환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 24801-24900
번호 용어 해설
24801 ◆ photoelectrochemistry ◆ the study of electrochemical reactions that are affected or promoted by light.
24802 ◆ photoelectrolysis ◆ a process that uses radiant energy rather than electrical energy to produce a chemical change in an electrolytic solution.
24803 ◆ photoelectromagnetic effect ◆ the current that results when radiation strikes the flat surface of an intermetallic semiconductor placed in a magnetic field parallel to its surface.
24804 ◆ photoelectron ◆ an electron that is emitted when light or other forms of electromagnetic radiation strike certain materials, such as cesium, selenium, or silicon.
24805 ◆ photoelectrosynthesis ◆ the production of products in a reaction driven in a nonspontaneous direction by light in an electrochemical cell, usually at a semiconductor electrode.
24806 ◆ photoemission ◆ the ejection of electrons from a material, usually a solid, when it is exposed to electromagnetic radiation and other forms of light.
24807 ◆ photoemission threshold ◆ the amount of radiant energy needed to eject an electron from certain materials, such as cesium, selenium, or silicon.
24808 ◆ photoemissive cell ◆ a device that senses light or other forms of radiation by measuring the electrons emitted from the surface of a photocathode.
24809 ◆ photoemissive tube photometer ◆ an instrument using electronic amplifications and a tube made of photoemissive material to obtain highly accurate measurements of luminous intensities (emission of electrons).
24810 ◆ photoemissivity ◆ the quality of a material that causes it to emit electrons when exposed to light and other forms of electomagnetic radiation.
24811 ◆ photofission ◆ a type of fission that takes place in nuclei of both uranium and thorium when bombarded with photons; so called because the fission is induced by radiation.
24812 ◆ photogalvanic cell ◆ an electrochemical cell in which an electric current flow is produced by irradiation with light.
24813 ◆ photogalvanism ◆ the conversion of physical or chemical energy into electrical energy in a electrochemical cell, aided by radiant energy.
24814 ◆ photoglow tube ◆ a device in which the operating voltage is raised to a point that ionization and flow discharge take place when a specified illumination is attained; used to open and close connections in a circuit.
24815 ◆ photographic sound recorder ◆ a device that generates a modulated light beam and moves a light-sensitive device in tandem with the beam to produce a photographic recording of sound signals. Thus, photographic sound recording.
24816 ◆ photographic sound reproducer ◆ a device that uses a light beam to convert a photographic sound recording back to audio signals.
24817 ◆ photohomolysis ◆ a process in which electromagnetic radiation severs a covalent bond existing between two atoms so that each atom then has one electron from the bond.
24818 ◆ photoinduced ◆ induced by light.
24819 ◆ photoionization ◆ a process in which a photon of light absorbs electrons from an atom or a molecule. Also, ATOMIC PHOTOELECTRIC EFFECT.
24820 ◆ photoisland grid ◆ the photosensitive surface of a television camera tube from which electrons are emitted.
24821 ◆ photoisomer ◆ a molecule whose structure is altered by radiant energy. Thus, photoisomerization.
24822 ◆ photolytic ◆ relating to or involving a process of photolysis.
24823 ◆ photomask ◆ a material, such as film or glass, upon which the etching pattern for a semiconductor device or an integrated circuit is drawn.
24824 ◆ photomechanochemistry ◆ the branch of science concerned with the conversion of chemical energy into mechanical energy through the effect of radiant energy.
24825 ◆ photometric titration ◆ a titration in which the titrant and the sample form a metal complex that can be measured by a change in light absorbance of the titrated solution.
24826 ◆ photomultiplier cell ◆ a device combining a photodetector to sense light and an electron multiplier to amplify the resultant current.
24827 ◆ PHOTOMULTIPLIER TUBE ◆ 광전증배관 : 복사선 세기가 낮을 때 광전과보다 유리하게 쓰이는 장치
24828 ◆ PHOTON ◆ 광자 : 에너지의 입자 또는 파동 묶음의 흐름을 일컫음
24829 ◆ photon coupled isolator ◆ a device that couples an infrared emitter diode to a photon detector over an abbreviated shielded light path, in order to achieve exceedingly high circuit isolation.
