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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 19901-20000

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 12.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 19901-20000

번호                  용어                  해설

19901             graphic display            the display of data in a graphical form on the screen of a cathode-ray tube.

19902             graphical statics           the solution of problems in statics using a scale drawing of the forces and reactions known as a free body diagram.

19903             GRAS             a designation under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act; it requires either that compounds (or additives) be closely related to others already being used or that clinical trials be performed to determine safety. (An acronym for generally recognized as safe.)

19904             GRAS             Generally Recognized as Safe

19905             Grasscycling                Source reduction activities in which grass clippings are left on the lawn after mowing.

19906             Grassed Waterway                   Natural or constructed watercourse or outlet that is shaped or graded and established in suitable vegetation for the disposal of runoff water without erosion.

19907             grasshopper engine                 an early steam engine in which a piston was attached to a beam, which in turn was hinged to an upright at the other end by a connecting rod suspended from its center.

19908             Grassmann's laws                     a series of seven laws dealing with color identification and mixing; used as the basis of modern analytical colorimetry.

19909             GRATE            화격자; 소각로의 구성설비장치

19910             GRATE OR STOKER                   화격자 연소기

19911             GRATING MONOCHROMATOR                  회절발 단색화 장치 : 전형적인 단색화 장치

19912             gravel pump               a centrifugal pump used to pump a mixture of gravel and water; often lined with rubber to resist abrasion.

19913             gravimetric absorption method                 a technique for measuring the moisture content of a gas by passing it through a desiccant and noting the change in weight of the desiccant.

19914             gravimetric analysis                  a procedure during which a sample is converted by precipitation or combustion to a pure compound or element that is weighed.

19915             GRAVIMETRIC METHOD OF ANALYSIS                     무게법 분석; 질량측정에 바탕을 둔 분석법

19916             GRAVIMETRIC TITRIMETRY                        무게법 적정;

19917             GRAVIMETRY               무게법 분석 : 분석물이나 분석물과 관계되는 어떤 화합물의 질량을 측정

19918             GRAVITATION DUST COLLECTOR               중력집진장치

19919             GRAVITATIONAL COAGULATION                중력응집; 입자의 중력 침전속도가 빠르기 때문에 응집하는 것

19920             gravitational constant               the fundamental constant that, when multiplied by the product of the masses of two bodies and divided by the square of their separation distance, will give the gravitational attraction between them.

19921             gravitational displacement                        the product of the force of gravity per unit mass and the gravitational constant. Also, gravitational flux density.

19922             gravitational field                     the gravitational effect of a massive body, equal to the vector force that a test particle of unit mass would experience.the gravitational effect of a massive body, equal to the vector force that a test particle of unit mass would experience. the region of space in which gravitational attraction exists.the region of space in which gravitational attraction exists.

19923             gravitational force                    the force of attraction between massive bodies due to gravitation. The measure of the gravitational force of a given body on earth is the weight of that body.

19924             gravitational instability              any process in which gravitation tends to pull a system that is slightly out of equilibrium farther away from equilibrium.

19925             gravitational mass                    the property of matter that makes it gravitationally attractive; empirically, it is equal to inertial mass, but the fundamental reasons for this are not understood. Also, HEAVY MASS.

19926             gravitational potential               a scalar function of position equal to the work required to move a particle of unit mass to the specified position from a reference point, usually at infinity.

19927             gravitational potential energy                   the potential energy stored in the gravitational fields of interacting bodies; the energy required to assemble the system from a reference configuration.

19928             GRAVITATIONAL SETTLING                       중력침강 : 중력만을 작용하여 침강

19929             gravitational system of units                     a system of physical units in which length, time, and force are regarded as fundamental, especially as opposed to one using mass instead of force. The unit of force is established as the gravitational force on a standard body at a standard location on the earth.

19930             gravity            the phenomenon by which massive bodies are attracted to one another. In popular usage the word gravity is often used to describe the force of attraction itself, but technically gravitation is the force and gravity is the observed effect of this force.the phenomenon by which massive bodies are attracted to one another. In popular usage the word gravity is often used to describe the force of attraction itself, but technically gravitation is the force and gravity is the observed effect of this force. the gravitational attraction experienced near large massive bodies, especially on or near the surface of a planet or a star.the gravitational attraction experienced near large massive bodies, especially on or near the surface of a planet or a star.

19931             gravity anomaly           the discrepancy between the theoretical and observed gravity in a given region.

