환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 24501-24600
번호 용어 해설
24501 ◆ PCN ◆ PCN PCN는 다이옥신이나 디펜조푸란 PCB만큼 유명하지 않지만 일부의 이성체가, 강한 축적성과 유전자 독성이 강한 것은 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 - 및 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 - 육염소화 나프탈렌이라고 알려져 있고, 그림 2와 같이, 다이옥신류 중에서 가장 독성이 강한 2, 3, 7, 8 - 사염소 다이옥신(2, 3, 7, 8-TCDD)과 유사한 구조를 가지고 있다. 그 독성은 2, 3, 7, 8-TCDD를 1으로서 0.002로 그다지 크지 않다. PCN의 경우, 그 자체의 독성보다 이성체 조성을 지표로 한 지문법에 의한 생성 기원·생성 원인의 해명이 주목된다. 나프탈렌환은 배향성이 뚜렷해 생성 원인에 따라 이성체 조성에 특징이 나타나기 쉬운 것, 기본골격이 단순하기 때문에 생성 루트가 한정되는 것이 그 이유이다.
24502 ◆ PCN ◆ Policy Criteria Notice
24503 ◆ PCO ◆ Pest Control Operator
24504 ◆ PCR ◆ polymerase chain reaction, a process for amplifying a DNA molecule by up to 106 to 109 fold; extremely important in biotechnology and in research.
24505 ◆ PCS(Power Conditioning System) ◆ 태양광 어레이(Array)로부터 발전된 직류전력을 교류로 변환하는 장치. 직류를 교류전력으로 변환시켜 주는 기본 기능 외에 보호협조, 전력품질 기능 등을 갖는 장치로서 구성 및 용도에 따라 독립형/연계형, 단상/3상, 절연변압기/고주파변압기/무변압기 형태로 구분
24506 ◆ PCSD ◆ President's Council on Sustainable Development
24507 ◆ PDCI ◆ Product Data Call-In
24508 ◆ PE ◆ 폴리에틸렌 : Polyethylene
24509 ◆ peak cathode current ◆ the highest value reached by the alternating current flowing through a cathode.
24510 ◆ peak current ◆ in voltammetry, the maximum current rise due to formation of an increasing concentration gradient as the potential is shifted toward more negative values.
24511 ◆ peak detector ◆ a device that generates a DC output voltage whose value approximates the true peak value of the applied AC signal that it is tracking.
24512 ◆ Peak Electricity Demand ◆ The maximum electricity used to meet the cooling load of a building or buildings in a given area.
24513 ◆ peak enthalpimetry ◆ an analytical method for measuring the heat content of a reagent at constant temperature when measured samples of a substance are added at given intervals.
24514 ◆ peak envelope power ◆ the average amount of power supplied to the antenna of a transmission line by a radio transmitter during one frequency cycle at the highest peak-to-peak values of the modulation envelope.
24515 ◆ PEAK FLOW ◆ 첨두유량, 최대유량
24516 ◆ peak forward voltage ◆ the highest instantaneous voltage applied to an electronic device in the direction with the least resistance to current flow.
24517 ◆ PEAK HOURLY FLOW ◆ 시간첨두유량;
24518 ◆ peak inverse anode voltage ◆ the highest voltage applied to the anode of a circuit when current is flowing in the direction opposite to that for which the device was designed.
24519 ◆ peak inverse voltage ◆ the highest voltage applied, in the reverse direction, across the electrodes of a circuit.
24520 ◆ Peak Levels ◆ Levels of airborne pollutant contaminants much higher than average or occurring for short periods of time in response to sudden releases.
24521 ◆ peak signal level ◆ ㆍ the highest instantaneous signal, power, or voltage allowed under specific operating conditions.the highest instantaneous signal, power, or voltage allowed under specific operating conditions. ㆍ the highest instantaneous signal, power, or voltage seen at any point in a facsimile transmission system, including auxiliary signals.the highest instantaneous signal, power, or voltage seen at any point in a facsimile transmission system, including auxiliary signals.
24523 ◆ peak width ◆ the measurement of the time duration of a single rise and fall from a baseline on a graph of an analysis or process.
24524 ◆ peaker ◆ the fixed or adjustable inductance in a broadband amplifier that is used to resonate with stray and distributed capacitances to increase gain at high frequencies.
