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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 222001-22100

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 12.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 222001-22100

번호                  용어                  해설

22001             LD LO             The lowest dosage of a toxic substance that kills test organisms

22002             LD50              반치사농도; 시험생산에 있어서 50%의 치사량을 갖는 농도

22003             LDC               London Dumping Convention

22004             LDCRS            Leachte Detection, Collection, and Remival System

22005             LDD               Light-Duty Diesel

22006             LDDT              Light-Duty Diesel Truck

22007             LDDV             Light-Duty Diesel Vehicle

22008             LDGT              Light-Duty Gasoline Truck

22009             LDIP               Laboratory Data Integrity Program

22010             Ldlo               Lethal dose low; the lowest dose in an animal study at which lethality occurs.

22011             LDN               주야등가 소음레벨  Day-night average sound level

22012             LDPE              저밀도 폴리에틸렌; Low-density polyethylene

22013             LDR               Land Disposal Restrictions

22014             LDRTF             Land Disposal Restrictions Task Force

22015             LDS                Leak Detection System

22016             LDT                Lowest Dose Tested. Light-Duty Truck

22017             LDV               Light-Duty Vehicle

22018             LEA                저 과잉공기 연소  Low-excess-air firing

22019             LEACHANT                  용출용매

22020             leachate          the solution or soluble material that results from a leaching process.

22021             Leachate                     Water that collects contaminants as it trickles through wastes, pesticides or fertilizers. Leaching may occur in farming areas, feedlots, and landfills, and may result in hazardous substances entering surface water, ground water, or soil.

22022             LEACHATE COLLECTION AND REMOVAL SYSTEM          침출수 집배수설비, LCRS

22023             Leachate Collection System                      A system that gathers leachate and pumps it to the surface for treatment.

22024             leaching          specifically, the natural or artificial removal of soluble substances from rock, ore, or layers of soil by the action of percolating substances. Also, LIXIVIATION.

22025             Leaching                     The process by which soluble constituents are dissolved and filtered through the soil by a percolating fluid. (See: leachate.)

22026             Lead               납은 지구상에 존재하는 소량의 푸른 회색의 금속에서 자연적으로 발생한다. 특별한 맛이나 냄새는 없다. 납은 우리를 둘러싼 모든 환경에서 존재한다. 대부분은 채광, 제조, 화석연료의 연소 등을 통해 인간이 일으킨다.        납은 많은 다양한 용도로 사용되며 가장 중요한 목적은 밧데리의 생산이다. 납은 또한 탄약, 금속제품(합금과 파이프), 지붕감에도 있으며 X레이를 차단하는 장치에도 존재한다.        건강의 관점에서 가솔린, 페인트, 세라믹 상품, 코킹, 파이프 합금 등에 있는 납은 최근에 많이 생산되고 있다.        ATSDRIC@cdc.gov

22027             Lead (Pb)                    A heavy metal that is hazardous to health if breathed or swallowed. Its use in gasoline, paints, and plumbing compounds has been sharply restricted or eliminated by federal laws and regulations. (See: heavy metals.)

22028             lead citrate                  a heavy metal salt used as a dye or stain to prepare specimens for transmission electron microscopy.

22029             Lead oxide의 특성 및 방제방법               

22030             Lead oxide의 특성 및 방제방법                주최 : 국립환경 연구원

22031             LEAD PALSY                납중독마비

22032             lead screw                  a horizontal screw that changes rotation to longitudinal motion, for moving the tool carriage of a lathe when cutting threads or guiding the cutter of a disk recorder across the surface of an ungrooved disk.

22033             Lead Service Line                     A service line made of lead which connects the water to the builing inlet and lead fitting connected to. it.

22034             lead sulfide cell           a device that converts energy from light in order to measure the intensity of infrared radiation.

22035             lead susceptibility                    an increase in the octane number of gasoline due to lead additives, such as tetraethyl lead.

22036             lead-206                     the stable isotope of lead formed as the end product of the uranium decay series

22037             lead-207                     the stable isotope of lead formed as the end product of the actinium decay series.

22038             lead-208                     the stable isotope of lead formed as the end product of the thorium decay series.

