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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 21701-21800

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 12.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 21701-21800

번호                  용어                  해설

21701             JET SCRUBBER             제트형세정기; 흡수장치 종류

21702             jetting tool                  equipment used downhole that forces a high-pressure, fluid stream laden with sand to clean out wellbore holes, disintegrate perforating pipe, and execute other functions.

21703             jib boom                    the inclined or horizontal boom or strut of a crane supported by a stationary or retractable guy wire.

21704             jib crane                     a crane, constructed on a vertical building column, supporting a guy-wired boom or jib that pivots 270° from side to side and supports an electric or hand-operated hoist.

21705             jig                  a device used to hold and guide objects, such as component parts moving through an assembly line.

21706             jig back          an aerial ropeway with two suspended containers that travel in opposite directions and stop alternately at the terminals for loading and unloading.

21707             jig borer                     a vertical milling device that bores holes in the surface of a work piece held by a jig.

21708             jig grinder                  a machine that is similar to a jig borer, designed to grind, rather than bore, holes in hardened-steel plates, jogs, or other parts.

21709             J-K flip-flop                 a bistable circuit whose state can be changed by various combinations of its J and K inputs.

21710             JLC                 Justification for Limited Competition

21711             JMPR             Joint Meeting on Pesticides Residues

21712             JNCP              Justification for Non-Competitive Procurement

21713             JOFOC            Justification for Other Than Full and Open Competition

21714             jogging          a technique used to generate movement in a motor by rapidly opening and closing its starter circuit. Also, INCHING.

21715             Johann crystal geometry           the geometry of the focusing crystal of an electron-probe microanalyzer; it is less stringent than Johannson crystal geometry.

21716             joint               a temporary or permanent juncture of two wires or paths of conductive material.  Geology. a surface fracture, break, or parting plane in a rock that occurs without displacement.

21717             Joint and Several Liability          Under CERCLA, this legal concept relates to the liability for Superfund site cleanup and other costs on the part of more than one potentially responsible party(i.e., if there were several owners or users of a site that became contaminated over the years, they could all be considered potentially liable for cleaning up the site.)

21718             JOINT SESSION OF TRADE AND ENVIRONMENT EXPERTS : OECD            무역환경 전문가회의 : OECD 무역위원회와 환경위원회의 공동주관으로 1992년부터 각국의 환경정책 관련자와 전문가가 참여하여 활동중인 비공식적 성격의 전문가 모임

21719             JOINT TREATMENT                   병합처리;

21720             Jones reductor             a device used to reduce solutions, consisting of a vertical tube filled with an amalgamated zinc through which the solution is passed.

21721             Jones sucker rod          a joining rod between a lifting or pumping device on the surface and the subsurface pump; aids in forcing oil up out of the cased hole.

21722             jordan            a mechanized refiner that contains a rotating cone inside another cone, both having longitudinal cutters.

21723             journal           a term for the portion of a shaft or axle that is supported by a bearing in which it revolves.

21724             journal bearing            a cylindrical bearing that surrounds and supports a rotating shaft.

21725             journal box                 a metal container that houses a journal bearing.

21726             journal friction            resistance that is caused by compression of the bearing against the rotating shaft under load.

21727             JPA                Joint Permitting Agreement

21728             JSD                Jackson Structured Design

21729             JSP                Jackson Structured Programming

21730             JTU                Jackson Turbidity Unit

21731             jumper           a short piece of conductor used to make a connection between two points or terminals of a circuit, or to provide current flow around an open circuit.  Computer Technology.  a section of a circuit board designed for jumpers.a section of a circuit board designed for jumpers. to make jumper connections.to make jumper connections.  Mechanical Devices. a device that imparts a jumping motion to a tube or drill.

21732             jumper tube                a short tube that bypasses the fluid flow in a heater or boiler.

21733             junction          a point, line, or place at which two or more semiconducting materials of opposite polarity meet, such as a P-N junction.a point, line, or place at which two or more semiconducting materials of opposite polarity meet, such as a P-N junction. a fitting used to join a branch waveguide to a main waveguide at an angle.a fitting used to join a branch waveguide to a main waveguide at an angle.

