환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 20301-20400
번호 용어 해설
20301 ◆ heat of solution ◆ the amount of heat released or absorbed when a definite quantity of a substance dissolves in a solvent to form a solution of given concentration at constant pressure. Also, ENTHALPY OF SOLUTION, HEAT OF DISSOLUTION.
20302 ◆ heat of sublimation ◆ the amount of heat change involved when a definite quantity of a substance is converted from a solid to a gaseous state at constant pressure and temperature. Also, LATENT HEAT OF SUBLIMATION, ENTHALPY OF SUBLIMATION.
20303 ◆ heat of transfer ◆ the amount of heat released or absorbed by the transfer of a component from one ideal solution to another. Also, ENTHALPY OF TRANSFER.
20304 ◆ heat of transition ◆ the amount of heat change that occurs as a substance undergoes some change of phase at constant pressure and temperature. Also, heat of transformation.
20305 ◆ heat of vaporization ◆ the amount of heat change required to convert a definite quantity of a liquid substance from a liquid to a gas at constant pressure and temperature. Also, LATENT HEAT OF VAPORIZATION, ENTHALPY OF VAPORIZATION, HEAT OF EVAPORATION.
20306 ◆ heat of wetting ◆ the amount of heat change associated with the adsorption of a liquid (usually water) on another substance.
20307 ◆ heat pipe ◆ a self-contained heat-transfer device that transports thermal energy by vaporizing a liquid inside one end near a heat source and recondensing it at the other end.
20308 ◆ heat pump ◆ a machine that uses a refrigerant to transfer heat energy from a cold temperature source, such as the ground, air, or water, to another source, such as a building; after absorbing energy from the cold temperature source, the refrigerant is mechanically compressed, thus creating a temperature increase; the heat is then transferred to the new source using a heat exchanger.
20309 ◆ Heat Pump ◆ An electric device with both heating and cooling capabilities. It extracts heat from one medium at a lower (the heat source) temperature and transfers it to another at a higher temperature (the heat sink), thereby cooling the first and warming the second. (See: geothermal, water source heat pump.)
20310 ◆ heat rate ◆ an expression of the conversion efficiency of thermal energy to work output.
20311 ◆ HEAT RECOVERY ◆ 열회수
20313 ◆ Heat treatment ◆ 열처리; 일정한 압력하에서 일시적으로 슬러지에 열을 가하여 안정화 시키는 공정
20314 ◆ Heated sludge ◆ 가열 슬러지; 70oC 가열처리된 슬러지
20315 ◆ heater ◆ ㆍ an element that supplies heat to an indirectly heated cathode.an element that supplies heat to an indirectly heated cathode. ㆍ a resistor that converts electrical energy into heat.a resistor that converts electrical energy into heat.
20316 ◆ heat-flow province ◆ a geographic area in which heat-flow characteristics are common.
20317 ◆ HEATING VALUE ◆ 발열량(폐)
20318 ◆ heaving ◆ a limited or complete collapse of drillhole walls created by internal pressures.
20319 ◆ heavy crude ◆ crude oil of 20° API gravity or less that contains a great proportion of viscous, high-molecular-weight hydrocarbons plus a generally high sulfur content; requires special production procedures to extract from underground formations.
20320 ◆ heavy fraction ◆ during distillation, the heavier final products produced from crude oil such as heavy gas oil, fuel oil, lubes, and asphalt. Also, END CUT.
20321 ◆ HEAVY MEDIA SEPARATIN ◆ 중액식선별; 폐기물처리공정중 밀도차선별에 이용되는 장비
20322 ◆ Heavy metals ◆ Metallic elements with high atomic weights; (e.g., mercury, chromium, cadmium, arsenic, and lead); can damage living things at low concentrations and tend to accumulate in the food chain.
20323 ◆ heavy oxygen ◆ an isotope of oxygen with atomic weight 18 that makes up a small portion of the oxygen-16 that is found in water, air, and rocks. Also, OXYGEN-18.
20324 ◆ heavy section car ◆ a railway motorcar that weighs approximately 1200 to 1400 pounds and is powered by an 8- to 12-horsepower engine.
