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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 29301-29400

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 14.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 29301-29400

번호                  용어                  해설

29301             thermolysis                 a process of chemical dissociation by heat.  Physiology. the dissipation of body heat by processes such as radiation or evaporation.

29302             THERMOMETER SCREEN           백엽상 : 기온을 측정하는 상자

29303             thermometric analysis               an examination of the physical changes that a substance undergoes as it is heated or cooled at a constant rate.

29304             thermometric titration              a calorimetric titration that yields a plot of temperature versus the volume of titrant; used in precipitation reactions.

29305             thermomigration          a semiconductor manufacturing method in which exact quantities of impurities are added to a semiconductor material through the migratory action of the impurities when the material is heated.

29306             thermonuclear reaction             a nuclear fusion reaction, occurring most readily between isotopes of hydrogen, in which nuclei are brought so close together by enormous temperatures and pressures (available in the sun, stars, and exploding fission bombs) that they are able to overcome their mutual electrostatic repulsion to form a more complex nucleus; the new rest mass is less than the sum of the rest masses of the original nuclei, since the rest mass difference is liberated as energy.

29307             Thermophilic               친열성; 55 에서 65 까지의 온도 범위에서 최적의 활동을 보이는 박테리아의 특성

29308             Thermophilic aerobic digestion                 고온 호기성소화법; 호기성 소화의 공법으로 아직 실제 운전되지 않고 있음

29309             Thermophilic anaerobic digestion              고온 혐기성 소화; 고온소화는 고온 박테리아의 적절한 조건인 49-57oC의 온도범위에서 일어남

29310             THERMOPHILIC BACTERIA                        고온성 세균

29311             THERMOPLASTIC          열가소성, 열가소성 플라스틱

29312             thermoplastic recording            a form of recording in which the information is permanently impressed on plastic tape by the physical distortion of the tape, through thermal means, to produce irregularities along the edges.

29313             THERMOPLASTIC TECHNIQUES                 열가소성 플라스틱기법(, 고화처리법 종류)

29314             thermoremanent magnetization                the magnetic orientation, conforming to the ambient magnetic field at the time, that an igneous rock acquires at the time of its cooling from the Curie point to room temperature.

29315             THERMOSETTING                     열경화성

29316             thermosiphon              a method of establishing circulation of a cooling liquid by utilizing the slight difference in density of the hot and cool portions of the liquid.a method of establishing circulation of a cooling liquid by utilizing the slight difference in density of the hot and cool portions of the liquid. a density-driven circulation system used to achieve high-heating fluxes in reboilers.a density-driven circulation system used to achieve high-heating fluxes in reboilers.

29317             thermosiphon reboiler              a liquid reheater in which the natural circulation of a boiling liquid is achieved by sustaining an adequate liquid head; used for distillation-column bottoms.

29318             THERMOSPHERE          열권 : 고층대기를 온도의 연직도에 의해서 분류한 경우

29319             thermotropic liquid crystal                       a liquid crystal produced by heating a substance.

29320             theta polarization                        polarization in which the electric field vector is tangent to meridian lines of some specified spherical frame of reference.

29321             THICKENER                 농축조    침강 농축 장치

29322             thickening                   the process of concentrating solid particles in a suspension so that a fraction having a higher degree of solid concentration than the original slurry may be recovered.

29323             thick-film circuit           an electronic assembly in which some circuit elements such as resistances and capacitances are formed on an insulating substrate, and the active devices such as amplifiers and gates are added as separate packages.

29324             thief               a device used in petroleum sampling, featuring a metal or glass cylinder with a spring valve that can be tripped to capture a sample from any depth within a tank.

29325             Thiele coordinates                    a graphic method for determining the solvent-free content of two components undergoing separation by solvent extraction.

29326             Thiele melting-point apparatus                 a stirred, spaced test tube used in the determination of the melting point of a crystalline substance.

29327             Thiele modulus            a characteristic ratio of the rate of reaction to diffusion for heterogeneous catalysis in a porous substrate.

29328             thin film          any of several thin layers (generally less than 1m each) of insulating, conducting, or semiconductor material that are deposited successively on a supporting substrate in precise patterns to collectively form all or part of an integrated circuit; the deposition can be performed by mechanical, chemical, or high-vacuum evaporation methods. Thus, thin-film circuit, thin-film integrated circuit, thin-film material, thin-film semiconductor.

29329             thin-film cryotyron                   a solid-state switching device that operates at very low temperatures to utilize the phenomenon of superconductivity, and in which the on/off state of a superconducting thin-film gate element is controlled by current through a lead control wire.

29330             thin-film solar cell                    an apparatus for the conversion of solar energy into electrical energy, formed by the deposition of semiconductor material onto a thin metal or plastic substrate.

29331             thin-film transistor                   a field-effect transistor formed by the deposition of one or more thin films of semiconductor and insulating material onto a substrate rather than onto a semiconductor chip.

