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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 19801-19900

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 12.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 19801-19900

번호                  용어                  해설

19801             Glass Containers          For recycling purposes, containers like bottles and jars for drinks, food, cosmetics and other products. When being recycles, container glass is generally separated into color categories for conversion into new containers, construction materials or fiberglass insulation.

19802             GLASS CRUSHER          유리파쇄기; 폐기물처리의 단위공정인 파쇄과정에 이용되는 장비

19803             glass electrode            a widely used chemical-measuring device, consisting of a thin membrane of specially treated glass whose two sides are in contact with different liquid solutions, one having a known pH value and the other unknown; the potential difference that develops across the membrane is due solely to the difference in hydrogen ion concentration between the two solutions and thus indicates the unknown pH.a widely used chemical-measuring device, consisting of a thin membrane of specially treated glass whose two sides are in contact with different liquid solutions, one having a known pH value and the other unknown; the potential difference that develops across the membrane is due solely to the difference in hydrogen ion concentration between the two solutions and thus indicates the unknown pH. a similar device used to measure ionic concentration for substances other than hydrogen, as in monitoring the amount of fluorine in a water supply. Also, GLASS HALF CELL.a similar device used to measure ionic concentration for substances other than hydrogen, as in monitoring the amount of fluorine in a water supply.

19804             GLASS MEMBRANE ELECTRODE                유리막전극 : pH를 측정하는 가장 편리한 방법으로 이용되는 전극

19805             glass switch                a solid-state device used to control the flow of electric current, made from crystalline semiconductor materials.

19806             GLASSIFICATION TECHNIQUES                  유리화법(, 고화처리법 종류)

19807             glassivation                 a transistor passivation process in which silicon semiconductor devices, complete with metal contact systems, are fully encapsulated in glass.a transistor passivation process in which silicon semiconductor devices, complete with metal contact systems, are fully encapsulated in glass. a process in which glass is deposited on a chip to protect underlying device junctions.a process in which glass is deposited on a chip to protect underlying device junctions. 3. a process in which a dielectric material is diffused over an entire wafer to provide mechanical and environmental protection for the circuits.a process in which a dielectric material is diffused over an entire wafer to provide mechanical and environmental protection for the circuits.

19808             GLASS-WOOL              유리솜

19809             GLC                기체-액체 크로마토그래피  Gas-liquid chromatography

19810             GLC                Gas Liquid Chromatography

19811             GLERL            Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory

19812             glide plane                  a symmetry element for which the symmetry operation is reflection across the plane combined with translation in a direction parallel to the plane. It is designated by a, b, or c if the translation is a/2, b/2, or c/2, by n if the translation is (a + b)/2, (a + c)/2, or (b + c)/2, i.e., halfway along one of the face diagonals, and by d if the translation is (a + b)/4, (b + c)/4, or (c + a)/4 or (a + b + c)/4.

19813             glitch             interference appearing as a narrow horizontal bar moving vertically in a television picture.interference appearing as a narrow horizontal bar moving vertically in a television picture. a very brief and unwanted high-amplitude transient that occurs irregularly in anElectronics system.a very brief and unwanted high-amplitude transient that occurs irregularly in anElectronics system.  Engineering. any minor malfunction in a device or system.

19814             GLOBAL ATMOSPHERE WATCH                 지구대기감시

19815             Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW)              지구대기감시

19816             GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE                      지구기화변화 : 지구온난화 또는 온실화라 불리우기도 한다.

