환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 24201-24300
번호 용어 해설
24201 ◆ outfall ◆ The place where effluent is discharged into receiving waters.
24202 ◆ output ◆ the total force produced by a machine.
24203 ◆ Output (출력 검출) ◆ 소자에 주어진 압력또는 일그러짐의 작용으로서 산출되는 전기적신호. 출력은, 제로점압력과 풀 스케일 압력, 혹은 제로점일그러짐과 풀 스케일비뚤어지기에 있어서 산출된다, 전압또는 전류의 단위로 통상 표현된다. 예: 0-5VDC출력의 압력 트랜스듀서는, 제로점압력으로 0VDC를 산출하고, 훌스케일 압력으로 5VDC를 산출한다.
24204 ◆ output bus driver ◆ a device that intensifies a computer's output signal sufficiently to power another device, without overloading the supply line.
24205 ◆ output capacitance ◆ ㆍ the capacitance in an n-terminal electron tube that is transferred between the output terminal and all other terminals connected to it, except for the input terminal.the capacitance in an n-terminal electron tube that is transferred between the output terminal and all other terminals connected to it, except for the input terminal. ㆍ the capacitance of a device that appears at the output terminals.the capacitance of a device that appears at the output terminals.
24206 ◆ output gap ◆ a device from which the usable power in the electron beam of a microwave tube can be extracted.
24207 ◆ output impedance ◆ the impedance calculated or measured at the terminals of a source, or at the output terminals of a transducer.
24208 ◆ Output Impedance (출력 impedance) ◆ 압력 트랜스듀서의 출력 단자상에서 측정되는 저항.
24209 ◆ output meter ◆ a meter that measures the output voltage of an oscillator or amplifier, given in volts or decibels.
24210 ◆ Output Noise (출력노이즈) ◆ 측정체가 없는 상태로의, DC신호 출력의 AC성분 RMS피크. 압력 트랜스듀서에서는, 출력노이즈는 특정 주파수로의 RMS피크값으로서 통상 명시된다.
24211 ◆ output resistance ◆ the real part of the output impedance.
24212 ◆ output shaft ◆ a shaft that transmits power from a transmission or clutch.
24213 ◆ output stage ◆ the last stage of any electronic equipment or system; in a transmitter, this stage feeds the antenna.
24214 ◆ output transformer ◆ ㆍ a transformer connected between the output of a transducer or amplifier and the load, usually to match the load impedance for maximum power transfer.a transformer connected between the output of a transducer or amplifier and the load, usually to match the load impedance for maximum power transfer. ㆍ a circuit that matches the load impedance to the output of the amplifier or transducer.a circuit that matches the load impedance to the output of the amplifier or transducer.
24215 ◆ output tube ◆ a tube that is specifically designed to be used in an amplifier's output stage.
24216 ◆ output-meter adapter ◆ a device that allows an output meter to be connected to the output end of a radio receiver during alignment.
24217 ◆ OVER ALL LEVEL ◆ 전역레벨 : 필터를 통하지 않은 레벨
24218 ◆ OVER ALL NOISE LEVEL ◆ 총 소음도; 대부분의 소음계와 정밀소음분석기에 내장되어 있는 청감보정회로는 옥타브밴드필터에 의해서 주파수 분석을 하여 그 밴드에 대응하는 청감보정을 하며 이에 의해서 측정된 소음도를 말한다. 또한, 소음의 모든 주파수 성분을 대수합산한 값이다
24219 ◆ Overaeration ◆ 과포기;
24220 ◆ OVERALL REACTION ◆ 종합반응
24221 ◆ overall response ◆ the ratio between a system's input and its output.
24222 ◆ overarm ◆ an adjustable support at the end opposite the spindle of a milling cutter.
24223 ◆ overbunching ◆ a condition in which the fluctuation in electron velocity exceeds that which is required to generate energy in a velocity modulated tube, such as a klystron.
24224 ◆ overcoupled circuit ◆ a circuit in which two separate circuits are tuned to the same frequency and coupled closely together in order to obtain two response peaks.