29332             thin-layer chromatography                       a separation technique in which a single drop of the test solution is put on a glass plate coated with a thin layer of a stationary phase (usually silica) and the edge is dipped in a solvent; the solvent carries each of the various components of the test solution for a different distance up the plate, allowing for selective separation and identification.

29333             thin-layer gel filtration              a highly sensitive method for separating and identifying compounds; a small sample is applied to a horizontal plate with a thin layer of xerogel, and the separated compounds are detected under ultraviolet light.

29334             thio                containing sulfur.containing sulfur. a substance containing sulfur.a substance containing sulfur.

29335             Thiobacillus                 유황박테리아;

29336             third-order reaction                  a chemical reaction in which the rate of change of the reaction is proportional to the product of the concentrations of three separate reactants.

29337             This may include but is not limited to                     removing hazardous materials from a site to an EPA-approved hazardous waste facility for treatment, containment or treating the waste on-site, identifying and removing the sources of ground-water contamination and halting further migration of contaminants. 3. Any of the following actions taken in school buildings in response to AHERA to reduce the risk of exposure to

29338             thixotropy                   a structural property that causes certain gels to liquefy when shaken and to solidify again when left standing; the breakdown to a liquid state is a function of time as well as shear rate, while the return to solidity occurs over time in the absence of shear.

29339             THM              Trihalomethane

29340             thoriated tungsten filament                      a tungsten filament that contains a small quantity of thorium oxide to enhance electron emission; used as a directly heated cathode in an electron tube. Also, thoriated emitter.

29341             thorium          a radioactive metallic element having the symbol Th, the atomic number 90, an atomic weight of its isotope with the longest half-life (232Th) of 230; a gray amorphous or crystalline, soft mass that readily burns in air to form thorium dioxide; forms uranium-233 upon neutron bombardment after several decay steps; used in photoelectric cells, as a nuclear fuel, and in sunlamps and X-ray tubes. (Named by its discoverer, J. J. Berzelius, for the Norse god Thor.)

29342             thorium series             a naturally occurring transformation series of three radioactive isotopes that form a sequence of parent-daughter relationships through alpha and beta decay, beginning with thorium-232 and ending in the stable isotope of lead-208.

29343             thoron            the descriptive name for a type of radioactive emanationthat exists as the radon isotope in the thorium series with a half-life of 55 seconds

29344             thread cutter               a tool used to cut screw threads on a pipe or bolt.

29345             threading die              a die used to produce an external thread on a part.

29346             threading machine                   a machine that cuts or forms threads on the inside or outside of a cylinder or cone.

29347             THREE WAY CATALYTIC CONVERTER SYSTEM          삼원촉매전환장치

29348             three-dimensional display system              a radar display that presents aircraft targets in three dimensions: distance (range), bearing (azimuth), and height (elevation).

29349             three-junction transistor           a four-region (PNPN), three-junction transistor having three external connections: emitter, base, and collector; one of the four regions has no external connection and serves no operational purpose.

29350             three-layer diode          a two-terminal, three-layer avalanche semiconductor diode characterized by its ability to conduct symmetrically with voltages of either polarity; used mainly in AC power-control applications. Also, DIAC, TRIGGER DIODE.

29351             three-phase magnetic amplifier                 a magnetic amplifier designed to accept a three-phase AC input from either a delta- or wye-source.

29352             three-pulse cascaded canceler                  a circuit configuration used in moving-target indicators of radar sets; a pair of moving-target-indicator cancelers are connected serially to permit comparison of three successive returns from the same target.

29353             threshold                    the point at which a chemical process or effect begins.the point at which a chemical process or effect begins. the lowest detectable chemical value of a material.the lowest detectable chemical value of a material.

29354             Threshold                   The dose or exposure level below which a significant adverse effect is not expected.

29355             Threshold                   The lowest dose of a chemical at which a specified measurable effect is observed and below which it is not observed.

29356             THRESHOLD CONCENTRATION                 한계농도, 최저 유효 농도

29357             threshold detector                   an isotope that is used to ascertain the types of neutrons and their energy levels produced by nuclear reactions.

29358             Threshold Dose (한계용량)                       화학물질에 대한 영향이나 반응이 더 이상 증가하지 않는 용량.

29359             threshold frequency                 in a photodetector device, the lowest frequency of photo energy that can be detected.

29360             Threshold Level           Time-weighted average pollutant concentration values, exposure beyond which is likely to adversely affect human health. (See: environmental exposure) Threshold Limit Value (TLV): The concentration of an airborne substance to which an average person can be repeatedly exposed without adverse effects. TLVs may be expressed in three ways: (1) TLV-TWA--Time weighted average, based on an allowable exposure averaged over a normal 8-hour workday or 40-hour work- week; (2) TLV-STEL--Short-term exposure limit or maximum concentration for a brief specified period of time, depending on a specific chemical (TWA must still be met); and (3) TLV-C--Ceiling Exposure Limit or maximum exposure concentration not to be exceeded under any circumstances. (TWA must still be met.)

