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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 20401-20500

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 12.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 20401-20500

번호                  용어                  해설

20401             heterogeneous            composed of different substances or different phases of the same substance; e.g., a colloid.  Biology. having a source outside the organism; having a foreign origin.

20402             heterogeneous chemical reaction              a reaction that takes place between two substances in different phases.

20403             HETEROGENEOUS REACTIONS                  불균일 반응기

20404             heterojunction             a junction between two dissimilar semiconductor materials having different energy gaps between their valence and conduction bands.

20405             heterologous promoter             an antigen or antibody that does not correspond to a particular substance but that can be used as a catalyst to promote a reaction or to increase the rate of activity.

20406             HETEROTOROPHIC                   종속영양계

20407             HETEROTROPH            종속영양계 생물; 세포합성을 위한 탄소원으로 유기탄소를 활용하는 유기영양형

20408             Heterotrophic Organisms          Species that are dependent on organic matter for food.

20409             heterotropic ligands                    structurally identical ligands whose individual replacement by a different ligand creates an isomeric structure.

20410             Hexach lorobenzene(헥사클로로벤젠)                     헥사클로로벤젠은 1965년까지 양파, 사탕수수 씨앗을 보호하고, 밀과 그 외의 곡류를 진균류로부터 보호하기 위한 살충제로서 널리 사용되었다. 또한 폭죽, 탄약, 합성 고무 등을 만들기 위해 사용되었다. 최근 미국에서는 헥사클로로벤제늬 상업적 사용을 금하고 있다.        헥사클로로벤젠은 물에 녹지 않는 백색의 결정체 구조이다. 일반 환경에서는 자연적으로 발생하지 않는다. 클로르알칼리(chloralkali)의 폐기장과 목재가공 공장 등에서 다른 화학물질을 만드는 과정에서 또는 가정용 쓰레기를 연소시키는 과정에서 부산물로 생성된다.        헥사클로로벤젠의 중독은 오염된 음식을 섭취함으로 인해 발생한다. 다량 섭취하면 간질환을 유발시키기도 한다.

20411             Hexachloroethane                       Hexachloroethane은 공기에 노출되었을 때 점차적으로 증발하는 무색의 고체이다. 이것은 carbonhexachoride, perchloroethane, HCE라고 불리운다.        이 증기는 장뇌와 같은 냄새가 난다. 미국에서 Hexachloroethane의반은 담배생산장치를 위한 군대에서 사용한다. 이것은 녹아드는 알루미늄에서 고기버블을 없애는데 사용된다.        Hexachloroethane는 곰팡이 살균제, 살충제, 윤활제, 플라스틱의 성분으로서 보여질 수도 있을지 모른다.        Hexachloroethane는 환경에서 자연적으로 생성되지 않는다. 미국에서는 더 이상 만들어내지 않고 있지만 몇몇 화학물의 생산에서 부산물로서 형성된다.        몇몇 Hexachloroethane chlorinated hydrocarbons를 담고 있는 금속이 연소될 때 연소기에 의해서 생성될 수 있다. Hexachloroethane 그 자체는 쉽게 불에 잡히지는 않는다. 몇몇 Hexachloroethane는 염소가 음용수에서 탄소 복합물과 반응할 때 형성되어 질 수도 있다.        헥사클로로에탄은 생산, 이용, 운송, 처분동안 환경으로 노출될 수 있다. 미세유기체들은 산소없이 더욱 쉽게 Hexachloroethane을 분해한다.

20412             hexagonal unit cell                   a unit cell in which there is a six-fold rotation axis parallel to one axis (arbitrarily chosen as c) and also two-fold rotation axes perpendicular to c. These symmetry relations dictate that the lengths of a and b are identical, the angle between a and b is 120°, and the other two angles are 90° (a = b,  =  = 90°,  = 120°). Rhombohedral crystals, with three-fold axes, can be referred to hexagonal unit cells.

20413             Hexamethylenetetramine의 특성 및 방제방법                  주최 : 국립환경 연구원

20414             hexode           an electron tube containing six electrodes: an anode, cathode, primary control electrode, and three auxiliary electrodes.

