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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 21601-21700

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 12.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 21601-21700

번호                  용어                  해설

21601             isogor            a constant proportion of gas to oil.

21602             isogor map                 a contour-line map of an oil reservoir depicting steadfast gas-oil ratios.

21603             isokinetic                    of movement or exertion, occurring at a constant speed. Thus, isokinetic exercise.

21604             isolate            to set apart an electrical or electromagnetic component, circuit, or system, as from a source of electrical energy.to set apart an electrical or electromagnetic component, circuit, or system, as from a source of electrical energy. to insulate or to shield.to insulate or to shield.  Microbiology. to obtain a pure culture of a microorganism. Thus, isolated.

21605             isolated camera           a type of camera that tapes a specific area of action for replay later, such as those used at sporting events for instant replay.a type of camera that tapes a specific area of action for replay later, such as those used at sporting events for instant replay. the technique, used to provide video replay, that relies on an isolated camera.the technique, used to provide video replay, that relies on an isolated camera.

21606             isolater           기밀한 강제 또는 비닐제의 용기에 조작용 고무장갑, 반송 출입구, HEPA 필터 부착 급기구, 배기구, 송풍기, 소독액 분무구 등을 부착한 것으로서 무균동물, 노토바이오트 등의 무균 사육장치로서 사용하는 것.

21607             isolating diode            a device used in an integrated circuit to pass signals coming from one direction and to block those coming from another. Also, isolation diode.

21608             ISOLATION                  차진효과()

21609             isolation amplifier                    a circuit that increases electrical power passing through a system in order to minimize interaction between circuits that precede and follow each other. Also, BUFFER AMPLIFIER.

21610             isomagnetic                of equal magnetic force.of equal magnetic force. sharing any magnetic property.sharing any magnetic property.

21611             isomagnetic line          a line connecting points at which a magnetic property such as strength, declination, or inclination remains the same.

21612             isomer            any of two or more nuclei having the same atomic number A and mass number Z, but different half-lives.

21613             isomeric transition                   an isomer or isomers of metastable states that decay to one or more lower-lying states, emitting energy quanta in the form of gamma rays, or internal-conversion electrons from the various atomic shells.

21614             isomerism                   a condition in which two or more chemical compounds possess the same number of atoms of the same elements, and thus have the same molecular formula, but differ in the arrangement of the atoms, and thus have different chemical properties. Isomerism can be described in terms of difference in structure or difference in spatial configuration.       : the existence of excited states in two or more isomers.

21615             isometric                    having three equal axes at right angles to one another; of or relating to a cubic crystal.

21616             isomorphism               a condition in which two or more chemical compounds have essentially the same crystalline structure; such substances are so closely similar that they can generally crystallize together to form a continuous series of solid solutions.

21617             isomorphous               relating to or characterized by isomorphism.

21618             Isomorphous replacement                        이종동형치환, 동형전환

21619             isomorphous replacement method                     a method of deriving phases from measurements of the intensities of the Bragg reflections in the X-ray diffraction pattern from two or more isomorphous crystals.

21620             isoperm          a line on a reservoir map marking an area of constant permeability.a line on a reservoir map marking an area of constant permeability. an area so delineated.an area so delineated.

21621             Isopleth          The line or area represented by an isoconcentration.

21622             isopor            a line connecting regions whose magnetic properties change at an equal rate.

21623             isopotential map          a contour-line map that depicts the original or computed daily rate of oil well production in a field with numerous wells.

21624             isoseismal                   a line connecting points at which the intensity of an earthquake was felt equally.

21625             isostasy          the process by which crustal rocks float in gravitational equilibrium on the viscous mantle rocks beneath; a condition of approximate gravitational equilibrium in the earth's crust, in which the gravitational effect of continental masses extending above the surface of the geoid is counterbalanced by a lack of density in the material beneath those masses, and the gravitational effect of a lack of density in ocean waters is counterbalanced by an excess of density in the material under the oceans. Also, isostacy.

21626             isostatic          of, relating to, or characterized by isostasy.  Mechanics. an imaginary line in an elastic body that is tangent to the principal directions of stress.

21627             isostatic anomaly                     a condition in which elevated parts of the earth's crust are gravitationally compensated for by low-density material extending to greater-than-average depths.

21628             isostatic surface           an imaginary surface in an elastic body that is everywhere perpendicular to one of the principal directions of stress (tangent to a principal plane of stress).

21629             isosterism                   a similarity in the physical properties of ions, compounds, or elements because of their identical or similar electronic arrangements.

21630             isotachophoresis          a form of electrophoresis in which ion species of the same charge type are given the same velocity in an electric field and separated by their relative mobility as they migrate through the field.

21631             isotone           any of two or more nuclides with the same neutron number N that have a constant difference, A - Z, between their mass number A and their atomic number Z.  Mathematics. an operator or function T is said to be isotone if, for u and v in the domain of T, u  v implies Tu  Tv.

