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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 21901-22000

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 12.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 21901-22000

번호                  용어                  해설

21901             LAND DEGRADATION               토지황폐화 : 기후변동 및 인간활동을 포함한 다양한 요인으로 토지가 황폐화되어 가는 형상

21902             Land Disposal Restrictions                        Rules that require hazardous wastes to be treated before disposal on land to destroy or immobilize hazardous constituents that might migrate into soil and ground water.

21903             Land Farming (of Waste)           A disposal process in which hazardous waste deposited on or in the soil is degraded naturally by microbes.

21904             LAND system              토지체제

21905             LAND TREATMENT PROCESS                    토지처리공정;

21906             Lande g factor             a dimensionless factor used in calculating the measure of the ratio of the angular momentum of a subatomic particle to its magnetic moment in the presence of spin-orbit coupling. Also, G-FACTOR.

21907             LANDFARMING            토양경작법; 토양복원기술로서 식물을 경작하여 오염물질을 정화하는 방법

21908             LANDFILL                    매립지; 토양에 폐기물을 처분하기 위하여 사용되는 물리적 시설 

21909             LANDFILL CLOSURE                  매립종료; 매립이 완료된 매립지를 마무리짓는 작업으로 장래 토지이용계획에 따라 안전하게 마무리 하는 단계를 말한다.

21910             LANDFILL CONTROL FACILITIES                 매립지설비; 차수막, 침출수 집수시설 및 배출시설, 매립가스의 포집시설과 배출시설 그리고 당일 및 최종복토층등을 모두 포함한다.

21911             LANDFILL FOR COMMINGLED MSW                     혼합도시폐기물 매립지; 매립지의 유형

21912             LANDFILL FOR INDIVIDUAL WASTE CONSTITUENTS           단일성분폐기물매립지; 매립지의 유형

21913             LANDFILL FOR SHREDDED SOLID WASTES                     파쇄폐기물 매립지; 매립지의 유형

21914             LANDFILL GAS             매립가스; 매립지에서 발생하는 가스의 혼합물

21915             LANDFILL LINER           매립지 차수막 : 매립지의 바닥면과 경사면을 덮는데 사용되는 인공적인 또는 자연적인 물질을 말한다.

21916             LANDFILL MINING                   매립지 굴착

21917             LANDFILLING              매립; 매립지에 폐기물들을 처분하는 것

21918             Landfills          1. Sanitary landfills are disposal sites for non-hazardous solid wastes spread in layers, compacted to the smallest practical volume, and covered by mater applied at the end of each operting day, 2. Secure chemical landfills are disposal sites for hazardous waste, selected and designed to minimize the chance of release of hazardous substances into the environment.

21919             Landscape                   The traits, patterns, and structure of a specific geographic area, including its biological com-position, its physical environment, and its anthropogenic or social patterns. An area where interacting ecosystems are grouped and repeated in similar form.

21920             Landscape Characterization                      Documentation of the traits and patterns of the essential elements of the landscape.

21921             Landscape Ecology                   The study of the distrbution patterns of communities and ecosystems, the ecological processes that affect those patterns, and changes in pattern and process over time.

21922             Landscape Indicator                 A measurement of the landscape, calculated from mapped or remotely sensed data, used to describe spatial patterns of land use and land cover across a geographic area. Landscape indicators may be useful as measures of certain kinds of environmental degradation such as forest fragmentation.

21923             Landscape irrigation                 조경관개;

21924             LAND-SEA BREEZE                   해륙풍 : 육지와 바다사이에 부는 바람

21925             Langelier Index (LI)                   An index reflecting the equilibrium pH of a water with respect to calcium and alkalinity; used in stabilizing water to control both corrosion and scale deposition.

21926             Langevin ion-mobility theories                  two separate theories that explain the actions of ions in gases; in the first, atoms and ions are believed to interact through a hard-sphere collision; the second argues that in addition to the repulsion that occurs when atoms and ions come into close contact, there is also an attraction between them that arises from the polarization of the atoms in the ion's field.

21927             Langevin ion-recombination theory                     a theory that predicts the rate at which negative and positive ions will recombine in an ionized gas, based on the assumption that there is mutual attraction between ions with opposing polarities and that their velocities are determined by their mobility.

21928             Langevin radiation pressure                      the pressures and tensile forces that occur on the boundary surfaces of a fluid volume due to the nonlinearity of the sound field equation.

