환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 24001-24100
번호 용어 해설
24001 ◆ oil-base mud ◆ drilling mud containing oil as the liquid component; used to drill through clay formations or in very deep wells in which bottom-hole temperatures may reach 300-400°F.
24002 ◆ oilfield ◆ an area of land drilled for purposes of recovering petroleum, with boundaries corresponding to an oil pool or described by political or legal limits.
24003 ◆ oil-field emulsion ◆ a crude oil extracted from a well as an emulsion of oil and water.
24004 ◆ oil-gas process ◆ a distillation process used to obtain a light gas-oil from petroleum.
24005 ◆ Oilgotrophic Lakes ◆ Deep clear lakes with few nutrients, little organic matter and a high dissolved-oxygen level. On-Scene Coordinator (OSC): The predesignated EPA, Coast Guard, or Department of Defense official who coordinates and directs Superfund removal actions or Clean Water Act oil-or hazardous-spill response ac- tions.
24006 ◆ oilless bearing ◆ a self-lubricating bearing.
24008 ◆ Oldshue-Rushton contractor ◆ a liquid-liquid contractor that agitates its contents by means of vertical baffles attached to the walls of the apparatus.
24009 ◆ oleo strut ◆ a shock absorber consisting of a telescoping structure that forces oil into an air chamber at a controlled rate, compressing the air and absorbing shock.
24010 ◆ Oligo saprobic ◆ 빈부수성 지역; 하천에 하수등유기성 오수의 유입으로 인한 변화상태를 kolkwitz 와 marson이 4지대로 구분한 것중의 하나
24011 ◆ oligonucleotide synthesizer ◆ an automated device used for solid-phase chemical synthesis of linear nucleic acids that can be used as DNA probes, as synthetic genes, or for site-directed mutagenesis.
24012 ◆ OLTS ◆ On Line Tracking System
24013 ◆ omegatron ◆ an instrument that photographs and identifies any radioactive gases that remain after an evacuation.
24014 ◆ omission solid solution ◆ a crystal whose lattice sites are not completely occupied.
24015 ◆ omnidirectional ◆ of or relating to a device that radiates or receives signals in any direction.
24016 ◆ omnigraph ◆ an automatic acetylene cutter that is controlled by and copies the motion of a mechanical pointer tracing a pattern.
24017 ◆ ON SITE ◆ 지역 안에서
24018 ◆ Onboard Controls ◆ Devices placed on vehicles to capture gasoline vapor during refueling and route it to the engines when the vehicle is starting so that it can be efficiently burned.
24019 ◆ once-through boiler ◆ a term for a boiler in which water does not recirculate.
24020 ◆ Onconogenicity ◆ The capacity to induce cancer.
24021 ◆ ondometer ◆ an apparatus that is designed to measure the frequency of the oscillations in high-frequency currents. Also, ondograph.
24022 ◆ ondoscope ◆ a glow-discharge tube used on an insulating rod to indicate the presence of high-frequency radiation, as the radiation ionizes the gas in its tube and causes it to glow.
24023 ◆ One-hit Model ◆ A mathematical model based on the biological theory that a single hit of some minimum critical amount of a carcinogen at a cellular target such as DNA can start an irreversible series events leading to a tumor.
24024 ◆ one-quadrant multiplier ◆ a multiplier of an analog computer whose operation is limited to a single sign of both input variables.
24025 ◆ -onium ◆ a combining form used in the names of complex cations, as in oxonium.
24026 ◆ on-line ◆ describing any device that is connected to and capable of delivering the correct output to a system. Engineering. of a repair, test, or the like, performed without interrupting an operation. Thus, on-line maintenance.
24027 ◆ on-line analysis ◆ the measurement of a process where sampling is done continuously via a sample line to the analytical device; this method allows for highly accurate results because it is accomplished without disturbing the reaction.
24028 ◆ Onsager equation ◆ an equation that contrasts the conductance of an actual electrolytic solution, at a given concentration, to that of its pure solvent at zero concentration.
