환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 20001-20100
번호 용어 해설
20001 ◆ grinding stress ◆ surface compressive stress remaining on a material after grinding, which strengthens against cracking or tensile stress.
20002 ◆ grinding wheel ◆ a wheel or disk made of abrasive material and used for cutting and finishing metal and other materials.
20003 ◆ grindstone ◆ a circular disk that revolves on an axle and is used for grinding, smoothing, or shaping materials.
20004 ◆ grindstone truer ◆ a rotating pointed steel bar consisting of a threaded roller of steel clamped in a frame that rotates against the surface of a workpiece or grindstone; used for rectifying the rotation of a grindstone.
20005 ◆ Grit ◆ 그리트 ; 기계 등에 끼이는 모래, 자갈 또는 부패성 유기고형물보다 단위중량이나 침전속도가 큰 무거운 물질의 총칭
20006 ◆ GRIT REMOVAL ◆ 그릿트 제거 (석질 제거)
20007 ◆ GROIN ◆ 돌제, 방사제
20008 ◆ grooving saw ◆ a circular saw designed for cutting grooves.
20009 ◆ Gross Alpha/Bata Particle Activity ◆ The total radioactivity due to alpha or beta particle emissions as inferred from measurements on a dry sample.
20010 ◆ Gross Power-Generation Potential ◆ The installed power generation capacity that landfill gas can support.
20011 ◆ Grotthus mechanism ◆ ㆍ an early explanation for conductivity in electrochemical devices, assuming that an electrolyte consists of a chain of polar molecules stretching from the anode to the cathode, with current passing along the chain as a result of the two end molecules breaking up to leave a negative fragment at the anode and a positive fragment at the cathode. Also, Grotthus chain (theory).an early explanation for conductivity in electrochemical devices, assuming that an electrolyte consists of a chain of polar molecules stretching from the anode to the cathode, with current passing along the chain as a result of the two end molecules breaking up to leave a negative fragment at the anode and a positive fragment at the cathode. Also, Grotthus chain (theory). ㆍ a similar modern model used to describe the motion of hydrogen ions.a similar modern model used to describe the motion of hydrogen ions.
20012 ◆ Ground Cover ◆ Plants grown to keep soil from eroding. Ground Water Under the Direct Influence (UDI) of Surface Water: Any water beneath the surface of the
20013 ◆ GROUND INVERSION ◆ 접지역전; 복사역전층이 지면에접했을 때 생김
20014 ◆ GROUND LEVEL CONCENTRATION ◆ 착지농도(대), 지표면 집결
20015 ◆ ground noise ◆ in geophysical prospecting, a movement of the ground that was not caused by the shot.
20016 ◆ ground pressure ◆ the pressure exerted on a rock formation by movements of the earth. Also, GEOSTATIC PRESSURE, LITHOSTATIC PRESSURE, ROCK PRESSURE.
20017 ◆ ground resistance ◆ the resistance of a connection to ground, or between two connections to ground, that depends on soil conditions and on the surface area of the ground connection.
20018 ◆ GROUND STATE ◆ 바닥상태 가장 낮은 에너지 상태
20019 ◆ ground truth measurements ◆ the readings of various properties taken on the ground to verify or calibrate those taken by remote sensors, such as satellites.
20020 ◆ GROUND WATER ◆ 지하수
20021 ◆ Ground Water ◆ The supply of fresh water found beneath the Earth's surface, usually in aquifers, which supply wells and springs. Because ground water is a major source of drinking water, there is growing concern over contamination from leaching agricultural or industrial pollutants or leaking underground storage tanks.
20022 ◆ GROUND WATER TABLE ◆ 지하수면(수위)
20023 ◆ ground with ◆ 1. significant occurence of insects or other microorganims, algae, or large-diameter pathogens; 2. significant and relatively rapid shifts in water characteristcs such as turbidity, temperature, conductivity, or pH which closely correlate to climatological or surface water conditions. Direct influence is determined for individual sources in accordance with criteria established by a state.
20024 ◆ grounded-base amplifier ◆ an amplifier having a transistor in a grounded-base connection.
20025 ◆ grounded-base connection ◆ a transistor circuit in which the input and output circuits share a common base electrode.
20026 ◆ grounded-cathode amplifier ◆ a tube amplifier in which the cathode is at ground potential at the operating frequency; the input is applied between the control grid and ground, and the output load is between the plate and ground.