19817             GLOBAL COMMONS                세계공유지 : 공해, 해저, 남극대륙, 우주, 오존층 등과 같은 국가 관할권내에 속하지 않는 지역

19818             GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT           지구환경

19819             GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT FACILITY              지구환경금융 : GEF, 지구온난화방지, 오존층보호등 지구환경보전을 위한 개발도상국의 투자사업및 기술지원사업에 자금을 지원하기 위해 설립된 집행기구

19820             GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING SYSTEM          지구환경 모니터링 시스템 : GEMS, 유엔환경계획사업의 하나로서 환경의 합리적 관리에 필요한 자료를 국제적으로 수집관리하는 시스템임

19821             GLOBAL OCEAN OBSERVING SYSTEM                     지구해양감시망

19822             Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS)                     지구해양감시망

19823             GLOBAL OZONE OBSERVING SYSTEM                     지구오존 감시망

19824             Global Ozone Observing System (GO₃OS)                     지구오존감시망

19825             global radiation           a measure of direct and diffuse radiation received by the earth per unit horizontal surface.

19826             Global Resource Information Database (GRID)            세계 자원정보 데이타베이스

19827             Global Waming potential Index (GWP)                     지구온난화기여지표

19828             GLOBAL WARMING                  지구온난화; 지구의 대기공간에서 우주로의 방사열 감소로 지구 대기온도가 상승하는 현상을 말함

19829             Global Warming          An increase in the near surface temperature of the Earth. Global warming has occurred in the distant past as the result of natural influences, but the term is most often used to refer to the warming predicted to occur as a result of increased emissions of greenhouse gases. Scientists generally agree that the Earth's surface has warmed by about 1 degree Fahrenheit in the past 140 years. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recently concluded that increased concentrations of greenhouse gases are causing an increase in the Earth's surface temperature and that increased concentrations of sulfate aerosols have led to relative cooling in some regions, generally over and downwind of heavily industrialized areas. (See: climate change)

19830             GLOBAL WARMING POTENTIAL                 지구온난화 지수

19831             Global Warming Potential          The ratio of the warming caused by a substance to the warming caused by a similar mass of carbon dioxide. CFC-12, for example, has a GWP of 8,500, while water has a GWP of zero. (See: Class I Substance and Class Ⅱ Substance.)

19832             GLOBAL WARMING POTENTIAL INDEX                     지구온난화 기여지표

19833             GLOBE            균형된 환경을 위한 지구 법률가조직  global legislators organization for balanced environment

19834             Glovebag                    A polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride bag-like enclosure affixed around an asbestos-containing source (most often thermal system insulation) permitting the material to be removed while minimizing release of airborne fibers to the surrounding atmosphere.

19835             glow discharge            a glow inside an electron tube due to the ionization of gas caused by a discharge of electricity. Thus, glow-discharge tube.

19836             glow lamp                  a two-electrode electron tube in which light is produced by a glow close to the negative electrode when voltage is applied between the two electrodes.

19837             glow plug                   a small, electric heater used in diesel engines to preheat the air in the cylinder to facilitate starting the engine.

19838             glow voltage               the voltage at which a glow discharge begins in a gas tube. Also, GLOW POTENTIAL.

19839             glow-discharge microphone                     a microphone in which the action of sound waves gives rise to variations in the current between two electrodes in a glow-discharge tube.

19840             glow-discharge voltage regulator              a gas tube that regulates voltage by utilizing the variable resistance characteristics of the ionized gas within the tube. Also, GASEOUS VOLTAGE REGULATOR.

19841             glow-switch                in fluorescent light circuits, one of two bimetal strips in an electron tube that make contact when heated by the glow discharge.

19842             glow-tube oscillator                 a circuit that uses a glow-discharge tube to function as a relaxation oscillator generating fixed-amplitude periodic sawtooth waveforms.