20415             HF 1189          a citrus-based solvent developed as a substitute for CFCs; used to clean circuit boards.

20416             HF alkylation               a refinery alkylation process in which light olefins react with isobutane in the presence of a hydrofluoric acid catalyst.

20417             HFC               Hydrofluorocarbon

20418             HHDDV          Heavy Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicle

20419             HHE               Human Health and the Environment

20420             HHV               고위발열량; 연소시 발생되는 수분이 응축하여 액체화되었을 때의 발열량. High heating value

20421             HHV               Higher Heating Value

20422             HHW              가정유해폐기물; 가정내에서 발생되는 유해폐기물. Household hazardous waste

20423             HI                  Hazard Index

20424             HIERARCHICAL            계층조직(모델)

20425             HIERARCHY OF INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT            폐기물종합관리체계의 우선순위; 발생원 감량, 재활용, 폐기물처리, 그리고 처분

20426             High End Exposure (dose) Estimate                     An estimate of exposure, or dose level received anyone in a defined population that is greater than the 90th percentile of all individuals in that population, bou less than the exposure at the highest percentile in that population. A high end risk descriptor is an estimate of the risk level for such individuals. Note that risk is based on a combination of exposure and susceptibility to the stressor.

20427             high fidelity                in audio recording and reproducing applications, the sound reproduction that occurs over the full range of audible frequencies, thus approximating the sound of the original performance.in audio recording and reproducing applications, the sound reproduction that occurs over the full range of audible frequencies, thus approximating the sound of the original performance. high-fidelity. relating to or describing such faithful sound reproduction, or equipment that is capable of providing it. Also, HI-FI.high-fidelity. relating to or describing such faithful sound reproduction, or equipment that is capable of providing it. Also, HI-FI.

20428             HIGH HEATING VALUE              고위발열량; 연소시 발생되는 수분이 응축하여 액체화되었을 때의 발열량.  HHV

20429             High Intensity Discharge           A generic term for mercury vapor, metal halide, and high pressure sodium lamps and fixtures.

20430             high level                   a level within the more positive of the two ranges of logic levels chosen to represent the logic states.

20431             HIGH NEGATIVE VOLTAGE                        고음극 전압

20432             High pH treatment, typically with lime, at a pH higher than 12.0 for 3h                높은 pH 처리, 특히 소석회를 이용하여 pH 12이상에서 3시간 동안 유지시키는 방법; 슬러지 살균처리 방법

20433             HIGH PRESSURE WATER TYPE                   가압수식; 세정집진장치종류

20434             high Q           a high value for the ratio of reactance to resistance in a component or circuit.a high value for the ratio of reactance to resistance in a component or circuit. refers to a resonant circuit whose bandwidth is very small compared to the center frequency.refers to a resonant circuit whose bandwidth is very small compared to the center frequency.

20435             High rate filters           고율 살수여상; 살수여상의 형태

20436             HIGH RATE PHASE                   퇴비화 1단계; 퇴비화공정상에서 1단계에 해당하는 공정을 일컫는 말로서 유기물을 급격한 분해가 일어남

20437             HIGH SEAS                 공해

20438             HIGH VOLUME AIR SAMPLER                   하이볼륨 에어 샘플러 : 입자상 물질의 시료채취법

20439             high-current rectifier                a device (solid-state, gas tube, or vacuum tube) used to convert alternating current to direct current for powering low-impedance loads.

20440             high-density hydrometric network             고밀도비중측정망

20441             High-Density Polyethylene                        A material used to make plastic bottles and other products that produces toxic fumes when burned.

20442             high-energy bond                    a term applied to any chemical bond that results in a decrease of the system's free energy of at least 5 kilocalories per mole.

20443             HIGH-ENERGY VENTURI            고에너지 벤튜리 : 세정집진기의 한 종류

20444             HIGHER HARMONIC                 고주파 : 주기적 복합파의 각 성분중 기본파 이외의 것으로 제 n고주파는 기본파의 n배주파수를 갖는 것을 말한다

20445             higher pair                  an arrangement in which mating parts of a mechanism have surface contact, rather than line or point contact.

