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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 22101-22200

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 12.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 22101-22200

번호                  용어                  해설

22101             Libby effect                 the increase in atmospheric carbon-14 that has occurred since about 1950 as a result of the detonation of thermonuclear devices.

22102             LIDAR             Light Detection and Ranging

22103             Lienard-Wiechert potentials                      the advanced and retarded scalar and vector potentials produced by a point charge in motion, expressed in terms of the advanced and retarded position and velocity of the charge.

22104             Life Cycle of a Product              All stages of a product's development, from extraction of fuel for power to prodrction, marketing, use, and disposal.

22105             LIFE-CYCLE MANAGEMENT                       수명주기관리

22106             LIFETIME                     평균수명

22107             Lifetime Exposure                    Total amount of exposure to a substance that a human would receive in a lifetime (usually assumed to be 70 years).

22108             lift                 an endless chain or belt device with buckets, scoops, arms, or trays used to raise powders, granules, or solid objects to a higher level.an endless chain or belt device with buckets, scoops, arms, or trays used to raise powders, granules, or solid objects to a higher level. an enclosed platform or car that transports people or materials up or down in a building shaft. Also, ELEVATOR.an enclosed platform or car that transports people or materials up or down in a building shaft. Also, ELEVATOR.

22109             Lift                 In a sanitary landfill, a compacted layer of solid waste and the top layer of cover material.

22110             LIFT FORCE                 장력, 양력 : 유체 속의 물체가 흐름에 수직인 방향으로 받는 힘.

22111             lift pump                    a pump in which a liquid is lifted (by a vacuum, for example), as distinguished from being forced upward.

22112             lift truck          a dolly or truck used for lifting or moving, especially of palletized loads.

22113             lift valve          a valve that moves in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the valve seat.

22114             lifting block                a combination of pulleys and ropes used for lifting heavy weights with minimal effort.

22115             Lifting Station              (See: pumping station.)

22116             LIGAND          리간드(배위차) ; 전자쌍을 양이온에 줌으로써 양이온과 공유결합을 생성할 수 있는 이온 또는 분자

22117             ligand membrane                    a solvent that is immiscible both in water and in another reagent and that acts as both an ionic extractant and a complexing agent.

22118             light amplifier              a circuit that responds to a light image by producing a brighter version of the image. Also, IMAGE INTENSIFIER.

22119             light carrier injection                a process by which the intensity of a light beam is varied so as to bring it into harmony with a modulating signal.a process by which the intensity of a light beam is varied so as to bring it into harmony with a modulating signal. a process by which the intensity of light is varied, generally at audio-frequency range, in motion picture sound systems. Also, LIGHT MODULATION.a process by which the intensity of light is varied, generally at audio-frequency range, in motion picture sound systems. Also, LIGHT MODULATION.

22120             light chopper              a device that interrupts a light beam directed at a phototube in order to facilitate amplification of the tube's output.

22121             light crude                  a crude oil of light color that flows freely at atmospheric temperatures, having predominant low-viscosity, low-molecular-weight hydrocarbons.

22122             light end                    any of the more volatile, lower-boiling products of petroleum refining, such as butane and propane.

22123             light gun                    a device that generates electricity from light in order to assist and direct specific computer functions.

22124             light hydrogen             the ordinary light hydrogen isotope, consisting of one proton and one electron. Also, PROTIUM.

22125             light modulator           a device that reproduces an optical sound track on motion picture film by combining source light with an optical system, and then varying the resulting light beam.

22126             Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (LNAPL)                     A non-aqueous phase liquid with a specific gravity less than 1.0. Because the specific gravity of water is 1.0, most LNAPLs float on top of the water table. Most common petroleum hydrocarbon fuels and lubricating oils are LNAPLs.

22127             light pen                    a pencil-like device that senses light pulses on a cathode-ray tube screen.  Computer Technology. such a device that is connected to a computer display unit and used by an operator to change or modify an image displayed by touching the pen to the screen.

22128             light section car           a railway motorcar that weighs between 750 and 900 pounds and that is propelled by a 4- to 6-horsepower engine.

22129             light valve                   a device that varies its light transmission in relation to the application of an external electrical quantity, such as voltage, current, or an electron beam.

22130             light-activated silicon controlled rectifier                     a device that uses light rather than current to control its operations, used to convert alternating current into direct current. Also, PHOTO-SCR, PHOTOTHYRISTOR.