21734             junction capacitor                    a device that utilizes capacitance in a junction between two semiconductor materials with opposing electrical properties.

21735             junction field-effect transistor                   a field-effect transistor in which the controlling electric field is produced by a reversed-biased P-N junction.

21736             junction filter              a filter circuit that is incorporated in a junction of three or more transmission lines in order to control the transfer of signals of different frequencies between the paths that intersect at the junction.

21737             junction isolation                     the technique of sectioning off a component on an integrated circuit with a reversed-biased P-N junction to enhance its resistance to electron flow.

21738             junction potential                    the potential that exists at the meeting point between two solutions in an electrochemical cell, caused by the movement of some oppositely charged ions across this junction; in some types of cells it is virtually nonexistent, but in others it is significant enough to affect the accuracy of measurements of the energy developed by the electrode reactions.

21739             junction rectifier          a device in which a single crystal conducting material, such as silicon, conducts current more easily in one direction than another; such devices are basic elements in injection lasers and can be used as solar cells.a device in which a single crystal conducting material, such as silicon, conducts current more easily in one direction than another; such devices are basic elements in injection lasers and can be used as solar cells. a device that generates a direct current by channeling the electron flow through a junction between two materials with opposing electrical properties, thus allowing it to operate faster and at higher temperatures than a conventional diode. Also, JUNCTION DIODE.a device that generates a direct current by channeling the electron flow through a junction between two materials with opposing electrical properties, thus allowing it to operate faster and at higher temperatures than a conventional diode. Also, JUNCTION DIODE.

21740             junction station           one of several stations that relay microwave radio signals along a line-of-sight route to the main station.

21741             junction streamer                     the progressive linking together of negative charges at ever-higher altitudes in a thunderstorm prior to a lightning stroke.

21742             junction transistor                    a type of transistor in which the emitter and collector serve as barriers between regions with opposing electrical properties.

21743             JUNCTION WELL          접합정; 종류가 다른 관 또는 도랑의 연결부

21744             Junkers engine            a two-cycle internal combustion engine with double-opposed pistons, having intake and exhaust ports located at the cylinder's opposite ends.

21745             JUSCANNZ(환경협상그룹)          EU가 아닌 선진국들의 모임으로 다양한 이슈들에 대해서 토론을 하는 그룹이다. 여기에는 미국, 캐나다, 호주, 뉴질랜드 , 일본, 노르웨이 등이 포함되어 있으며 주로 석유, 자동차, 석탄 산업 등의 이익을 대변하는 그룹으로 알려져 있다. 우리나라도 OECD 가입이후 이 그룹에 참여했다. 그러나 이중 일부 국가가 빠져나가 Umbrella Group으로 바뀌어 현재는 존재하지 않는 협상그룹이다.

21746             JUSSCANNZ                EU가 아닌 선진국들의 모임으로 다양한 이슈들에 대해서 토론을 하는 그룹이다. 여기에는 미국, 캐나다, 호주, 뉴질랜드 , 일본, 노르웨이 등이 포함되어 있으며 주로 석유, 자동차, 석탄 산업 등의 이익을 대변하는 그룹으로 알려져 있다. 우리나라도 OECD 가입이후 이 그룹에 참여했다. 그러나 이중 일부 국가가 빠져나가 Umbrella Group으로 바뀌어 현재는 존재하지 않는 협상그룹이다.

21747             just scale                    a scale based on natural rather than exact intervals between tones, which results in scales having more steps, depending on the instrument (including the human voice), and having few, if any, discordant overtones in chords.

21748             just tuning                  the tuning of an instrument based on natural tones and relations between these natural tones, such as fifth and seventh chords, rather than tempered tuning based on exact intervals between notes.

21749             juvenile          of pyroclastic material or water, derived directly from magma.

21750             K display                    the representation of targets on a radarscope in which the targets are depicted as a pair of vertical deflections of equal height when the antenna is on target; when off target, the difference in blip height indicates the direction and magnitude of the error.

21751             K lines            characteristic X-ray frequencies of radiation from atoms as a result of excitation of electrons in the K-shell. Such X-rays are designated K, K, and K, and are all doublets.