24029 ◆ on-site ◆ 토양오염정화시 현장내에서 치리하는 것을 말하며, 오염토양의 수거 및 이송없이 오염물질을 제거하는 기술(In-situ, 원위치 복원기술)과 오염토양을 굴토 및 수거하여 현장내로 이송시킨 후 오염물질을 제거하는 기술(Ex-situ, 위치 외 복원기술)이 있음.
24030 ◆ ON-SITE BIOREMEDIATION ◆ 토양외 생물복원(지상으로 옮겨)
24031 ◆ On-Site Facility ◆ A hazardous waste treatment, storage or disposal area that is located on the generating site.
24032 ◆ Onsite systems ◆ 현장처분 시스템;
24033 ◆ ONSITE TREATMENT ◆ 현장처리
24034 ◆ ON-SITE TREATMENT ◆ 현장처리; On-situ remediation 와 같은 의미로 쓰임
24035 ◆ Onsite wastewater management districts ◆ 현장처리스시템의 감독을 위한 기구; OSWMD
24036 ◆ ON-SITU REMEDIATION ◆ 현장처리; 오염토양의기술처리장소에 따라 구별한 토양복원기술
24037 ◆ on-stream ◆ describing any component of a process that is actually in operation.
24038 ◆ on-stream time ◆ the amount of time during a process that a piece of equipment is actually in production.
24039 ◆ Opacity ◆ The amount of light obscured by particulate pollution in the air; clear window glass has zero opacity, a brick wall is 100 percent opaque. Opacity is an indicator of changes in performance of particulate control systems.
24040 ◆ OPEC ◆ Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries(석유수출기구)의 약칭. 1960년 9월 이라크, 쿠웨이트, 사우디아라비아, 베네수엘라, 이란의 5개국에 의해 설립되었으며, 본부는 빈에 있다. OPEC설립의 직접적인 원인은 1959년과 1960년 2회에 걸친 원유공시가격의 대폭적인 인하가 메이저에 의해 일방적으로 행해진 데에 있는데 산유국간의 석유정책협조와 이를 위한 정보수집, 의견교환 등에 목적을 두고 있다. 현재의 가맹국은 위 5개국 이외에 카타르, 인도네시아, 리비아, 아랍에미레이트 연방, 알제리아, 나이지리아, 에쿠아도르, 가봉으로 13개국이다.
24041 ◆ open ◆ of a circuit, discontinuous or interrupted. Computer Programming. ㆍ to make a file or data set accessible for processing.to make a file or data set accessible for processing. ㆍ a command used to access a file.a command used to access a file. Graphic Arts. of printed matter, widely spaced or leaded. Linguistics. of a class of items, readily admitting new members; e.g., English nouns.
24042 ◆ Open Burning ◆ Uncontrolled fires in an open dump.
24043 ◆ OPEN CHANNELS ◆ 개수로; 덮개가 쓰여지지 않은 관거
24044 ◆ open circuit ◆ ㆍ a current path that is discontinuous or broken at one or more points such that it cannot conduct current or represent the voltage at its extremities.a current path that is discontinuous or broken at one or more points such that it cannot conduct current or represent the voltage at its extremities. ㆍ open-circuit. of or relating to a no-load condition, such as an open-circuit voltage of a battery.open-circuit. of or relating to a no-load condition, such as an open-circuit voltage of a battery.
24045 ◆ OPEN DITCH ◆ 개수로
24046 ◆ Open Dump ◆ An uncovered site used for disposal of waste without environmental controls. (See: dump.)
24047 ◆ OPEN DUMPING ◆ 단순매립지; 흔히 노천투기장으로 의미되지도 한다
24048 ◆ open hole ◆ an uncased wellbore or the section of a drill hole below the casing.
24049 ◆ OPEN SYSTEM ◆ 개방시스템
24050 ◆ OPEN TUBULAR COLUMN ◆ 열린컬럼 기체액체 : 크로마토그래피에서 사용되는 컬럼
24051 ◆ open-circuit grinding ◆ a process in which material is passed through grinding equipment without being screened, classified, or otherwise checked for quality.
24052 ◆ open-circuit potential ◆ the potential of an electrode when there is no current flowing to or from the electrode.
24053 ◆ open-cycle engine ◆ an engine in which the power fluid is used only once and replaced with fresh fluid.