22131             light-beam oscillograph            an apparatus used to detect low-frequency oscillation; constructed of a moving coil galvanometer with a small mirror mounted on it that can reflect a beam of focused light onto a moving sheet of photographic film.

22132             Light-Emitting Diode                A long-lasting illumination technology used for exit signs which requires very little power

22133             light-emitting diode                 a semiconductor diode that converts electrical energy into light when an alternating current is applied. Also, SOLID-STATE LAMP.

22134             light-gating cathode-ray tube                   a cathode-ray tube in which the electron beam alters the transmission or reflection properties of the screen by exposing it to an external light source.

22135             light-inspection car                  a railway motorcar that weighs between 400 and 600 pounds and has a capacity of 650 to 800 pounds.

22136             light-negative              describing a material whose ability to conduct electricity decreases when the material is exposed to light.

22137             lightning                     a luminous, high-current, electric discharge with a long path that flows between a cloud and the ground, between two clouds, or between two parts of the same cloud.

22138             lightning channel                     the superheated, irregular, ionized pathway in the atmosphere created by the passage of a lightning bolt.

22139             lightning discharge                  the neutralization of a large electric potential in the atmosphere by means of a lightning stroke.

22140             lightning flash             the observable light or luminosity that accompanies a lightning discharge.

22141             light-operated switch                a device that is activated by pulses or beams of light, such as a light-activated silicon-controlled switch.

22142             light-positive               describing a material whose ability to conduct electricity increases when the material is exposed to light.

22143             light-sensitive              describing a material that exhibits photoelectric effects when exposed to light.  Medicine. having eyesight that is unusually or abnormally sensitive to daylight or ordinary room light.

22144             LIGHTWEIGHT AGGREGATE                      경량골재

22145             LIGNIN           리그닌; 유기물질

22146             LIGNOCELLULOSE                    리그노셀룰로즈; 리그닌과 셀룰로즈가 조합된 유기물질

22147             LIKE PRODUCT             동종상품 : GATT 체제에서 빈번한 논쟁의 대상이 되는 부분으로, GATT협정에는 동종상품의 개념에 대해 어떠한 정의규정이나 통일된 의견도 없는 상태임. 단지 현실적으로 비숫한 상품을 의미한다

22148             Lilly controller             a device on steam or electric winding engines that protects equipment and personnel against hazards such as motor overspeed, overwind, and other conditions.

22149             LIMB              Limestone-Injection Multi-Stage Burner

22150             Lime              석회; 수처리에서 화학적 침전에 이용되는 침전제

22151             Lime bin                     석회저장조;

22152             LIME CLARIFICATION                석회정화법

22153             lime kiln                     a rotary or vertical, cylindrical furnace in which limestone is heated and contacted countercurrently with heat to convert it to lime.

22154             Lime post-treatment                 후석회 처리; 수처리시설에서 발생되는 술러지 처리시 안정화 방법

22155             Lime pre-treatment                  전석회 처리; 수처리시설에서 발생되는 술러지 처리시 안정화 방법

22156             Lime stabilization                     석회 안정화; 수처리시설에서 발생되는 술러지 처리시 안정화 방법

22157             LIME-BASED PROCESS              석회 기초법(, 고화처리법 종류)

22158             LIME-SPRAY DRYING                석회분사 건조법 : 습식/건식 공정으로 불리우며, 건식폐기공정의 유형이다

22159             LIMESTONE SCRUBBING           석회석 세정법 : 습식폐기공정의 유형

22160             Limestone Scrubbing                Use of a limestone and water solution to remove gaseous stack-pipe sulfur before it reaches the atmosphere.

22161             Limit of Detection (LOD)           The minimum concentration of a substance being analyzed test that hax a 99 percent probability of being identified.

22162             Limited Degradation                 An environmental policy permitting some degradation of natural systems but terminating at a level well beneath an established health standard.

22163             limited space-charge accumulation diode                     a device that prevents microwave frequencies from building up to any appreciable degree during their cycle, thus limiting transit time while increasing maximum oscillation frequency.

22164             limiter            a transducer, such as a shunt-polarized diode between resistors, in which the output above a critical value of the input does not vary; used particularly to limit the amplitude of a radio, telephone, or recording device.

22165             limiting current            in a semiconductor, the very slight current that occurs in a P-N junction when an external potential is applied so that the negative connection is on the P side and the positive connection is on the N side (reverse bias). It occurs because a very small number of electron holes are present on the N side among the predominating number of electrons, while a small number of electrons are driven from the P side.  Materials Science. the maximum current that can flow in an electrochemical reaction such as corrosion or electrodeposition; limitation is due to the availability of ions in the electrode.

