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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 24601-24700

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 13.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 24601-24700

번호                  용어                  해설

24601             performance curve ( 펌프 성능 곡선 )                     펌프의 규정 회전수에 있어서의 토해내기 량과양정, 」 펌프 효율, 소요 동력의 관계를 그래프로서 나타낸 것. 펌프 선정시에는 주요하게 토출하고 량과 양정의 관계 그래프가 사용된다. 소용돌이 펌프는 양정의 변동에 비해 토출하고 량의 변동이 크다. 프로세스 컴퓨터 펌프는 양정변동의 비교적은 토출하고 량이 변동되지 않다고 말한 특징이 있다.

24602             performance of sterile  filtration (여과 멸균 성능)          세균 도전 시험에 의해 얻어진 필터 요소의 세균제거성능.

24603             Performance Standards             1. Regulatory reqirements limiting the concentrations of designated organic com- pounds, particulate matter, and hydrogen chloride in emissions from incinerators. 2. Operating standards established by EPA for various permitted pollution control systems, asbestos inspections, and various program operations and maintenance requirements.

24604             perfuse           to pass a fluid through or over something; cover or saturate with a fluid.

24605             PERIMETER                  윤변, 주위

24606             PERIOD           주기; 한 파장이 전파되는데 소요되는 시간

24607             periodic field focusing              a method for adjusting an electron beam so that it follows a trochoidal path and interacts with a focusing field at selected points.

24608             Periodic flow               주기적 유입;

24609             periodic law                a law stating that all properties of the elements that depend on atomic structure tend to change with increasing atomic number in a periodic way.       : an early statement of this principle that governs classifying the elements according to the repetition of physical and chemical properties at definite intervals (periods); the law, when propounded in 1869, made allowance for elements that were not then known to exist but have since been established by confirmed discovery.

24610             periodic motion           motion that repeats itself identically at regular time intervals.

24611             periodic table              an arrangement of the chemical elements in order of increasing atomic numbers in a pattern that represents the periodic law; basic vertical groups consist of elements having similar properties, and elements having properties between those of adjacent neighbors form horizontal periods.

24612             PERIODIC WAVE           주기파동 : 같은 시간 간격을 가지고 주기적으로 변동을 반복하는 파동

24613             Periphyton                  Microscopic underwater plants and animals that are firmly attached to solid surfaces such as roks, logs, and pilings.

24614             peristaltic charge-coupled device              a device in which a voltage moves electrical charges through the circuit in much the same way contractions in the digestive tract move food through the stomach.

24615             peristaltic pump           an apparatus used to transfer fluids with a flexible fluid-containing tube placed between rotating rollers that squeeze it intermittently.

24616             peritectic                    describing a substance that has both a solid and a liquid component that forms when the liquid phase interacts with the solid phase during the cooling process; seen in compounds that have a different composition once they melt.describing a substance that has both a solid and a liquid component that forms when the liquid phase interacts with the solid phase during the cooling process; seen in compounds that have a different composition once they melt. a substance of this type.a substance of this type.

24617             peritectic reaction                    a phase transformation in which, upon cooling, a liquid phase combines with a solid phase to produce a new solid phase.

24618             peritectoid                  describing a solid substance that, when cooled, reacts with another solid to form a third solid.describing a solid substance that, when cooled, reacts with another solid to form a third solid. a substance of this type.a substance of this type.

24619             peritectoid reaction                  a phase transformation in which, upon cooling, two solid phases combine to produce a new solid phase.

24620             perm              a unit of reservoir permeability.

24621             Permanence [영속성]                주어진 경영환경 및 교란환경 하에서 어느 탄소저장고의 장기성(longevity)과 저장고내 탄소축적의 안전성

24622             permanent axis            the axis about which a rigid body has the greatest moment of inertia, so that its rotational motion about this axis is stable.

