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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 29401-29500

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 14.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 29401-29500

번호                  용어                  해설

29401             tier array                    a vertical array of antenna elements positioned one above another.

29402             Tier-4 엔진                  Tier 4는 미국 환경보호국(EPA)에서 지정하는 배출기준의 4번째 단계로서 2013년부터 개시되었다. 기존의 3단계에 비해 상당한 규제강화가 이루어졌으며, 우리가 숨쉬는 공기보다 더 깨끗한 배기가스 배출을 요하는 것으로 언급되었다. 배기가스 배출량을 Tier-4 기준에 맞춘 디젤엔진이 개발되어 자동차, 건설장비, 발전기, 군용차량, 농기계 등에 상용화되고 있다.

29403             tight              describing a minimum, or sometimes inadequate, clearance between working parts of a machine.describing a minimum, or sometimes inadequate, clearance between working parts of a machine. describing an absence of leaks in a pressure system.describing an absence of leaks in a pressure system.

29404             tight fit           a snug fit between male and female mating parts, so that a light to moderate force is required to accommodate the fit.

29405             Tillage            Plowing, seedbed preparation, and cultivation practices. Time-weighted Average (TWA): In air sampling, the average air concentration of contaminants during a given period.

29406             tilt angle                     the angle between the vertical radiation axis and the horizontal plane; the reference axis.

29407             tilting dozer                a bulldozer whose blade can be pivoted on a horizontal center pin to cut low on either side.

29408             tilting idlers                an arrangement of idler rollers that permits the carrier frame to lean slightly in the direction of belt travel and keep the belt moving on its correct course.

29409             tilting mixer                a rotating drum used for mixing solids or liquid-solid mixtures that is tilted to discharge the contents.

29410             TIM                Techanical information Manager

29411             timbre            the musical quality of a tone resulting from the combination of all the harmonics associated with the fundamental frequency.

29412             time base                   the ramping voltage that is developed in a cathode-ray tube sweep circuit and that determines the time duration of the sweep and the rate at which the beam traverses the screen.the ramping voltage that is developed in a cathode-ray tube sweep circuit and that determines the time duration of the sweep and the rate at which the beam traverses the screen. the duration of the horizontal trace that appears on the screen of an oscilloscope; it can usually be varied by setting front panel controls.the duration of the horizontal trace that appears on the screen of an oscilloscope; it can usually be varied by setting front panel controls.

29413             time compression                    a decrease in the apparent time required for sound waves striking a transducer to produce an electrical signal, as in electronic processing or tape recording, in order to derive original sound frequencies.

29414             time gate                    a circuit that is enabled only during specified time periods.

29415             TIME LAG                   시간지체

29416             TIME OF CONCENTRATION                      유달시간; 하수관거의 어느 지점의 우수량을 산출할 때 사용하는 유입시간과 유하시간의 합

29417             time of flight               the elapsed time between the firing of a projectile and the instant at which it reaches the target or explodes.

29418             TIME OF FLOW            유하시간; 관거에 유입한 하수가 관거내 어느 지점까지 유하하는데 소요되는 시간

29419             time pulse distributor               a circuit designed to distribute timing signals to the appropriate user circuit or device in a predetermined sequence.

29420             TIME SERIES                시계열 : 통계 계열의 일종으로 확률적 현상을 시간적으로 관측하여 얻은 값의 계열. 기상 현상·경제 동향 등의 통계 이론에 쓰임.

29421             time-change component           a piece of equipment, such as a jet engine, that is designed to be replaced or serviced after a given length of time.

29422             time-code generator                 a precision timing pulse generator with digital outputs accurately representing the time of day and the date; used in applications, such as telemetry, where accurate timing of measurements and observations is required.

29423             time-delay circuit                     any circuit having the capability of delaying a signal or an event by some predetermined time period.

29424             time-domain reflectometer                       an instrument used to test the operation of waveguides and antennas in a microwave system by comparing radio-frequency signals injected into the transmission system with the resulting reflections, as shown on an oscilloscope screen.

29425             time-height section                  a graph showing cloud heights over a period of time, as computed by a cloud-detection radar.

29426             time-mark generator                a circuit or piece of test equipment that generates pulses accurately spaced at specific time intervals; usually for calibration or measurement of time intervals on a cathode-ray tube screen.

29427             timer              an element that controls the timing of the ignition spark in an internal-combustion engine.