24830 ◆ photon coupling ◆ the process in which two circuits are coupled by a beam of light.
24831 ◆ photon curve ◆ a plot of gamma-radiation (photon) scatter versus depth during wellbore radioactive logging; used in detecting density variations at different well depths.
24832 ◆ photonegative ◆ having negative photoconductivity, a property in certain materials that causes them to exhibit less conductivity and more resistance when exposed to light; occasionally seen in selenium. Biology. exhibiting an aversion to light; photophobic.
24833 ◆ photoneutron ◆ a type of neutron produced in a monoenergetic beam that is released from a nucleus during a photonuclear reaction.
24834 ◆ photonuclear reaction ◆ a type of nuclear reaction that occurs when a photon collides with a nucleus.
24835 ◆ photooxidation ◆ oxidation that is induced by light. Materials Science. specifically, light-induced oxidation in polymers that results in photodegradation.
24836 ◆ photopositive ◆ having positive photoconductivity, a property in certain materials that causes them to exhibit less resistance and more conductivity when exposed to light; observed in selenium.
24837 ◆ photoreactivation ◆ any laboratory DNA repair process that requires the presence of light.
24838 ◆ photosynthesis ◆ any chemical combination caused by the action of light.
24839 ◆ Photosynthesis ◆ The manufacture by plants of carbohydrates and oxygen from carbon dioxide mediated by bhlorophyll in the presence of sunlight.
24841 ◆ phototransistor ◆ a device that amplifies an input signal, whose current has been enhanced by illumination in order to produce an output signal greater than that an equivalent photodiode could produce.
24842 ◆ PHOTOTROPH ◆ 광합성 미생물; 빛을 에너지원으로 사용하는 미생물 광영양체
24843 ◆ phototube ◆ an electron tube that converts light energy into electrical energy in direct proportion to the intensity of light absorbed by the photoemissive material on its cathode.
24844 ◆ phototube cathode ◆ the terminal in a phototube that is coated with photoemissive material and has a negative polarity.
24845 ◆ phototube relay ◆ a device that uses a light beam to open and close the circuits of mechanical devices, such as counters and safety controls.
24846 ◆ photovaristor ◆ a varistor in which the relationship of voltage to current is altered by the illumination of a light-sensitive material, such as cadmium sulfide or lead telluride; used as a semiconductor.
24847 ◆ photovoltaic ◆ of or relating to the photovoltaic effect.
24848 ◆ photovoltaic cell ◆ a device that produces an electric current when exposed to light; principally constructed with silicon, selenium, or germanium. Also, PHOTOTRONIC PHOTOCELL.
24849 ◆ photovoltaic effect ◆ the production of a voltage in a semiconductor material, such as selenium, when light or other forms of electromagnetic radiation strike it.
24850 ◆ PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER ◆ 광전기 : 태양의 방사에너지를 전기로 바꾸는 기술
24851 ◆ photox cell ◆ a photovoltaic cell that produces a voltage between a copper base and a film of cuprous oxide when it is exposed to light or other forms of electromagnetic radiation.
24852 ◆ photronic cell ◆ a photovoltaic cell that produces a voltage across a layer of selenium when it is exposed to light or other forms of electromagnetic radiation.
24853 ◆ phreatic ◆ of or relating to the explosion or eruption of nonincandescent material, such as steam or mud, from a volcano.
24854 ◆ PHSA ◆ Public Health Service Act
24855 ◆ phthalate buffer ◆ a standard laboratory solution of potassium hydrogen phthalate, KHC8H4O4; used as a pH reference solution.
24856 ◆ phthalein ◆ any of a group of compounds formed by treating phthalic anhydride with phenols; used to derive certain important dyes.