29361             THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUES                       허용한계 : 유해성 평가를 위한 위험도 추정지표 (TLV)

29362             Threshold Odor           (See: Odor threshold)

29363             Threshold Planning Quantity                    A quantity designated for each chemical on the list of extremely hazardous substances that triggers notification by facilities to the State Emergency Response Commission that such facilities are subject to emergency planning requirements under SARA Title III.

29364             threshold signal           the minimum intensity of a signal that can be detected and recognized.

29365             threshold switch          a semiconductor switching system that responds to preset threshold values for any of several quantities such as temperature, pressure, or moisture. The switch is controlled by a voltage value that is an analog of the measured quantity; when the measured quantity increases to the threshold value, the control voltage is at a sufficient level to cause the switch to change abruptly from a high resistance to a very low resistance

29366             threshold treatment                 the addition of minute quantities of dehydrated phosphates to water to prevent furring and corrosion in pipes and containers.

29367             threshold velocity                    the minimum velocity required by wind or water to move fragments of soil or sand under given circumstances in a given location.

29368             threshold voltage                     the lowest voltage at which an effect is produced or an indication is observed; e.g., the voltage at the base-emitter junction of a transistor must be in excess of a minimum threshold value in order for the junction to become forward biased and allow the transistor to turn on.

29369             Thropic Levels             A functional classification of species that is based on feeding relationships (e.g., generally aquatic and terrestrial green plants comprise the first thropic level, and herbivores comprise the second.)

29370             through repeater          in microwave-link communications, a repeater that retransmits only received signals and does not provide any services to local customers.

29371             throwaway device                    any electronic component or assembly for which repairs are impractical, due to cost considerations or other factors, and which is discarded when defective.

29372             THROWAWAY PROCESSES                        폐기공정

29373             throwout                    a mechanism in an automotive vehicle that separates the driven and driving plates of a clutch.

29374             thrust             the force exerted by a fluid jet or powered screw or impeller.

29375             thrust bearing             a bearing designed to carry axial loads on a shaft.

29376             thrust load                  a load parallel to the shaft of a vehicle.

29377             thrust yoke                 a diamond drill part that connects the piston rods of the feed mechanism to the thrust block.

29378             thulium          an element having the symbol Tm, the atomic number 69, and an atomic weight of 168.93; a rare-earth (lanthanide) element with no stable isotopes; its solid has a metallic luster and its dust is flammable; used as an X-ray source. (Named after the region of Thule.)

29379             thunder          the sound created during an electrical discharge, caused by the rapid expansion of the air surrounding the channel of the discharge.

29380             thunderbolt                 a common term for an air-to-ground electrical discharge that is accompanied by the sound of thunder.

29381             thunderstorm charge separation               the means by which particles within a thundercloud receive their charge and then accumulate in separate areas of the cloud.

29382             thyratron                    a gas-filled, three-element thermionic electron tube containing a cathode, grid, and anode; a voltage pulse applied to the grid ionizes the gas and causes anode current to flow. Once initiated, anode current continues to flow and cannot be changed by grid voltage; the tube can be extinguished only by removing anode voltage or externally opening the anode current path.

29383             thyratron gate             a logic AND gate circuit consisting of a gas-filled thermionic electron tube containing a cathode, anode, and one or more grids; coincident voltage pulses applied to all grids cause anode current to flow. Once initiated, anode current continues to flow, independent of the voltages on the grids; the tube can be extinguished only by externally removing anode voltage or anode current.

29384             thyratron inverter                     a circuit that uses thyratron electron tubes to convert DC power to AC power.

29385             thyrector                     a semiconductor switching diode used for surge protection in AC power applications; the diode presents a very high resistance until its breakdown voltage level is reached, at which time it abruptly changes to a low resistance device.

29386             thyristor          a bistable semiconductor switch containing three or more junctions, used chiefly in power control applications; silicon-controlled rectifiers are the most common type of thyristor.

29387             TI                   Temporary Intermittent

29388             TI                   Therapeutic Index

29389             TIBL               Thermal internal Boundary Layer

29390             TIC                 Techanical Information Coordinator. Tentatively Identified Compounds

29391             tickler coil                   a winding used for positive feedback between the input and output of a vacuum-tube stage; the winding is connected in series with the plate of the vacuum tube and is inductively coupled to a winding in the control-grid circuit.

29392             tidal barrages              조수보

29393             tidal correction            a correction made in gravity measurements to account for the effects of earth tides.

29394             TIDAL CURRENT           조류 : 조석파에 의하여 일어나는 물입자의 수평운동

29395             Tidal Marsh                 Low, flat marshlands traversed by channels and tidal hollows, subject to tidal inundation; normally, the only vegetation present is salt-tolerant bushes and grasses. (See: wetlands.)

29396             TIDAL PRISM               조량

29397             tide-producing force                the centrifugal force that holds two astronomical bodies apart.

29398             tie line            a line on a phase diagram linking the liquid and vapor phase compositions that are in equilibrium. Also, CONODE.

29399             tie plate          a plate used to connect the tie rods in a furnace.

29400             tie rod            a rod used as a mechanical or structural support between parts of a machine.  Civil Engineering. a purely tensile structural member.



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