20325 ◆ heavy-atom derivative ◆ the resulting crystal obtained by soaking a solution of the salt of a metal of high atomic number into a crystal of a protein. If the derivative is to be of use in structure determination, the heavy atom must be substituted in only one or two ordered positions per molecule of protein. Then the method of isomorphous replacement can be used to determine phases for the calculation of an electron density map.
20326 ◆ heavy-duty car ◆ a railway motorcar designed for heavy hauling and yard service, weighing more than 1400 pounds and powered by a 12- to 30-horsepower engine.
20327 ◆ heavy-ion source ◆ a source of ionized molecules or atoms of elements that are heavier than helium.
20328 ◆ HECC ◆ House Energy and Commerce Committee
20330 ◆ HEEDs ◆ Health and Environmental Effects Documents
20331 ◆ heel block ◆ a part fixed on a die shoe to minimize the deflection of a cam or punch. Also, HEEL.
20332 ◆ Hehner number ◆ the weight percent of water-insoluble fatty acids in oils and fats.
20333 ◆ HEI ◆ Health Effects Institute
20334 ◆ height control ◆ in a television, the adjustment determining the amplitude of the vertical-scanning pulses or the observed height of the picture.
20335 ◆ height equivalent of theoretical plate ◆ specifically, the efficiency in chromatography expressed in terms of the number of theoretical plates and the length of the column in which the solute is in equilibrium between the mobile and stationary phases.
20336 ◆ height of transfer unit ◆ a parameter with dimensions of length that is related to the separation efficiency of certain countercurrent contacting devices.
20337 ◆ height-position indicator ◆ a radarscope that displays both the height of a target and its angular elevation slant range.
20338 ◆ height-range indicator ◆ a radarscope that displays both altitude and range measurements of a target.
20339 ◆ Heisenberg force ◆ a force that exists between two nucleons that causes the particles to exchange their spin and position.
20340 ◆ Heitler-London covalence theory ◆ the theory that two hydrogen atoms form a stable compound when their electrons spin in opposite directions, and form unstable compounds when their electrons have the same spin.
20341 ◆ helical conveyor ◆ a conveyor for small-particle bulk materials, consisting of a horizontal shaft with affixed helical paddles that rotates within a tube filled with the materials.
20342 ◆ helical gear ◆ a gearwheel in which the teeth are sections of a helix described on the wheel face as opposed to being parallel with the wheel axis; such teeth are thus set at an angle to the axis.
20343 ◆ helical milling ◆ milling in which the work is translated and rotated simultaneously.
20344 ◆ helical potentiometer ◆ a precision potentiometer in which the control knob must be turned several times to move the contact arm from one end of the spirally wound resistance element to the other. Also, MULTITURN POTENTIOMETER.
20345 ◆ helical spline broach ◆ a hole-cutting tool that produces intricate helical splines on the surface surrounding the hole.
20346 ◆ helical-fin section ◆ an extended surface form having a helical shape, which increases the external surface area of process-fluid tubes, thereby increasing heat-exchange efficiency.
20347 ◆ helical-flow turbine ◆ a steam turbine in which the steam, directed tangentially inward toward buckets in the wheel rim, flows in a helical pattern.
20348 ◆ helitron ◆ an oscillator used at ultrahigh and microwave frequencies, having an output frequency that is variable over a wide range.
20349 ◆ helium burning ◆ a thermonuclear process occurring in stars by which nuclei of a fully ionized helium plasma undergo fusion.
20350 ◆ helium refrigerator ◆ a refrigerator that uses liquid helium as the working fluid; provides cooling to temperatures approaching absolute zero.
20351 ◆ helium-3 ◆ an isotope of helium with mass number 3 that is found in ㆍ3 parts per million of the helium found in nature.
20352 ◆ helium-4 ◆ an isotope of helium with mass number 4 that makes up most of the helium found in nature.
20353 ◆ helix tube ◆ a traveling-wave tube in which an electromagnetic wave travels along a spiral wire wound around a beam such that the wave and beam have approximately equal velocities. Also, helical traveling-wave tube.
20354 ◆ Helmert's formula ◆ a formula for theoretical gravity based on a triaxial ellipsoid and, therefore, including a longitude term.
20355 ◆ Helmholtz double layer ◆ the earliest model of the double layer at an electrode surface; it was offered in 1879 by Helm- holtz, who suggested a layer of ions of one charge at a solid surface and a rigidly held layer of oppositely charged ions in the electrolyte solution.
