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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 29801-29900

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 14.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 29801-29900

번호                  용어                  해설

29801             TRICKLING FILTER                     살수여상법, 살수여과기 = percolating filter

29802             Trickling Filter              A coarse treatment system in which wastewater is trickled over a bed of stones or other material covered with bacteria that break down the organic waste and produce clean water. Trihalomethane (THM): One of a family of organic compounds named as derivative of methane. THMs are generally by-products of chlorination of drinking water that contains organic material.

29803             Trickling filter process               살수여과공정 ; 수처리의 호기성 부착성장 처리공정

29804             Trickling filter sludge                살수여상 슬러지; 살수여상에서 나오는 슬러지

29805             trigger            the signal or stimulus that initiates a trigger circuit.the signal or stimulus that initiates a trigger circuit. to apply such a signal.to apply such a signal.

29806             trigger control             the on/off control of thyratrons and other gas-filled electron tubes.

29807             trigger level                the lowest amplitude of interrogation signal that is capable of causing a reply signal from a transponder.the lowest amplitude of interrogation signal that is capable of causing a reply signal from a transponder. the instantaneous amplitude of a trigger pulse that causes a circuit or device to perform a specific predetermined function.the instantaneous amplitude of a trigger pulse that causes a circuit or device to perform a specific predetermined function.

29808             trigger pulse               an electrical pulse used as a trigger.

29809             trigger tube                a cold-cathode gas-filled electron tube that contains one or more auxiliary electrodes to start ionization, which then continues as long as there is voltage applied to the tube.

29810             triggering                   the initiation of a specific predetermined function in a circuit or device through the application of an initiating signal or stimulus.

29811             trigistor          a PNPN semiconductor that has bistable characteristics and is used as a fast-acting switching device.

29812             trim               to make a fine adjustment of resistance, inductance, or capacitance in a circuit.

29813             trimethylamine의 특성 및 방제방법                     주최 : 국립 환경 연구원        문의처 : 02)389-6711∼20

29814             triode             a vacuum tube containing three elements: a cathode, a control grid, and an anode. Also, THERMIONIC TRIODE.

29815             triode laser                 a gas laser device containing a control grid that is used for modulating the light output of the laser.

29816             triode transistor           a three-terminal transistor.

29817             TRIP               Toxic Release Inventory Program

29818             trip hammer or triphammer                     a power hammer operated by a tripping mechanism that causes the hammer to drop.

29819             triple bond                  a union of two atoms in which they share three pairs of electrons between them. Also, triple bonding, triple covalent bond.

29820             triple point                  the temperature and pressure at which the gaseous, liquid, and solid phases of a given substance (e.g., water) coexist at equilibrium.

29821             triplexer          in a two-receiver radar system waveguide, an automatic switching device that connects the radar transmitter to the antenna when the former is producing an output.

29822             tripod drill                  a three-legged, steam, or compressed-air driven reciprocating rock drill.

29823             TRIS               Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System

29824             trisistor           a high-speed semiconductor PNP switching device whose switching characteristics resemble those of a thyratron and are in the nanosecond range.

29825             triton             the nucleus of a tritium atom.

29826             TRI-US            Toxic Release Inventory-User Support

29827             trivacancy                   a point defect consisting of a cluster of four neighboring vacant lattice sites that form a triangular shape such as a tetrahedron.

29828             trivalent          having a valence of three.  Immunology. having three binding sites.  Molecular Biology. describing an aggregation of three or more homologous chromosomes in meiosis.

29829             TRLN              Triangle Research Library Network

29830             TRO               Temporary Restrainning Order

29831             trolley            a grooved metallic wheel or pulley at the end of a pole (trolley pole) that picks up current from an electric wire (trolley wire) and carries it to a transit vehicle.a grooved metallic wheel or pulley at the end of a pole (trolley pole) that picks up current from an electric wire (trolley wire) and carries it to a transit vehicle. any vehicle that draws power from such a mechanism. Thus, trolley car, trolley bus, trolley locomotive, trolley vehicle.any vehicle that draws power from such a mechanism. Thus, trolley car, trolley bus, trolley locomotive, trolley vehicle. 3. any of various small vehicles operating on a track, as in a factory, mine, or railroad yard.any of various small vehicles operating on a track, as in a factory, mine, or railroad yard.

