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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 20201-20300

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 12.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 20201-20300

번호                  용어                  해설

20201             HAT medium               a tissue culture medium that contains hypoxanthine, aminopterin, and thymidine and is used as a selection medium.

20202             HAUL DISTANCE          운반거리

20203             HAUL TIME                 수송시간; 폐기물수거에서 수송시간은 수거체계에 따라 다르게 정의 된다.

20204             HAULED CONTAINER SYSTEM                   견인식 콘테이너수거체계; 폐기물저장에 사용되는 컨테이너를 매립지까지 이동시켜 비운 후 원위치나 다른위치로 되돌오게 하는 수거체계 

20205             Hauler            Garbage collection company that offers complete refuse removal service; many will also collect recyclables.

20206             Hauy law                    a law stating that a shattered crystal will cleave so as to reveal the fundamental structure of the crystal.

20207             HAVING LITTLE APPARENT BENEFIT                     분명한 이득

20208             HAVING UNKNOWN BUT SUBSTANTIAL CONSEQUENCE           심각한 결과에 대한 부담

20209             Hawaiian-type eruption             a type of volcanic eruption characterized by a copious flow of low-viscosity lava but little or no explosive activity.

20210             Hazard           1. Potential for radiation, a chemical or other pollutant to cause human illness or injury. 2. In the pesticide program, the inherent toxicity of a compound. Hazard identification of a given substances is an informed judgment based on verifiable toxicity data from animal models or human studies.

20211             HAZARD                     유해성, 장해

20212             Hazard Assessment                     Evaluating the effects of a stressor or determining a margin of safety for an organism by comparing the concentration which causes toxic effects with an estimate of exposure to the organism.

20213             Hazard Communication Standard              An OSHA regulation that requires chemical manufacturers, suppliers, and importers to assess the hazards of the chemicals that they make, supply, or import, and to inform employers, customers, and workers of these hazards through MSDS information.

20214             Hazard Evaluation                    A component of risk evaluation that involves gatering and evaluating data on the types of health injuries or diseases that may be produced by a chemical and on the conditions of exposure under which such health effects are produced.

20215             Hazard Identification                   Determining if a chemical or a microbe can cause adverse health effects in humans and what those effects might be.

20216             Hazard Quotient          The ratio of estimated site-specific exposure to a single chemical from a site over a specified period to estimated daily exposure level, at which no adverse health effects are likely to occur.

20217             HAZARD RANKING SYSTEM                     유해도 평가시스템; 폐기물처분지가 NPL에 포함되는가를 결정하는데 사용하는 최종단계는 HRS를 이용하여 순위를 정한다. HRS

20218             Hazard Ratio               A term used to compare an animal's daily dietary intake of a pesticide to its LD50 value. A ratio greater than 1.0 indicates that the animal is likely to consume an a dose amount which would kill 50 percent of animals of the same species. (See: LD50/Lethal Dose.)

20219             HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANTS                 대기독성물질

20220             Hazardous Air Pollutants           Air pollutants which are not covered by ambient air quality standards but which, as defined in the Clean Air Act,may present a threat of adverse human health effects or adverse environmental effects. Such pollutants include asbestos, beryllium, mercury, benzene, coke oven emissions, radionuclides, and vinyl chloride.

20221             Hazardous Chemical                 An EPA designation for any hazardous material requiring an MSDS under OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard. Such substances are capable of producting fires and explosions or ad-verse health effects like cancer and dermatitis. Hazardous chemicals are distinct from hazardous waste. (See: Hazardous Waste.)

20222             Hazardous Ranking System                      The principal screening tool used by EPA to evaluate risks to public health and the environment associated with abandoned or uncontrolled hazardous waste sites. The HRS calculates a score based on the potential of hazardous substances spreading from the site through the air, surface water, or ground water, and on other factors such as density and proximity of human population. This score is the primary factor in deciding if the site should be on the National Priorities List and, if so, what ranking it should have compared to other sites on the list.

20223             Hazardous Substance               1. Any material that poses a threat to human health and/or the environment. Typical hazardous substances are toxic, corrosive, ignitable, explosive, or chemically reactive. 2. Any substance designated by EPA to be reported if a designated quantity of the substance is spilled in the waters of the United States or is otherwise released into the environment.

20224             Hazardous Waste                     By-products of society that can pose a substantial or potential hazard to human health or the environment when improperly managed. Possesses at least one of four characteristics (ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or toxicity), or appears on special EPA lists.

20225             HAZARDOUS WASTE INCINERATOR                     유해폐기물 소각로  HWI

20226             Hazardous Waste Landfill          An excavated or engineered site where hazardous waste is deposited and covered.

