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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 20111-20200

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 12.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 20111-20200

번호                  용어                  해설

20111             halation          the blurring of an image on a photosensitive surface caused by light diffusion.

20112             Half Bridge (하후다리)              2개의 활동 소자또는 왜게이지를 이용한 다리 구성.

20113             Half velocity constant               반속도 상수; Ks, 최대성장율이 1/2  일때 기질의 농도

20114             half-cell          a single electrode along with its surrounding electrolytic solution; so called because it is one of two such electrodes forming a complete electrochemical cell, one being the anode and the other the cathode.

20115             half-cell potential                     the energy developed by each of the electrodes in an electrochemical device such as a battery; the assumed potential of a single electrode equated to the potential of the electrode when the counter electrode is the relation H2 = 2H+ + 2e-, which is arbitrarily assigned the value of zero.

20116             half-hot switch            a switch that allows current to flow to an electric light or appliance, but that does not turn the device on directly.

20117             Half-Life          1. The time required for a pollutant to lose one-half of its original concentraton. For example, the biochemical half-life of DDT in the environment is 15 years. 2. The time required for half of the atoms of a radioactive element to undergo self-transmutation or decay (half-life of radium is 1620 years). 3. The time required for the elimination of half a total dose from the body.

20118             half-life           the time required for half of the original atoms of a radioactive material to undergo radioactive transformation.the time required for half of the original atoms of a radioactive material to undergo radioactive transformation. in a living system or ecosystem, the time required for half of a radioactive substance, such as a radioactive tracer, to disintegrate by radioactive decay or to be eliminated by natural processes.in a living system or ecosystem, the time required for half of a radioactive substance, such as a radioactive tracer, to disintegrate by radioactive decay or to be eliminated by natural processes.

20119             half-power frequency               either a high or a low frequency at which the power gain of an amplifier, network, or the like falls to 50% of its maximum or nominal response.

20120             half-power point          the point on a response characteristic curve that corresponds to half the power at the maximum of the curve.

20121             half-reaction                either of the two parts of an oxidation-reduction reaction in an electrochemical cell, representing oxidation only or reduction only. Also, HALF-CELL REACTION.

20122             half-subtractor             a logic element whose inputs are two digits from a preceding stage and whose outputs are a difference digit and a borrow digit. Also, ONE-DIGIT SUBTRACTOR, TWO-INPUT SUBTRACTOR.

20123             HALFTIME                   반감기

20124             half-time or halftime                the time required for half of a quantity of a substance to be eliminated from a system at a rate proportional to its concentration.

20125             half-track or halftrack               a drive system in which a revolving belt lays a flexible moving track beneath the rear, driving wheels on either side of a motor vehicle, while the front wheels carry tires.a drive system in which a revolving belt lays a flexible moving track beneath the rear, driving wheels on either side of a motor vehicle, while the front wheels carry tires. any vehicle having such a drive system, especially an armored military vehicle.any vehicle having such a drive system, especially an armored military vehicle.

20126             half-wave amplifier                   a magnetic amplifier whose total induced voltage frequency equals the power supply frequency.

20127             half-wave potential                   the midpoint of a polarographic wave, which is independent of concentration and is characteristic for the species undergoing reaction.

20128             half-wave transmission line                      a transmission line whose electrical length is equal to one-half of the wavelength of the signal being transmitted.

20129             Hall plate                    a three-dimensional configuration of any material in which the Hall effect is utilized.

20130             Hall voltage                the voltage generated in a Hall plate due to the Hall effect.

20131             Hall-effect modulator               a Hall-effect multiplier used to modulate an output voltage that is proportional to the product of two input voltages, signals, or currents.

20132             Hall-effect multiplier                a multiplier based on the Hall effect, used in analog operations such as multiplication or root extraction.

20133             Hall-effect switch                     a magnetically activated switch using a Hall generator, trigger circuit, and transistor amplifier on a silicon chip.

20134             halmyrolosis                in regions of little or no sedimentation, the chemical reactions occurring between sea water and sediment which has been deposited on the sea floor. Also, SUBMARINE WEATHERING.