29832             TROMMEL SCREEN                  트롬멜스크린; 폐기물처리공정중 크기선별에 이용되는 장비

29833             TROPHIC STATE           부영양화도

29834             TROPOPAUSE              대류권계면 : 권계면이라고도 하고  대류권과 그 바깥쪽의 성층권과의 경계면을 말하며 온도 감소율이 심함.

29835             Troposhpere                The layer of the atmosphere closest to the earth's surface. Trust Fund (CERCLA): A fund set up under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) to help pay for cleanup of hazardous waste sites and for legal action to force those responsible for the sites to clean them up.

29836             TROPOSPHERE            대류권 : 대기권의 최하층을 이루는 부분으로 지표로부터 14.5km 안팎의 대기의 범위.             일사·복사 냉각에 의하여 대류가 일어나며, 구름 생성이나 강우 등의 기상 현상이 생김.

29837             tropospheric superrefraction                     a property of the troposphere in which radio waves are bent back and returned to earth.

29838             Trouton's rule              the observation that the molar heat of a vapor divided by the normal boiling point of its liquid phase provides a rough average value of 21; the values for a number of common substances range from 17 to 27.

29839             truck              an automotive vehicle designed to tow trailers or other heavy equipment or to haul merchandise in its rear compartments.an automotive vehicle designed to tow trailers or other heavy equipment or to haul merchandise in its rear compartments. any of various wheeled frameworks used to transport heavy objects.any of various wheeled frameworks used to transport heavy objects.

29840             truck crane                 a crane that may be transported on a truck bed.

29841             truck tractor                a truck having a cab but no body; designed to attach to and haul a trailer.

29842             TRUE              precisely formed, fitted, or aligned.

29843             true condensing point              the temperature at which a sublimed solid recondenses; a process that corresponds to liquid distillation. Also, CRITICAL CONDENSATION TEMPERATURE.

29844             true formation resistivity           the electrical resistivity of a clean porous reservoir formation containing hydrocarbons and formation water.

29845             true freezing point                   the temperature at which the liquid and solid phases of a substance reach equilibrium at a specific pressure, usually one standard atmosphere.

29846             true rake                     the angle between a plane containing the tooth face and the axial plane through the tooth point in the direction of chip flow.

29847             true solution               the fully dispersed mixture of the molecules or ions of one or more substances in one or more other substances.

29848             true strain                   the strain calculated by integrating the differential strains divided by the current length over a large strain; differs slightly from engineer's strain. Also, LOGARITHMIC STRAIN.

29849             true-boiling-point analysis                       a standard method for determining the narrow distillation cuts for diesel fuel, gasoline, kerosine, lube distillate stocks, and cracked fractions.

29850             true-motion radar                    a radar tracking the absolute motion of all targets and the radar-carrying vehicle on the radar screen; used especially for navigation and piloting.

29851             truing             the process of cutting a grinding wheel so that its surface is concentric with the axis.the process of cutting a grinding wheel so that its surface is concentric with the axis. the process of aligning a wheel so that it is concentric and in one plane.the process of aligning a wheel so that it is concentric and in one plane.

29852             TRUMPING CLAUSE                  으뜸 조항 : 국제환경협약상 무역조치를 무역규범에서 수용하는 방식과 관련하여 NAFTA협정 104조와 같이 명시적으로 환경협약을 무역규범에 우선시키는 조항

29853             truncated paraboloid                an antenna reflector in which certain portions are removed in order to broaden the width of the major lobe.

29854             TRUNK SEWER            하수차집관거;

29855             TSA                기술체제감사  Technical system audit, 시설, 장비, 인사, 교육, 절차, 기록유지, 자료확증, 자료관리 그리고 시스템의 보고형태등에 대한 체게적이고 질적인 현장검사

