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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 21401-21500

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 12.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 21401-21500

번호                  용어                  해설

21401             internal flue                a furnace tube or fire tube that runs through the water space of a boiler.

21402             internal force              any force exerted within a system to affect another part of the same system; e.g., the force of nuclear attraction within a solid body.

21403             internal friction            a property of matter by which deformation is somewhat resisted and the conversion of applied energy to heat occurs during deformation of material.

21404             internal furnace           a boiler furnace containing a firebox set inside a water-cooled heating surface.

21405             internal gas drive                     a primary recovery of oil wherein oil is forced out of the reservoir by the expansion of the gas initially dissolved in the liquid. Also, SOLUTION GAS DRIVE, DISSOLVED-GAS DRIVE, GAS-DEPLETION DRIVE.

21406             internal grinder           a machine designed for grinding internal surfaces, as in holes and cylinders.

21407             INTERNAL RECIRCULATION                      내부반송

21408             INTERNAL STANDARD              내부표준물 : 각 표준물과 분석시료에 일정량 가해주는 순수한 물질

21409             internal stress              stress that exists in a solid when no external forces are being applied. Also, RESIDUAL STRESS, INITIAL STRESS.

21410             internal vibrator           a vibrating device that is enclosed in a cylinder and drawn through wet concrete to ensure proper compaction.

21411             internal-combustion engine                      an engine in which the process of combustion takes place in the cylinder or cylinders, and the products of combustion serve as the thermodynamic fluid; for example, a gasoline or diesel engine.

21412             INTERNALIZATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL COSTS           환경비용의 내부화  천연자원의 활용, 오염, 쓰레기발생, 소비, 폐기 및 기타요소등을 고려하여, 제품생산 및 사용의 환경비용이 시장가격에 반영되어야 한다는 것을 의미함

21413             internally fired boiler                a boiler whose firebox or furnace is set inside the boiler and is surrounded by water.

21414             internal-mix atomizer               a pneumatic atomizer in which gas and liquid are mixed within the air cap, before the gas expands through the nozzle; used in low-pressure work, as in small compressors. Also, internal-mix spray gun.

21415             INTERNATIONAL ACTION PROGRAM ON WATER AND SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT                     국제 수자원 및 지속가능한 농업개발 행동 프로그램

21416             INTERNATIONAL CHARTER ON FOREST                     세계산림헌장

21417             INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON WATER AND ENVIRONMENT                담수자원에 관한 국제회의

21418             international economy and environment and development                     환경과 경제개발의 조화

21419             INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL AGREEMENT               국제환경협약 : 환경을 보호하기 위하여 체결되는 양자간, 다자간 국제협약으로 주로 지구적차원의 환경을 보전하기 위한 국가별 의무 또는 노력을 규정하고 있음

21420             International Foundation for Survival and Development of Humanity                    인류생존과 개발을 위한 국제재단

21421             International Geophysical Year                  the period between July 1, 1957, and December 31, 1958, during which international programs of geophysical explorations of the solar and terrestrial atmospheres were conducted.

21422             INTERNATIONAL GEO-SPHERE-BIO-SPHERE PROGRAM                  국제지구권-생물권 프로그램

21423             International Geo-Sphere-Bio-Sphere Programme                 국제지구권 - 생물권 프로그램

21424             International Quiet Sun Year                     an international program of solar observations carried out in 1964-1965, during the minimum of the eleven-year cycle of solar activity.

21425             INTERNATIONAL REFERRAL SYSTEM                     인포테라  INFORTERRA, 국제간의 환경정보조회 제도임

21426             INTERNATIONAL REGISTRY OF POTENTIALLY TOXIC CHEMICALS            국제유해성화학물질등록제도

21427             INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL GUIDELINE FOR SAFETY IN BIOTECHNOLOGY          생명공학기술의 안전성확보를 위한 국제기술지침  생물다양성 협약에서생명공학안전성 의정서가 채택될 때까지의 임시지침

21428             internuclear distance                the space between two nuclei in a molecule.

21429             Interparticle bridging                입자간 가교; 고분자 전해질에 의한 입자간의 응집메카니즘

21430             INTERPOLATION METHODS                      통계적인 내삽방법

21431             interrogator                a device that generates the signals needed to trigger a transponder. Also, CHALLENGER.

21432             interrogator-responsor              a device that can generate the signals needed to trigger a transponder and then receive and display the reply.

21433             interstage transformer              a transfomer that couples two electronic stages together.

21434             Interstate Carrier Water Supply                 A source of water for drinking and sanitary use on planes, buses, trains, and ships operating in more than one state. These sources are federally regulated.

21435             Interstate Commerce Clause                     A clause of the U.S. Constitution which reserves to the federal government the right to regulate the conduct of business across state lines. Under this clause, for example, the U.S. supreme Court has ruled that states may not inequitably restrict the disposal of out-of-state wastes in their jurisdictions.