20227             Hazardous Waste Minimization                 Reducing the amount of toxicity or waste produced by a facility via source reduction or environmentally sound recycling.

20228             HAZARDOUS WASTES              유해폐기물; 인간의 건강이나 생물체에 해를 주거나, 잠재적 유해가능성을 가진 폐기물 또는 그러한 폐기물들이 함유되어 있는 폐기물을 지칭한다.

20229             Hazards Analysis          Procedures used to (1) identify potential sources of release of hazardous materials from fixed facilities or transportation accidents; (2) determine the vulnerability of a geographical area to a release of hazardous materials; and (3) compare hazards to determine which present greater or lesser risks to a community.

20230             Hazards Identification                  Providing information on which facilities have extremely hazardous substances, what those chemicals are, how much there is at each facility, how the chemicals are stored, and whether they are used at high temperatures.

20231             HAZE             연무 : 대단히 작은, 많은 건조한 입자 대기중에 떠 있는 현상

20232             HAZMAT                     Hazardous Materials

20233             HAZOP           Hazard and Operability Study

20234             HAZW            Hazardous Waste Collection Database (accessible through OLS)

20235             HB 인증 마크              「산업표준화법」에 따라 한국공기청정협회에서 제정한 친환경 건축자재 단체표준인증 규정에 의한 건축자재 제품 인증등급이다. 국내외에서 생산되는 건축자재에 대한 유기화합물(TVOC, HCHO) 방출 강도 시험결과에 따라 HB 인증 마크를 부여한다.

20236             HBFC              Hydrobromofluorocarbon

20237             HC                 탄화수소; 탄소와 수소로 구성된 유기화합물. Hydrocarbon

20238             HC                 Hazardous Constituents; Hydrocarbon

20239             HCCPD           Hexachlorocyclo-pentadiene

20240             HCFCS            수소염화불화탄소 : 오존충파괴 원인물질로 알려진 염화불화탄소에 수소원소를 치환시킨 화합물

20241             HCP               Hypothermal Coal Process

20242             HCS               견인식콘테이너체계; Hauled container system

20243             HDD              Heavy-Duty Diesel

20244             HDDT             Heavy-duty Diesel Truck

20245             HDDV             Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicle

20246             HDE               Heavy-Duty Engine

20247             HDG              Heavy-Duty Gasoline-Powered Vehicle

20248             HDGT             Heavy-Duty Gasoline Truck

20249             HDGV             Heavy-Duty Gasoline Vehicle

20250             HDPE             고밀도 폴리에틸렌; High-density polyethylene

20251             HDPE             High Density Polyethylene

20252             HDT               Highest Dose Tested in a study. Heavy-Duty Truck

20253             HDV               Heavy-Duty Vehicle

20254             head gate                   on oil or gas lines, the gate valve that is placed closest to the compressor or pump.

20255             head shaft                  a chain-driven shaft mounted at the delivery end of a chain conveyor and used to mount the sprocket that drives the drag chain.

20256             header            a machine used for managing screws, rivets, and bolts by their heads.a machine used for managing screws, rivets, and bolts by their heads.

20257             HEADLOSS THROUGH FILTER                    여과지 통과시 손실수두;

20258             head-on collision                     a collision between two bodies that approach each other head-on, i.e., in the same linear direction at the same initial speed. Also, CENTRAL COLLISION.

20259             Headspace                  The vapor mixture trapped above a solid or liquid in a sealed vessel.

20260             headstock                   any of a wide variety of mechanisms that support the head or endpiece of a part, such as the mechanism of a lathe that supports the revolving spindle or the mechanism of a planing machine that supports the cutter.

20261             HEAL              Human Exposure Assessment Location

20262             Health Advisory Level               A non-regulatory health-based reference level of chemical traces (usually in ppm) in drinking water at which there are no adverse health risks when ingested over various periods of time. Such levels are established for one day, 10 days, long-term and life-time exposure periods. They contain a wide margin of safety.

20263             Health Assessment                   An evaluation of available data on existing or potential risks to human health posed by a Superfund site. The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is required to perform such an assessment at every site on the National Priorities List.

20264             HEARING LEVEL           청력레벨; 평균적인 사람의 청력에 비해서 음이 어느정도 강해야 들리는지를 조사한 값

20265             heat balance               specifically, the balance between the heat received by the earth and its atmosphere from the sun, and the heat given off by the earth and its atmosphere.

20266             HEAT BLANKET            열담요(, 온실효과)

20267             heat budget                the amount of atmospheric heat required to raise the temperature of the water in a lake to its maximum summer temperature from its midwinter temperature.