24623             PERMANENT COLLECTION SITES               상설수집장; 폐기물을 상시 수집할수 있는 장소

24624             permanent echo          a signal reflected to a radar station from a fixed object.

24625             permanent gas            a gas that cannot be condensed or liquefied by pressure alone.  Thermodynamics. a gas that is at a temperature far above its critical temperature.

24626             permanent hardness                 water hardness that cannot be removed by boiling; a property of water that contains sulfates or chlorides, as distinguished from the temporary hardness of water that contains bicarbonates

24627             permanent set             the plastic deformation of a body that remains after the applied load is removed. Also, PLASTIC DEFORMATION

24628             PERMANENT THRESHOLD SHIFT               영구성 청력손실, 영구적 난청, 영구 역치 변위

24629             PERMANENT WILTING POINT                   고사점, PWP

24630             permanent-magnet focusing                     an adjusting of the electron beam in a television picture tube by the magnetic field produced by permanent magnets mounted around the neck of the tube.

24631             permatron                  a thermionic gas tube in which conduction is controlled by an external magnetic field.

24632             permeability                a factor that is characteristic of the magnetic properties of a substance; given by the ratio of the magnetic flux induction B to the magnetizing force H, and symbolized by m; in most cases, B is parallel to H and m is a scalar quantity, otherwise m is a tensor.

24633             Permeability                The rate at which liquids pass through soil or other materials in a specified direction.

24634             permeability coefficient (투과 계수)                     물질이 막을 투과할 때의 투과하기 쉬움을 표현하는 계수.

24635             permeable                  specifically, capable of being passed through by very small particles, such as ions.

24636             permeable membrane               a thin layer of natural or synthetic material that allows some substances, but not others, to pass through it; used in reverse osmosis.

24637             PERMEABLE METHOD               가스유도방법(, 자연환기법), 투수방법

24638             permeametry               a method of measuring the average size of small particles in a gas or liquid by passing the mixture through a powder bed of known dimensions and recording the pressure drop and flow rate.

24639             permeance                  the reciprocal of the reluctance of a magnetic circuit, symbolized by P and determined by the magnetic flux divided by the magnetomotive force.

24640             permeate flow (투과 수량)                        단위 시간에 막을 투과하는 물의 량.

24641             permeate, permeated water (투과수 )                     막또는 필터를 투과한 물.

24642             permeation                 the diffusion or penetration of ions, atoms, or molecules through a permeable substance

24643             permeator                   a membrane device used for separation that allows species to pass from one phase to another

24644             Permissible Dose          The dose of a chemical that may be received by an individual without the expectation of a sinficantly harmful result.

24645             Permit            An authorization, license, or equivalent control document issued by EPA or an approved state agency to implement the requirements of an environmental regulation; e.g., a permit to operate a wastew- ater treatment plant or to operate a facility that may generate harmful emissions.

24646             permselective membrane          a membrane that allows only one charge type of ions, either positive or negative, to pass through it.

24647             permselective membrane (선택 투과막 )                     특정의 물질또는 ion, 보다 많게 투과하는 성질을 가지는 막.

24648             peroxide                     any compound that contains the peroxy group, -O-O-. These compounds are strong oxidizing agents and are used industrially as bleaches.any compound that contains the peroxy group, -O-O-. These compounds are strong oxidizing agents and are used industrially as bleaches. a compound of this type used as a bleach, especially for the hair.a compound of this type used as a bleach, especially for the hair. 3. a shorter term for hydrogen peroxide, H2Oa shorter term for hydrogen peroxide, H2O

24649             peroxide number          the number of millimoles of peroxide absorbed by 1000 grams of oil or fat; used to measure rancidity. Also, peroxide value.

24650             peroxy group              a pair of oxygen atoms -O-O- that replace a single oxygen atom in certain compounds.

24651             perpendicular axis theorem                      a theorem stating that the sum of the moments of inertia of a plane lamina about any two orthogonal axes in the plane is equal to its moment of inertia about a perpendicular axis passing through the intersection of the two orthogonal axes.