24225 ◆ overcuring ◆ the process of allowing a material to exceed the necessary cure time, resulting in softness or brittleness.Materials Science. in vulcanization, a condition that occurs when too much sulfur has incorporated into rubber stock, resulting in a stiffer, harder, and less extrudable product than that at the optimum cure.
24226 ◆ overcurrent ◆ a current that is excessively high, generally caused by a short circuit.
24227 ◆ OVERDAMPED ◆ 과감쇠
24228 ◆ overdrive ◆ ㆍ a method of reducing engine rpm in relation to speed, using a separate epicyclic gear unit.a method of reducing engine rpm in relation to speed, using a separate epicyclic gear unit. ㆍ the gear unit used in this process.the gear unit used in this process.
24229 ◆ overdrive transmission ◆ a vehicle transmission system characterized by an overdrive gear unit.
24230 ◆ overdriven amplifier ◆ an amplifier operating at levels that exceed those for which it was designed; usually producing a distorted output.
24231 ◆ overexpression ◆ a phenomenon in which heterozygotes may display greater gene expression of the phenotype than the same allele does in the phenotype of the homozygote.
24232 ◆ OVER-FIRE AIR ◆ 화격자 위; 폐기물소각처리시설에서의 화격자 위를 지칭
24233 ◆ overfire draft ◆ the air pressure in a boiler furnace when the main flame is burning.
24234 ◆ overflow groove ◆ a groove provided in a plastics mold to allow for the escape of excess molten material.
24235 ◆ OVERFLOW PIPE ◆ 과유량 배출관, 일류관 ; 여분의 물을 넘어가게 하는 관
24236 ◆ OVERFLOW RATE ◆ 월류율, 수면적 부하
24237 ◆ overgear ◆ a gear train in which the velocity ratio of the driven shaft to its driving mechanism is greater than unity.
24238 ◆ overhaul ◆ ㆍ to disassemble, inspect, repair, then reassemble and test a piece of machinery.to disassemble, inspect, repair, then reassemble and test a piece of machinery. ㆍ the process of overhauling an engine or other machinery.the process of overhauling an engine or other machinery.
24239 ◆ overhead ◆ the vapor in a distillation column that reaches the top of the column and is condensed and separated; part is returned to the column and the remainder is removed as product.
24240 ◆ OVERHEAD BELT MAGNET ◆ 오버헤드벨트자석; 폐기물 자력선별시 사용되는 자석설비장치
24241 ◆ overhead camshaft ◆ a camshaft that runs across the cylinder heads of an engine, opening the valves directly or through rockers. Also, overhead cam.
24242 ◆ overhead shovel ◆ a tractor loader that digs at one end, swings the bucket overhead, and dumps at the other end.
24243 ◆ overhead-valve engine ◆ a vertical engine in which the inlet and exhaust valves operate in the cylinder head opposite the piston.
24244 ◆ OVERLAND FLOW ◆ 지면 관개법, 지표 유하수
24245 ◆ Overland flow systems ◆ 지면 관개법; 폐수의 자연적처리법
24246 ◆ overlay transistor ◆ a device that contains a large number of emitters linked together by means of diffusion and metallizing, increasing its current-handling capabilities and allowing it to produce high power amplification at exceedingly high frequencies.
24247 ◆ overload capacity ◆ a defined level of current or power that a device can carry, usually only for a short time; generally higher than the rated load capacity.: a greater load than an amplifier or other electronic component or system is designed to carry; characterized by a waveform distortion or overheating. Geology. an amount of sediment that is in excess of that which a stream is capable of transporting, and therefore is deposited. Psychology. the fact of having too much information and stimuli to store in memory in the time available.
24248 ◆ overload current ◆ a current that overwhelms a system's load capacity and may cause permanent damage.
24249 ◆ overmodulation ◆ a state in which amplitude modulation is over 100%, resulting in distortion of the output signal.