24857 ◆ PHVA ◆ 개체군 및 서석지 생존능력 분석 population and habitat viability analysis
24858 ◆ physical adsorption ◆ a relatively weak process of adsorption in which the adsorbate molecules are held to the adsorbent surface by secondary forces, rather than by chemical bonding as they are in chemisorption.
24859 ◆ Physical and Chemical Treatment ◆ Processes generally used in largescale wastewater treatment facilities. Physical processes may include airstripping or filltration. Chemical treatment includes coagulation, chlorination, or ozonation. The term can also refer to treatment of toxic materials in surface and ground wa- ters, oil spils, and some methods of dealing with hazardous materials on or in the ground.
24860 ◆ physical change ◆ a change of matter from one form to another without an accompanying change in its chemical properties.
24861 ◆ physical chemistry ◆ the study of chemical phenomena through the application of physical laws and concepts in order to describe mathematically observable chemical behavior.
24862 ◆ PHYSICAL DIAMETER ◆ 물리적 직경
24863 ◆ physical electronics ◆ the branch ofElectronics that is concerned with the physical phenomena central toElectronics, such as discharges, field emissions, and conduction.
24864 ◆ PHYSICAL UNIT OPERATIONS ◆ 물리학적 단위조작;
24865 ◆ PHYTOEXTRACTION ◆ 식물추출법
24866 ◆ Phytoplankton ◆ That portion of the plankton community comprised of tiny plants; e.g., algae, diatoms.
24867 ◆ PHYTOREMEDIATION ◆ 식물정화법
24868 ◆ Phytoremediation ◆ Low-cost remediation option for sites with widely dispersed contamination at low concentrations.
24870 ◆ Phytotoxic ◆ Harmful to plants.
24871 ◆ Phytotreatment ◆ The cultivation of specialized plants that absorb specific contaminants from the soil through their roots or foliage. This reduces the concentration of contaminants in the soil, but incorporates them into biomasses that may be released back into the environment when the plant dies or is harvested. Picocuries Per Liter pCi/L : A unit of measure for levels of radon gas; becquerels per cubic meter is metric equivalent.
24872 ◆ PHYTO-TREATMENT ◆ 식물경작법; 특수식물을 이용하여 오염물질을 흡수시키는 오염토양 복원기술
24873 ◆ PI ◆ Preliminary Injunction. Program Information
24874 ◆ pi bond ◆ a type of covalent bond in which there is an overlap of orbitals (i.e., a region of greater electron density) both above and below the bond axis of the two atoms, and there is a plane of zero electron density along the bond axis itself. Thus, pi bonding.
24875 ◆ pi electron ◆ an electron that takes part in pi bonding.
24876 ◆ pi filter ◆ a filter constructed as a pi network.
24877 ◆ pi mode ◆ a magnetron design in which the phases of anode openings, connected across from where electrons interact with an alternating magnetic field, differ by pi radians.
24878 ◆ PIC ◆ Products of Incomplete Combustion
24879 ◆ PICK UP TIME ◆ 적재시간; 폐기물수거체계에서 폐기물적재에 소요되는 시간
24880 ◆ PICKING BELTS ◆ 인력선별벨트; 폐기물처리단위공정중 이송장치로 이용되는 장비
24881 ◆ pickoff ◆ ㆍ a device that converts mechanical movements into proportional electric signals.a device that converts mechanical movements into proportional electric signals. ㆍ to monitor characteristics in a circuit, such as voltage or current, without interfering with its operation.to monitor characteristics in a circuit, such as voltage or current, without interfering with its operation. 3. a device that monitors linear or angular displacement in a circuit.a device that monitors linear or angular displacement in a circuit. Mechanical Engineering. an automatic device that removes the finished part from a press die after it has been stripped.
24882 ◆ pickup ◆ a type of nuclear reaction in which the particle bombarding the nucleus takes a nucleon from the nucleus and binds the nucleon to itself.
24883 ◆ picomole ◆ a measure of the amount of a substance equal to one-trillionth of a mole.
