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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 20601-20700

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 12.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 20601-20700

번호                  용어                  해설

20601             horizontal pressure force          the horizontal pressure gradient per unit mass.

20602             horizontal resolution                the number of discernable picture elements or dots in a horizontal scanning line in a television or facsimile image.

20603             horizontal scanning frequency                  the frequency at which horizontal lines are scanned in TV circuits; equal to 15,750 hertz in the United States. Also, horizontal repetition rate.

20604             horizontal separator                 a horizontal tank that is used to separate liquid hydrocarbons from the free oil-well gas.

20605             HORIZONTAL SPRAY CHAMBER SCRUBBER                     수평형 살수세정기 : 살수세정기의 형태

20606             HORIZONTAL SURFACE INSOLATION                     수평면일사 : 수평면이 받는 태양광

20607             horizontal sweep          the back-and-forth sweeping of the spot on the screen of a cathode-ray tube.the back-and-forth sweeping of the spot on the screen of a cathode-ray tube. the circuit that produces horizontal sweep.the circuit that produces horizontal sweep.

20608             horizontal synchronizing pulse                 in a video signal, the pulse that synchronizes a television's horizontal scanning-component receiver with that of the camera and triggers horizontal retracing and blanking.

20609             HORIZONTAL VISIBILITY            수평시정 : 수평거리로 볼 수 있는 가시거리

20610             horn equation             a second-order partial differential equation that gives the velocity potential in terms of distance and time for an exponential horn.

20611             hornito           a small, beehive-shaped mound on the surface of a lava flow; formed from lava clot ejected through the roof of a lava tube. Also, DRIBLET CONE.

20612             Host               1. In genetics, the organism, typically a bacterium, into which a gene from another organism is trans-planted. 2. In medicine, an animal infected or parasitized by another organism.

20613             hostile-environment machine                   a machine that is capable of working under extreme conditions of temperature, moisture, nuclear radiation, electromagnetic radiation, or vibration.

20614             hot acid          hot hydrochloric acid at 200-300°F or 93-149°C, used for acidizing an oil well when the wellbore scale is difficult to remove and the scale dissolves slowly.

20615             hot carrier                  an electron or hole carrier in a semiconductor whose energy is greater than that of majority carriers normally found in the same material.

20616             hot cathode                a cathode that is directly or indirectly heated.

20617             hot electron                an electron that exceeds the thermal-equilibrium number and, for metals, has an energy greater than the Fermi level; for semiconductors, the energy is a specified amount above that of the conduction band.

20618             hot electron triode                   a solid-state, evaporated, thin film structure equal to a vacuum tube.

20619             hot hole          a hole that is capable of moving at much greater velocity than normal holes in a semiconductor.

20620             hot junction                the heated junction of a two-junction thermo-couple circuit.

20621             hot lahar                    a flow of mud and volcanic material (lahar) occurring soon after an eruption, usually as a result of heavy rainfall.

20622             hot saw          a power saw that is used to cut hot metal.

20623             hot spot          a point or area in a reaction system in which the temperature is considerably higher than that in most of the reactor; this usually locates the reaction front for an exothermic reaction.

20624             hot well          the tank or pipes in which the condensate of a steam-engine or turbine condenser is collected before it is returned to the boiler by the feed pump.

20625             hot-air engine             an engine in which air, or another gas such as helium, hydrogen, or nitrogen, is used as the working fluid and is alternately heated and cooled by a furnace and regenerator.

20626             hot-air furnace            a furnace that supplies warm air to circulation ducts. Similarly, hot-air heater.

20627             hot-air oven                an enclosed heating unit used for the dry-heat sterilization of glassware and other heat-resistant materials that need to be dry after treatment.

20628             hot-bulb          of or relating to a method of ignition in semidiesel engines, in which the fuel mixture is ignited in a separate chamber that is maintained above ignition temperature by the heat of compression.