20356 ◆ Helmholtz equation ◆ an equation stating that the electromotive force in an electrolytic cell is equivalent to the chemical reaction when a charge goes through the cell, with the addition of the product of the temperature and the derivative of the electromotive force.
20357 ◆ Helmholtz resonator ◆ an enclosure with an opening which, as a fluid flows over a surface boundary, produces sound frequencies related to the width of the opening in the surface boundary of the object.
20358 ◆ HELMHOLZ RESONATOR ◆ 공동공명기 : 소음기의 일종으로 cavity resonator와 같은 것
20359 ◆ HELOPHYTES ◆ 습지지중식물
20360 ◆ HELP ◆ 매립지복토층을 통해 유입되는 강우량을 측정할 수 있는 모델; Hydrologic evaluation of landfill performance
20361 ◆ HEM ◆ 환경척도의 조화 harmonization of environmental measurement
20362 ◆ HEM ◆ Human Exposure Modeling
20363 ◆ HEMICELLULOSE ◆ 헤미셀롤로즈; 탄소가 5-6개 있는 당분의 응축생성물
20364 ◆ hemihedral symmetry ◆ of or relating to a crystal that has only half of the possible symmetry elements of the crystal system to which it belongs.
20365 ◆ hemitropic ◆ describing a twinned crystal in which one part would be parallel to the other if it were rotated 180°.
20366 ◆ hemming ◆ the bending of metal back upon itself to produce an edge.
20367 ◆ hemming filter ◆ a filter most commonly used for selective filtration, often found between two tubes that are fastened together; when centrifuged, the compound being selected passes from one tube to the other.
20368 ◆ Hengstebeck approximation ◆ a calculation technique for estimating the distribution of non-key components in products from distillation columns.
20369 ◆ HENRY’S LAW CONSTANT ◆ 헨리상수; 헨리상수는 KH 로 표현되며 용액내 성분의 몰분율과 기체내의 용질의 분압과의 비로 나타낸다.
20370 ◆ Henry's law ◆ a law stating that the amount of gas which will dissolve in a given quantity of liquid is proportional to the partial pressure of the gas above the liquid at constant temperature.
20371 ◆ HEPA ◆ High-Efficiency Particulate Air
20372 ◆ HEPA ◆ Highly Efficient Particulate Air Filter
20373 ◆ Heptachlor ◆ An insecticide that was banned on some food products in 1975 and in all of them 1978. It was allowed for use in seed treatment until 1983. More recently it was found in milk and other dairy products in Arkansas and Missouri where dairy cattle were illegally fed treated seed.
20374 ◆ Heptachlor and Heptachlor Epoxide ◆ Heptachlor는 제조된 화학제품으로 자연적으로는 생성되지 않는다. 순수한 heptachlor는 캠퍼(나프탈렌) 등에서 나는 냄새를 지닌 흰색의 분말이다. 순도가 낮은 것은 황갈색이다. Heptachlor는 과거에 집, 빌딩, 특히 옥수수 등의 농작물에서 벌레를 죽이기 위해 사용했었다. 1970년대까지 천천히 사용이 저하하다가 1988년에 중지되었다. Heptachlor epoxide는 또한 백색 분말이며 heptachlor의 변형 물질이다. epoxide는 heptachlor보다 환경에서 더 발견되기가 쉽다. heptachlor와 heptachlor epoxide의 중독은 대부분 오염된 음식과 우유를 먹거나 오염된 토양과 피부가 접촉하여 발생한다. 다량인 경우는 신경계에 이상을 일으킨다.
20375 ◆ heptode ◆ an electron tube containing seven electrodes: an anode, cathode, primary control electrode, and four auxiliary elements, usually grids.
20376 ◆ Herbicide ◆ A chemical pesticide designed to control or destroy plants, weeds, or grasses.
20377 ◆ herbicide ◆ any agent, either organic or inorganic, used to destroy unwanted vegetation, especially weeds and grasses; selective herbicides eliminate weeds without destroying desirable crop or garden plants; nonselective herbicides destroy all vegetation in the given area.
20378 ◆ Herbivore ◆ An animal that feeds on plants.
20379 ◆ Hercules trap ◆ a liquid trap used in aquametry for collecting liquids heavier than water.