24054 ◆ open-cycle gas turbine ◆ a gas turbine prime mover in which hot products are expanded in the turbine element before being exhausted into the atmosphere.
24055 ◆ open-flow capacity ◆ the rate of fluid flow from a gas well that is open to the atmosphere.
24056 ◆ open-flow potential ◆ the rate of flow from a gas well that would result if only atmospheric pressure acted on the face of the wellbore; typically measured in thousands of cubic feet per day.
24057 ◆ open-flow test ◆ analysis of flow rate and pressure drop while a gas well is open to the atmosphere; used in estimating the potential of a reservoir to deliver gas to the wellbore.
24058 ◆ open-flow well ◆ a gas well that flows open to the atmosphere.
24059 ◆ open-hole completion ◆ oil well production that occurs in the absence of a casing or liner opposite the producing formation, resulting in the unrestricted flow of reservoir fluids into the wellbore.
24060 ◆ opening die ◆ a screw-cutting die head that automatically clears the screw thread as it comes to the end.
24061 ◆ Operable Unit ◆ Term for each of number of separate activites undertaken as part of a Superfund site cleanup. A typical operable unit would be removal of drums and tanks from the surface of a site.
24062 ◆ OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENT ◆ 유지관리 요건; 단위 조작 및 공정의 선정과 평가시에 고려되어야 할 인자
24063 ◆ operating angle ◆ the electrical angle of the input signal during which plate current is flowing in an amplifier or electron tube.
24064 ◆ Operating Conditions ◆ Conditions specified in a RCRA permit that dictate how an incinerator must operate as it burns different waste types. A trial burn is used to identify operating conditions needed to meet speci- fied performance standards.
24065 ◆ operating line ◆ the line corresponding to compositions of passing streams in a graphical construction for a gas-liquid contactor or a distillation column.
24066 ◆ operating point ◆ the point on a response curve that indicates the instantaneous electrode voltages or currents for the operating conditions under study.
24067 ◆ operating time ◆ the time period during which an electronic device is in operation.
24068 ◆ Operation and Maintenance ◆ 1. Activities conducted after a Superfund site action is completed to ensure that the action is effective. 2. Actions taken after construction to ensure that facilities constructed to treat waste water will be properly operated and mainatained to achieve normative efficeency levels and prescribed effluent limitations in an optimum manner. 3. On-going asbestos management plan in a school or other public building, including regular inspections, various methods of maintaining asbestos in place, and removal when necessary.
24069 ◆ operational amplifier ◆ an amplifier characterized by very high gain and input impedance, and very low output impedance. The response of a circuit incorporating an operational amplifier is established by the passive components external to the amplifier.
24070 ◆ OPERATIONAL CONTROL ◆ 실무관리, 운영관리
24071 ◆ Operator Certification ◆ Certification of operators of community and nontransient noncommunity water systems, asbestos specialists, pesticide applicators, hazardous waste transporter, and other such specialists as required by the EPA or a state agency implementing an EPA-approved environmental regulatrory program.
24072 ◆ OPP ◆ Office of Pesticide Programs
24073 ◆ Oppenheimer-Phillips reaction ◆ a type of stripping reaction that occurs in two stages: a deuteron approaching a nucleus breaks up into a proton and a neutron under the electrostatic repulsion of the positive charges that force the proton away, and the neutron is absorbed by the target nucleus, forming a compound nucleus that, if in an excited state, loses excess energy by gamma radiation.
24074 ◆ opposed engine ◆ an engine with cylinders in the same plane but on opposite sides of the crankcase whose connecting rods work on a common crankshaft placed between the cylinders.
24075 ◆ OPPT ◆ Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics
24076 ◆ OPRC-HNS 협약 ◆ 최근 위험・유해물질의 종류와 양이 급속도로 증가하여 해상에서 유출사고의 발생가능성이 높아짐에 따라, 국제적으로 국제해사기구(IMO)를 중심으로 사고 대비대응을 위한 국가/지역간 협력을 위해 체결된 협약이다. 우리나라는 2008년 가입, 2015년부터 위험・유해물질 사고에 대한 국가 대비 및 대응체계 구축을 위한 본격적인 기술개발을 진행 중이다.