29428             TIMES BEACH              타임비치사건; 미국의 유해폐기물관련 사건으로 다이옥신의 피해를 알려준 사건

29429             time-shared amplifier               an amplifier used for amplification of signals from several sources or channels at different times by time-sharing access to the amplifier; a synchronous switch allows each channel to be serviced sequentially and allotted a specific time interval for amplification, after which the next channel is connected to the amplifier

29430             timing            the process of setting the valve-operating mechanism of an engine so that the valves open and close in correct relation to the crank during the cycle to produce maximum power.

29431             timing belt                  a positive drive belt with transverse teeth on the inner side that prevents slippage and allows for accurate timing and synchronized operation of machine parts.

29432             timing chain                a chain that imparts motion from the crankshaft to the camshaft of an internal-combustion engine.

29433             timing gears                a gear train that relates cam-shaft speed to crankshaft speed in a reciprocating engine.

29434             timing signal               any signal intended to provide timing control or to synchronize the operation of an equipment or function.any signal intended to provide timing control or to synchronize the operation of an equipment or function. any signal that provides an indication of the time an event occurs.any signal that provides an indication of the time an event occurs.

29435             timing-belt pulley                    a pulley having grooves that accommodate the traverse teeth of a timing belt.

29436             Timken film strength                a test that determines the amount of pressure a film of gear lubricant will withstand before rupturing.

29437             Timken wear test          a test that determines the abrasiveness of a gear lubricant.

29438             Tin                 주석은 지구상에 있는 천연원소이다. 이것은 물에서 분해되지 않는 부드러운 흰색과 은백색의 금속이다. 주석은 암을 일으킨다. 주석은 놋쇠, 청동, 백랍, 일부 납땜물질 등에 존재한다.        주석은 화합물을 형성하기 위해 다른 화학물질과 결합할 수 있다. 염소, , 산소 등의 화학물질과 결합되면 무기적 주석 화합물이라 부른다. 이것은 치약, 향수, 비누, 염료, 색소 등에서 사용된다. 주석이 탄소를 함유하고 있는 물질과 결합될 때 organotin 화합물이라 부르고 플라스틱, 식품포장지. 플라스틱 파이프, 살충제, 페인트, 방충제를 만드는데 사용된다.        무기성 유기성 주석 화합물 뿐 아니라 주석금속은 바위 등에 자연적으로 존재하거나 채굴 및 제조, 사용되는 곳 근처에 있는 공기, , 토양 등에서 발견할 수 있다.        http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfacts55.html

29439             tip                 in welding, the part of the torch where the gas burns.

29440             TIP                 Techanical Information Package

29441             TIP                 Transportation Improvement Program

29442             TIPPING AREA             하적장

29443             TIPPING RAMP            경사판; 폐기물적환시설에서 트레일러의 보조장비

29444             tire                a continuous ring of rubber or other material, usually filled with air, that encircles the rim of a wheel of an automobile, truck, or other vehicle, and that serves to support the weight of the vehicle, absorb shock, provide traction, and so on.

29445             Tire Processor              Intermediate operating facility where recovered tires are processed in preparation for recycling.

29446             Tires               As used in recycling, passenger car and truck tires (excludes airplane, bus, motorcycle and special service military, agricultural, off-the-road and-slow speed industrial tires). Car and truck tires are recycled into rubber products such as trash cans, storage containers, rubberized asphalt or used whole for playground and reef construction.

29447             TIS                 Tolerance Index System

29448             TISE               Take It Somewhere Else

29449             titanium          a metallic element of the first transition series having the symbol Ti, the atomic number 22, an atomic weight of 47.88, a melting point of 1660°C, and a boiling point of 3290°C; a silvery solid or dark gray powder; used in alloys, in powder metallurgy, and in production of pure hydrogen. (From the word Titan.)

29450             Titanium Tetrachloride              4염화 티타늄은 강한 냄새의 연기를 가진 옅은 황색의 액체이다. 만일 물과 접촉하면 티타늄 화합물 뿐 아니라 염화수산을 만든다.        4염화 티타늄은 자연적인 환경에서는 발생하지 않고 티타늄을 함유하고 있는 광물로부터 만들어진다. 이것은 티타늄 금속을 만들거나 이산화티타늄과 같은 티타늄 함유 화합물을 만드는데 사용된다. 또한 페인트의 흰색 안료로 쓰이거나 다른 화학물질을 생성시킬 때도 사용된다.        http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfacts101.html

29451             TITC               Toxic Substance Control Act Interagency Testing Comittee

29452             titer               a standard test for waxes and oils in which the solidifying point of the fatty acids resulting from saponification is determined.a standard test for waxes and oils in which the solidifying point of the fatty acids resulting from saponification is determined. the reacting strength or concentration of a solution as determined by titration with a standard.the reacting strength or concentration of a solution as determined by titration with a standard.  Virology.  the concentration of a particular virus in a sample, determined by bioassay.the concentration of a particular virus in a sample, determined by bioassay. the concentration of an antibody relative to antigens in a sample, determined by end-point titration. Also, TITRE.the concentration of an antibody relative to antigens in a sample, determined by end-point titration. Also, TITRE.