20380 ◆ hereditary mechanics ◆ the field ofMechanics dealing with the dependence of current mechanical properties on deformation history, which includes mechanical hysteresis
20381 ◆ herpolhode ◆ the name given by Poinsot to the planar curve described by the tip of the angular velocity vector of a freely rotating body; it is a circle for axisymmetric bodies.
20382 ◆ herringbone gear ◆ a gear in which the teeth slope both ways from the center line of the gear face, as if two opposite-handed helical gears were placed side by side; designed to eliminate axial thrust.
20383 ◆ herringbone pattern ◆ in a television picture, a pattern of interference that resembles the skeleton of a fish.
20384 ◆ HERS ◆ Hyperion Energy Recovery System
20385 ◆ Hertz effect ◆ the ionization of a gas produced by intense ultraviolet radiation.
20386 ◆ Hertz's law ◆ an expression that gives the radius of the contact area between an elastic sphere and a rigid surface against which it is pressed, in terms of the sphere's radius, the force exerted on it, and Young's modulus for the sphere's material.
20387 ◆ Hess의 법칙 ◆ 총 열량 불변의 법칙으로 화학 반응시 발생 또는 흡수한 열량은 반응전 후의 물질의 종류와 상태가 같으면 반응 경로에 관계없이 항상 일정하다.
20388 ◆ Hess's law ◆ a law stating that the amount of heat released or absorbed in a chemical reaction is not affected by the number of steps in the reaction; i.e., the heat change is the same whether the reaction takes place in one step or several steps. Also, CONSTANT HEAT SUMMATION; LAW OF CONSTANT HEAT SUMMATION.
20389 ◆ heteroazeotrope ◆ a constant boiling mixture having more than one liquid phase in equilibrium with the vapor phase at boiling point.
20390 ◆ heterobaric ◆ having different mass numbers, as with two isotopes.
20391 ◆ heterodesmic ◆ of or relating to a crystal structure that contains two or more types of bonding.
20392 ◆ heteroduplex mapping ◆ a method used to map nucleic acids when there is limited information on their nucleotide sequence; often used for double-stranded molecules of DNA.
20393 ◆ heterodyne ◆ ㆍ of or relating to the combination of two different radio frequencies, one usually being a received external signal and the other a signal generated within the receiving apparatus, in order to produce electrical beats whose frequencies are equal to the sum of and the difference between the original frequencies.of or relating to the combination of two different radio frequencies, one usually being a received external signal and the other a signal generated within the receiving apparatus, in order to produce electrical beats whose frequencies are equal to the sum of and the difference between the original frequencies. ㆍ to produce such an effect.to produce such an effect.
20394 ◆ heterodyne analyzer ◆ a frequency analyzer that mixes a known frequency band with an unknown one, thereby creating beat frequencies from which the frequency of the unknown band can be established.
20395 ◆ heterodyne detector ◆ ㆍ a device that makes a radio-frequency signal audible by combining it with one produced by a local oscillator, producing an audio-frequency beat note.a device that makes a radio-frequency signal audible by combining it with one produced by a local oscillator, producing an audio-frequency beat note. ㆍ a linear detector and local RF oscillator combination used to detect and measure test signal frequencies. Also, SUPERHETERODYNE DETECTOR.a linear detector and local RF oscillator combination used to detect and measure test signal frequencies. Also, SUPERHETERODYNE DETECTOR.
20396 ◆ heterodyne frequency meter ◆ a tunable radio-frequency meter that zerobeats an unknown frequency, or one of its harmonics, against a standard, internally generated frequency, or one of it harmonics. Also, heterodyne wavemeter.
20397 ◆ heterodyne measurement ◆ a measurement performed by a harmonic analyzer that utilizes a highly selective filter, at a frequency well above the highest frequency to be measured, and a heterodyne oscillator.
20398 ◆ heterodyne oscillator ◆ a signal generator that outputs the beat product of two internal oscillator outputs; the output frequency, selected by output filtering or tuning, may be the sum or difference of the oscillator frequencies.
20399 ◆ heterodyne reception ◆ radio reception, especially in telegraphy, using the beat-note process.
20400 ◆ heterodyne repeater ◆ a common type of repeater in which received signals are converted to another frequency before transmission.
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