21752             K scope          a radarscope that produces a K display. Also, K INDICATOR.

21753             K/L ratio                     the ratio of the number of electrons captured from the K shell, nearest the nucleus, to the number captured from the L shell, the second nearest the nucleus, during inverse beta decay.

21754             K-A decay                   a type of radioactive decay in which potassium-40 captures an orbital electron and as a result changes into argon-40; used to determine the age of rock..

21755             KAOLINITE                  점토

21756             Kaplan turbine             a propeller-type water turbine having blades that are adjusted according to the load in order to provide for increased efficiency.

21757             Karl Fischer reagent                 a solution of iodine, pyridine, methanol, and sulfur dioxide used to determine trace quantities of water in a sample.

21758             Karl Fischer technique              the titration of a sample with a Karl Fischer reagent to determine trace amounts of water; the end point is indicated by a yellowish color change.

21759             Karnaugh map             a chart that displays the relationship and functions of switching circuits in a computer, commonly used to design the simplest logic circuit for a given task.

21760             Karp circuit                 a device in which the microwaves travel at a speed well under the speed of light, commonly used in backward-wave oscillators.

21761             Karrer method             an industrial process for theChemical synthesis of riboflavin.

21762             Karst              A geologic formation of irregular limestone deposits with sinks, underground streams, and caverns.

21763             Kater's (reversible) pendulum                    a pendulum that can be supported from either of two movable knife edges. By comparing measurements made with the two suspension points, the acceleration of gravity can be determined without knowing the location of the center of mass of the pendulum, making it more accurate for this purpose

21764             Kauertz engine            a rotary engine with vanes that serve as pistons; two of the pistons connect with a rotor and move with constant angular speed, and the other two pistons are operated simultaneously by a gear-and-crank assembly, moving with variable angular speed.

21765             kauri-butanol value                  the liquid volume of a substance required to produce turbidity when added to a solution containing a standard concentration of kauri resin dissolved in butanol.

21766             KCERs [Korea Certified Emission Reductions]                 국내 온실가스 감축등록소에 등록된 온실가스 감축 인정분

21767             keep-alive circuit          a circuit that maintains a degree of ionization in the gas of a transmit-receive tube, so that full ionization occurs more rapidly when the transmitter fires.

21768             Keesom relationship                 an equation that uses the distance between interacting dipolar molecules to calculate the level of energy generated.

21769             kellering          a process in which a contoured surface is three-dimensionally cut by tracer milling the die block or punch; a tracer guides the cutter's path around the edges of a die model.

21770             Kelvin balance             an ammeter that operates by passing the current to be measured through two coils, connected in series, one coil mounted on the arm of a balance directly above the other coil; the attractive force acting between the coils is countered by weights on the other arm of the balance.

21771             Kelvin body                 an ideal body of viscoelastic material, modeled by a spring and dashpot in parallel, whose deformation is proportional to both the stress and the time it is applied.

21772             Kelvin equation            a principal equation of surface chemistry, which calculates the free energy of a small particle as a function of its size and pressure. Minute droplets of a liquid have a higher vapor pressure than the bulk liquid and thus a greater rate of evaporation; larger drops decrease in free energy with their increase in size and should grow spontaneously.

21773             Kepone (케폰)              미국의 유명한 화학물질 제조회사인 알라이드사(Allied Chemical Corporation) 1940년대 말에 개발하여 1951년 특허를 얻은 유기염소계 살충제. Chlordecone 이라고도 한다.1975년 미국 버지니아주의 라이프사이언스 공장 에서 버려진 케폰으로 인해 주변 하천인 제임스강이 죽음의 강으로 변하고 말았는데 이를 유명한 환경사고 중 하나인 케폰사건이라고 한다.

21774             ketene lamp                an electrically heated Chromel filament that hydrolyzes acetone to produce ketene.

21775             kettle reboiler              a tube-and-shell heat exchanger in which liquid is vaporized on the shell side by heat transferred from hot liquid flowing through the tubes; adequate dome space above the tube bundle allows for liquid-vapor separation.