29856             TSA                Techanical System Audit

29857             TSCA              유해물질규제법  toxic substances control act

29858             TSCA              Toxic Substances Control Act

29859             TSCATS           TSCA Test Submissions Database

29860             TSCC              Toxic Substances Coordinating Committee

29861             TSD                Techanical Support Document

29862             TSDF              Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facility

29863             TSDG             Toxic Substances Dialogue Group

29864             TSI                 Thermal System Insulation

29865             TSM               Transportation System Management

29866             TSO               Time Sharing Option

29867             TSP                Total Suspended Particulates

29868             TSS                Total Suspendes (non-filterable) Solids

29869             TTFA              Target Transformation Factor Analysis

29870             TTHM             Total Trihalomethane

29871             TTN               Technology Transfer Network

29872             TTO               Total Toxic Organics

29873             TTS                소음성 일시적 역치상승 : Noise induced temporary threshold shift

29874             TTY                Teletypewriter

29875             TUB GRINDERS            터브그라인더; 폐기물처리공정중 파쇄공정에 이용되는 장비

29876             tube               an electron tube.an electron tube. the glass or metal envelope of an electron tube.the glass or metal envelope of an electron tube.

29877             tube  pump  (  츄브펌프 )                    용적 펌프의 일종으로 송액하는 펌프. 물약과 식품의 수송에 사용된다.

29878             tube coefficient           any of the various attributes and specifications that define the operation of an electron tube, such as transconductance, dynamic plate resistance, or amplification factor.

29879             tube mill                     a long revolving cylindrical mill filled with a grinding medium; used for fine grinding certain ores before further treatment.

29880             tube noise                  electronic noise signals that are caused by the random thermal motion of charges and electron impacts in electron tubes.

29881             Tube Settler                 Device using bundles of tubes to let solids in water settle to the bottom for removal by con- ventional sludge collection means; sometimes used in sedimentation basins and clarifiers to improve parti- cle removal.

29882             tube sheet (관판)          중공사막또는 관장막의 통로끝을 고정하는 부분.

29883             tube tester                  test equipment used for testing electron tubes; most tube testers perform only static checks of electron tubes by indicating the amount of DC plate current on a meter.

29884             tube voltage drop                    the anode voltage of an electron tube, measured with respect to the cathode, when the tube is conducting.

29885             TUBEAXIAL FAN           원통축류형 송풍기 : 축류 송풍기의 유형

29886             Tuberculation              Development or formation of small mounds of corrosion products on the inside of iron pipe. These tubercules roughen the inside of the pipe, increasing its resistance to water flow.

29887             tubular bowl centrifuge            a centrifuge in which a bowl is suspended upside down and hangs free; feed enters at the bottom and is jetted upward into the bowl where it forms a layer on the inside wall.

29888             tubular membrane module                       a membrane commonly used to filter liquids with high particulate contents; particularly useful in microfiltration and ultrafiltration processes.

29889             tubular(type) module (관형모쥬르)             막을 관장으로하여 사용하는모쥬르.

29890             TUBULAR-FLOW REACTOR                       관형흐름 반응조;

29891             tumbler gears              a system of idler gears in a lathe gear train that is used to reverse the rotation of the lead screw or feed rod.

29892             tumbling barrel          a revolving drum, in which small manufactured objects, especially of metal, are polished by the friction of shaking them about with abrasives. Also, tumbling box.

29893             tumescence                 the swelling of a volcanic mountain caused by a buildup of magma in its reservoir; often followed by an eruption.

29894             tumuli lava                  a type of lava flow characterized by small, solid mounds or domes that form on the crust as a result of localized pressure.

29895             tunable filter               a filter device that can be tuned to the proper pass or reject frequency by adjusting one or more of the filter's components.

29896             tunable magnetron                  a magnetron that can be tuned to a specific frequency within a narrow range of frequencies; magnetrons are tuned either electrically or mechanically, as by adjusting the volume of a resonant cavity.

29897             Tundra            A type of treeless ecosystem dominated by lichens, mosses, grasses, and woody plants. Tundra is found at high latitudes (arctic tundra) and high altitudes (alpine tundra). Arctic tundra is underlain by permafrost and is usually water saturated. (See: wetlands.)

29898             tune               to adjust the resonant frequency of a circuit.

29899             tuned amplifier            an amplifier, typically a radio-frequency amplifier, that can be adjusted to amplify only signals at and near a particular frequency in a given range and to attenuate signals at all other frequencies.

29900             tuned circuit               a circuit containing capacitive and inductive circuit elements that operate only within the narrow band of frequencies to which the circuit is resonant; the resonant frequency is adjustable over the tuning range of the circuit.



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