20446             Highest Dose Tested                 The highest dose of a chemical or substance tested in a study

20447             high-frequency bias                 the introduction of a frequency several times higher than the high end of the frequency band of recorded sound, to reduce high-frequency distortion.

20448             high-frequency compensation                  an increase in the amplification of the high frequencies, relative to the low and middle frequencies, within a given band of frequencies. Also, HIGH BOOST.

20449             high-frequency titration            a titration measured by the use of alternating current in the megahertz range passing between two electrodes mounted on the outside of the vessel containing the solution being analyzed.

20450             high-frequency transformer                      a transformer that matches impedances and transmits a frequency band in the higher ranges, usually with bandpass response.

20451             high-frequency voltmeter          a voltmeter that is designed to measure high-frequency alternating currents.

20452             high-front shovel                     a power-driven shovel having a dipper stick mounted high on the boom.

20453             HIGH-GRADE PAPER                 고급종이

20454             High-Level Nuclear Waste Facility              Plant designed to handle disposal of used nuclear fuel, high-level radioactive waste, and plutonium waste.

20455             High-Level Radioactive Waste (HLRW)                     Waste generated in core fuel of a nuclear reactor, found at nuclear reactors or by nuclear fuel reprocessing; is a serious threat to anyone who comes near the waste without shielding. (See: low-level radioactive waste.)

20456             high-lift truck              a forklift truck with a mast, either fixed or telescoping, allowing for elevation of a load.

20457             highlight                     the brightest area of a reproduced image.the brightest area of a reproduced image. in computer display, making a part of the image (or text) stand out by special visual effects such as color, reverse video, or distinctive frame.in computer display, making a part of the image (or text) stand out by special visual effects such as color, reverse video, or distinctive frame.

20458             High-Line Jumpers                   Pipes or hoses connected to fire hydrants and laid on top of the ground to provide emergency water service for an isolated portion of a distribution system.

20459             high-low bias test                    a procedure routinely performed to test equipment over and under normal operating conditions in an attempt to detect defective units.

20460             high-mu tube              a vacuum tube with an amplification factor of 30 or higher.

20461             HIGH-OCCUPANCY-VEHICLE                     다인승 차량

20462             high-pass filter            a filter that has a single transmission band extending from a cutoff frequency (not zero) to infinite frequency.

20463             high-performance liquid chromatography                     a type of liquid chromatography in which the liquid (mobile) phase can readily be changed to affect resolution and time of analysis.

20464             high-pressure chemistry           the study of chemical reactions that take place at pressures of more than about 10,000 bars or atmospheres, especially for solid-state devices.

20465             high-pressure mercury-vapor lamp                     a high-intensity discharge lamp in which light is produced by radiation discharged by mercury vapor.

20466             high-pressure process                 aChemical process that operates at an extremely elevated pressure.

20467             high-pressure well                   an oil well that has a shut-in wellhead pressure of more than 2000 psia.

20468             High-purity oxygen aerobic digestion                     순 산소 호기성소화법; 호기성 소화의 일반적인 공법

20469             High-purity oxygen process                      순산소공정; 순산소를 활성슬러지공정에 공기 대신 이용하는 공정

20470             High-rate aeration process                       고율포기공정; 활성스러지공정의 변법으로 고농도 MLSS를 높은 용적 부하와 결합시킨 형태

20471             High-Risk Community              A community located within the vicinity of numerous sites of facilities or other potential sources of environrnmental exposure/health hazards which may result in high levels of exposure to contaminants or pollutants.

20472             high-side capacitance coupling                 the process of using a capacitor to block direct current flow from the output of an oscillator or amplifier at a point of high potential.

20473             high-speed machine                 broadly, any machine that operates at a high rate of speed, especially of rotational speed.broadly, any machine that operates at a high rate of speed, especially of rotational speed. specifically, a diamond drill with a minimum operating speed of 2500 revolutions per minute, compared to the maximum 1600-1800 revolutions per minute of the average diamond drill.specifically, a diamond drill with a minimum operating speed of 2500 revolutions per minute, compared to the maximum 1600-1800 revolutions per minute of the average diamond drill.