20268             HEAT CAPACITY           비열, 열용량

20269             heat engine                 any machine or device that functions to convert some portion of the heat transferred to it into mechanical energy.any machine or device that functions to convert some portion of the heat transferred to it into mechanical energy.

20270             heat exchange             a unit operation involving the heating or cooling of a single fluid, or the heating and cooling of two fluids with or without a change of state taking place.

20271             Heat exchanger           열교환기;

20272             Heat Isand Effect          A dome of elevated temperatures over an urban area caused by structural and pavement heat fluxes, and pollutant emissions.

20273             HEAT ISLAND              열섬()

20274             heat lightning              a term for the light seen from ordinary lightning that is too far away for the associated thunder to be heard.

20275             heat of absorption                   the amount of heat released or absorbed when a gas is dissolved. Also, ENTHALPY OF ABSORPTION.

20276             heat of activation                     the increase in the heat content of a substance as it moves from a less reactive form to a more active form at constant pressure. Also, ENTHALPY OF ACTIVATION.

20277             heat of adhesion          the amount of heat released or absorbed when a mixture or solution of different substances is formed.

20278             heat of adsorption                   the amount of heat released when one substance is adsorbed on the surface of another at constant pressure. Also, ENTHALPY OF ADSORPTION.

20279             heat of aggregation                 the amount of heat change involved in the formation of an aggregate of matter, such as a crystal.

20280             heat of association                   the increase in heat content that accompanies the formation of a compound at constant pressure. Also, ENTHALPY OF ASSOCIATION.

20281             heat of combustion                  the amount of heat released when a definite quantity of a substance is completely oxidized at constant pressure or constant volume. Also, ENTHALPY OF COMBUSTION, HEAT OF OXIDATION.

20282             heat of compression                 the amount of heat generated when a given volume of a gas is compressed by a specified amount.

20283             heat of condensation                the amount of heat released when a definite quantity of a substance condenses at constant pressure and temperature. Also, ENTHALPY OF CONDENSATION.

20284             heat of cooling            the change in heat content of a system that is cooling under constant pressure, resulting from an internal change of the system, such as an allotropic modification.

20285             heat of crystallization               the amount of heat released or absorbed when a definite quantity of a substance is crystallized at constant pressure. Also, ENTHALPY OF CRYSTALLIZATION.

20286             heat of decomposition              the amount of heat released or absorbed when a definite quantity of a compound decomposes into simpler molecules at constant pressure. Also, ENTHALPY OF DECOMPOSITION.

20287             heat of dilution            the amount of heat released or absorbed when a definite quantity of a solvent is added to a solution of given concentration at constant pressure. Also, ENTHALPY OF DILUTION.

20288             heat of dissociation                  the amount of heat change involved when a molecule fragments or disintegrates. Also, ENTHALPY OF DISSOCIATION

20289             heat of emission          additional heat energy supplied to an electron-emitting surface to keep its temperature constant.

20290             heat of explosion                     the amount of heat released by a definite quantity of an explosive substance.

20291             heat of formation                    the amount of heat released or absorbed when a definite quantity of a substance is formed from its elements at a specific temperature and pressure. Also, HEAT OF COMBINATION.

20292             heat of fusion              the amount of heat required to convert the solid form of a substance into its liquid form through melting, at constant pressure and temperature. Also, LATENT HEAT OF FUSION, ENTHALPY OF FUSION.

20293             heat of hydration                     the amount of heat released or absorbed by a definite quantity of a substance during a process of hydration at constant pressure and temperature. Also, ENTHALPY OF HYDRATION.

20294             heat of hydrogenation              the degree of heat change involved in the reaction of hydrogen with another substance, as with unsaturated hydrocarbons. Also, ENTHALPY OF HYDROGENATION.

20295             heat of ionization                    the increase in heat content when a substance is totally ionized at a constant pressure. Also, ENTHALPY OF IONIZATION.

20296             heat of linkage            the energy required to form bonds between atoms in a molecule, determined by the amount of energy needed to break the bonds of the molecule divided by the number of bonds in the molecule.

20297             heat of mixing             the difference between the heat content of a mixture of components and the sum of the heat contents of the individual components at the same temperature and pressure. Also, HEAT OF ADMIXTURE.

20298             heat of neutralization               the amount of heat released by the reaction of a strong acid with a strong base. Also, ENTHALPY OF NEUTRALIZATION.

20299             heat of reaction           the amount of heat that is released or absorbed when a chemical reaction takes place, with the final conditions of temperature and pressure being the same as the original conditions

20300             heat of solidification                 the amount of heat released by the solidifying of a liquid at its freezing point or of a gas at its sublimation point, with constant temperature and pressure. Also, ENTHALPY OF SOLIDIFICATION.

