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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 20501-20600

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 12.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 20501-20600

번호                  용어                  해설

20501             hobbing          the use of a hobbing machine for cutting teeth on gear blanks.

20502             hobbing machine                     a machine equipped with a hob having a spiral thread for cutting gear teeth; used in the production of spur, worm, and helical gears.

20503             HOC              Halogenated Organic Carbons

20504             Hodgson number                    a procedure for predicting the metering error during pulsating gas flow, in which a surge tank is located between the pulsation source and the meter.

20505             hodograph                  a plot of a curve that is traced by the tip of a vector whose magnitude and direction change in time.

20506             Hofmeister series                     an arrangement of anions and cations in decreasing order of their ability to coagulate lyophilic sols.

20507             hoist              any manual or powered device that is designed to raise and lower a load, generally using a block and tackle and often using a boom; for example, a crane or derrick.any manual or powered device that is designed to raise and lower a load, generally using a block and tackle and often using a boom; for example, a crane or derrick. to move a load with such a device. Thus, hoisting.to move a load with such a device. Thus, hoisting.

20508             hoist back-out switch               a protective mechanism allowing a hoist to operate only in reverse in the case of overwind.

20509             hoist overspeed device             a device that activates an emergency brake when a hoist operates at a speed greater than the predetermined or allowable speed. Similarly, hoist overwind device.

20510             hoist slack-brake switch            a device that automatically cuts off power to a hoist and sets the brake if the brake lining requires repair or the rigging must be retightened.

20511             HOIST TRUCK              호이스트 트럭; 견인식 콘테이너체계에서 사용되는 대표적인 차량

20512             hoistman                    a person who operates the machinery used to raise and lower heavy items such as the cargo of a ship or instruments used in a well.

20513             hold               a temporary pause in a machine's motion, especially one that continues until the machine is restarted by the operator.

20514             hold control                in manually adjusted television sets, a control for adjusting the frequency of the vertical or horizontal oscillator to prevent vertical or horizontal rolling of the picture. Also, HOLD.

20515             holdback                    a brake on an inclined-belt conveyor that automatically stops the loaded belt from running downward in the case of power failure.

20516             holding anode             the auxiliary electrode in a mercury-arc rectifier.

20517             holding beam              the electron beam that regenerates replacement charges for those stored on and lost from the dielectric surface in an electrostatic storage tube.

20518             holding circuit             an alternate circuit that maintains sufficient current in an electromechanical relay winding to keep the relay energized after the initial current has ceased. Also, LOCKING CIRCUIT.

20519             holding coil                an extra coil associated with the holding circuit in an electromechanical relay.

20520             holding current           the minimum current necessary to maintain a switching device in a closed or conducting state after it is energized or triggered.the minimum current necessary to maintain a switching device in a closed or conducting state after it is energized or triggered. the minimum current necessary to maintain ionization in a gas tube.the minimum current necessary to maintain ionization in a gas tube.

20521             Holding Pond              A pond or reservoir, usually made of earth, built to store polluted runoff.

20522             HOLDING TANK           저류조

20523             Holding Time              The maximum amount of time a sample may be stored before analysis.

20524             holdup           a term for the liquid suspended in a vertical process line or vessel by upflowing vapor or gas streams.

20525             hole conduction          in a semiconductor material, the electrical conduction that occurs when electrons under the influence of an applied voltage move into holes and thereby create new holes; the apparent movement of new holes is toward the more negative terminal and is thus equivalent to a flow of positive charges toward that terminal.

20526             hole injection              the production of mobile holes in a semiconductor by applying an electric charge.

20527             hole mobility               in a semiconductor, the ratio of the hole drift velocity to the intensity of the electric field that causes this motion.

20528             hole trap                    an impurity that can cancel holes in a semiconductor by releasing electrons to fill them.

20529             hollow cathode            a discharge tube having a hollow cathode that is closed at one end; the radiation is almost entirely from the cathode glow within the cathode.

20530             HOLLOW CATHODE LAMP                       중공음극램프; 원자흡광분석의 광원이 되는 것으로 목적원소를 함유하는 중공음극 한 개 또는 그 이상을 저압의 네온과 함께 채운 방전관

20531             HOLLOW FIBER            중공섬유

20532             hollow fiber ( 호로섬유 )          중공사. 여과막의 구조의 일종으로 섬유단면 가운데 공동이 있는 화학섬유로 RO막과UF막의 대표적인 구조로서평막을 스파이럴형에  성형한 카트리지가 있지만, 호로우섬유를 묶어 하우징에 넣어 성형한 RO/UF카트리지도 많이 사용된다.

20533             hollow fiber (type) module (중천실 모듈)                     중공사막을 사용하는 모듈.

20534             hollow fiber membrane (중공사막 )                     중천의 실장에 성형한 막.  비고: 캐피라리막이라고도 말한다.

20535             hollow mill                  a milling device with three or more revolving cutters designed to shape a cylindrical workpiece.

20536             hollow shafting           shafting formed from hollow tubing or hollowed-out rods; designed to minimize weight, protect internal shafting, and permit internal support.