24884 ◆ picture element ◆ ㆍ the portion of the copy seen by a facsimile scanner at any given moment.the portion of the copy seen by a facsimile scanner at any given moment. ㆍ the portion of a television scanning line being explored at any given moment during the scanning process. Also, ELEMENTAL AREA, PIXEL.the portion of a television scanning line being explored at any given moment during the scanning process. Also, ELEMENTAL AREA, PIXEL.
24885 ◆ picture frequency ◆ ㆍ the number of complete pictures scanned per second in a television system.the number of complete pictures scanned per second in a television system.
24886 ◆ picture tube ◆ a cathode-ray tube that displays an image in a television receiver by changing the intensity of its electron beam as the beam scans the illuminated portion of the tube's fluorescent screen.
24887 ◆ picture-tube brightener ◆ a small step-up transformer that is placed between the socket and base of a picture tube to compensate for the loss of image brightness that normally occurs as the tube ages.
24888 ◆ Pierce oscillator ◆ an oscillator that has a piezoelectric crystal, such as quartz, connected between the input and output terminals of the tube or transistor, instead of a coil or capacitor.
24889 ◆ PIES ◆ Polluction Prevention Information Exchange
24890 ◆ piezochemistry ◆ the study of chemical reactions that occur at very high pressures, such as under the earth's crust.
24891 ◆ piezoelectric ◆ describing a sound device whose operation is based on the energy produced by the change in dimensions of a piezoelectric material, such as quartz crystals. Thus, piezoelectric microphone, piezoelectric transducer.
24892 ◆ piezoelectric element ◆ a crystal, such as quartz, that produces an electric voltage when it is twisted or squeezed, and, conversely, that twists, bends, expands, or contracts when a voltage is applied to it; commonly used as a transducer to convert mechanical or acoustical signals into electric signals or to regulate frequency in a crystal oscillator.
24893 ◆ piezoelectric transducer ◆ a device that uses the interaction between an electric charge and the deformation of a piezoelectric crystal to convert mechanical or acoustical signals into electrical ones, especially such a device used in a microphone. Also, CRYSTAL TRANSDUCER.
24894 ◆ Piezometer ◆ A nonpumping well, generally of small diameter, for measuring the elevation of a water table.
24895 ◆ Piezoresistive (피에조저항) ◆ 피에조저항의 정의는, 스트레스 와 함께 변화하는 저항입니다. 피에조저항 기기내의 활동 소자는, 외부에서 더해진 힘에 대해 전압 출력이 없다고 말하는 점에서 수동입니다. 피에조저항 기기를 역에 세우기 위해서(때문에)는, 외부에서 더해지는 힘에 응해, 소자내의 저항의 변화를 님ː 인 전압또는 전류의 출력으로 변환되지 않으면 안 됩니다. 통상은, 필요고 여겨진다 기능을 발휘하기 위해서(때문에), 독립한 증폭기또는 신호 조정기가 사용됩니다. 미리포기름의 트랜스듀서는, 검출 소자에 더해진 힘에 비례하는 출력을 산출하는 님ː 인 엉덩이콘합성물또는 님ː 인 합금에 생긴다, 피에조저항이 변화되는 현상을 응용하고 있습니다.
24896 ◆ pig ◆ an ion source that functions on the same principles as a Philips ionization gauge. (An acronym for Philips ionization gauge.)
24897 ◆ piggyback twistor ◆ a device that employs a thin, narrow tape of magnetic material wrapped around a fine copper conductor to store information, while a similar material is wrapped, piggyback style, on top of the first to detect stored information.
24898 ◆ pigment ◆ a natural or synthetic substance that is used in suspension to impart color to another substance; distinguished from a dye, which is used in solution. Materials. specifically, such a coloring substance mixed with water, oil, or other liquid in order to create paint.
24899 ◆ PIGS ◆ Pestcides in Groundwater Strategy
24900 ◆ pile extractor ◆ a sheet-piling extractor that operates in a manner similar to a pile driver, except that the force of the blow is upward rather than down.
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