22166             LIMITING EFFLUENT QUALITY                    유출수의 한계수질;

22167             Limiting Factor            A condition whose absence or excessive concentration, is incompatible with the needs or tolerance of a species or population and which may have a negative influence of their abiliy to thrive.

22168             LIMITING LAW             한계법 (극한 법칙) ; 어떤 농도의 파라미터가 영에 접근함에 따라 값이 어떤 상수값에 접근할 때 이 관계식을 지칭

22169             Limiting nutrient          제한 영양소;

22170             Limiting solids flux                   한계 고형물 플럭스; 슬러지의 농축에 소요되는 면적을 좌우함

22171             LIMITING SUBSTRATE               제한기질

22172             LIMITING VALUE          한계값; 한계점에서 얻은 상수

22173             limiting viscosity (number)                       the ratio of a solution's viscosity to the concentration of its solute, extrapolated to zero concentration of the solute. Also, INTRINSIC VISCOSITY.

22174             limnology                   the study of freshwater ecosystems, including the chemical, physical, and biological aspects.

22175             Limnology                   The study of the physical, chemical, hydrological, and biological aspects of fresh water bodies.

22176             Lindane          A pesticide that causes adverse health effects in domestic water supplies and is toxic to freshwater fish and aquatic life.

22177             line driver                   a circuit that transfers data between logic circuits and a two-wire transmission line.

22178             line frequency             the number of times per second that a scanning spot horizontally traverses a fixed vertical line in a television picture tube. Also, HORIZONTAL FREQUENCY.  Electricity. the frequency of a power-line voltage.

22179             line of action               the locus of contact points as gear teeth profiles are engaged on a wheel.

22180             line of application                    the line containing the vector representing a force, specifying the direction of the force but not its magnitude.

22181             line of centers             the straight line through the centers of mass of two bodies at the instant of impact. Also, LINE OF IMPACT.

22182             line of fall                   the line tangent to a trajectory at the altitude of firing.

22183             line of flight                the direction of motion followed by a body in flight.

22184             line of impact              the instantaneous line of flight of a projectile at impact that determines the angle of impact.the instantaneous line of flight of a projectile at impact that determines the angle of impact.

22185             line of thrust               a line tangent to the forces in an arch or support structure.

22186             line oiler                     an apparatus that injects a small amount of lubricating oil into the line used to conduct air or steam to an air- or steam-activated machine. Also, LINE LUBRICATOR.

22187             line pad          an object that is placed between the program amplifier and the transmission line in a radio broadcast system to ensure a consistent supply of electrical power.

22188             LINE PROFILE              측면도 ; 파장에 대한 스펙트럼선의 강도를 나타내는 곡선

22189             line pulsing                 a method of transmitting information through a communications line, in which energy is built up in an artificial line over an extended period before it is discharged into the transmitter in short bursts for brief intervals.

22190             line shafting                assembled overhead shafting that is used to transmit and distribute power from a concentrated center to individual machines, using pulley wheels and belts.

22191             LINE SOURCE              선오염원

22192             LINE SOURCE OF SOUND          선음원

22193             line switching              the process of connecting or disconnecting the line voltage from electronic equipment. Also, CIRCUIT SWITCHING.

22194             line transducer            a device in which the motion of a foil diaphragm produces electrical signals along a cable.

22195             linear absorption coefficient                     the intensity, I, of a beam after passing through a thickness T of an absorbing crystal is given by the equation I=I0exp(-t), where I0 is the intensity of the incident beam and  the total linear absorption coefficient for the primary beam (with units of cm-1);  is a function of wavelength and atomic number. The above equation may be rewritten in terms of a mass absorption coefficient (/) (in units of cm2/g), with  the density.

22196             linear actuator             any device that produces linear motion, such as a hydraulic or pneumatic cylinder, solenoid, or linear motor.

22197             linear comparator                    a device that generates an output voltage or current when it receives a steady stream of electrical signals at a given frequency. Also, CONTINUOUS COMPARATOR.

22198             linear detection           a technique for extracting intelligence from a transmitted voltage so that its value remains unchanged.

22199             linear integrated circuit             a type of integrated circuit in which the output level varies in direct proportion to the input level, generally assumed to be an analog device.

22200             linear molecule            a type of molecule, such as carbon dioxide, in which the bonds between the atoms are at a 180° angle.