19932             Gravity belt thickener               벨트형 중력농축; 수처리시설에서 발생되는 슬러지 처리시의 농축방법

19933             gravity cell                  an electrolytic cell in which two ionic solutions are kept separate by the differences in their specific gravity.

19934             gravity map                 a graphic representation of the high and low gravity variations in a given locale.

19935             GRAVITY SETTLER                     중력침강기 : 대기오염방지 장치중 분진입자 제거 장치

19936             Gravity sewers             중력식 하수관거;

19937             Gravity thickening                    중력 농축; 수처리시설에서 발생되는 슬러지 처리시의 농축방법

19938             gravity tide                 an oceanic or atmospheric tide caused by the gravitational influence of the sun or moon.

19939             gravity vector              the direction and force of gravitation per unit mass at a specified point.

19940             GRAY WATER               잡배수, 화장실 세척용수와 대소변을 제외한 가정용수를 의미하는 영문용어

19941             Gray Water                 Domestic wastewater composed of wash water from kitchen, bathroom, and laundry sinks, tubs, and washers.

19942             Gray water system                   가정하수 처리시스템;

19943             GRCDA           Government Refuse Collection and Disposal Association

19944             Greek key motif           a mode of folding of the polypeptide backbone of a protein that bears a resemblance to a Greek key frieze design.

19945             Green Building 기술                 에너지와 환경 등 여러 가지 면에서 세계사적으로 하나의 전환점이 된 1992 6월 리우 환경정상회의 이후 거세게 불고 있는 ESSD(환경적으로 건전하고 지속가능한 개발, Environmentally Sound and Sustainable Development)라는 환경과 개발의 상충이 아닌 공존의 경제개발방식이 중시됨에 따라 등장하게 된 환경친화적 건물(Environmentally Friendly Building, Environmentally Responsible Building, Green Building, Sustainable Building, Ecological Building 등으로 불림)은 그 기술개발과 보급의 중요성이 국내에서도 최근에 크게 증대되고 있다.          1987년 유엔환경개발위원회(UNCED) 보고서인 'Our Common Future'에서 전술한 'ESSD' '미래세대가 필요로 하는 것을 충족시킬 능력을 저해하지 않고 현재의 필요한 것을 충족시키는 개발방식'으로 정의하였으며, 리우환경정상회의 기간중 UNCED에서 토의를 거쳐 채택된 리우선언의 근간이 된 의제21(Agenda 21)은 지구환경문제의 실상을 다루고 있는 것으로 21세기를 향한 세계인의 지구환경보전 행동강령이라 할 수 있다.          Agenda21에서 에너지문제가 언급되지 않은 것은 UNCED 이전부터 기후변화가 먼저 논의되었고 여기서 에너지를 이미 다루고 있었으며 기후변화협약은 이산화탄소의 배출량을 규제하는것이 주내용이고 이산화탄소는 화석에너지소비를 억제함으로써 그 발생량이 줄어들므로 에너지 절약은 지구환경보전에 직접적으로 기여하는 가장 중요한 분야임을 알 수 있다.          이러한 에너지와 환경문제를 동시에 해결하기 위한 방안으로, 이제까지의 건물에 대한 기본개념인 '인간이 거주하며 모든 쾌적한 생활을 영위하기 위한 공간'이라는 차원을 넘어, 현세와 후세에 걸친 인류의 생존과 지구환경 문제에 기여하기 위한 건축분야의 대안으로 그린빌딩(Green Building)이라는 개념이 제안되었다. 그린빌딩이란 에너지절약과 환경보전을 목표로 '에너지부하 저감, 고효율 에너지설비(energy), 자원재활용, 환경공해 저감기술(environment) 등을 적용하여 자연친화적(ecology)으로 설계, 건설하고 유지 관리한 후, 건물의 수명이 끝나 해체될 때까지도 환경에 대한 피해가 최소화되도록 계획된 건축물'을 말한다.          그린빌딩의 대표적인 기술로는 건물의 냉난방, 조명 등 건물의 유지관리를 위해 필수적인 에너지의 사용은 변환과정에서 환경오염 물질의 발생이 동반되므로 건물에 필요한 에너지 부하를 줄이는 기술은 그린빌딩을 위한 가장 기본적인 기술요소이며 아울러 에너지 소비를 줄이기 위한 설비의 효율향상이 필수적이다. 또한 건물로부터 유발되는 각종 오염원의 발생을 줄이고 발생된 오염원에 대해 주위환경에 미치는 피해를 최소화시키기 위한 환경공해 저감기술이 뒷받침되어야 하며, 건물로부터 나오는 폐자원을 재사용하거나 재생이 불가능한 자원의 경우에도 환경에 대한 피해가 최소화되도록 처리하는 기술 등이 중요한 기술로 되어 있다.