21929             Langevin theory of diamagnetism             a theory stating that diamagnetism results from currents caused by the Larmor precession of electrons inside atoms.

21930             LANGLEY                    랭글리 : 일사량은 단위 시간당 단위면적에서 받는 열량으로 표시된다. Ly, Cal/cm2

21931             Langmuir adsorption isotherm                  an equation that gives the amount of substance adsorbed on a surface as a function of the pressure exerted; it assumes that the molecules are adsorbed as a single layer, that there is no interaction between adsorbed molecules, and that temperature is constant; used chiefly for the adsorption of gaseous materials on a solid surface. Also, Langmuir (isotherm) equation.

21932             Langmuir adsorption model                     a formula that describes the pressure dependence of gas adsorption on a solid surface; expressed as Ci = afn/(1 + af), where Ci is the concentration of adsorbed gas molecules, a is an equilibrium constant, f is the gas fugacity, and n is the concentration of potential adsorption sites on the surface.

21933             Langmuir dark space                the area around the negatively charged probe that is inserted into the positive column of a glow discharge tube, from which little light emanates.

21934             Langmuir-Blodgett film             a monomolecular film produced by dipping a solid in water having a compressed surface layer of molecules that are amphiphilic; i.e., they have polar ends that readily interact with water and nonpolar ends that resist water; thus their alignment is highly regularized.

21935             lantern pinion             a type of gear pinion with cylindrical bars set between two parallel disks.

21936             lantern ring                 a packing ring or sleeve for a rotating shaft with an H-shaped cross section that feeds pumped lubricants to bearing surfaces.

21937             lapel microphone                     a small microphone positioned close to a person's mouth, usually attached to a piece of clothing such as a jacket lapel; used in television interviews, theater performances, and other such situations in which a larger, more visible microphone is undesirable.

21938             lapilli              small fragments of pyroclastic material, ranging from 2 to 64 mm in diameter, that are blown out from an erupting volcano.

21939             Laplace's equation                    a relationship for the speed of sound in a gas, as given by c = (p/), where  is the ratio of specific heats of the gas, p is the gas pressure, and  is the density.  Mathematics. the elliptic partial differential equation for a scalar-valued function on Euclidean space that sets the sum of all the nonmixed second partial derivatives equal to zero.

21940             lapping           a process by which quartz crystal plates are passed over a flat plate covered with a liquid abrasive to raise them to their final frequency.a process by which quartz crystal plates are passed over a flat plate covered with a liquid abrasive to raise them to their final frequency. a process by which products, such as semiconductor blanks, are ground and polished so that they are an exact thickness or smoothness.a process by which products, such as semiconductor blanks, are ground and polished so that they are an exact thickness or smoothness.

21941             Large center diffusion well                       대형 중앙분산정; 침전지에서 발생되는 밀도류 하강의 문제를 해결하는 대안

21942             Large Quantity Generator          Person or facility generating more than 2200 pounds of hazardous waste per month. Such generators produce about 90 percent of the nation's hazardous waste, and are subject to all RCRA requirements.

21943             Large Water System                 A water system that services more than 50,000 customers.

21944             large-scale integration              the construction of over 100 different devices mounted onto a single substrate, in order to carry out an extensive range of operations.

21945             laryngophone              a throat-contact microphone designed to pick up the voice directly, so as to minimize extraneous noise.

21946             laser amplifier             an amplifier whose operation is based on light amplification by stimulated radiation.

21947             laser Doppler anemometer                       an optical device that measures fluid movement based on the scattering of laser light by small particles in the fluid.

21948             laser flash tube            a device that is filled with xenon to provide an intense flash of light when a high voltage is applied to its electrodes; used to reverse electron distribution and increase the energy level in a laser.

21949             Laser Induced Fluorescence                      A method for measuring the relative amount of soil and/or groundwater with an in-situ sensor.

21950             laser radiation detector             a device that senses the coherent light in a laser beam.

21951             laser threshold            the least amount of pumping energy needed to trigger a laser beam.

21952             laser-induced nuclear polarization             an optical pumping process that uses a polarized laser light to force the spin vectors of an ensemble of nuclei to point in one direction.

21953             latch              a bistable circuit whose state is changed by applying a signal to its input, remaining unchanged even after the input is removed.