24250 ◆ overpoint ◆ in a distillation procedure, the temperature at which the first drop of distillate is collected
24251 ◆ OVERPOTENTIAL ◆ 과전위 : 편극이 일어나는 정도를 표시하는 용어
24252 ◆ overprint ◆ any disturbance of an isolated radioactive system that results in a gain or loss of radioactive or radiogenic isotopes, thus affecting the radiometric age that will be given the disturbed system.
24253 ◆ override ◆ ㆍ to take control of an otherwise automatic mechanism or system to correct, supplement, or suspend its operation.to take control of an otherwise automatic mechanism or system to correct, supplement, or suspend its operation. ㆍ an auxiliary device used to make such a correction.an auxiliary device used to make such a correction.
24254 ◆ overrunning clutch ◆ a coupling that transmits rotation in only one direction and that disconnects if the torque is reversed.
24255 ◆ overshot wheel ◆ a vertical waterwheel turned on a horizontal shaft by water pouring over buckets attached to its circumference.
24256 ◆ overspeed governor ◆ a governor that stops or slows a prime mover at excessive speeds.
24257 ◆ overspin ◆ ㆍ overstability caused by an excessive rate of spin of a spin-stabilized projectile: the nose of the projectile does not turn downward when it passes the summit of the path and begins to descend.overstability caused by an excessive rate of spin of a spin-stabilized projectile: the nose of the projectile does not turn downward when it passes the summit of the path and begins to descend.
24258 ◆ oversquare engine ◆ an engine with the bore diameter larger than the stroke length.
24259 ◆ overstability ◆ a condition in which the restoring forces acting on charged particles in a plasma are great enough to return the particles back to their equilibrium positions at speeds greater than their original outward speeds, thus causing an increasing oscillation. Also, overstabilization.
24260 ◆ overtone ◆ a tone having a frequency that is an integral multiple of a fundamental frequency; there is an octave separation between a fundamental and its first overtone and two octaves of separation between the fundamental and its second overtone. : in a vibrating structure or other vibrational system, any of those oscillatory modes that are higher than the lowest or fundamental frequency, and whose frequencies are integral multiples of the fundamental frequency.
24261 ◆ overtone crystal ◆ a quartz crystal that is ground in such a manner that it can perform at multiples of its base frequency or at two frequencies simultaneously, such as in a synthesizer.
24262 ◆ OVERTURN ◆ 전도현상, 역전
24263 ◆ overvoltage ◆ the point at which an applied voltage surpasses the Geiger threshold in a radiation-counter tube.
24264 ◆ ovonic memory switch ◆ a switch characterized by its ability, after moving from a highly resistive state to a conducting state, to stay in the conducting state until a current pulse reaches its highest resistive state.
24265 ◆ ovonic threshold switch ◆ a switch characterized by its ability, after moving from a highly resistive state to a conducting state, to return to a highly resistive state when current falls below a given value.
24266 ◆ Ovshinshky effect ◆ an element of thin-film solid-state devices that allows current to flow equally well in either a positive or negative direction.
24267 ◆ OW ◆ Office of Water
24268 ◆ Owen bridge ◆ a four-arm alternating current bridge that measures self-inductance in terms of capacitance and resistance and whose balance is independent of frequency.
24269 ◆ OWPD ◆ Office of Waste Programs Enforcement
24270 ◆ OXIDATION DITCH ◆ 산화구공정; 활성슬러지공법의 변법으로 원형 또는 타원형의 수로로 된 공정
24271 ◆ oxidation number ◆ the number of electrons needed to restore an atom in a combined state to its elemental form.
24272 ◆ oxidation potential ◆ ㆍ the difference in the amount of energy contained in an atom or an ion and the amount of energy remaining once an electron leaves its orbit.the difference in the amount of energy contained in an atom or an ion and the amount of energy remaining once an electron leaves its orbit. ㆍ the energy that can be generated by an electrode when all the substances involved in the electrolytic process are in their standard states.the energy that can be generated by an electrode when all the substances involved in the electrolytic process are in their standard states.