21632             isotonic          of a force or a system of forces, remaining constant with time.

21633             isotope           a member of a chemical-element family that has two or more nuclides with the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons, so that while they have the same chemical attributes, they often display different physical attributes; e.g., carbon-12, which is stable, and carbon-14, which is radioactive. Thus, isotopic.

21634             Isotope           A variation of an element that has the same atomic number of protons but a different weight because of the number of neutrons. Various isotopes of the same element may have different radioactive behaviors, some are highly unstable..

21635             isotope effect              the effect of a difference in mass or mass quantity between two isotopes of the same element, such as a difference in reaction rate, vapor pressure, or equilibrium constant. The term includes effects on molecular or atomic properties; specific nuclear effects such as radioactivity are excluded.

21636             isotope exchange reaction                       a reaction wherein atoms that will interchange with other atoms are isotopically labeled, enabling them to be traced through the reaction.

21637             isotopic abundance                  the ratio of the number of atoms of a specific isotope to the total number of atoms in an element as found in nature; usually expressed as a percentage. Also, RELATIVE ABUNDANCE.

21638             isotopic element          an element with more than one naturally occurring isotope.

21639             isotopic tracer             an isotopic element, usually radioactive but sometimes stable, that is incorporated into a system undergoing change to trace the course of the changes.

21640             isotopy           the fact or condition of being an isotope.

21641             isotropic noise             random electromagnetic noise that is received from all directions at equal intensity.

21642             Isotropy          The condition in which the hydraulic or other properties of an aquifer are the same in all directions.

21643             isovalent conjugation               a structure found in compounds with alternating double and single bonds, from which an alternative structure can be constructed, such as in benzene.

21644             isovalent hyperconjugation                       a structure found in two compounds with alternating double and single bonds, where both compounds have the name number of bonds, but one structure is more active chemically.

21645             ISPF               (IBM) Interactive System Productivity Facility

21646             ISRIC              국제토양정보센타  international soil reference and information center

21647             ISS                 Interim Status Standards

21648             ITC                 Innovative Technology Council

21649             ITC                 Interagency Testing Committee

21650             ITER [International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor]               ’07’18년간 미국, EU 7개국 공동으로 건설중인 핵융합 실증로. 핵융합반응에 의하여 플라즈마 속에 발생하는 하전입자인 고속 알파입자(헬륨)에 의한 플라즈마 가열만으로 실용적인 핵융합로에 필요한 수준에서 핵융합연소가 지속되는 조건, 즉 자기점화조건의 확실한 달성을 목표로 하는 국제공동 핵융합실험로를 말하는 것이며, ITER 공동개발사업이란 이러한 국제공동 핵융합실험로 건설사업을 말한다.

21651             ITRC               Interstate Technology Regulatory Coordination

21652             ITRD               Innovative Treatment Remediation Demonstration

21653             IUCC              기후변화 정보기구  information unit on climate change

21654             IUCN              국제자연보전연맹 : International union for the conservation of nature and natural resource, 생물다양성 등 자연의 보전 확보, 자연자원의 현명하고 공평한 이용, 인간활동과 생태계의 조화들의 목적으로 구성된 비정부기구

21655             IUCN 국제 보호지역 통합관리체계                     복합지정된 국제보호지역의 조화로운 관리를 목적으로 한 것으로 하와이에서 열린 '2016 세계자연보전총회'에서 발표되었다. 세계에서 유일하게 4개 국제보호지역(람사르습지, 세계유산, 생물권보전지역, 유네스코세계지질공원)을 소유한 제주도가 만들어 채택시켰다

21656             IUCN 녹색목록 (IUCN Green List )             세계적으로 우수하게 관리되고 있는 보호지역을 밝히고 이를 인증해 보호지역 관리수준을 높이기 위한 제도다. 2012년 세계자연보전총회(WCC) 결의문 채택으로 추진됐다. 녹색목록으로 선정되려면 자원보호, 탐방서비스, 사회•경제적 기여도 등 보호지역관리 전반에 관한 80여 개 지표에서 우수한 평가를 받아야 한다. IUCN에서 위기종에 대한 IUCN 적색목록(Red List)과 더불어 함께 주도한다

21657             IUCN 적색목록            국제자연보호연맹(IUCN) 2∼5년마다 발표하는 보고서로 멸종위기에 처한 각종 희귀 동ㆍ식물의 실태를 멸종위기등급으로 표시하고 있다. 표지에 위험을 뜻하는 빨간색을 사용한 데서 '적색목록'으로 불린다. 위기의 속도, 군체 규모, 지질학적 분포, 지역 · 개체 및 분포 정도에 따라 9개의 그룹으로 분류되는데 이중 위급, 위기, 취약의 세 부류를 '멸종위험'으로 분류한다.