21436             Interstate Waters          Waters that flow across or form part of state or international boundaries; e.g., the Great Lakes, the Mississippi river, or coastal waters.

21437             Interstitial Monitoring               The continuous surveillance of the space between the walls of an underground storage tank.

21438             intimacy          a measure of how close a performer's sound is to the audience during a live performance; it is considered adequate when all reflected sound reaches all listeners within 20 milliseconds of direct sound.

21439             intonation                   the variations in pitch level that characterize spoken language and that serve to emphasize or deemphasize certain elements of a sentence. English is usually identified as having four intonation levels: the normal speaking level, a level one step below normal for lesser emphasis, a level one step above for greater emphasis, and a level two steps above for special emphasis.the variations in pitch level that characterize spoken language and that serve to emphasize or deemphasize certain elements of a sentence. English is usually identified as having four intonation levels: the normal speaking level, a level one step below normal for lesser emphasis, a level one step above for greater emphasis, and a level two steps above for special emphasis. a general pattern of pitch change that distinguishes a certain language or dialect; e.g., speakers of English typically use a rising intonation at the end to convert a statement into a question, as in She's a doctor?a general pattern of pitch change that distinguishes a certain language or dialect;

21440             intramolecular             relating to the interaction of different atoms within the same molecule.

21441             intramolecular forces                those forces which act to cause individual atoms to attract other adjacent atoms within the same molecule, and which are relatively strong in comparison to the forces that act between different molecules.

21442             Intrastate Product                    Pesticide products once registered by states for sale and use only in the state. All intrastate products have been converted to full federal registration or canceled.

21443             intrastratal solution                  the removal by solution of the mineral constituents of rock within a sedimentary bed. Also, DIFFERENTIAL SOLUTION.

21444             INTRINSIC BIOREMEDIATION                    자연정화법; 자연내에 있는 미생물등에 의한 정화능력을 이용한 오염토양복원기술

21445             intrinsic layer              a layer of semiconductor material to which no impurities have been added.

21446             INTRINSIC REACTION               고유반응

21447             intrinsic tracer             a naturally occurring isotope that is ideally suited to serve as a tracer for a given element in chemical and physical process studies.

21448             intrinsic-barrier diode               a device in which a thin layer of silicon that is free of impurities serves as a barrier between regions in an integrated circuit with opposing electrical properties.

21449             intrinsic-barrier transistor          a device in which the thin layer of silicon that separates the collector from the base is free from impurities.

21450             introfaction                 a change of fluidity and wetting properties of an impregnating material caused by the introduction of an introfier.

21451             introfier          any substance that accelerates the penetrating power of a fluid or other impregnating material; a wetting accelerator.

21452             invariable line              the line of the angular momentum vector of a rotating rigid body not acted on by external torques.

21453             invariable plane           the fixed plane which must at all times contain the tip of a freely rotating rigid body's angular velocity vector, as a result of conservation of energy and angular momentum.

21454             Inventory (TSCA)          Inventory of chemicals produced pursuant to Section 8 (b) of the Toxic Substances Control Act.

21455             inverse beta decay                   a collision of a neutrino with a neutron that produces a proton, providing evidence for the existence of the neutrino.

21456             inverse current            the current that is generated when inverse voltage is applied to a circuit.

21457             inverse electrode current              electrons that are flowing through an electrode in the direction opposite to that for which the electrode was designed.

21458             inverse limiter             a transducer whose output is constant for input that falls in a specified range and linear (or some other function) for input outside that range.

21459             inverse peak voltage                 the voltage that appears across a rectifier tube or X-ray tube during the nonconducting portion of a voltage cycle.the voltage that appears across a rectifier tube or X-ray tube during the nonconducting portion of a voltage cycle. the highest instantaneous voltage that a rectifier tube or an X-ray tube can tolerate in the inverse direction without causing current to flow.the highest instantaneous voltage that a rectifier tube or an X-ray tube can tolerate in the inverse direction without causing current to flow.

21460             inverse voltage            voltage that is applied to the negative terminal of a rectifier when current is not flowing through it.

21461             Inversion                    A layer of warm air that prevents the rise of cooling air and traps pollutants beneath it; can cause an air pollution episode.

21462             INVERSION LAYER                    역전층

21463             invert             a substance produced by inversion, such as an invert sugar.  Civil Engineering. the base or bottom of a pipe or artificial channel.

21464             inverted amplifier                    a vacuum tube circuit in which the output capacitance is significantly reduced by passing the incoming signals between the cathodes of two separate tubes, whose grids are grounded and act as a shield between the input and output circuits.

21465             inverted engine           an in-line engine whose cylinders are set beneath the crankshaft; an adaptation used especially in certain aircraft to improve the pilot's line of sight.

21466             invert-emulsion mud                a drilling mud having a dispersed phase of salt or fresh water and a continuous phase of oil.