21776             key cabinet                 a system that informs a telephone subscriber which lines are busy and allows different lines to be connected to various telephone stations.

21777             key seat          a recessed groove or space in either a shaft or hub fabricated so as to receive a key.a recessed groove or space in either a shaft or hub fabricated so as to receive a key. the opening in a keylock.the opening in a keylock. 3. the hollowed area that provides a driving surface for a key at its end. Also, KEYWAY.the hollowed area that provides a driving surface for a key at its end. Also, KEYWAY.

21778             keyboard                    a set of keys or levers designed to be depressed and used as a control or input device in operating a machine such as a typewriter, computer, or piano.

21779             keyboard send/receive              a device combining a teleprinter with a transmitter and receiver to send and receive information.

21780             keyed clamp                a device that uses a control signal to hold current or voltage to a fixed level.

21781             keyer              a circuit that modulates by keying.a circuit that modulates by keying. a radar modulator.a radar modulator.

21782             keyer adapter              a device that, when triggered by a modulated signal, generates a direct current output signal at an amplitude that varies with the modulation; used in radio facsimile transmission.

21783             Keyes process              a distillation process that adds benzene to a constant-boiling 95% alcohol-water solution to obtain absolute (100%) alcohol.

21784             keyhole           a hole or slot into which a key is inserted.

21785             keyseater                    a machine that creates a keyway or groove in a mechanical part where a key is designed to fit.

21786             KEYSTONE SPECIES                  핵심종 : 생태적으로 사실상 중요한 역할을 담당하는 생물종을 의미하는 것으로 상징종과 다를 수 있음

21787             kick                downhole pressure greater than that exerted by the weight of the drilling mud, which can cause loss of circulation; if the gas pressure is not curtailed by increasing the mud weight, a kick can force out the column of drilling mud, resulting in a blowout.

21788             kick over                    to begin to fire, as in an internal-combustion engine.

21789             kick starter                  a starter that functions by a downward kick of a pedal, as on most motorcycles.

21790             kickback          the sudden backward movement of an internal-combustion engine as it is being started, or of a piece of material as it is being fed into a machine.

21791             kickdown                    the action of changing to a lower gear in an automotive vehicle.the action of changing to a lower gear in an automotive vehicle. the equipment that shifts an automotive vehicle into a lower gear.the equipment that shifts an automotive vehicle into a lower gear.

21792             Kidney Diseases           About 3.5 million Americans have kidney diseases. These range from simple infections to total kidney failure. People with kidney failure cannot remove wastes and poisons from their blood. They depend on expensive kidney machines in order to stay alive. Some chemicals found in the environment can produce kidney damage. Some nonprescription drugs, when taken too often, can also cause kidney problems. Be sure to read the label and use drugs as directed.

21793             kill                 to prevent a well blowout during drilling operations.to prevent a well blowout during drilling operations. to halt oil production in order to recondition a well.to halt oil production in order to recondition a well.  Electricity. to cut off a circuit, or render it dead.

21794             killer circuit                 a device that shuts down some aspect of a system's operation, as by disabling the audio in a television receiver.a device that shuts down some aspect of a system's operation, as by disabling the audio in a television receiver. a device that produces blanking pulses that temporarily interrupt a signal or an electron beam, as in a radar system.a device that produces blanking pulses that temporarily interrupt a signal or an electron beam, as in a radar system.

21795             killer pulse                  a signal generated by a killer circuit, used to temporarily disable a circuit by interrupting its signal or electron beam.

21796             kilogram-equivalent weight                     a mass unit 1000 times the gram-equivalent weight.

21797             kinematic                    of or relating to kinematics; describing or predicting the course of motion. Also, kinematical.

21798             KINEMATIC COEFFICIENT OF VISCOSITY                     동점성계수

21799             KINEMATIC VISCOSITY              동점성계수

21800             kinematical diffraction              a diffraction theory in which it is assumed that the incident beam is not affected, apart from the results of simple diffraction, by its passage through the crystal. This type of diffraction is assumed in most crystal structure determinations by X-ray diffraction. Also, kinematical theory.