22039             lead-chamber process              the first large-scale process for producing sulfuric acid, in which a mixture of sulfur dioxide, air, steam, or water, and an oxide of nitrogen is contacted in lead-lined chambers, so that aChemical reaction of the ingredients with steam produces sulfuric acid.

22040             LEADED GASOLINE                   유연휘발유

22041             leader             the high-ion-density channel in the atmosphere through which the first part of a lightning stroke propagates.

22042             leader stroke               the first stroke in a lightning discharge, consisting of a weakly luminous stepped leader that proceeds from a cloud to the ground and creates an ionized channel for the much more powerful return stroke.

22043             leading truck               the pivoting front wheel assembly of a locomotive.

22044             Leaf test          입상여과 시험; 탈수시험 방법

22045             leakage           specifically, a condition in an ion-exchange process in which some of the unwanted ions are not removed by the solid, but remain in the liquid phase.

22046             leakage current            the unwanted stray current that flows across the surface of an insulator or an insulating material.the unwanted stray current that flows across the surface of an insulator or an insulating material. the current flowing between electrodes in a tube that does not flow across the interelectrode space.the current flowing between electrodes in a tube that does not flow across the interelectrode space. 3. current before a voltage is applied.current before a voltage is applied. 4. current that is traveling between energized parts of a circuit and ground.current that is traveling between energized parts of a circuit and ground.  Electricity. an undesirable, small direct current flowing through the dielectric in a capacitor.

22047             leakage halo               a pattern of anomalous distributions of one or more elements dispersed outward during formation of an ore body or other such concentration, usually by solutions moving below the earth's surface.

22048             leakage indicator          a test instrument used to measure the amount of current leakage from an electric system or circuit.

22049             Leakage Rate 리크· 레이트 (기밀성)                     특정의 시간 간격으로(에서), 실을 빠져 나갈 수 있다, 유체또는 가스의 최대의 비율. 리크레이트는, 유체또는 가스의 타입이 지정되고, 리크의 방향과 실의 위치가 통상 명시됩니다.

22050             leaking mode              an imperfectly confined seismic wave that loses energy at the upper and lower boundaries of the layer on which it is propagating. Also, LEAKY WAVE.

22051             leak-off rate                the rate at which the fluid used in hydraulic fracturing permeates the surrounding reservoir formation.

22052             Lease Squares Line (최소 제곱 직선)                     잔여(편차)2승의 합계가 최소한이 되는 직선.

22053             LEAST SQUARES METHOD                       최소제곱법

22054             least-energy principle               a principle stating that the stable equilibrium of a system occurs in the configuration having the least potential energy. Also, PRINCIPLE OF LEAST ENERGY.

22055             least-squares method               the use of this method in crystal structure analyses, in which atomic coordinates and other parameters may be fitted to the observed intensities; ideally, there should be at least 10 measurements for each parameter to be determined. In a similar way, the least-squares criterion can be applied to the computation of a plane through a group of atoms.

22056             least-work theory                     a theory stating that when forces are applied to an elastic system, the deflections of its parts are distributed so as to minimize the total work done by the forces.

22057             LEED [Leadership in Energy and environmental Design]              미국 그린빌딩위원회 (US Green Building)에서 개발, 시행하고 있는 친환경 건축물 인증제도. 지속가능한 대지계획, 수자원의 효율성, 에너지 및 대기, 재료 및 자원, 실내환경의 질, 혁신 및 설계과정 등이 평가 대상이다.

22058             Lefetime Average Daily Dose                    Fegure for estimating excess lifetime cancer risk.

22059             left-hand rule              a rule stating that for a conductor carrying a current, if the thumb of a person's left hand points along the direction of electron flow (opposite to the conventional current direction), the fingers will curl along the direction of the magnetic field lines.a rule stating that for a conductor carrying a current, if the thumb of a person's left hand points along the direction of electron flow (opposite to the conventional current direction), the fingers will curl along the direction of the magnetic field lines. a rule stating that if the left middle finger, index finger, and thumb are set mutually perpendicular, then they will describe the relative directions of the current, magnetic field direction, and the force on a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field, respectively.a rule stating that if the left middle finger, index finger, and thumb are set mutually perpendicular, then they will describe the relative directions of the current, magnetic field direction, and the force on a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field, respectively.

22060             leg                 a single cycle of a periodic motion in a wave train of a seismogram

22061             Legionella                   A genus of bacteria, some species of which have caused a type of pneumonia called Legionaires Disease.