20537             Hollow Stem Auger Drilling                      Conventional drilling method that uses augurs to penetrate the soil. As the augers are rotated, soil cuttings are conveyed to the ground surface via augur spirals. DP tools can be used inside the hollow augers.

20538             hollow-rod drill           a drill that has an axial hole through which water or air flows into the drill hole to flush out cuttings. Similarly, hollow-rod churn drill. Also, hollow drill.

20539             holmium                     a rare-earth (lanthamide) metallic element having the symbol Ho, the atomic number 67, an atomic weight of 164.93, a melting point of about 1470°C, and a boiling point of c. 2720°C; used in spectroscopy and electrochemistry. (For Holmia, the Latin word for Stockholm, Sweden, where this element was identified.)

20540             holohedral                  of or relating to crystals that have the full number of planes for maximum symmetry. Thus, holohedral crystal.

20541             holonomic constraint               in classicalMechanics, a constraint given by generalized forces that are gradients of potential functions depending only on particle position; expressed as equations of constraints that impose relations between only the generalized coordinates of a mechanical system, but do not involve their differentials.

20542             holonomic system                    a mechanical system in which all the constraints are holonomic, so that the system's configuration may be described completely by a set of independent generalized coordinates.

20543             holopulping process                 a process of making paper pulp without using sulfur compounds, in which delignification of wood fiber is obtained by alkaline oxidation of particularly thin wood chips at low pressure and temperature, followed by solubilization of the lignin portion.

20544             holosymmetry             of a crystal structure, having the highest point group symmetry in a crystal class. Thus, holosymmetric(al).

20545             HOME SCRAP              자가발생고철(, 고철분류)-철강제조공장 자체에서 제조공정중 발생하는 고철로써 대부분 별도의 처리가공이나 선별 또는 정제없이 그대로 회수하여 사용할 수 있는 고철

20546             homeomorph              a substance that has the same crystal form as another substance but not necessarily the same chemical composition.

20547             homeomorphism          the fact or condition of having the same crystal form as another substance.  Mathematics. a one-to-one continuous transformation of a topological space whose inverse is also continuous. Also, BICONTINUOUS FUNCTION, TOPOLOGICAL MAPPING.

20548             home-on-jam              a radar feature that allows angular tracking of a jamming source.

20549             Homeowner Water System                       Any water system which supplies piped water to a single residence.

20550             hometaxial-base transistor                       a transistor in which the emitter and connector junctions are formed by a single-diffusion process in a uniformly doped silicon slice.

20551             homing device             a transmitter, receiver, or other device on a vehicle, especially an aircraft or missile, that continuously indicates the vehicle's destination or selected target.a transmitter, receiver, or other device on a vehicle, especially an aircraft or missile, that continuously indicates the vehicle's destination or selected target. a control device, such as a remote-control television tuner, that automatically moves in the correct direction to achieve the desired result.a control device, such as a remote-control television tuner, that automatically moves in the correct direction to achieve the desired result.

20552             homocyclic                 describing a closed chain or ring including only atoms of the same element.

20553             homodyne reception                a radio reception system in which the frequency of the signal from a local oscillator is adjusted to or locked into the frequency of the incoming signal to enhance its magnitude and improve reception. Also, ZERO-BEAT RECEPTION.

20554             Homogeneous Area                 In accordance with Asbestos Hazard and Emergency Response Act (AHERA) definitions, an area of surfacing materials, thermal surface insulation, or miscellaneous material that is uniform in color and texture.

20555             homogeneous chemical reaction               a reaction in which all the components are of the same phase

20556             homogeneous membrane (균질막)             막의 단면이, 균일층에서 되는 막.

20557             HOMOGENEOUS NUCLEATION                 균일핵형성

20558             HOMOGENEOUS REACTION                     균질반응

20559             homogenizer               a device in which substances are emulsified by being forced through an energetic shear field. Also, homogenizing mixer.

20560             homologous                of, relating to, or belonging to a single group of elements in the periodic table.

20561             HOMOLOGUES            동족체

20562             homolysis                   a symmetrical cleavage of a bond, such that each of the cloven molecules or atoms retains one of the bonding electrons.

20563             homometric pair          a pair of crystals with different atomic arrangements that produce identical X-ray diffraction patterns. The metal in positions in the mineral bixbyite provides an example.

20564             homomorphic             of two or more molecules, having similar size and shape. No other characteristics need be shared.  Botany. having perfect flowers that consist of only one sexual type.  Genetics. having chromosome mates of similar size and form during synapsis of the first meiotic division.

20565             homopause                 an area of the atmosphere about 80 to 90 kilometers above sea level, in which the homosphere ends and the heterosphere begins.

20566             homopolar bond          the sharing of an electron between two atoms in which there is no displacement of the negative and positive charges, so that the dipole moment equals zero.

20567             homopolar generator               a DC generator having poles of equal polarity with respect to the armature and thus requiring no commutator.

20568             HOMOSPHERE             균질층()

20569             HON              Hazardous Organic NESHAP

20570             hone              to sharpen a cutting tool.to sharpen a cutting tool. any of various devices and machines used for this purpose, often including one or more abrasive stones.any of various devices and machines used for this purpose, often including one or more abrasive stones.