20027 ◆ grounded-collector amplifier ◆ an amplifier having a transistor in a grounded-collector connection.
20028 ◆ grounded-collector connection ◆ a transistor circuit in which the input and output circuits share a common collector electrode, which may or may not be directly connected to circuit ground. Also, COMMON-COLLECTOR CONNECTION.
20029 ◆ grounded-emitter amplifier ◆ an amplifier having a transistor in a grounded-emitter connection.
20030 ◆ grounded-emitter connection ◆ a transistor circuit in which the input and output circuits share a common emitter electrode, which may or may not be directly connected to circuit ground.
20031 ◆ grounded-gate amplifier ◆ an amplifier having field-effect transistors in which the gate electrode is connected to ground, with input applied to the source electrode and output obtained from the drain electrode.
20032 ◆ grounded-grid amplifier ◆ an electron-tube amplifier having the control grid at ground potential at the operating frequency, with input applied between the cathode and ground and output between the plate and ground.
20033 ◆ grounded-grid-triode circuit ◆ a circuit in which the input signal is applied to the cathode and the output is obtained from the plate; the grid is at RF ground and functions as a screen between the input and output circuits.
20034 ◆ grounding ◆ ㆍ the process of connecting to ground or to a conductor that is grounded.the process of connecting to ground or to a conductor that is grounded. ㆍ the referencing of electrical circuits to the well-bonded equipotential surface.the referencing of electrical circuits to the well-bonded equipotential surface. Navigation. the contact of a vessel with the bottom.
20035 ◆ Ground-Penetrating Radar ◆ A geophysical method that uses high frequency electromagnetic waves to obtain subsurface information.
20036 ◆ ground-to-cloud discharge ◆ a type of discharge in which the primary electrical emission originates from a structure on the Earth and proceeds upward to a cloud.
20037 ◆ Ground-Water Discharge ◆ Ground water entering near coastal waters which has been contaminated by land-fill leachate, deep well injection of hazardous wastes, septic tanks, etc.
20038 ◆ Ground-Water Disinfection Rule ◆ A 1996 amendment of the Safe Drinking Water Act requiring EPA to promulgate national primary drinking water regulations requiring disinfection as for all public water systems, including surface waters and ground water systems.
20039 ◆ Groundwater recharge by direct injection ◆ 직접투입에 의한 지하수 재충전; 지하수 재충전 방법
20040 ◆ Groundwater recharge by surface spreading ◆ 표면살포에 의한 지하수 재충전; 지하수 재충전 방법
20041 ◆ Groundwater recharge with reclaimed wastewater ◆ 재생폐수의 지하수 재충전;
20042 ◆ Group on Environmental Measures and International Trade ◆ 환경무역작업반
20043 ◆ grown junction ◆ a P-N junction created when impurities are added in various amounts to a crystal, while it is being pulled from molten semiconductor material.
20044 ◆ grown-diffused transistor ◆ a transistor created by first growing the emitter and collector regions as a crystal, and then diffusing the base region while the crystal is being pulled.
20045 ◆ grown-junction photocell ◆ a grown-junction diode used as a photoconductive cell.
20046 ◆ grown-junction transistor ◆ a transistor created by adding N- and P-type impurities to a crystal in its molten state and slicing the resultant P-N and N-P junctions from the finished crystal.
20047 ◆ GROWTH FACTOR ◆ 성장인자
20048 ◆ Growth factor requirements ◆ 성장인자 요구량; 미생물에 있어서 필요한 화합물로서 여타 탄소원으로 부터 합성될 수 없는 유기세포물질의 선행물이거나 또는 그 합성에 필요한 매개인자로서, 크게 아미노산, 퓨린과 피리미딘, 비타민을 들 수 있음
20049 ◆ Gruneisen constant ◆ in most cubic crystals, a quantity that is relatively constant given by the product of three times the coefficient of linear expansion divided by the product of the compressibility with the specific heat (at constant volume) per unit volume.