24525 ◆ peaking circuit ◆ a device that can convert an input wave into a peaked waveform; commonly used to improve the high-frequency response in a broadband amplifier.
24526 ◆ PEAKING FACTOR ◆ 첨두인자(피킹계수)
24527 ◆ peaking network ◆ a system that uses excess capacitance to increase the amplification of signals at the higher end of the frequency range.
24528 ◆ Peaucellier linkage ◆ a four-bar rhomboid mechanism that converts circular motion to linear motion. Also, Peaucellier mechanism.
24529 ◆ pebble heater ◆ a type of regenerator made of small refractory particles enclosed in a brick-lined steel shell; used to temporarily store heat from one process so it may be used in another process.
24530 ◆ pebble mill ◆ a horizontally mounted cylindrical pulverizing mill in which selected pebbles or large pieces of ore are used as grinding media; it has the advantage of not contaminating the material with iron.
24531 ◆ PEC (예측환경농도) ◆ Predicted Environmental Concentration의 약어로서 평가하고자 하는 물질의 특정지점에서 예측되는 존재 농도·폐수 등이 배출되는 지점의 경우 방출에 따른 배출물의 초기 부피와 수용체의 희석/확산 능력을 감안하여 PEC을 산출한다.
24532 ◆ Peclet number ◆ a dimensionless parameter that is the product of the Reynolds and Prandtl numbers; used in forced convection for internal flow.
24533 ◆ pedigree ◆ a chart of the family history of a purebred animal. Genetics. any diagram of the genetic history of an individual.
24534 ◆ pedion ◆ a single face of a crystal with no symmetrically equivalent face.
24535 ◆ Pekilo process ◆ a commercial process that cultures fungi of the species Paecilomyces varioti as animal feed.
24536 ◆ Pelean-type eruption ◆ a volcanic eruption characterized by extreme explosiveness and highly viscous magma. (From Mount Pelee, Martinique, which erupted disastrously in 190ㆍ)
24537 ◆ pellet mill ◆ a mechanical device that forces finely divided material into a roller, in which it is compacted by steam into a solid and cut into lozenges as it extrudes from the roller.
24538 ◆ PELLETING ◆ 펠레트제조; 폐기물의 압축에 이용되는 기술
24539 ◆ pellicular resin ◆ spheres or beads that are coated with a thin layer of ion-exchange resin; used in liquid chromatography.
24540 ◆ Pelton wheel ◆ an impulse hydraulic turbine in which a high-velocity jet of water strikes a series of cup-shaped buckets attached to the periphery of the rotor, producing a torque.
24541 ◆ pencil tube ◆ a long, thin tube that operates at ultrahigh frequencies; commonly used in oscillators or radio-frequency amplifiers.
24542 ◆ pendulous gyroscope ◆ a gyroscope so mounted that its center of gravity is either above or below the intersection of two horizontal perpendicular axes about which the system can oscillate. Also, GYROSCOPIC PENDULUM; GYRO-PEND
24543 ◆ pendulum press ◆ a foot-operated punch press having a pendulumlike lever for applying power to the ram. Also, KICK PRESS.
24544 ◆ pendulum saw ◆ a circular, crosscut saw mounted at the end of a swinging frame so that the weight of the saw and mounting are counterbalanced. Also, pendulum crosscutting saw.
24545 ◆ penetrating frequency ◆ a limiting frequency below which radio waves are reflected by the ionosphere at vertical incidence, and above which radio waves penetrate the ionosphere layer. Also, CRITICAL FREQUENCY.
24546 ◆ penetrating shower ◆ a type of cosmic-ray shower that consists primarily of muons, which have enough power to penetrate up to 20 cm of lead.
24547 ◆ PENETRATION ◆ 침투력
24548 ◆ penetration depth ◆ the thickness required in a hollow conductor in induction heating that would result in an effective resistance identical to that of the solid current, if a current were uniformly distributed over a cross section. Electricity. the nominal depth below the surface of a conductor at which current is concentrated by a skin effect such that the higher the frequency, the less the penetration.
24549 ◆ penetration phosphors ◆ a method for producing color images on a television screen in which phosphors from two different colors are applied to the screen in separate layers, so that a high-energy beam penetrates the first layer and excites the second, while a low-energy beam is stopped by the first layer and excites only this layer.