20135             Halogen          A type of incandescent lamp with higher energy-efficiency that standard ones.

20136             HALOGEN COMPOUNDS          할로겐화합물

20137             halomorphic soil          a locally developed soil containing neutral and/or alkali salts, usually found in relatively arid regions where the water table is near the surface.

20138             HALON           할론 : 오존층 파괴 원인물질로 알려지고 있는 염화불화탄소 중 브롬을 함유하고 있는 화합물

20139             Halon             Bromine-containing compounds with long atmospheric lifetimes whose breakdown in the stratosphere causes depletion of ozone. Halons are used in firefighting.

20140             Hamiltonian dynamics              the description and calculation of motion in terms of the Hamilton equations. (From Sir William Rowan Hamilton, 1805-1865, Scottish mathematician and astronomer.)

20141             Hamiltonian function                a function of generalized coordinates and their conjugate momenta, whose value for a conservative holonomic mechanical system is given by subtracting the Lagrangian function of the system from the summation of the products of generalized velocity and generalized momentum for all its degrees of freedom; it is equal to the total energy of the system.

20142             Hamilton-Jacobi theory             a method of analyzing mechanical systems by recasting the equations of motion into a single Hamilton-Jacobi equation.

20143             Hamilton's equations of motion                a set of partial differential equations expressing the motion of a conservative dynamical system in terms of its Hamiltonian function. Also, CANONICAL EQUATIONS OF MOTION.

20144             Hamilton's principle                 the variational principle that of all the possible paths that a mechanical system can follow as it moves from one point to another within a given time, the actual path will be the one that will minimize (or in some cases maximize) the time integral of the Lagrangian function for the system. Also, Hamilton's variation(al) principle.

20145             hammer          any of various tools or machine parts that function in a manner similar to that of a hammer.

20146             hammer drill               any of various compressed-air rock drills in which the hammer strikes a free-moving piston.

20147             Hammer Mill               A high-speed machine that uses hammers and cutters to crush, grind, chip, or shred solid waste.

20148             hammer mill               any of various machines that use a series of revolving hammers to crush ore, coal, and similar materials.

20149             hammerhead crane                  a crane with a counterbalance to offset a projecting arm or jib.

20150             HAND SORTING          손 선별

20151             Hand-cleaned bar racks            인력청소식 바렉; 수처리에 사용되는 스크린인 바렉의 일종

20152             hang-up          an adhesion and interfering buildup of partially melted substances on the walls of a blast furnace.an adhesion and interfering buildup of partially melted substances on the walls of a blast furnace. a leak formed by the release of trapped tracer gas in a vacuum or leak-detection system.a leak formed by the release of trapped tracer gas in a vacuum or leak-detection system.

20153             Hanus solution            a solution of iodine monobromide and glacial acetic acid, used to determine the iodine number in oils and fats.

20154             HAP               Hazardous Air Pollutant

20155             HAP : HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT                     유해성 대기오염물질

20156             HAPEMS                     Hazardous Air Pollutant Enforcement Management System

20157             HAPPS            Hazardous Air Pollutant Prioritization System

20158             hard acid                    an acid having a high positive oxidation state, small size, and low polarizability.

20159             Hard Water                 Alkaline water containing dissolved salts that interfere with some industrial processes and prevent soap from sudsing.

20160             hardened circuit          a circuit utilizing components having a high tolerance to nuclear radiation.

20161             Hardinge feeder-weigher           a short, pivoted, belt-type conveyor that regulates the flow rate from a hopper by the weight of material per cubic foot.

20162             Hardinge mill              a widely used grinding mill that consists of a relatively flat cone at the feed end, followed by a cylindrical drum with wedge-shaped liners in the midsection, and a steep cone at the discharge end.

20163             Hardinge thickener                   a device that separates liquid from a liquid-solid mixture by letting the solids sink to the bottom and the liquid pour out over the top.

20164             hardness ( 경도  )                   물에 용해하고 있는 Ca, Mgion의 량. 물에 용해도어 있는 탄산염으로서의  합계량을 총경도로서 ppm표시한다.  1 때와 표시한다.

20165             hardness test               a test used to measure the amount of magnesium and calcium in water.