20474             high-speed oscilloscope            an oscilloscope that can reproduce high-speed pulses accurately because of its efficient high-frequency and step-function response.

20475             high-speed relay          a relay designed to have short make or short break intervals.

20476             high-temperature chemistry                     the study of chemical reactions that take place at temperatures of more than 500,000 degrees Celsius.

20477             High-to-Low-Dose Extrapolation               The process of prediction of low exposure risk to humans and animals from the measured high-exposure-high-risk data involving laboratory animals.

20478             high-vacuum insulation            a type of thermal insulation used in containers of cryogenic materials where a high vacuum is maintained between the two walls of double-walled vessels.

20479             high-vacuum rectifier               a vacuum-tube rectifier in which conduction is by electrons emitted from the cathode.

20480             high-vacuum tube                    an electron tube that has been evacuated to such a degree that gaseous ionization cannot occur.

20481             high-voltage microscope           an electron microscope whose accelerating voltage is in the range of 106 volts, as opposed to 40-100 kilovolts, resulting in increased specimen penetration, reduced specimen damage, better resolution, and more efficient dark-field operation.

20482             high-water full and change                      the average interval between upper and lower lunar transit near the time of the new and full moon and the next high water.

20483             high-water lunitidal interval                      the interval between the moon's transit over the prime meridian and the following high water.

20484             Himmelweit pipet                    a Pasteur pipet that is used in the harvesting of allantoic fluid from an egg.

20485             HINDERED SETTLING                간섭침전(방해침강) ; 3형 침전

20486             Hinsberg test              a method of separating mixtures of primary, secondary, and tertiary amines by treatment with benzenedisulfonyl chloride; primary amines form sulfonamides soluble in water and alkali, secondary amines form insoluble sulfonamides, and there is no reaction with tertiary amines.

20487             Hirst spore trap           an apparatus used to trap a sample of airborne microflora for evaluation.

20488             HISTORICAL ACCUMULATED RESPONSIBILITY           지구환경 악화의 역사적, 누적적 책임

20489             historical axxumulated responsibility                     (지구환경악화의)역사적 · 누적적 책임

20490             Hittorf cell                  a special three-section electrolytic cell used in the Hittorf method; current passing through the cell causes ions to migrate between the anode compartment and the cathode compartment via a central compartment that does not experience net change. Also, Hittorf transference cell.

20491             Hittorf method            a technique for calculating the fraction of total current carried by each ion of an electrolyte; based on the principle that if a current of known strength is passed through a cell, the change in the amount of electrolyte will indicate the number of ions gained or lost in the process of carrying current.

20492             Hittorf principle           the principle that discharge between electrodes in a gas at a specified pressure does not necessarily occur between the closest points of the electrodes if the distance between the points is less than the minimum required for spark potential.

20493             HI-VOL           High-Volume Sampler

20494             HIWAY            A Line Source Model for Gaseous Pollutants

20495             HLRW            High Level Radioactive Waste

20496             HMIS             Hazardouse Materials Information System

20497             HMS              Highway Mobile Source

20498             HMTA             Hazardous Materials Transportation Act

20499             HMTR            Hazardous Materials Transportation Regulations

20500             HMX              HMX는 고도의 용해 폭발성 acronym이다. 또한 octogen, cyclotetramethylene-tetranitramine으로 알려져 있으며, 다른 이름으로 알려져 있기도 하다. 물에서 약간 녹는 무색의 고체이다. 오직 적은 양만이 공기중으로 증발한다. 그러나 이것은 부유하는 미립자나 먼지에 부착된 공기에서 일어날 수 있다.  hexamine, ammonium nitrate, nitric acid, acetic acid로 알려진 다른 화학물질로부터 만들어진다. 이 특성 때문에 HMX는 다양한 종류의 폭발물, 로켓 연료, 작약 충전재로 사용된다. 적은 양의 HMX는 또한  cyclotrimethylene-trinitramine(RDX)과 구조적으로 HMX와 비슷한 다른 폭발성물질을 만드는데에서 형성되기도 한다.



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