19843             GLP                Good Laboratory Practices

19844             GLP(Good Laboratory Practice)제도                     화학물질의 유해성심사시 제출된 자료의 신뢰성은 매우 중요한 사항이다. 제출된 자료가 정확하지 않다면, 그에 따른 심사 또한 정확할 수 없기 때문에 국제적으로 유해성 심사시에 이용되는 자료는 일정한 기준에 따라 작성되는 것을 요구하는데, 이 기준이 GLP이다. 우리나라는 1996 OECD가입시 GLP제도를 조건부로 수락한 바 있으며, 이의 이행을 위하여 1998년 관련규정을 정비하여 GLP제도를 도입하였다.        현재 유해성심사신청시 제출하여야 하는 자료 중에서 급성독성, 유전독성, 분해성 등 유해성에 관한 시험성적서는 반드시 GLP(Good Laboratory Practice)기관으로 지정된 기관에서 작성된 자료여야 하며, 국제적으로 GLP기관으로 인정받는 기관에서 작성된 외국의 자료도 인정하고 있다.        2002 12월말 기준으로 유해화학물질관리법에 따라 GLP기관으로 지정된 곳은 한국화학연구원과 LGCI화학기술연구원, 산업안전보건연구원, ()바이오톡스텍 등 4개 기관이 있다.

19845             GLUTAMIC ACID          글루탐산

19846             GLWQA          Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement

19847             GLYCOLYSIS                 당화, 당분해

19848             GMCC            Global Monitoring for Climatic Change

19849             GMO              유전자변형생물체  genetically modified organism

19850             GNEP [Global Nuclear Energy Partnership]                     세계 원자력에너지 파트너쉽 GNEP ’06 1월 미국 부시대통령의신에너지 구상발표이후 미에너지부(DOE) ’06 2월에 발표한 장기계획이며, 원자력의 평화적이고 안전한 이용을 국제적으로 확대시킬 필요성에 공감하는 국가들의 협력체로서 원자력의 평화적 이용 확대, 선진 안전조치(Safeguards) 개발, 안정적 핵연료 공급체제 구축, 첨단고속원자로 개발, 개도국용 소형원자로 개발, 방사성폐기물 발생 최소화, 핵비확산성 핵연료주기기술 개발 등 7대 목표를 달성하기 위해 참여국가들의 자발적 참여와 합의를 통해 추진될 것임.

19851             gnotobiology               an experimental biological-culture system to which only preselected components (organisms and nutrients) are introduced; used for studying the dynamics of feeding in single or multi-species systems.

19852             GOAL             목표; 지역환경의 행정적 또는 기술적 대책을 위한 것

19853             gobo              a shield that is placed in front of a microphone to absorb certain unwanted frequencies before they are picked up by the microphone.  Graphic Arts. a strip of dark material that is used to shield a camera lens from direct light or sometimes to create a shadow effect.

19854             GOCO            Government-Owned/ Contractor-Operated

19855             GOGO            Government-Owned/ Government-Operated

19856             gold number               the number of milligrams of a protective colloid that prevents a standard gold sol in a solution of sodium chloride from coagulating.

19857             gold-198                    a radioisotope of gold with a half-life of 7 days, used in medicine to treat tumors.

19858             goniometer                 specifically, a device used to determine the direction of maximum response of a received radio signal or the direction of maximum radiation for a transmitted signal.

19859             goniometer head          a device for orienting a crystal by means of translational motions and, in some models, movable arcs.

19860             GOOCH CRUCIBLE                   구치 도가니 : 섬유 거름받침을 지지하는 구멍난 바닥을 가진 용기

19861             GOOD COMBUSTION PRACTICE                올바른 소각로운영방법; GCP, 도시폐기물 소각로 운영기준

19862             GOOD OPERATING PRACTICES                  운영기술 향상 : 폐기물 발생원 감량을 위한 발생원 통제를 실행하기 위한 행위

19863             GOOS            지구 오존 관측 기구 : global ozone observation system

19864             Gooseneck                  A portion of a water service connection between the distribution system water main and a meter. Sometimes called a pigtail.

19865             GOP               General Operating Procedures

19866             GOPO            Government-Owned/ Privately-Operated

19867             gouy              a unit that reflects the movement of electrically charged particles through a continuous medium, such as a liquid.

19868             Gouy balance              an instrument used to measure the magnetic susceptibilities of a solid or liquid.