20166             hard-sphere model                  an equation used to calculate reaction rate constants in a gas, which assumes that colliding gas molecules will retain a rigid spherical shape; this model provides fairly good approximations for some reactions involving simple molecules.an equation used to calculate reaction rate constants in a gas, which assumes that colliding gas molecules will retain a rigid spherical shape; this model provides fairly good approximations for some reactions involving simple molecules. a useful model of a gas at supercritical temperatures. Also, hard-sphere (collision) theory.a useful model of a gas at supercritical temperatures.

20167             hardware                    any relatively small physical object having a certain capability or function, especially metal parts such as fasteners, locks, hinges, and nails.

20168             hardwood bearing                   a film or fluid bearing made of lignum vitae or of hard maple saturated with a lubricant.

20169             Hardy-Schulze rule                   the principle stating that the ability of ions to cause the formation of insoluble particles (precipitates) in solution varies according to their charge.

20170             Hargreaves process                  a process for manufacturing sodium sulfate from sulfur dioxide and sodium chloride in a countercurrent contactor.

20171             Haring cell                  a cell with four electrodes that measures resistance and polarization.

20172             Harker-Kasper inequalities                        the space group-dependent inequalities among unitary structure factors that allow for the determination of the phases of certain intense reflections in the X-ray diffraction pattern of a centrosymmetric crystal.

20173             harmonic                    relating to or exhibiting harmony.relating to or exhibiting harmony. a tone whose frequency is an integral multiple of the fundamental frequency.a tone whose frequency is an integral multiple of the fundamental frequency.  Physics. in an oscillating or periodic system, a sinusoidal quantity having a frequency that is an integral multiple of the fundamental frequency.  Biology. of parts, organs, and so on, working together smoothly.  Mathematics.  the eigenvalues or eigenfunctions of the Laplace (Laplace-Beltrami) operator for a given physical system; e.g., given a string of length L, the nth harmonic is a displacement function of the form un(x,t) = An cos (nct/L) sin (nx/L). The first harmonic is often called the fundamental harmonic, and subsequent harmonics the nth overtones or nth natural modes of vibration.the eigenvalues or eigenfunctions of the Laplace (Laplace-Beltrami) operator for a given physical system; e.g., given a string of length L, the nth harmonic is a displacement function of the form un(x,t) = An cos (nct/L) sin (nx/L). The first harmonic is often called the fundamental harmonic, and subsequent harmonics the nth overtones or nth natural modes of vibration. a function or differential form is harmonic if it is a solution of Laplace's equation.a function or differential form is harmonic if it is a solution of Laplace's equation.

20174             harmonic analysis                    the process of finding the relative amplitudes of all the significant harmonic components of a given complex waveform.  Mathematics. the study of the eigenfunctions of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on a homogenous space, and the expression of a function on the space as a series of such eigenfunctions.

20175             harmonic analyzer                   an analyzer that evaluates the harmonic content of a complex wave. Also, HARMONIC WAVE ANALYZER.

20176             harmonic attenuation               the reduction of the amplitude of undesirable harmonic components in a complex wave.

20177             HARMONIC COMPONENT                       조화성분 : 어떤 음의 성분에서 그 진동수가 배음 관계에 있는 것

20178             harmonic conversion transducer               a conversion transducer whose output frequency is either a multiple or submultiple of the input frequency.

20179             harmonic detector                   a voltmeter circuit that measures only a particular harmonic of a fundamental frequency.

20180             harmonic distortion                 the production of harmonics by the circuit or the device processing the signal.the production of harmonics by the circuit or the device processing the signal. the malformation of the original signal resulting from the generation of harmonics.the malformation of the original signal resulting from the generation of harmonics. 3. the disproportionate reproduction of the harmonic components of a signal.the disproportionate reproduction of the harmonic components of a signal. 4. the ratio of the total power in the unwanted harmonics to the power in the fundamental frequency at the output of an amplifier.the ratio of the total power in the unwanted harmonics to the power in the fundamental frequency at the output of an amplifier.

20181             harmonic drive            a drive system designed to provide smooth motion by the use of inner and outer gear bands.