20629             Hotchkiss drive            an automobile rear suspension system in which torque is absorbed by longitudinal leaf springs.

20630             hot-filament ionization gage                     an ionization gauge in which electrons are emitted by an incandescent filament and, while moving toward a positively charged grid electrode, collide with gas molecules producing ions that are attracted by a negatively charged electrode.

20631             hot-wire          an informal term for the process of short-circuiting the ignition of a motor vehicle in order to start the engine without a key.

20632             Houdry fixed-bed catalytic cracking                     a method for cracking petroleum distillate using a hydrosilicate of alumina in fixed-bed reactors to produce high-octane gasoline.

20633             Houdry hydrocracking              a catalytic process that combines cracking and desulfurization of crude petroleum oil in the presence of hydrogen.

20634             HOUSE INLET              오수받이; 가정하수 또는 공장폐수등의 오수를 관거로 유입시키기 전에 설치하는 물받이

20635             HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE                     가정유해폐기물; HHW

20636             Household Hazardous Waste                    Hazardous products used and disposed of by residential as opposed to industrial consumers. Includes paints, stains, varnishes, solvents, pesticides, and other materials or products containing volatile chemicals that can catch fire, react or explode, or that are corrosive or toxic.

20637             HOUSEHOLD WASTE                생활쓰레기

20638             Household Waste (Domestic Waste)                     Solid waste, composed of garbage and rubbish, which normally originates in a private home or apartment house. Domestic waste may contain a significant amount of toxic or hazardous waste.

20639             housing (하우징)          요소를 수납하는 용기.

20640             HOV              High-Occupancy Vehicle

20641             howler            a device that produces an audio-frequency alarm.a device that produces an audio-frequency alarm. a sound-emitting test device.a sound-emitting test device.  Telecommunications. a circuit that generates a telephone receiver off-hook tone of varying loudness.

20642             HP                 Horse Power

20643             HP(Harmonization Principle)조화원칙                     OECD에서 제시된 4대 원칙중하나로 각국정부는 정당한 이유가 없는 한 국가간 환경정책 및 규정의 조화를 위해 노력해야 한다는 원칙

20644             HPLC              고성능 액체 크로마토그래피  High-performance liquid chromatography

20645             HPLC              High-Performance Liquid Chromatography

20646             HPMS             Highway Performance Monitoring System

20647             HPV               High Priority Violator

20648             HQCDO          Headquarters Case Development Officer

20649             HRS               유해도평가시스템; 미국환경보호청이 불량매립지의 상대적인 유해도를 평가하는데 사용. Hazard Ranking System

20650             HRS               Hazardous Ranking System

20651             HRUP             High-Risk Urban Problem

20652             HS CODE                    1988년 국제협약으로 채택된 '국제 통일 상품 분류체계'의 약칭으로, 무역거래 상품을 총괄적으로 분류한 품목 분류 코드다. 전 세계가 6자리로 된 숫자 CODE를 동일하게 사용하고 있으며, 우리나라는 10자리(HSK)로 세분화시켜 사용 중이다.

20653             HSDB             Hazardous Substance Data Base

20654             HSL                Hazardous Substance List

20655             HSWA            Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments

20656             HT                 Hypothermally Treated

20657             HTP               High Temperature and Pressure

20658             Huber's reagent           an aqueous solution of potassium ferrocyanide and ammonium molybdate, used to detect most free mineral acid; the formation of a reddish-brown precipitate or turbidity indicates a positive test.

20659             Hubl's reagent             a solution of mercuric chloride and iodine in alcohol, used to determine the iodine number for oils and fats.

20660             hue control                 in color television receivers, a control to vary the chrominance signals with respect to the burst signal. Also, PHASE CONTROL.

20661             Hughes press              a device that disrupts cells prior to downstream processing by forcing frozen cells through small openings under high pressure.

20662             Hull cell          an electrodisposition cell that operates within a concurrent range of known current densities.