21954             latch-up          the failure of the collector voltage in a circuit to return to the supply voltage when a transistor is switched from saturation to cutoff.the failure of the collector voltage in a circuit to return to the supply voltage when a transistor is switched from saturation to cutoff. the failure of a stable circuit mode to return to a previous mode after a stimulus, such as radiation, is removed.the failure of a stable circuit mode to return to a previous mode after a stimulus, such as radiation, is removed. 3. the characteristic of certain amplifiers to remain in their saturation mode after the maximum voltage has been exceeded.the characteristic of certain amplifiers to remain in their saturation mode after the maximum voltage has been exceeded. 4. the switching that occurs when an improper voltage is applied in an electrical circuit.the switching that occurs when an improper voltage is applied in an electrical circuit.

21955             Latency           Time from the first exposure of a chemical until the appearance of a toxic effect.

21956             LATENT HEAT              잠열 물질이 온도,압력의 변화를 보이지 않고 평형을 유지하면서 한 상에서 다른 상으로 전이 할때 흡수 또는 발생하는 열.

21957             LATENT HEAT OF CONDENSATION                     응결잠열

21958             latent load                  the extra load on an air conditioner required to cool moisture that condenses and must be removed from the conditioned space.

21959             latent magma              a highly viscous, nearly solid magma that is found beneath the earth's crust; densely packed under high pressure during the latter stages of volcanic activity, it may flow again when pressure decreases.

21960             LATERAL DIFFUSION                 측면확산

21961             Lateral Sewers             Pipes that run under city streets and receive the sewage from homes and businesses, as opposed to domestic feeders and main trunk lines.

21962             latitude effect              a variation of a quantity with latitude, especially an increase in cosmic-ray intensity with increasing magnetic latitude.

21963             latitude variation          a periodic change in the latitude of a given location that is caused by wandering of the poles.

21964             lattice filter                 a four-terminal filter in which each of the two input terminals is connected by a branch to each of the two output terminals.

21965             lattice network             a network consisting of four branches connected in series to form a mesh, in which two nonadjacent junction points serve as input terminals and the remaining two serve as output terminals.

21966             Laue equations            equations showing that the path length differences of waves diffracted by atoms separated by one lattice translation must be an integral number of wavelengths for diffraction (i.e., reinforcement) to occur; further, that this condition must be true simultaneously in all three dimensions: PD1 = h1, PD2 = h2, PD3 = h3, where  is the wavelength of the radiation, PD represents the path difference, and h is the order of diffraction.

21967             Laundering Weir          Sedimention basin overflow weir.

21968             lava                a molten mass of rock material that is extruded by a volcano or through a fissure in the earth.a molten mass of rock material that is extruded by a volcano or through a fissure in the earth. the rock that is formed by the cooling and solidifying of such molten material. (From a Neopolitan dialectal term; going back to a Latin word meaning sliding or falling.)the rock that is formed by the cooling and solidifying of such molten material. (From a Neopolitan dialectal term; going back to a Latin word meaning sliding or falling.)

21969             lava blisters                 small, hollow, steep-sided swellings produced on the surface of some lava flows by gas bubbles that push up the lava's viscous surface.

21970             lava column                a shaft of solidified or fluid lava found in a volcanic vent. Also, MAGMA COLUMN.

21971             lava field                     a wide expanse of lava that often forms along the base or on the sides of a volcano.

21972             lava flow                     a stream or sheet of molten lava that flows laterally over the surface of the earth from a volcanic vent or fissure.a stream or sheet of molten lava that flows laterally over the surface of the earth from a volcanic vent or fissure. the mass of solidified rock produced by the congealing of such a flow.the mass of solidified rock produced by the congealing of such a flow.

21973             lava fountain               a plume of incandescent molten lava sprayed vertically into the air from a volcanic vent or fissure.

21974             lava lake          a lake of molten, partially solidified, or solidified lava occurring within a volcanic crater or other depression.

21975             Lavelled Item               환경표시품목

21976             LAW OF CONSERVATION OF ENERGY                     에너지 보존의 법칙; 에너지는 생산되거나 소멸되지 않고 평형을 이룬다는 열역학 제 1법칙

21977             law of constant angles              a law covering the interfacial angles in all crystals of a given sort stating that angles between corresponding faces have a constant value.

21978             law of corresponding state                       a law stating that when two substances have ratios of pressure, temperature, or volume to their respective critical properties, and two of these ratios are equal, the third ratio must equal the other two.