24550 ◆ penetration rate ◆ the actual rate of penetration of a drilling tool.
24551 ◆ penetration speed ◆ the speed at which a drill can penetrate through a rock or other material.
24552 ◆ Penex process ◆ a petroleum-refinery process that isomerizes pentane and hexane, using platinum as a catalyst.
24553 ◆ Pensky-Martens tester ◆ an apparatus used to determine the flash point of fuel oils, lubricating oils, asphalts, and other highly viscous petroleum products that require stirring during the testing procedure.
24554 ◆ pentachloride ◆ any compound in which five chloride atoms are combined with one or more other elements.
24555 ◆ Pentachlorophenol ◆ pentachlorophenol은 환경에서는 자연적으로 생성되지 않는 제조된 화학물질이다. 순수한 pentachlorophenol은 무색의 결정체로 생성된다. 불순물은 어두운 회색에서부터 갈색의 먼지, 방울 또는 잡티 등이다. 더운 곳에서는 강렬한 화학적 냄새가 나지만, 실온에서는 거의 냄새가 나지 않는다. pentachlorophenol은 살충제, 목재 방부제로 사용된다. 이것은 미국에서 가장 활발히 사용된 살충제 중 하나였고 현재는 허가받은 신청자들만 pentachlorophenol을 구입 및 사용할 수 있다. 이것은 여전히 전선 기둥, 철도의 침목, 교차로 표지, 울타리 기둥의 나무 방부제로서 산업에서 사용되고 있으며, 더 이상 집과 정원을 위해 살 수 있는 방부제, 살충제, 제조제가 아니다. http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/tfacts51.html
24556 ◆ pentane insoluble ◆ any of various substances such as resinous bitumens that may be separated from used lubricating oil by means of their insolubility in n-pentane (amyl hydride).
24557 ◆ pentavalent ◆ any atom that can bond with five other atoms.
24558 ◆ pentode ◆ a five-electrode electron tube containing an anode, a cathode, a control electrode, and two grids; this prevents the loss of secondary electrons that occurs in a tetrode, which has only one grid.
24559 ◆ pentode transistor ◆ a transistor that has four-point-contact electrodes and a body that serves as a base for three emitters and one collector.
24560 ◆ peptization ◆ the dispersion of aggregates in solution by the addition of electrolytes to form a stable hydrophobic colloidal solution.
24561 ◆ Per capita flowrates ◆ 일 인당 하수유출량;
24563 ◆ peracid ◆ an acid containing one or more pairs of peroxy groups, -O-O-.
24564 ◆ per-capita waste production rate ◆ 1인당 폐기물생산율
24565 ◆ perceived noise decibel ◆ a unit of measure for perceived noise level.
24566 ◆ PERCEIVED NOISE LEVEL ◆ 인식소음수준, 감각소음레벨 ; PNL, 공항주변의 항공기 소음평가에 주로 사용
24567 ◆ percent make ◆ ㆍ the length of time a circuit remains closed during a pulse test, compared to the length of time the test signal is pulsating.the length of time a circuit remains closed during a pulse test, compared to the length of time the test signal is pulsating. ㆍ the portion of time during which the springs in a telephone-dial pulse make contact.the portion of time during which the springs in a telephone-dial pulse make contact.
24568 ◆ Percent Saturatiuon ◆ The amount of a substance that is dissolved in a solution compared to the amount that could be disslved in it.
24569 ◆ PERCENT VOLUME REDUCTION ◆ 부피감소율 : 압축전 부피-압축후부피 /압축전 부피 X 100%
24570 ◆ percentage differential relay ◆ a differential relay operating at a current that is a fixed percentage of the current in the operating coils, rather than at a fixed current. Also, BIASED RELAY.
24571 ◆ percentage map ◆ a contoured map showing the ratios of one component to the aggregate (e.g., sand to the sum of sand plus shale) by area.
24573 ◆ percentage ripple ◆ the ratio between the value of the alternating component in a unidirectional voltage to the value of its average voltage.