20182             harmonic fields            the Fourier components of any field (magnetic, electric, or the like) that is confined to a finite region of space whose characteristic dimensions are an integral multiple of half-wavelengths of the fields.

20183             harmonic filter             a bandpass filter for selecting one or more harmonics of a complex input wave.a bandpass filter for selecting one or more harmonics of a complex input wave. a band-suppression filter that can remove one or more harmonics of a complex input wave.a band-suppression filter that can remove one or more harmonics of a complex input wave.

20184             HARMONIC IMOTION               조화운동 : 정현파의 진동

20185             harmonic motion                     periodic motion whose path or displacement consists of one or more vibratory motions that are symmetric about an equilibrium position. Also, SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION.

20186             harmonic producer                  an oscillator that utilizes a tuning fork to establish the fundamental frequency, producing an output that is an even harmonic of this frequency.an oscillator that utilizes a tuning fork to establish the fundamental frequency, producing an output that is an even harmonic of this frequency. a frequency multiplier.a frequency multiplier. 3. a nonlinear circuit used in a calibrator to generate markers at integral multiples of the fundamental frequency.a nonlinear circuit used in a calibrator to generate markers at integral multiples of the fundamental frequency.

20187             harmonic speed changer           a drive mechanism designed to transmit positive motion at high ratios.

20188             harmonic synthesizer                a machine that combines components of simple harmonic motion to yield some total periodic waveform.

20189             harmonica bug            a surreptitious interception technique applied to telephone lines; the target is modified so that a tuned relay will bypass the switch hook and ringing circuit when a 500-hertz tone, such as one from a harmonica, is received.

20190             HARMONIZATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL PRINCIPLES                 환경기준의 조화 : 국가간의 환경기준 차이로 인하여 발생하는 무역장벽을 줄이기 위한 방안의 하나로 각각의 국가별로 상이한 환경상황, 기술수준 및 경제발전 정도를 고려하여 국제적인 합의기준을 도출하기 위한 것임

20191             HARMONIZED STANDARDS                      조화된 표준 제품 : 공정 및 서비스의 상호호완성이나 시험성적서 또는 이러한 표준에 따라 제공된 정보의 상호교환을 위하여 상이한 표준화기관들에 의해 승인된 동일한 주제에 관한 표준을 말함

20192             harmony                     a musical sound based on the principle of the chord, that is, a combination of different tones, and the combination of sounds that these tones produce. The combination is said to be in harmony if the produced overtones have more than a whole step of separation, giving a sensation of consonance.  Biology. the state or quality of working or functioning together.

20193             harness          a system of straps used to suspend a parachutist or load from a parachute. Also, PARACHUTE HARNESS. a system of straps or similar restraints used to secure a cargo pallet or container to an aircraft floor in the absence of an inbuilt anchorage.a system of straps or similar restraints used to secure a cargo pallet or container to an aircraft floor in the absence of an inbuilt anchorage.

20194             Harris flow                  electron flow in a cylindrical beam where a radial electric field is utilized to overcome space charge divergence.

20195             Hartford loop              a low-pressure steam heating arrangement in which condensed water is returned to the boiler, maintaining a steady water line.

20196             Hartley oscillator          an oscillator circuit in which the feedback is provided by an inductor voltage divider, which is part of the tuned circuit.

20197             Hartmann diaphragm               a device used to identify compounds from their emission spectra.

20198             Hartree equation          an equation used to determine the lowest anode voltage at which it is theoretically possible to maintain oscillation in the different magnetron modes.

20199             Hasche process           a thermal reforming method for hydrocarbon fuels in which a mixture of hydrocarbon vapor and air flows through a vessel and becomes increasingly hotter in the direction of the gas flow; partial combustion occurs, thus creating heat to crack the hydrocarbons that remain in the combustion zone

20200             hash              an electrical noise produced within a receiver by a vibrator or a mercury-vapor rectifier.an electrical noise produced within a receiver by a vibrator or a mercury-vapor rectifier. random signal interference caused by arcing or a natural environmental disturbance.random signal interference caused by arcing or a natural environmental disturbance.