20050 ◆ GSEP [Global Superior Energy Performance] ◆ 클린에너지장관회의(CEM) 과제 중 하나로, 미국, 캐나다, 일본, 한국, 프랑스, 스웨덴, 핀란드, 덴마크, EC, 인도, 멕시코, 남아공, 러시아, 호주 참여중. GSEP 의장국인 미국은 ’07년부터 24개 사업장을 대상으로 에너지경영성과등급제(SEP)를 시범추진중
20051 ◆ GSP ◆ 일반특혜관세제도 generalized system of preferences
20052 ◆ GT ◆ Gas Turbine
20053 ◆ GTL(Gas-to-Liquid, 천연가스액화) ◆ 천연가스를 화학적, 물리적으로 가공하여 액체(liquid)상태의 석유제품을 만들어 내는 기술 및 제품을 통징하는 말이다. GTL 제품으로는 경유, 휘발유, 납사, 왁스, 메탄올 등 많은 종류가 있다. GTL 합성유는 유황성분을 거의 포함되지 않고 방향족 화합물의 함유량이 매우 낮은 이유로 원유를 정제하여 만들어지는 기존의 석유제품에 비하여 매우 청정한 연료로 최근 선진국들을 중심으로 한 환경규제 강화 추세에 효과적으로 대응할 수 있는 제품이 된다.
20054 ◆ GTN ◆ Global Trend Network
20055 ◆ GTR ◆ Government Transportation Request
20056 ◆ guard band ◆ a narrow, unoccupied frequency band at the upper and lower limits of an assigned channel, preventing adjacent-channel interference by preserving channel separation.
20057 ◆ guard shield ◆ a shield enclosing the input circuit of an amplifier or instrument.
20058 ◆ guard-electrode system ◆ during electrical charting, a system of extra electrodes used to restrict the surveying current from the measuring electrode to a mainly horizontal path.
20059 ◆ Gudden-Pohl effect ◆ the inclination of an ultraviolet-irradiated phosphor to momentarily glow when exposed to an electric field.
20060 ◆ guide pin ◆ an attachment that controls the movement of a mechanism and aligns it with its work; used in tool and die work and in printing, often in sets of two or more. Also, GUIDE.
20061 ◆ GUIDELINES ◆ 지침; 지역환경의 행정적 대책을 위한 것
20062 ◆ Guiding Principle for Consensus on Forests ◆ 산림의 개발 보존 및 관리에 관한 기본원칙
20063 ◆ Guillemin line ◆ a network or artificial line that generates a nearly square pulse with steep rise and fall; used in radar to control pulse width during high-level pulse modulation.
20064 ◆ Gully Erosion ◆ Severe erosion in which trenches are cut to a depth greater than 30 centimeters (a foot). Ge-nerally, ditches deep enough to cross with farm equipment are considered gullies.
20065 ◆ Gunn amplifier ◆ a microwave amplifier in which a Gunn diode, when placed across the terminals of a microwave source, serves as a negative-resistance amplifier.
20066 ◆ Gunn diode ◆ a two-terminal semiconductor that utilizes the Gunn effect to produce microwave oscillation or amplify an applied microwave signal.
20067 ◆ Gunn effect ◆ the formation of microwave oscillation in a DC-biased slab of n-type gallium arsenide in a 3-kV electric field.
20068 ◆ Gunn oscillator ◆ an oscillator that utilizes a Gunn diode to generate a microwave frequency.
20069 ◆ Gunzberg reagent ◆ a solution of vanillin, phloroglucinol, and alcohol, used to test for hydrochloric acid in gastric juice; the formation of red crystals indicates a positive test.
20070 ◆ gust load ◆ the transient aerodynamic load due to sudden variations of wind velocity.
20071 ◆ GUTTER ◆ 측구; 도로의 노면배수를 위하여 연석에 접하여 설치한 배수시설
20072 ◆ Gutzeit test ◆ a test for arsenic in which zinc and sulfuric acid are added to the sample; when filter paper treated with mercuric chloride is placed over the sample a yellow spot forms if arsenic is present.
20073 ◆ guy derrick ◆ a crane or derrick operating on a mast that is held upright and secured by guy ropes.
20074 ◆ GVP ◆ Gasoline Vapor Pressure
20075 ◆ GVW ◆ Gross Vehicle Weight
20076 ◆ GVWR ◆ Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
20077 ◆ GW ◆ Grab Working-Level Sampling. Groundwater
20078 ◆ GWDR ◆ Ground Water Disinfection Rule
20079 ◆ GWM ◆ Groundwater Monitoring
20080 ◆ GWP ◆ 잠재적 온난화 지수 general warming potential index
20081 ◆ GWP ◆ Global Warming Potential
20082 ◆ GWP(global warming potential) ◆ 대기 중에서 열을 흡수할 수 있는 능력을 이산화탄소와 비교해서 수치화한 것으로, 값이 클수록 적은 농도일지라도 지구온난화에 기여가 크다. (1997, US Climate Action Report)
20083 ◆ GWPC ◆ Ground Water Protetion Council
20084 ◆ GWPS ◆ Groundwater Protection Standard; Groundwater Protection Strategy
20085 ◆ GWTR ◆ Ground Water Treatment Rule
20086 ◆ GWUI ◆ Ground Water Under the Influence (of surface water)
20087 ◆ gyration ◆ a revolution in a circle or circles; circular or spiral movement.