24574 ◆ PERCENTILE LEVEL ◆ 시간율 소음레벨 : 어떤한 소음레벨 이상에 있는 시간이 실측시간의 x%를 차지한 경우, 이 레벨을 x퍼센트 시간율 소음레벨이라 함 Lx
24575 ◆ Perched Water ◆ Zone of unpressurized water held above the water table by impermeable rock or sediment.
24576 ◆ perchlorinate ◆ to combine with the maximum amount of chlorine.
24577 ◆ Percolating Water ◆ Water that passes through rocks or soil under the force of gravity.
24578 ◆ Percolation ◆ 1. The movement of water downward and radially through suburface soil layers, usually contnuing downward to ground water. Can also involve upward movement of water. 2. Slow seepage of water through a filter.
24579 ◆ percolation ◆ the gradual movement of a liquid through a porous medium.
24580 ◆ percolation filtration ◆ a refinery process that percolates oils through an adsorbent material (e.g., clay) to remove impurities.
24582 ◆ percussion ◆ the striking of one object against another, usually with significant force.
24583 ◆ percussion bit ◆ a rock-drilling tool with chisel-like cutting edges that drills a hole by a chipping action when driven by impacts against a rock surface.
24584 ◆ percussion drill ◆ a pneumatic drill in which a piston delivers hammer blows rapidly on a drill shank. Thus, percussion drilling.
24585 ◆ perfect crystal ◆ a single crystal in which the arrangement of atoms within each unit cell is uniform throughout.
24586 ◆ perfect fifth ◆ an interval between complex tones whose frequency ratio of the fundamentals is 3 to 2, resulting in several equal frequencies (consonance) and few beat frequencies (dissonance).
24587 ◆ perfect fractionation path ◆ the line that represents inert crystals on a phase diagram.
24588 ◆ perfect pitch ◆ a person's ability to perceive the exact pitch of a certain tone, and to reproduce the tone vocally. Also, ABSOLUTE PITCH.
24589 ◆ perfect plasticity ◆ the idealization of zero workhardening for a solid; plastic deformation can thus continue without limit at a yield or limit stress.
24590 ◆ perfectly mobile component ◆ a component whose quantity within a system is dependent on external chemical factors, rather than on chemical factors within the system.
24591 ◆ perforated completion ◆ a process of well completion in which the production casing or liner is punctured so that fluids may flow between the formation and the wellbore.
24592 ◆ Perforated pipe methods ◆ 개구파이프법; 지면관개법의 분산방법
24593 ◆ perforated plate ◆ a plate with holes that serves to disperse liquids into drops in a perforated-plate contacting tower. Also, SIEVE PLATE.
24594 ◆ perforated-pipe distributor ◆ a pipe perforated near one end; used to distribute vapors into a process liquid. Also, SPARGER.
24595 ◆ perforated-plate distributor ◆ a perforated plate or screen that is placed across a channel to smooth out a nonuniform velocity profile of turbulent flow in a liquid-liquid extractor.
24596 ◆ perforated-plate extractor ◆ a liquid-liquid extraction vessel that uses perforated plates for enhanced extraction characteristics.
24597 ◆ perforation ◆ a procedure in which holes are made in the casing opposite the producing formation to allow oil or gas to flow into the well, or to allow water to be forced out into the formation, causing hydraulic fracturing.
24598 ◆ PERFORMANCE ◆ 조작성능; 단위 조작 및 공정의 선정과 평가시에 고려되어야 할 인자
24599 ◆ Performance Bond ◆ Cash or securities deposited before a landfill operating permit is issued, which are held to ensure that all requirements for operating ad subsequently closing the landfill are faithful performed. The money is returned to the owner after proper closure of the landfill is completed. If contamination or other problems appear at any time during operation, or upon closure, and are not addressed, the owner must forfeit all or part of the bond which is then used to cover clean-up costs. Performance Data (For Incinerators): Information collected, during a trial burn, on concentrations of desig- nated organic compounds and pollutants found in incinerator emissions. Data analysis must show that the incinerator meets performance standards under operating conditions specified in the RCRA permit. (See: trial burn; performance standards.)
컬러링 스몰미빌딩 (20개 도시 세트) 미술교육. 창의력 발달. 해외여행. 창의력교육. 색칠공부, :
[스몰미 와 아트리트] 나만의 작은 나. 스몰미, 색다른 자기표현. smallME.
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