19869             governor                    a device that automatically regulates the speed of an engine or machine by varying the supply of fuel or steam according to the power demand.

19870             GPAD             Gallons-per-acre per-day

19871             GPG               Grams-per-Gallon

19872             GPR               Ground-Penetrating Radar

19873             GPS               Groundwater Protection Strategy

19874             GR                 Grab Radon Sampling

19875             grab               any of various machines or devices used for grasping objects.

19876             grab bucket                a steel bucket or cage consisting of two hinged halves that, in closing together, bite into the material on which they rest; usually attached to a crane, dredge, or hoist. Thus, grab(bing) crane, grab(bing) dredger.

19877             Grab Sample               A single sample collected at a particular time and place that represents the composition of the water, air, or soil only at that time and place.

19878             grabhook                    a large hook used to lift stone; usually used in pairs that are chained together under tension to hold the load securely.

19879             gradability                  the ability of a vehicle or machine to move a load uphill, often measured in the percent grade up which it can haul a given load. Also, gradeability.

19880             graded periodicity technique                    a method of modifying the response of a surface acoustic wave filter by varying the spacing between successive electrodes of the interdigital transducer.

19881             GRADED-BORDER IRRIGATION                  경사진 두렁 관개법; 폐수의 자연처리방법중 저속법에 이용되는 지표공급장치

19882             GRADIENT ELUTION                 기울기 용리 : HPLC에서 용매의 조성을 연속적으로 혹은 단계적으로 변화시키는 방법

19883             GRADIENT WIND          경도풍; 원심력이 작용하여 기압경도력, 전향력과 함께 세힘이 평형을 이루는 상태에서 바람은 계속 곡선인 등압선을 따라 불 때 생기는 바람

19884             gradostat                    a device that allows for a special form of continuous culture in which different solutions flow simultaneously, but in opposing directions; flow occurs through serially linked chemostats.

19885             graduated cylinder                   a cylindrical container that is marked with divisions or units of measurement.

19886             GRADUATION CONCEPT           졸업개념 : 동경라운드시 미국을 비롯한 주요 선진국들이 주장한 논리로 개도국중에서도 경제발전수준이 상당한 정도에 이른 나라에 관해서 상호주의 정신에 입갑, 호혜주의에 따른 의무를 부과해야 하며 점진적을 무역 자유화 조치를 취해 나가도록 해야 한다는 개념

19887             Graham's law              a law stating that the rate of diffusion of a gas through a liquid or porous membrane is inversely proportionate to the square root of its density and directly proportionate to its solubility coefficient.

19888             GRAIN COMPOSITION              입자의 조성; 입상여재 여과지의 여재의 특성

19889             GRAIN DENSITY           입자의 밀도; 입상여재 여과지의 여재의 특성

19890             Grain Loading             The rate at which particles are emittd from a pollution source. Measurement is made by the number of grains per cubic foot of gas emitted.

19891             GRAIN SHAPE             입자의 모양; 입상여재 여과지의 여재의 특성

19892             GRAIN SIZE                 입자의 크기; 입상여재 여과지의 여재의 특성

19893             GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION                       입도 분포; 입상여재 여과지의 여재의 특성

19894             gram molecule            the quantity of a substance consisting of as many grams of the substance as are numerically equal to its molecular weight. Also, grammole

19895             granitic magma           a silica-rich magma which, if crystallized slowly, would produce a granite rock.

19896             GRANULAR ACTIVATED CARBON              입상활성탄

19897             Granular activated carbon contactor                     입상활성탄 접촉조;

19898             Granular Activated Carbon Treatment                     A filtering system often used in small water systems and individual hames to remove organics. Also used by municipal water treatment plantsd. GAC can be highly effective in lowerin elevated levels of radon in water.

19899             GRANULAR MEDIUM FILTRATION              입상여과;

19900             graphechon                a double-ended electron tube designed for integrating, storing, and translating information in the form of electrical signals; employed in certain computer and radar devices.

