             translational energy                  the kinetic energy of a body or system, neglecting rotation, which is equal in the nonrelativistic limit to one-half the mass times the velocity of the center of mass squared.

29687             translational equilibrium           the condition of a system in which there is either no change in position or a change in position at a constant rate; e.g., a car is in translational equilibrium if it is either at rest or moving in a straight line at a constant speed.

29688             translational motion                 the motion of a rigid body or system in space without any rotation. Also, PURE TRANSLATION

29689             translator                    any device or unit that converts the format of the intelligence contained in electronic signals to another format.any device or unit that converts the format of the intelligence contained in electronic signals to another format. in a television broadcast distribution system, the receiver-transmitter equipment used to rebroadcast received television signals on a different channel in order to optimize program coverage.in a television broadcast distribution system, the receiver-transmitter equipment used to rebroadcast received television signals on a different channel in order to optimize program coverage.

29690             transmembrane pressure difference (막간차압)              막의 일차측과 이차측과의 압력의 차.

29691             transmissibility             the measure of a system's ability to amplify or suppress an input vibration; it is equal to the ratio of transmitted amplitude to the applied amplitude.

29692             transmission                the process of transferring electrical signal energy and information from one place to another by various media such as wires, radio waves, sound waves, and visible light (including laser).

29693             transmission diffraction            the passing of an electron beam through a fine powder for the purpose of electron-diffraction analysis.

29694             transmission electron microscope             an electron microscope in which an image is formed as a result of the scattering of electrons by the specimen; focusing is achieved by the use of magnetic lenses.

29695             transmission electron radiography             a microradiography technique for obtaining images of very thin specimens; hardened X-rays are directed to the specimen, which is placed on the photographic plate and covered with a lead foil and a light-tight shield.

29696             transmission function               a mathematical model showing the relation between atmospheric transmission of infrared radiation, path length, and concentration of absorbing gases. transmission function     : a mathematical model showing the relation between atmospheric transmission of infrared radiation, path length, and concentration of absorbing gases.

29697             transmission gate                    a gate circuit that normally blocks the transfer of signals, except when the gate is enabled by a control pulse and any signal at the input is allowed to pass to the output.

29698             Transmission Lines                      Pipelines that transport raw water from its source to a water treatment plant, then to the distribution grid system.

29699             TRANSMISSION LOSS               투과손실치; [전달에너지의 감소량] 소음기를 투과한 음향출력에 대한 소음기에 입사된 음향출력의 비

29700             transmission modulation              modulation of the reading beam in a charge-storage tube; charge patterns on the storage-surface amplitude modulate the beam as it passes through holes in the storage surface.