21658             IUCN, CNPPA의 국립공원 정의                 국립공원의 지정요건은 그 대상지역이 상당한 면적의 지역으로서        하나 또는 몇 개의 생태계가 인간의 개발이나 점유에 의한 본질적인 변화를 입지 않고 동, 식물의 종류와 지형학상의 위치나 풍습이 학술, 교육, 위락상의 관심의 대상이 되거나 자연적으로 뛰어난 경관미를 지닌 지역일 것        국가의 최고기관(중앙정부)이 전지역에서의 개발, 점유를 신속하게 배제할 수 있고 지정요인인 생태학상, 지형학상, 미학상의 현상을 존중하도록 효과적인 강제를 할 수 있는 지역일 것        탐방객은 영감, 교육, 문화, 위락을 얻을 목적으로만 입장이 허가될 것        국립공원 지정에서 배제될 요건으로는        특별한 허가를 받아서만 들어갈 수 있는 학술적 자연보존지역(엄정보존지역)        국가최고 통치기관(중앙정부)의 승인이나 감독 없이 하급기관이나 민간기관이 관리하는 자연보존지역        ③ 1968년의 아프리카 자연 및 자연자원 보존회의에서 특별보존지역으로 정의한 지역(, 식물보존지역, 수렵금지구역, 조류보호구역 지질 및 임상 보호구역 등)        관광개발계획을 위하여 경관 조성계획 및 관련조치가 취해진 위락지역으로서 산업화, 도시화가 조성되고 야외여가활동이 생태계 보전보다 우선하는 주거지역과 개발지역

21659             IUP                Intended Use Plan

21660             IUR                Inventory Update Rule

21661             IWC               In-Stream Waste Concentration

21662             IWS                Ionizing Wet Scrubber

21663             J display          the representation of targets on a radar scope in which the time base is depicted as a circle, target signals appear around the circumference, and distances are measured circumferentially between targets.

21664             J function                   a mathematical relation used, among others, to compare capillary pressure measurements between two or more geological formations.

21665             J scope           a radarscope that produces a J display. Also, J INDICATOR.

21666             jack                a socket into which a plug can be inserted for circuit connections or switching functions.  Mechanical Engineering. any of various mechanical, hydraulic, or pneumatic devices used to lift heavy objects through a short height.  Vertebrate Zoology. any of various fishes of the genus Caranx, of the western Atlantic Ocean. (Of uncertain origin; thought to derive from the use of the man's name Jack as a nickname for various tools.)

21667             jack line          a steel rod or cable that joins the arms of the central pumping engine to the two or more wells which are in the pumping process.

21668             jacket             a casing or envelope formed around the cylinders of an engine or an air compressor that allows water or coolant to flow.

21669             jackhammer                a pneumatically operated impact hammer for breaking or drilling rock, pavement, or other solid materials.

21670             jackscrew                    a jack that uses a screw mechanism to raise and lower heavy objects.a jack that uses a screw mechanism to raise and lower heavy objects. the threaded shaft used in a jackscrew. Also, SCREW JACK.the threaded shaft used in a jackscrew. Also, SCREW JACK.

21671             jackshaft                     a short drive shaft, usually located between the clutch and the transmission.a short drive shaft, usually located between the clutch and the transmission. an intermediate shaft that cranks the driving wheels in locomotives having collective drive.an intermediate shaft that cranks the driving wheels in locomotives having collective drive.

21672             Jacquemart's reagent                an aqueous solution of mercuric nitrate and nitric acid; used to test for ethanol.

21673             Jahn-Teller effect          the observation that some highly symmetric geometries of molecules are visitable.

21674             jammer           a device that prevents radio or radar transmissions by beaming spurious signals into an enemy's radar system.

21675             jammer finder             a type of radar system that finds a target's range by focusing a narrow cone of energy, known as a pencil beam, into a jamming source. Also, BURN-THROUGH.

21676             jamming                     the intentional disruption of radio or radar station operation by saturating the receiver with electromagnetic radiation.

21677             Janecke coordinates                 a diagram that plots the mass of solvent per unit mass of solvent-free substance versus concentration on a solvent-free basis for a system in equilibrium; used for design calculations of solvent-extraction equipment.

21678             JAPCA            Journal of Air Pollution Control Association

21679             jar                 a former unit of capacitance, equivalent to 1/900 F.a former unit of capacitance, equivalent to 1/900 F. in a lead-acid storage cell, the container that holds the element and electrolyte.in a lead-acid storage cell, the container that holds the element and electrolyte.

21680             Jar test           응집교반시험; 가정 효과적이고 경제적인 응집처리를 위해서 최적 pH 나 화학응집제량을 알기 위해 실제로 폐수시료로 실험하는 것

21681             jaw clutch                   a type of clutch that allows for positive connection between two shafts by means of interlocking faces; the most typical kind of positive clutch; may be either spiral or square.