24273 ◆ oxidation state ◆ the condition of an atom as expressed by its oxidation number.
24274 ◆ oxidation-reduction indicator ◆ a compound that changes color when it loses or gains electrons.
24275 ◆ oxidation-reduction reaction ◆ any chemical change in which one species is oxidized (loses electrons) and another species is reduced (gains electrons).
24276 ◆ oxide isolation ◆ a method for isolating elements in an integrated circuit by inserting a layer of silicon oxide around each element.
24277 ◆ oxide passivation ◆ a method for achieving stability in an integrated circuit by covering the surface with a layer of insulating oxide.
24278 ◆ oxide-coated cathode ◆ a cathode or filament that has been coated with oxides of alkaline-earth metals, such as thorium oxide, to increase electron emission at low temperatures.
24279 ◆ oxidize ◆ ㆍ to convert a substance into an oxide; combine with oxygen.to convert a substance into an oxide; combine with oxygen. ㆍ to undergo or cause to undergo oxidation; lose or remove electrons. Thus, oxidized.to undergo or cause to undergo oxidation; lose or remove electrons. Thus, oxidized.
24280 ◆ oxidizing agent ◆ the species that gains electrons in an oxidation-reduction reaction and is itself reduced.
24281 ◆ oxidizing atmosphere ◆ a space that is rich in oxygen, and where oxidation occurs.
24283 ◆ oxidizing flame ◆ a gas flame in which the portion used contains excess oxygen.
24284 ◆ oxo process ◆ a hydroformylation process used to convert alkenes to aldehydes in the presence of a catalyst; often continued to reduce the aldehydes to alcohols by catalytic hydrogenation.
24285 ◆ Oxygen activated sludge ◆ 산소활성 슬러지;
24286 ◆ oxygen burning ◆ a process in which nuclei combine in stars, characterized by the fusion of two oxygen-16 nuclei at extreme temperatures and pressures.
24287 ◆ oxygen deficit ◆ the difference between the actual quantity of dissolved oxygen in a sample of lake or seawater at a particular temperature and the saturation concentration at that temperature.
24288 ◆ oxygen transfer ◆ the transfer of oxygen from the air into a solution in a fermenter, usually expressed as a volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient.
24289 ◆ oxygen transfer rate ◆ the rate at which oxygen passes from the atmosphere into a solution, measured in relation to the rate of oxidation of a solution of sulfite to sulfate.
24290 ◆ oxygen uptake rate ◆ a measure of the average rate of oxygen consumption by a culture, dependent on cell concentration and expressed in volumetric terms.
24291 ◆ oxygen yield ◆ the amount of end products or biomass produced by an aerobic reaction, usually expressed as a rate of oxygen consumption for that culture.
24292 ◆ oxygenate ◆ to combine or treat with oxygen
24293 ◆ OXYGENATED FUEL ◆ 산소화 연료
24294 ◆ oxygen-flask method ◆ the burning of a substance in a closed flask containing oxygen in order to identify combustible elements by analysis of an alkali solution of the residue.
24295 ◆ oxygen-isotope fractionation ◆ the difference in the ratio of oxygen-18 to oxygen-16 in oxygen-bearing minerals or other geologic materials, often used to determine temperature differences at the time of mineral formation.
24296 ◆ OXYHEMOGLOBIN ◆ 옥시헤모글로빈; 인간의 신체에서 세포에 산소를 전달하는 물질
24297 ◆ oxyhydrogen ◆ of, relating to, containing, or (usually) using a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen. Thus, oxyhydrogen flame, oxyhydrogen torch, oxyhydrogen welding.
24298 ◆ ozone depletion ◆ 오존 파괴
24299 ◆ Ozone Depletion Potential ◆ 오존파괴지수
24300 ◆ OZONE LAYER ◆ 오존층 : 태양자외선에 의해 산소분자가 분해되어 생긴 산소원자와 산소분자와의 반응에 의하여 생성되며 성층권에 덮여있는 층
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