22062             Leighton tube              a test tube having a flat, rectangular part near the closed end, at which a single layer of cells can form.

22063             LEL                최소폭발한계  Lower explosive limit

22064             LEL                Lowest Effect Level. Lower Explosive Limit

22065             Lenard rays                 the stream of electrons that passes through a thin glass or metallic foil window in a vacuum tube.

22066             Lenard tube                an early type of electron-beam tube, with a thin glass or metallic foil window at the end opposite the cathode, through which the electron beam passes into the atmosphere.

22067             lengthened dipole                    an antenna element that has lumped inductance to compensate for end loss.

22068             Lennard-Jones potential (function)             an approximate equation that predicts the potential force between two molecules on the basis of the distance between their centers; it is a difference of two terms, each involving reciprocal distances, one representing repulsion and the other attraction.

22069             LEP                Laboratory Evaluation Program

22070             LEPC              Local Emergency Planning Committee

22071             LEQT              등가소음레벨  Equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level

22072             LERC              Local Emergency Response Comittee

22073             LEV                Low Emissions Vehicle

22074             level               the relative intensity of a sound.

22075             level compensator                    a device that minimizes the effects of amplitude variations in an incoming signal.a device that minimizes the effects of amplitude variations in an incoming signal. in a telegraph circuit, a device that prevents oscillations in the amplitude of an input signal from affecting the output of the receiving system.in a telegraph circuit, a device that prevents oscillations in the amplitude of an input signal from affecting the output of the receiving system.

22076             level converter             a circuit that changes the output levels of a logic device to different input levels that are required by the logic device that follows it.

22077             level measurement                   the strength of an electronic signal in decibels or nepers.

22078             Level of Concern (LOC)             The concentration in air of an extremely hazardous substance above which there may be serious immediate health effects to anyone exposed to it for short periods

22079             LEVEL OF TREATMENT              처리수준;

22080             LEVEL RECORDER                     레벨 기록기 : 소음의 변화를 기록계에 기록시키도록 만들어진 것

22081             level Sensor ( 수위센서 )          탱크내 등에 들어있어, 수위에 의해 신호를 내고, 다른 기기를 제어하는 디바이스

22082             level shifting               the process of changing the logic level at the point of connection between two different semiconductor logic systems.

22083             level valve                   a valve that is regulated with the use of a level; it moves through a maximum arc of 180°.

22084             LEVELING SOLVENT                  평준화 용매

22085             Levenstein process                   a process used to produce mustard gas from ethene and sulfur chloride.

22086             leverage          the mechanical advantage of a lever; equal to the length of the arm to which force is applied divided by the length supporting the load.

22087             Levich equation           an equation that describes the effect of several variables (rotation rate, concentration, kinetic viscosity) on the current at a rotating-disk electrode.

22088             levitated vehicle           any vehicle that moves at a vertical distance above an electrically conducting path, usually made possible by magnetic action.

22089             levorotatory form                     the isomer of a compound that rotates the plane of vibration of plane-polarized light counterclockwise, or to the left, to be distinguished from the dextro form which involves clockwise rotation.

22090             Lewis theory                the theory that any chemical substance that can accept a pair of electrons is an acid, and any chemical substance that can donate a pair is a base.

22091             LEZ (Low Emission Zone)          가스배출 차량에 범칙금을 부과하는 유럽·일본식 운행 제한지역을 의미한다.

22092             LFG                Landfill Gas

22093             LFG Land Fill Gas                     쓰레기 매립지에서 발생하는 매립가스. 난지도 매립지의 매립가스를 지역난방 연료로 활용하여 상암 택지개발지구와 2002년 월드컵 주경기장에 대한 냉, 난방열을 공급할 예정이다.

22094             LFG, LANDFILL GAS                  매립지 발생가스

22095             LFL                 Lower Flammability Limit

22096             LGR                Local Governments Reimbursement Program

22097             LHDDV           Light Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicle

22098             L-head engine             an internal combustion engine that has intake and exhaust valves on one side of the engine block, with valves that are operated by a single camshaft.

22099             LHV               저위발열량; 연소시 발생한 수분이 수증기화 되었을때의 발열화. Low heating value

22100             LI                   Langelier Index