20663             hum               an interfering signal whose frequency is that of the AC power, caused by inadequate filtering of the DC power supply or by direct pickup of AC power signals.

20664             hum bar                     a dark, horizontal bar in a television picture caused by hum interference in the video signal.

20665             hum modulation          the modulation of a signal by hum interference.

20666             Human Equivalent Dose            A dose which, when administered to humans, produces an effect equal to that produced by a dose in animals.

20667             Human Exposure Evaluation                     Describing the nature and size of the population exposed to a substance and the mangnitude and duration of their exposure.

20668             Human Health Risk                  The likelihood t hat a given exposure or series of exposures may have damaged or will damage the health of individuals.

20669             HUMAN RESPONSE TO GLOBAL CHANGE PROGRAM                  지구변화에 대한 인류의 대응 프로그램

20670             human response to global change programme                 지구변화에 대한 인류의 대응 프로그램

20671             Humble gauge            an apparatus used for measuring bottom-hole pressure in an oil well; through a stuffing box, a piston acts upon a helical spring in tension.

20672             Humble relation           an equation used for estimating the porosity of a formation, employing measurements and data created with a microlog or other contact-resistivity apparatus.

20673             humectant                  a substance having hydrophilic properties and a stabilizing effect on the water content in a material, maintaining water content in a narrow range regardless of humidity fluctuations.

20674             humidifier                   a device for adding moisture to the air or another gas.

20675             humidity capacitor                   a device that senses changes in capacitance as a way of measuring ambient relative humidity.

20676             HUMUS          부식질, 부식토, 부엽토

20677             hungate tube              a gas-tight, tube-shaped glass vessel with a rubber stopper that is held in place by a screw cap.

20678             Hurst formula              a formula used in reservoir material-balance analysis by which a special relationship interrelates production data and field pressure at various times.

20679             Hurst method              a technique for calculating the bottom-hole static pressure of an oil well; a pressure buildup over a brief time span is used to present a graphic extrapolation or conclusion.

20680             HUYGHENS                 huyghens 원리 : 하나의 파면상의 모든 점이 파원이 되어 각각 2차적인 구면파를 사출하여 그 파면들을 둘러싸는 면이 새로운 파면을 만드는 현상

20681             HVAC             Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning system

20682             HVIO              High Volume Industrial Organics

20683             HW                Hazardous Waste

20684             HWDMS          Hazardous Waste Data Management System

20685             HWGTF           Hazardous Waste Groundwater Task Force; Hazardous Waste Groundwater Test Facility

20686             HWI               유해폐기물 소각로  Hazardous waste incinerator

20687             HWIR             Hazardous Waste Identification Rule

20688             HWLT             Hazardous Waste Land Treatment

20689             HWM             Hazardous Waste Management

20690             HWRTF           Hazardous Waste Restrictions Task Force

20691             HWSFC           Hazardous Waste Superfund Collection

20692             HWSFD           Hazardous Waste Superfund Database

20693             HWTC            Hazardous Waste Treatment Council

20694             hybrid circuit               a circuit using two or more different types of components that perform similar functions.  Telecommunications. an electrical or electronic circuit that allows the interconnection of two-way two-wire circuits with one-way four-wire circuits.

20695             hybrid integrated circuit            an integrated circuit composed of both integrated and microminiature discrete components.

20696             hybrid microcircuit                   a microcircuit composed of diffused or thin-film elements interconnected with separate chip elements.

20697             hybrid orbital              a combination of atomic orbitals that yields a new set of orbitals having the appropriate directional properties to account for the observed geometry of the chemical bonds. Also, HYBRIDIZED ORBITAL.

20698             hybrid ring                  a hybrid formed by a transmission line closed in a ring. Also, RAT RACE.

20699             HYBRID SYSTEM          혼성시스템

20700             hybridization               the mixing of atomic orbitals of a single atom to give a new set of orbitals for that atom; this represents the blending of higher and lower energy orbitals to form orbitals of intermediate energy.