24652             Persistence                  Refers to the length of time a compound stays in the environment, once introduced. A com- pound may persist for less than a second or indefinitely.

24653             PERSISTENT                 분해하기 어려운, 불변의

24654             PERSISTENT ORGANIC WASTES                 난분해성 유기폐기물; 고분자의 염소계, 방향족 탄화수소, 일부 살충제 같은 분해하기 어려운 폐기물을 지칭한다.

24655             Persistent Pesticides                    Pesticides that do not break down chemically or break down very slowly and remain in the environment after a growing season.

24656             persistent-image device            an optoelectronic amplifier that is able to sustain an image for an exact length of time by incorporating the properties of light-sensitive and light-emitting devices.

24657             persistron                   a panel that combines the properties of electroluminescence and photoconductivity to generate a persistent image when a pulsed signal is received.

24658             Personal Air Samples                Air samples taken with a pump that is directly attached to worker with the collecting filter and cassette placed in the worker's breathing zone (required under OSHA asbestos standards and EPA worker protection rule).

24659             PERSONAL ERROR                   개인오차; 실험자의 부주의, 신중하지 못함 등 개인적 결함에 의한 오차

24660             Personal Measurement             A measurement collected from an individual's immediate environment.

24661             Personal Protective Equipment                  Clothing and equipment worn by pesticide mixers, loaders and applicators and re-entry workers, hazmat emergency responders, workers cleaning up Superfund sites, et al, which is worn to reduce their exposure to potentially hazardous chemicals and other pollutants.

24662             PERSONAL SOURCE                 개별적 배출원

24663             PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS                    인원 요건; 단위 조작 및 공정의 선정과 평가시에 고려되어야 할 인자

24664             persuader                   an element in a storage tube that drives secondary electron emissions toward the dynodes in an electron multiplier.

24665             perveance                   the space-charge-limited cathode current of a diode divided by 3/2 the power of the anode voltage in an electron tube.

24666             Pest               An insect, rodent, nematode, fungus, weed or other foum of terrestrial or aquatic plant or animal life that is injurious to health or the environment.

24667             Pest Control Operator               Person or company that applies pesticides as a business (e.g., exterminator); usually describes household services, not agricultural applications.

24668             PESTICIDE                   살충제, 농약

24669             Pesticide                     Substances or mixture there of intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest. Also, any substance or mixture intended for use as a plant regulator, defoliant, or desiccant.

24670             Pesticide Regulation Notice                      Formal notice to pesticide registrants about important changes in regulatory policy, procedures, regulations.

24671             Pesticide Tolerance                   The amount of pesticide residue allowed by law to remain in or on a harvested crop. EPA sets these levels well below the point where the compounds might be harmful to consumers. PETE (Polyethylene Terepthalate): Thermoplastic material used in plastic soft drink and rigid containers. PETE (Polyethylene Terpthalate): Thermoplastic material used in plastic soft drink and rigid containers.

24672             Petroleum                   Crude oil or any fraction thereof that is liquid under normal conditions of temperature and pressure. The term includes petroleumbased substances comprosing a complex blend of hydrocarbons derived from crude oil through the process of separation, conversion, upgrading, and finishing, such as motor fuel, jet oil, lubricants, petroleum solvents, and used oil.

24673             PETROLEUM AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS                     방향족 탄화수소; 탄화수소로 가솔린의 대표적인 성문이 벤젠, 톨루엔등이 여기에 속한다

24674             Petroleum Derivatives                  Chemicals formed when gasoline breaks down in contact with ground water.

24675             PETROLEUM HYDROCAROBNS                 석유탄화수소; 연료로 쓰이는 석유, 휘발유를 지칭함

24676             petroleum isomerization process               a petroleum-refinery process that converts straight chain compounds into branched isomers with the use of a catalyst, in order to obtain higher octane gasolines and other products.