20571             honeycomb radiator                 a heat-exchange device that cools the water in an automobile by circulating the water through many small, air-cooled cells.

20572             honing           the process of sharpening a cutting tool.the process of sharpening a cutting tool. the process of obtaining a particular finish or dimensional tolerance, as in the bore of a cyclinder, by the application of abrasive stones or silicon carbide slips held in a fitting that has both rotational and axial motion.the process of obtaining a particular finish or dimensional tolerance, as in the bore of a cyclinder, by the application of abrasive stones or silicon carbide slips held in a fitting that has both rotational and axial motion.

20573             HOOD            후드 : 작업장 공기로부터 오염물질을 포집하는데 사용됨

20574             Hood Capture Efficiency           Ratio of the emissions captured by a hood and directed into a control or disposal device, expressed as a percent of all emissions.

20575             hook              a circuit occurrence in four-zone transistors in which hole or electron conduction occurs in opposite directions, generating voltage drops that encourage other types of conduction.

20576             hook transistor            a transistor having four alternating layers of n- and p-type material; the two inner layers are thin in comparison to diffusion length. Also, hook collector transistor.

20577             Hookean deformation               a deformation in which stress is directly proportional to strain.

20578             Hookean solid             an ideal elastic solid that exactly conforms to Hooke's law; that is, stress on the material is directly proportional to strain.

20579             Hooker diaphragm cell             a cell design used in industry for the electrolysis of brine to create chlorine and caustic soda or caustic potash, in which purified brine is introduced around the anode and passes through the diaphragm to the cathode; chlorine forms at the anode and hydrogen escapes at the cathode, leaving sodium hydroxide and residual sodium chloride in the cell liquor.

20580             Hooke's force              a restoring force that is directly proportional to the force of displacement, so that the affected mass is returned to its equlibrium position. Also, Hooke's law force.

20581             Hooke's joint               a universal joint in which two forks are set at right angles and connected by a crosspiece.

20582             Hooke's law                 a law stating that the stress on a solid is proportional to the strain, up to a certain (yield) point; many elastic solids closely obey this law.

20583             Hopkins-Cole reaction              the addition of concentrated sulfuric acid to a mixture that includes a protein and glyoxylic acid; the appearance of a violet ring at the interface indicates a positive test for protein.

20584             HORIZONATAL AND INCLINED SOLIDS FLOW SYSTEM             수평흐름퇴비화; 퇴비화공정중 수평흐름을 가진 반응기형태의 퇴비공법

20585             horizontal                   of or relating to a device or machine that is mounted or oriented in the horizontal plane. Thus, horizontal lathe, horizontal-tube evaporator.of or relating to a device or machine that is mounted or oriented in the horizontal plane. Thus, horizontal lathe, horizontal-tube evaporator. of or relating to a device or machine that functions in the horizontal plane. Thus, horizontal auger, horizontal drilling machine, horizontal crusher, horizontal pendulum.of or relating to a device or machine that functions in the horizontal plane. Thus, horizontal auger, horizontal drilling machine, horizontal crusher, horizontal pendulum.

20586             horizontal blanking                  in television scanning, the automatic cutoff of the electron beam during a horizontal retrace period, which prevents an extraneous line on the screen during the period. Also, HORIZONTAL RETRACE BLANKING.

20587             horizontal blanking pulse          the rectangular pedestal-shaped pulse occurring between the active horizontal lines and producing horizontal blanking.

20588             horizontal boiler          a water-tube type boiler that has a bank of tubes inclining slightly toward the rear.

20589             horizontal centering control                     a potentiometer used to horizontally position the image on the screen of an oscilloscope or television receiver.

20590             HORIZONTAL COMPACTOR                      수평식 압축기; 폐기물 압축공정에서 이용되는 고정식 압축기의 한 종류

20591             horizontal convergence control                 the adjustable component for varying the horizontal dynamic-convergence voltage in a color television receiver.

20592             horizontal deflection electrode                  a pair of electrodes that use electrostatic deflection to move the electron beam from side to side on the screen of a cathode-ray tube.

20593             horizontal drive control            the potentiometer used to adjust the output of the horizontal oscillator. Also, DRIVE CONTROL.

20594             horizontal engine                     an engine in which the cylinders and piston stroke are horizontal.

20595             horizontal firing           the horizontal discharge of fuel and air into a boiler furnace.

20596             horizontal flyback                    a flyback in which a television picture tube's electron beam moves from the end of one scanning line to the beginning of the next line.

20597             horizontal hold control             the control for adjusting the horizontal oscillator's frequency so that the picture in a television receiver remains steady.

20598             horizontal linearity control                       the control used to adjust horizontal linearity in an oscilloscope or TV receiver.

20599             horizontal output stage            an output amplifier following the horizontal oscillator in a TV receiver.

20600             horizontal output transformer                  the output transformer in the horizontal-oscillator-output amplifier section of a TV circuit. Also, FLYBACK TRANSFORMER.