20088 ◆ gyrator ◆ a waveguide device that causes no phase shift for the propagation of waves in one direction but a 180° phase shift in the other direction.
20089 ◆ gyrator filter ◆ a highly selective filter consisting of a gyrator that is terminated in a capacitor in order to have an inductive input impedance; it may be tuned with another capacitor.
20090 ◆ gyratory breaker ◆ a rock-crushing device in which an inner, solid cone moves eccentrically within a fixed, hollow outer cone. Also, gyratory crusher, gyratory.
20091 ◆ gyratory screen ◆ a sorting machine consisting of a vertical pile of horizontally oriented screens, each having a finer mesh than the one above it; eccentric motion of the machine sends material down through the series of screens.
20092 ◆ gyre ◆ a circular motion or course.
20093 ◆ gyromagnetic coupler ◆ a coupler in which a single-crystal YIG resonator couples two crossed stripline resonant circuits at the required low signal levels; may be used as a signal limiter or electronically tunable filter.
20094 ◆ gyromagnetics ◆ the study of relationships between the magnetization of bodies and their angular momentum, as in the gyromagnetic effect.
20095 ◆ gyroscopic precession ◆ the reaction of a free spinning body when a torque is applied to its spin axis; the axis moves steadily toward the direction of the applied torque, at right angles to the direction in which it would accelerate if the body were not rotating.
20096 ◆ gyroscopics ◆ the branch ofMechanics concerned with the study of gyroscopes and their practical application.
20097 ◆ gyrotron ◆ a device that detects system motion by comparing the frequency of a moving, vibrating tuning fork with a reference frequency that was in phase with the original frequency of the tuning fork.
20098 ◆ H display ◆ in radar, a B display modified to include angle of elevation; a target appears as two closely spaced blips connected by a short line, the slope of which is proportional to the sine of the angle of target elevation.
20099 ◆ h parameters ◆ hybrid parameters of the four-terminal network equivalent of a transistor.
20100 ◆ H scope ◆ a radarscope that produces an H display.
20101 ◆ HA ◆ Health Advisory
20102 ◆ Haanel depth rule ◆ a rule for estimating the depth of a magnetic body provided the body can be considered magnetically equivalent to a single pole.
20103 ◆ Haber-Bosch process ◆ a process to produce ammonia by direct combination of nitrogen and hydrogen in the presence of iron catalysts.
20104 ◆ habit plane ◆ a crystallographic plane on which a second solid phase forms, thus being common to both phases; the characteristic plane of a crystal upon which twinning, dislocations, or other phenomena occur.
20105 ◆ HABITAT ◆ 서식지 : 생물체 또는 개체군이 서식하는 장소임
20106 ◆ Habitat ◆ The place where a population (e.g., human, animal, plant, microorganism) lives and its surround- ings, both living and non-living.
20107 ◆ Habitat Indicator ◆ A physical attribute of the environment measured to characterize conditions necessary to support an organism. population, or community in the absence of pollutants; e.g., salinity of estuarine waters or substrate type in streams or lakes.
20108 ◆ habituation ◆ the acquired or evolved ability of plant cells to grow and divide independently of any exogenous plant-growth substances.
20109 ◆ HACCP(위해요소 중점관리기준) ◆ 식품의 원재료부터 제조·가공·조리, 유통단계를 거쳐 최종 소비자가 섭취하기 전까지의 각 과정에서 발생 가능한 위해요소를 확인·평가하여 중점적으로 관리하는 사전예방 식품안전관리시스템이다. 우리나라는 국제식품규격위원회(CODEX)의 권고를 받아들여 ‘95년부터 위해발생 가능성이 높은 식품과 국민 다소비식품 등을 대상으로 HACCP 의무적용 제도를 시행하고 있다. 2018년 기준 가공식품제조업체 등 약 6,000개 업소가 HACCP 인증을 받아 운영하고 있다.
20110 ◆ HAD ◆ Health Assessment Document
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