21467             inverter          a device that converts a positive signal into a negative one, or vice versa.a device that converts a positive signal into a negative one, or vice versa. a device that converts an input pulse into an output pulse in a computer, so that when the input is high, the output is low and vice versa.a device that converts an input pulse into an output pulse in a computer, so that when the input is high, the output is low and vice versa.

21468             inverting amplifier                   a circuit that increases current or voltage and reverses its polarity.

21469             inverting function                    a type of logic circuit that inverts the input signal, so that the output signal is out of phase with the input signal.

21470             inverting parametric device                      a device that inverts the distribution of electrons in a laser through the time variation of three frequencies, the harmonic of the pump frequency (which initiates the inversion) and two signal frequencies.

21471             inverting terminal                    in an operational amplifier, the inverting input that provides a 180° phase shift at the output.

21472             IN-VESSEL COMPOSTING          반응조 부식토화

21473             INVOLUNTARILY ENCOUNTERED               비자발적인 노출

21474             IOB                Iron Ore Beneficiation

21475             iodine number             a determination of the unsaturation of an organic compound by measuring the amount of iodine absorbed over a specific period of time. Also, iodine value.

21476             iodine test                  a test for the presence of starch using a potassium iodide solution; a blue color indicates a positive test.

21477             iodine-131                  a radioactive isotope of iodine with mass number 131 and a half-life of 8.04 days; used as a tracer in medical and industrial research.

21478             iodometry                   the quantitative analysis of copper, gold, arsenic, and other elements or compounds using excess iodide ion as a reductant; the iodine freed in the associating reaction is determined by titration with potassium thiosulfate, using starch as an indicator.

21479             IOM : INTERCELLULAR ORGANIC MATTER                     세포내 유기물

21480             Ion                 An electrically charged atom or group of atoms.

21481             ion atmosphere           a cloudlike configuration of ions that are loosely bound around an ion of the opposite charge. Also, ION CLOUD, ION CLUSTER.

21482             ion cloud                    a region of enhanced ion density in the ionosphere, often occurring in the E layer.

21483             ion column                 the visible train of ionized gas left by a meteorite entering the atmosphere.

21484             ion detector                any instrument used to determine the presence or concentration of ions.

21485             ion exchange              the replacement of inner layer and surface ions in clay minerals by ions from an adjacent solution. Also, BASE EXCHANGE, CATION EXCHANGE.

21486             Ion Exchange Treatment            A common water-softening method often found on a large scale at water purification plants that remove some organics and radium by adding calcium oxide or calcium hydroxide to increase the pH to a level where the metals will precipitate out.

21487             ion exchanger             the solid medium through which a liquid passes in the process of ion exchange, typically a material such as zeolite or a synthetic resin.

21488             ion exclusion               a system for the separation of ionic from nonionic solutions through the use of a synthetic resin, which absorbs the nonionized solute and passes the ionic solute.

21489             ion fractionation          the separation of anions or cations from an ionic solution by a membrane permeable to the desired ion, using electrodialyzers and ion-fractionation stills.

21490             ion mean life               a term for the time it takes for an electron to escape from an atom or molecule and attach itself to another atom or molecule.

21491             ION PRODUCT             이온적

21492             ion pump                   a pump that ionizes gas molecules with high-energy electrons in a high-intensity magnetic field and then deposits them onto a cathode or ejects them into an auxiliary pump or ion trap.

21493             ion retardation            a process based on bifunctional ion-exchange resins containing both anion and cation adsorption sites, which removes both kinds of ions from solutions.

21494             ion source                  a device that ionizes gas molecules and then focuses, accelerates, and emits them as a narrow beam. Also, ION GUN, IONIZATION SOURCE.

21495             ion spot          a section of a cathode-ray tube screen that has lost much of its luminescence because of negative ion bombardment.

21496             ion trap          a system that prevents an ion spot from forming on a cathode-ray tube screen, generally by using a magnetic field to divert the beam. Also, BEAM BENDER.a system that prevents an ion spot from forming on a cathode-ray tube screen, generally by using a magnetic field to divert the beam. Also, BEAM BENDER. a type of metal electrode, generally consisting of titanium, to which ions from an ion pump are attracted.a type of metal electrode, generally consisting of titanium, to which ions from an ion pump are attracted.

21497             ion-beam scanning                  the process by which the mass spectrum of an ion beam is analyzed, generally by altering the electric or magnetic fields or by moving a probe in a mass spectrometer.

21498             ion-exchange chromatography                 a separation technique using a resin (stationary phase), which may be basic or acidic, to bind ionized solutes (mobile phase) reversibly.

21499             ion-exchange column               a column that fractionates mixtures of charged molecules and is packed with charged resins, cellulose, or other supporting compounds suitable for ion-exchange chromatography; used in laboratory or full-scale industrial processes.

21500             ion-exclusion chromatography                  a technique in which the adsorbent material is saturated with the same ions as are in the sample.