21979             law of magnetism                    a law stating that common magnetic poles repel each other, whereas unlike magnetic poles attract each other.

21980             lawnmower or lawn mower                      a radar-preamplifier noise limiter that reduces grass (a pattern on the display screen of small deflections from the base line, having the appearance of a cross section of lawn).

21981             layer              any of the concentric zones inside the earth that are defined by abrupt changes in seismic properties.any of the concentric zones inside the earth that are defined by abrupt changes in seismic properties. any of the distinct regions in the ionosphere.any of the distinct regions in the ionosphere. 3. any of the flat geological structures.any of the flat geological structures.

21982             layer depth effect                     a weakening of a sound beam or seismic pulse as it spreads while passing from a positive gradient layer to an underlying negative layer.

21983             layer line                    the series of straight lines formed by the arrangement of diffraction spots on a cylindrical film surrounding a crystal rotated or oscillated about a principal axis that are perpendicular to the axis of rotation.

21984             layer structure             a crystal structure in which flat molecules or groups of atoms or ions are arranged in parallel, flat layers or planes.

21985             LC                  치사농도  lethal concentration

21986             LC                  Lethal Concerntration . Liquid Chromatography

21987             LC 50/Lethal Concentration                      Median level concentration, a standard measure of toxicity. It tells how much of a substance is neesded to kill half of a group of experimental organisms in a given time. (See: LD 50.)

21988             LCA                전생애 환경평가기법인 LCA (Life Cycle Assessment)  는 지난 60년대말 제품포장이 부존자원과 환경에 미치는 영향을 평가하는데서 비롯되었다.          즉 제품 제조공정 및 서비스를 포함한 모든 산업활동이 환경에 미치는 영향을 평가하기 위해  첫단계에서는 원료물질의 추출에서부터  각 제조 및 가공공정, 수송 및 유통과정, 사용 재활용 최종폐기에 이르기까지 한 제품의 전생애에 소요되는 에너지 및 원료물질의 사용과 오염배출의 양과 오염배출에 대한 데이터를 토대로 환경영향을 평가한다.          마지막 단계로는 환경개선의 기회를 포착해 적극적인 개선작업을 추진하는 것이다.

21989             LCA                Life Cycle Aassessment

21990             LCA                Lift Cycle Assessment의 약어. 물품의 생산에서 폐기에 이르기까지의 자원고갈량, 환경오염량 등을 조사, 분석해 평가하는 방법.

21991             LCA, =LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT                전과정평가; 제품의 전과정 즉 생산, 유통, 소비, 재활용, 폐기의 과정에 대한 환경영향을 분석하고 환경친화적인 제품을 설계하는데 대한 기준을 정의하는 규정. LCA

21992             LCD                Local Climatological Data

21993             LCI(전과정목록분석) DB             제품 1단위(기능단위)의 생산에 필요한 원자재의 채취 및 소재/부품 가공, 수송, 제품 사용, 폐기까지 제품의 전과정에 투입되는 자원(환경에서 채취한 자원,에너지, 광물 포함)의 양과 제품시스템에서 환경으로 버려지는 배출물(대기, 수계)과 폐기물의 발생량을 목록화한 데이터이다. LCI DB는 제품에 대한 전과정평가를 수행하는 기초데이터로 활용된다. LCI DB는 환경으로부터 채취하는 에너지 자원 및 광물 자원 등의 목록과 환경으로 나가는 대기배출물, 수계배출물, 폐기물 등의 목록으로 구성된다. 국가 LCI DB 정보망에서는 환경부와 산업통상자원부에서 개발한 LCI DB를 제공하고 있다.

21994             LCL                Lower  Control Limit

21995             LCM               Life Cycle Management

21996             LCRS              침출수 집배수설비; Leachate collection and removal system

21997             LCRS              Leachate Collection and Removal System

21998             LD                 치사농도  lethal dose

21999             LD                 Land Disposal. Light Duty

22000             LD 50/Lethal Dose                   The dose of a toxicant or microbe that will kill 50 percent of the test organisms within a designated period. The lower the LD 50, the more toxic the compound.



컬러링 스몰미빌딩 (20개 도시 세트) 미술교육. 창의력 발달. 해외여행. 창의력교육. 색칠공부, :

[스몰미 와 아트리트] 나만의 작은 나. 스몰미, 색다른 자기표현. smallME.