29453             titrant             a solution of precisely known concentration, used for titrations against a sample of unknown concentration.

29454             titration          any of a number of methods used to determine the concentration of a test substance in a solvent, performed by adding a standard solution to the test solution. The end point (e.g., indicated by a certain reaction, such as a color change) is used to calculate the composition of the sample.

29455             TITRATION CURVE                    적정곡선; 농도와 관련된 변수를 표준용액의 부피함수로 도시한 것

29456             TITRATION ERROR                   적정오차; 당량점과 종말점 사이의 부피차

29457             TKP(Trans Korea Pipeline)          한국종단 송유관        주한 미군기지에 대한 유류공급의 목적으로 1973년도에 설치된 포항~의정부간 총 452km에 달하는 유류공급배관

29458             TL                  투과손실치 : 소음기를 투과한 음향출력에 대한 소음기에 입사된 음향출력의 비를 상용대수를 취한 후 10을 곱한 값

29459             TLM(한계치사 농도)                  어류에 대한 급성독물질의 유해도를 나타내는 수치의 하나.         어류를 급성독물질이  함유된 배수의 희석액중에 일정기간  사육하여 그곳의 물고기의 50%가 살아 남을 수 있는 배수의 농도를 나타낸다.          보통 48시간 TLM1/10의 농도면 어류는 안전하다고 간주된다

29460             TLV                유해성 평가를 위한 위험도 추정지표; Threshold limit values

29461             TLV                Threshold Limit Value

29462             TLV-C             TLV-Ceiling

29463             TLV-STEL                     TLV-Short Term Exposure Limit

29464             TLV-TWA                    TLV-Time Weighted Average

29465             Tm                 the symbol for thulium.

29466             TMDL             Total Maximum Daily Limit; Total Maximum Daily Load

29467             TMRC             Theoretical Maximum Residue Contribution

29468             T-N                총질소(Total Nitrogen)    (1) 무기성 질소 및 유기성 질소의 질소량의 합계를 말한다. 전자는 암모니아성 질소, 아질산성 질소 등을 가르킨다.     (2) 하천, 호소 등의 부영양화를 나타내는 지표의 하나. 물속의 포함된 질소의 총량을 말하며, 인구의 집중도가 큰 지역의 하천, 호소에 많다.

29469             TNC (Trade Negotiations Committee)                     UR 협상체계내에서의 각료급 의결기구로서 무역교섭위원회 산하에 크 게 상품협상그룹(GNP)과 서비스협상그룹(GNS)로 나누어져 있으며, 감시기 구를 설치하여 GATT에 위배되는 기존의 조치들을 철폐하겠다는 각료회의 합의사항 이행여부를 감시하고 있음. 상품협상그룹은 다시 시장개방분야, GATT 규율분야, 신상품분야 등으로 나뉘어 14개 세부협상 그룹을 두고 서 비스협상그룹은 상품협상그룹과 별도로 서비스교역에 관한 국제규범정립에 주력하였음. 각 그룹에서 합의된 내용들이 TNC회의에 상정되고 TNC회의 에서는 각 협상그룹에서 올라온 결과를 놓고 그룹간의 조정을 통해 최종의 사를 결정하는 최고의결기구 역할을 수행하였음

29470             TNCWS           Transient Non-Community Water System

29471             TNI                교통 소음지수  Traffic noise index

29472             TNT               Trinitrotoluene

29473             TO                 Task Order

29474             TOA               Total Organic Analysis

29475             TOC    (Total Organic Carbon)                 수중에 용해하고 있는 탄소 화합물 중 유기계화합물중의 탄소의  총량. 초순수한 물 장치에 있어서는, UV   이용해 5 ppb 이하의 처리가 가능.

29476             TOE(석유환산톤)           Tonnage of Oil Equivalent  kL, t, , ㎾ 등 여러 단위로 표시되는 각종 에너지원들을 원유 1톤이 발열하는 칼로리를 기준으로 표준화한 단위이다. 원유 1(7.41배럴)의 발열량 1,000Kcal가 기준이 된다.  Tonnage of Oil Equivalent,  kL, t, , ㎾ 등 여러 단위로 표시되는 각종 에너지원들을 원유 1톤이 발열하는 칼로리를 기준으로 표준화한 단위이다. 원유 1(7.41배럴)의 발열량 1,000Kcal가 기준이 된다.