24677             petroleum processing               the process of separating and purifying crude oil. Also, petroleum refining.

24678             PFC                Perfluorated Carbon

24679             PFCRA            Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act

24680             PFRP              병원균을 PSRP이상으로 줄이는 공정; 퇴비화공정에서 병원균제어를 위한 미국 환경처 요구조건

24681             pg (피코그램)              1조분의 1그램(= 1/10(12)g)

24682             pg-TEQ/m(3)               환경대기 1 m(3)에 들어있는 다이옥신을 독성등가환산농도로 계산하여 1조분의 1그램으로 나타내는 단위임(표준상태)

24683             pH                 a symbol for the logarithm of the reciprocal of the hydrogen-ion concentration of an aqueous solution, used to express its acidity or alkalinity. At 25°C (77°F), a neutral solution, such as pure water, has a pH of 7; a pH under 7 indicates that the solution is acidic, and a pH over 7 indicates that the solution is alkaline. (An abbreviation for potential of Hydrogen.)

24684             pH                 An expression of the intensity of the basic or acid condition of a liquid; may range from 0 to 14, where 0 is the most acid and 7 is neutral. Natural waters usually have a pH between 6,5 and 8.5.

24685             PH 미터[pH-meter]                  pH(폐하라고 읽는다)란 액체의 산성이나 알칼리성의 정도를 나타내는 수치로서 수소 이온 농도의 역수의 상용 대수로 나타낸다. pH7이 중성이고, 이것에 미치지 않는 것은 산성, 초과하는 것은 알칼리성이다.

24686             pH electrode               a glass electrode used in pH meters as a hydrogen ion sensor.

24687             pH measurement                        measurement of the activity of hydrogen ions in a solution using an indicator solution or a pH meter.

24688             pH meter                    a millivolt meter that measures the potential difference between the pH electrode and the reference electrode in terms of pH value of the sample solution in which they are immersed.

24689             pH standard                any of a number of solutions of known pH value that are available from the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology for use in calibrating a pH meter; the original pH standard is pure water, with pH 7.0, which is defined as neutral.

24690             PHANEROPHYTES                    교목류, 지상식물

24691             phanotron                  a hot-cathode gas diode that uses an arc discharge in mercury vapor or an inert gas.

24692             phantastron                a monostable pentode circuit that produces sharp pulses at an adjustable and accurately timed interval when triggered by a signal; used in radar systems for gating and sweep-delay functions.

24693             phantom signals          signals of unknown origin appearing on a radar screen that do not correspond to the target; generally the cause is unknown, although they may result from faulty circuitry, interference, or jamming.

24694             pharmaceutical chemistry          the chemistry of drugs, medicines, and other pharmaceutical products.

24695             Pharmacokinetics                     The study of the way that drugs move through the body after they are swallowed or injected.

24696             PHASE            위상 : 주기적인 현상이 있는 싸이클상의 위치를 표치하는 량

24697             phase boundary           the interface between two or more substance phases, such as the interface between a gas and a liquid or that between two immiscible liquids.

24698             phase change              the transition of a substance from one phase to another by melting, freezing, boiling, condensing, or sublimation.

24699             phase control              an element that changes the phase angle at which the AC line initiates conduction in a gas tube, such as a thyratron or ignitron. Also, PHASE-SHIFT CONTROL.an element that changes the phase angle at which the AC line initiates conduction in a gas tube, such as a thyratron or ignitron. Also, PHASE-SHIFT CONTROL.

24700             phase detector            a device that delivers a DC voltage proportional to the phase deviation of a receiver oscillator to keep it synchronous with the transmitted signal; used in television circuits. Also, phase discriminator.



페인팅 스몰미 15세트 (painting smallME, 컬러링 스몰미) 페인팅스몰미, 미술교육. 창의력교육. 색칠

[스몰미 와 아트리트] 나만의 작은 나. 스몰미, 색다른 자기표현. smallME.