19946             Green Card                 농수산물 등 수입식품에 대한 검사를 효율적으로 실시,품질의 안정성을 확보하려는 목적으로 도입된 제도. 이 제도는 밀··옥수수 등 수입농산물의 재배, 보관, 운송 등의 과정에서 사용된 농약의 종류, 사용시기 등을 수입업자가 스스로 신고토록 하고 있다. → 녹색신고제도

19947             green fund                  환경기금

19948             GREEN GNP                녹색 GNP : 국민총생산의 개념에 환경비용을 계산하는 것으로 GNP에서 마이너스적인 환경오염부분을 상쇄한 순 GNP의 개념임

19949             GREEN HOUSE GASES              온실가스 : 방사선을 흡수하여 재방출하는 쳔연 및 인공의 기체성 대기 구성물을 말함

19950             Green Plan                  국가 환경계획(캐나다)

19951             GREEN ROUND           그린라운드 : 환경과 무역의 연계에 관한 다자간 협상, GR

19952             Green SHIFT                환경위해성이 적고 에너지 효율적인 화학물질 및 제품 생산을 유도하는녹색 화학체계로의 전환을 통해 국민의 건강 보호와 화학산업의 국제경쟁력 강화 동시 달성

19953             Green Village              ·재생에너지로 필요한 에너지를 자급자족하는 약 50호 규모의 환경친화적인 시범마을

19954             GREEN WASTE             재이용가능한 폐목재등에서 마르지 않은  폐기물을 지칭하는 말

19955             GREENHOUSE EFFECT               온실효과; 화석연료 사용증가로 인하여 배출된 이산화탄소등의 가스가 지구층을 마치 우산으로 비닐하우스처럼 둘러싸서 결과적으로 지구가 더워지도록 하고 있는 현상

19956             Greenhouse Effect                    The warming of the Earth's atmosphere attributed to a buildup of carbon dioxide or other gases; some scientists think that this build-up alows the sun's rays to heat the Earth, while making the infra-red radiation atmosphere opaque to infra-red radiation, thereby preventing a counterbalancing loss of heat.

19957             Greenhouse Gas          A gas, such as carbon dioxide or methane, which contributes to potential climate change.

19958             GREENPEACE INTERNATIONAL                  그린피스  네덜란드 암스텔담에 본부를 두고 1971년에 설립된 국제환경보호단체

19959             GRGL             Groundwater Residue Guidance Level

19960             GRID              지구자원 정보 데이타베이스  global resource information database

19961             grid bias                     a steady direct voltage between the grid and cathode of an electron tube that sets the operating point of the tube.

19962             grid blocking               in an electron tube, a keying method in which a high grid voltage produces a blocking bias, which is then removed for the beginning of normal operations.in an electron tube, a keying method in which a high grid voltage produces a blocking bias, which is then removed for the beginning of normal operations. in an amplifier, the blocking of capacitance-coupled stages due to an accumulated charge on the coupling capacitor during the reception of large signals.in an amplifier, the blocking of capacitance-coupled stages due to an accumulated charge on the coupling capacitor during the reception of large signals.

19963             grid capacitor              a capacitor in series with the grid of a tube, used for blocking purposes.a capacitor in series with the grid of a tube, used for blocking purposes. a bypass capacitor in a grounded-grid tube-type amplifier.a bypass capacitor in a grounded-grid tube-type amplifier. 3. a capacitor in the grid tank circuit of a tube-type oscillator or amplifier.a capacitor in the grid tank circuit of a tube-type oscillator or amplifier.

19964             grid cathode capacitance          the internal capacitance between the cathode and the control grid of an electron tube.

19965             grid characteristic                    the performance curve of grid current versus grid voltage in an electron tube.

19966             grid circuit                  the external circuit associated with an electron tube's control grid.

19967             grid control                 the control of plate (anode) current in an electron tube by means of grid voltage. Thus, grid control tube.

19968             grid current                the current flowing between the control grid and cathode in an electron tube.