29477             toe-in             a slight forward convergence of the front wheels of a motor vehicle that promotes vehicle stability and equalizes tire wear.

29478             toe-out           the outward inclination of the front wheels of a motor vehicle that occurs during a turn.

29479             toggle            to change to the opposite state in a bistable device or circuit; for example, a flip-flop toggles to the opposite state when a pulse is applied to its clock input.to change to the opposite state in a bistable device or circuit; for example, a flip-flop toggles to the opposite state when a pulse is applied to its clock input. to operate a toggle switch.to operate a toggle switch.

29480             toggle condition          either of two possible states of a bistable device or circuit.

29481             toggle press                a power press that uses a toggle joint to activate the slide.

29482             TOKYO DECLARATION 1994                     동경선언1994   1994 10 Tokyo conference on global environmental action에서 리우회의 정신의 강화와 인구와 환경, 무역과 환경, 재정과 재정체계, 인간부문의 동반관계등 4가지 주요 잇슈에 대한 새로운 방향을 제시한 선언임

29483             Tolerance Petition                     A formal request to establish a new tolerance or modify an existing one.

29484             tolerance-1  ( 공차  )              규정된 허용 최대치라고 규정된 허용 최소값과의 차.

29485             tolerance-2  (  허용값  )          1.규정 기준치라고 규정한 한계값과의 차. 2.시험 데이터의 격차의  허용 한계.

29486             Tolerances                   Permissible residue levels for pesticides in raw agricultural produce and processed foods. When- ever a pesticide is registered for use on a food or a feed crop, a tolerance (or exemption from the tolerance requirement) must be established. EPA establishes the tolerance levels, which are enforced by the Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Agriculture.

29487             Tollen's aldehyde test                a test to distinguish aldehydes from ketones by adding a solution of silver oxides in ammonia to the test sample. The silver plates out to form a mirror if an aldehyde is present; ketones either do not react or react slowly.

29488             Toluene          톨루엔이란 독특한 맛과 신랄한 냄새를 가진 색깔이 없는 액체이다. 이것은 천연적으로 가공되지 않은 오일과 tolu 나무에서 발생된다. 당신은 공기의 수백만 부분마다 8부분의 톨루엔을 맡을 수 있을 것이며 물에서는 0.04ppm에서 1ppm까지의 맛을 볼 수 있을 것이다.        http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfacts56.html

29489             Toluene 2,4 - Diisocyanate의 특성 및 방제방법              

29490             Toluene 2,4 - Diisocyanate의 특성 및 방제방법               주최 : 국립 환경 연구원

29491             toluol             the commercial form of toluene.

29492             ton                a unit of refrigerating capacity that is equivalent to the rate of latent heat extraction when one ton (2000 pounds) of ice is produced from water at 32°F in 24 hours, with the latent heat of fusion taken to be 144 BTUs per pound. Also, STANDARD TON.

29493             tone               a sound oscillation having a discernible pitch.  Graphic Arts.  also,tone value.the relative density or strength of grays between black and white.also,tone value.the relative density or strength of grays between black and white. any distinguishable shade within this range.any distinguishable shade within this range

29494             tone control                a control, typically a potentiometer connected to one or more fixed capacitances, that is designed to change the frequency response of an audio amplifier to emphasize or deemphasize either the bass or treble tones, as desired.

29495             tone generator            a piece of test equipment that provides an audio-frequency signal for testing electronic equipment; the output frequency and amplitude can usually be varied by setting front panel controls.

29496             tonic              of or relating to a tone or tones.

29497             Tonnage          The amount of waste that a landfill accepts, usually expressed in tons per month. The rate at which a landfill accepts waste is limited by the landfill's permit.

29498             tool offset                   the adjustment of a tool position in a machine to compensate for wear, finishing, or displacement.

29499             tool post                    a clamp that holds a lathe or shaping machine tool in the slide rest or ram.

29500             tool-dresser                a toolstone-grade diamond set in a metal shank and used to trim or form the face of a grinding wheel.



페인팅 스몰미 15세트 (painting smallME, 컬러링 스몰미) 페인팅스몰미, 미술교육. 창의력교육. 색칠

[스몰미 와 아트리트] 나만의 작은 나. 스몰미, 색다른 자기표현. smallME.