24077 ◆ optic axis ◆ the direction in a birefringent crystal along which the ordinary and extraordinary rays travel at the same speed. Uniaxial crystals have one such axis; biaxial crystals have two.
24078 ◆ optical air mass ◆ the amount of atmosphere between an observer and a celestial object taken as a multiple of the zenith value; air mass is equal to 1 when the object is in the zenith and it increases as the secant of the object's zenith distance.
24079 ◆ optical anomaly ◆ a phenomenon in which light passing through an organic compound does not refract in the manner expected from the compound's atomic structure.
24080 ◆ optical coupling ◆ the coupling of signals from one electronic circuit to another by means of electromagnetic radiation, such as a light beam or light pipe; this provides isolation for the circuits using a short-length optical path.
24081 ◆ optical crystal ◆ a crystal whose piezoelectric properties are used for ultraviolet and infrared experimental purposes; e.g., silver chloride, sodium chloride, and potassium iodide.
24082 ◆ optical Doppler effect ◆ the observed shift in the frequency of light due to relative motion between the light source and the observer.
24083 ◆ optical encoder ◆ a device that converts information into digital data by interrupting light beams focused onto photoelectric devices.
24084 ◆ optical exaltation ◆ a phenomenon in which light passing through a substance exhibits a refraction that exceeds the calculated one; generally, all optical anomalies fall into this category.
24085 ◆ optical indicatrix ◆ a three-dimensional ellipsoid whose surface is defined by vectors from an origin having lengths proportional to the refractive indices in that direction.
24086 ◆ optical isomerism ◆ the existence of a pair of compounds whose molecular structures mirror each other, so that each form has an asymmetric atom and they rotate plane-polarized light in opposite directions. Thus, optical isomer.
24087 ◆ optical mask ◆ a sheet of metal or other material that has an open pattern and is used to illuminate the photoresistive material on an integrated circuit.
24088 ◆ optical relay ◆ an instrument that employs a light sensor to switch a circuit on and off as conditions change, as in an outdoor security light that switches on at night and off in daylight.
24089 ◆ OPTICAL SORTING ◆ 광학선별; 폐기물 선별방법으로 불투명한것과 투명한것의 분리에 이용되는 방식
24090 ◆ optical sound head ◆ the component in a motion-picture projector that reproduces photographically recorded sound by means of light from an incandescent lamp focused onto the film's optical sound track and picked up by a photoelectric cell. Also, optical electronic reproducer.
24091 ◆ optically active ◆ describing a substance that causes optical activity, i.e., that rotates the plane of vibration of plane-polarized light. Thus, optically active molecule.
24092 ◆ Optimal Corrosion Control Treatment ◆ An erosion control treatment that minimizes the lead and copper concentrations at users' taps while also ensuring that the treatment does not cause the water system to violate any national primary drinking water regulations.
24093 ◆ optimum bunching ◆ a bunching condition that produces the greatest output in a velocity-modulated tube, such as a klystron.
24094 ◆ optimum cure ◆ a specified time and a definite temperature that will result in maximum desired properties, such as tensile strength or abrasion resistance
24095 ◆ optimum filter ◆ a filter designed for the best possible discrimination between signals of a given set.
24096 ◆ OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT ◆ 적정수분함량; 미생물활성과 적정산소전달을 위해 필요한 수분함량
24097 ◆ optimum reverberation time ◆ the ideal amount of time for sound to travel in an acoustic environment such as a concert hall or auditorium; normally less than one-third of a second for good listening conditions.
24098 ◆ optoacoustic spectroscopy ◆ the measurement of sound waves generated by the absorption of radiation by chemical substances, especially gases; the absorbed radiation is transformed into motion. Also, optoacoustic detection method.
24099 ◆ optoelectronic ◆ of or relating to a device that responds to optical power, emits optical radiation, or uses optical radiation for its own operation; any device that combines optic and electric parts, or that functions as an electrical-to-optical transducer (or vice versa). Thus, optoelectronic device, optoelectronic element.
24100 ◆ optoelectronic scanner ◆ a scanner that has an optical device, such as a mirror or lens, between its light source and its photoelectric device
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