19969             grid drive                    a signal that is applied to an electron tube's control grid in an amplifier, detector, or control circuit. Also, grid excitation.

19970             grid drive characteristic            the relation between electric or light output and control-electrode voltage measured from cutoff; usually indicated graphically.

19971             grid driving power                   the power supplied to the biasing device and grid of an electron tube; equal to the average product of the grid voltage and the instantaneous values of the alternating components of the grid current over a complete cycle.

19972             grid leak                     a resistor that provides a direct current path in order to limit the accumulation of a charge in the grid; connected across the grid capacitor or between the grid and cathode. Also, GRID RESISTOR.

19973             grid limiter                  a circuit that limits positive grid voltages by means of a large ohmic value resistor.

19974             grid locking                a tube defect in which the grid potential becomes permanently positive due to excessive grid electron emission.

19975             grid modulation           amplitude modulation produced by varying the direct current control-grid bias of an RF amplifier at an audio-frequency rate.

19976             grid neutralization                   the neutralization of an amplifier produced by shifting a portion of the grid-to-cathode alternating current voltage 180° and applying it to the plate-to-cathode circuit through a neutralizing capacitor.

19977             grid pulse modulation                 modulation created by applying one or more pulses to a grid circuit in an amplifier or oscillator.

19978             grid pulsing                the process of pulsing an RF oscillator by producing a negative grid bias that is sufficient to block oscillation and then removing this bias by applying a positive pulse.

19979             grid resistor                in an electron tube, a high-voltage resistor connected between the control grid and ground.in an electron tube, a high-voltage resistor connected between the control grid and ground.

19980             grid return                  the circuit path by which the control grid on an electron tube returns to either ground or B-minus.

19981             grid suppressor           a fixed resistor linked in series with the control grid of a tube or the control electrode of a transistor to prevent parasitic oscillations. Also, grid stopper.

19982             grid swing                  the peak-to-peak variation of a grid excitation signal.

19983             grid transformer          a transformer that supplies an alternating voltage to one or more grid circuits.

19984             grid voltage                the DC bias voltage applied to the control grid of an electron tube.

19985             grid-glow tube            a gas-discharge tube in which control electrodes initiate but do not limit plate current.

19986             gridistor          a field-effect transistor with multiple channels of embedded grids that are produced by integrated techniques; combines characteristics of field-effect and minority-carrier injection transistors.

19987             grid-plate capacitance              the inner capacitance between the control grid and plate of an electron tube.

19988             grid-pool tube             a gas-discharge tube whose cathode is a pool of mercury and which has a control electrode or grid that begins the current flow in each cycle.

19989             Griess reagent             a solution composed of -naphthylamine, glacial acetic acid, and sulfanilic acid; used for detecting nitrous acid.

19990             Griffith's criterion                     a theoretical threshhold of fracture in brittle materials, based on surface energy.

19991             Griffith's tube              a stout tube, closed at the bottom and with a rough interior surface, that is used to grind tissue; grinding takes place by means of a close fitting pestle such as a glass rod.

19992             grille              a covering on the front of a loudspeaker or other such device that serves to protect the unit and often to enhance its acoustic characteristics. Thus, grille cloth.

19993             grinder           any of various devices used for reducing materials, finishing surfaces, sharpening tools, or grinding food, typically through the action of abrasives bonded to rotating disks or other instruments.

19994             Grinder Pump              A mechanical device that shreds solids and raises sewage to a higher elevation through pres- sure sewers.

19995             grinding          an operation performed on semiconductor substrates to provide a smooth surface for subsequent epitaxial deposition or diffusion of impurities.an operation performed on semiconductor substrates to provide a smooth surface for subsequent epitaxial deposition or diffusion of impurities. an operation performed on quartz crystals to alter their size and frequencies.an operation performed on quartz crystals to alter their size and frequencies.

19996             grinding aid                material that serves to speed up the grinding process, as in a ball mill or rod mill.

19997             grinding medium                     solids that are used in suitable mills to grind materials to a powder.

19998             grinding mill               a usually cylindrical ball, rod, or tube mill designed for crushing ore or other materials.

19999             grinding pebbles          fragments of chert or quartz that are used in grinding mills to avoid contamination with iron.

20000             grinding relief             a groove designed to facilitate certain grinding operations, especially in metallurgy.



스몰미 메모시트 [A3 크기] - 내맘대로 골라담는 10장 세트 스몰미메모시트. / 스몰미메모시트, 냉