21682             jaw crusher                 a machine that is used for crushing ore or other materials; it has a fixed vertical jaw and an inclined swinging jaw moved by a toggle joint. Also, jawbreaker.

21683             JCL                Job Control Language

21684             JEC                Joint Economic Committee

21685             JECFA             Joint Expert Committee of Food Additives

21686             jeep or Jeep                a rugged, adaptable 1/4-ton vehicle capable of four-wheel drive; widely used by the U.S. military in World War II, and later adapted for civilian use. (Of uncertain origin; possibly a rendering of the initials GP, for general-purpose vehicle.)

21687             JEIOG             Joint Emissions Inventory Oversight Group

21688             jelly roll motif              the topology of a protein that is essentially a Greek key fold with an additional swirl and a slightly different topology of connections.

21689             Jeremiassen crystallizer             an apparatus used for growing solid crystals in a supersaturated liquid solution and for removing them from the solution.

21690             jerk                a unit of measurement for the rate of acceleration, equal to 1 foot per second per second squared.

21691             jerk pump                   a fuel-injection pump having a cam-driven plunger that overruns a spill port in a cylinder wall to initiate a rapid rise in pressure, in order to atomize fuel for injection.

21692             jet                  any device that is powered by such a stream of fluid.

21693             Jet aeration diffuser                 분사식 산기장치; 산기식 포기장치

21694             jet compressor            an axial flow compressor that uses aerodynamic fan blades evenly spaced along a rotor to draw in compressible gas along the axis of the compressor; by increasing the number of rotors and decreasing the distance between the blades and the compressor housing, the pressure of the discharge gas rises.an axial flow compressor that uses aerodynamic fan blades evenly spaced along a rotor to draw in compressible gas along the axis of the compressor; by increasing the number of rotors and decreasing the distance between the blades and the compressor housing, the pressure of the discharge gas rises. a centrifugal-type compressor that uses aerodynamic impellers to draw in compressible gases near the axial area and discharges it over the top into an annular chamber for combustion or other use; multistage compression is achieved by using diaphragms to direct the gas down into other impeller inlets.a centrifugal-type compressor that uses aerodynamic impellers to draw in compressible gases near the axial area and discharges it over the top into an annular chamber for combustion or other use; multistage compression is achieved by using diaphragms to direct the gas down into other impeller inlets.

21695             jet condenser              a condenser that uses a spray of water to condense the exhaust steam from a steam engine, turbine, or other source.

21696             jet drilling                   a drilling method that uses a chopping bit on hollow drill rods and a jet of water to wash the material fragments to the surface.a drilling method that uses a chopping bit on hollow drill rods and a jet of water to wash the material fragments to the surface. a method of boring hard rock in which a hydrocarbon-oxygen jet is used to melt the rock, and the rock fragments are simultaneously flushed out with water.a method of boring hard rock in which a hydrocarbon-oxygen jet is used to melt the rock, and the rock fragments are simultaneously flushed out with water.

21697             Jet Fuels JP-4 and JP-7             JP-4 JP-7은 항공연료로서 미국 항공부에서 사용되고 있고 석유에서 만들어지는 액체혼합물이다.        JP-4 JP-7인 제트기연료(jet propellant-4 and jet propellant-7)는 연소하기 쉬우며, 천연석유로부터 추출된 밀집-색깔을 띤 액체 혼합물이며 색깔은 거의 무색에 가깝다.        그것은 등유와 같은 냄새를 가지며, 제트 연료는 항공연료로서 사용하기 위해서 미국 항공부의 기준에 의해서 만들어진 또 다른 화학물과 혼화된다.        비록 JP-4 JP-7이 실내온도에서는 액체이나 그들은 쉽게 연소될 수 있다.        JP-4에서 발견되는 몇몇 화학물질들은 태양광선이나 작은 유기체에 의해 대기, , 토양에서 천천히 분해된다. JP-7의 환경중에서의 거동은 JP-4와 유사할 것이라고 추측된다.

21698             jet loop fermenter                    a fermenter in which the broth is recirculated into the main fermentation vessel under pressure; the result is an improvement in gas absorption.

21699             jet mixer                     a device for combining two liquids, in which one liquid is pumped through a small nozzle or jet to achieve a fine dispersion, which then impinges into the flowing stream of the second liquid.

21700             jet pump                    a pump that delivers a large volume of fluid at a low lift by imparting the momentum of a high-velocity jet of steam or air to this column of fluid.



컬러링 스몰미빌딩 (20개 도시 세트) 미술교육. 창의력 발달. 해외여행. 창의력교육. 색칠공부, :

[스몰미 와 아트리트] 나만의 작은 나. 스몰미, 색다른 자기표현. smallME.



