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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 19701-19800

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 12.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 19701-19800

번호                  용어                  해설

19701             Generator                   1. A facility or mobile source that emits pollutants into the air or releases hazardous waste into water or soil. 2. Any person, by site, whose act or process produces regulated medical waste or whose act first causes such waste to become subject to regulation. Where more than one person (e.g., doctors with separate medical practices) are located in the same building, each business entity is a separate generator.

19702             GENERATOR ELECTRODE           생성전극

19703             generic formula           a generalized formula that applies to a series of related compounds, with a variable that stands for the number of atoms or a radical. For example, a generic formula for an alcohol is ROH, where R = a hydrocarbon radical. Also, GENERAL FORMULA.

19704             Genetic Engineering                 A process of inserting new genetic information into existing cells in order to modify a specific organism for the purpose of changing one of its characteristics. Geographic Information System (GIS): A computer system designed for storing, manipulating, analyzing, and displaying data in a geographic context.

19705             genetic engineering                 the experimental technology developed to alter the genome of a living cell for medical or industrial use. Also, GENE MANIPULATION.

19706             GENETIC MATERIAL                  유전물질 : 생물체의 유전현상을 나타내는 물질로 생물체에 존재하는 핵산물질을 말함

19707             GENETIC RESOURCES               유전자원 : 유전물질 또는 생물체의 재산권을 포함

19708             GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISM                     유전자변형생물체 : GMO, 유전물질이 DNA 재조합기술과 같은 유전자 조작에 의하여 직접적으로 변형된 생물체

19709             geoacoustics               the use of geometric echo-ranging with low- frequency seismographic waves transmitted several miles into the earth's crust to determine the geological composition and characteristics of the area. Thus, geoacoustical.

19710             geochemical anomaly               an unusually high concentration of one or more elements in rock, soil, vegetation, sediment, or water, or a high concentration of hydrocarbons in soil, that often indicates a nearby deposit.

19711             geochemical balance                the study of the global distribution and migration of a particular element, mineral, or compound, including the amount liberated by weathering and transported to sediments and oceans.

19712             geochemical cycle                    the successive stages in the circulation and migration of chemical elements among the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere during geologic changes.

19713             geochemical evolution              over geologic time, any change in the chemical composition of some portion of the earth, such as the oceans.over geologic time, any change in the chemical composition of some portion of the earth, such as the oceans. any alteration in the chemical composition of a rock in which the amount of a particular component exceeds the amount pres- ent in the parent rock.any alteration in the chemical composition of a rock in which the amount of a particular component exceeds the amount pres- ent in the parent rock.

19714             geocorona                  an envelope of ionized gases, mainly hydrogen, that encircles the earth to about 15 earth radii and emits Lyman-alpha radiation in the presence of sunlight.

19715             geodynamics               the study of the processes in the earth's interior.

19716             geoisotherm                a line connecting points of equal or constant temperatures on the earth

19717             geologic noise             irregularities in observed data caused by local inhomogeneities in surrounding surface or shallow material.

19718             Geological Log            A detailed description of all underground features (depth, thickness, type of formation) discovered during the drilling of a well.

19719             geomagnetic               of or relating to geomagnetism; having properties of geomagnetism. '

19720             geomagnetic coordinates          a system of spherical coordinates based on the best fit of a centered dipole to the actual magnetic field of the earth.

19721             geomagnetic cutoff                  the minimum energy needed for a cosmic ray particle to reach the top of the atmosphere at a specified geomagnetic altitude.

19722             geomagnetic dipole                 the dipole created by the earth's magnetic field.

19723             geomagnetic equator               the great circle that bisects the earth's magnetic field and is perpendicular to the magnetic axis; the line of 0 geomagnetic latitude that is 90° from the geomagnetic poles.

19724             geomagnetic field                    the magnetic field of the earth, with an intensity varying from about 0.25 tesla in a small region around northern Argentina to over 0.70 tesla near the south magnetic pole.

19725             geomagnetic latitude                the angular distance from the geomagnetic equator, measured northward or southward 90°.

19726             geomagnetic longitude             a longitudinal coordinate figured from a constant magnetic axis rather than from the earth's rotational axis.

19727             geomagnetic meridian              the meridional lines of a geomagnetic coordinate system.

19728             geomagnetic noise                   any interference with radio communication caused by the earth's magnetic field. Also, GEOMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE.

19729             geomagnetic pole                    either of two antipodal points marking the intersection of the earth's surface with the extended axis of a powerful bar magnet assumed to be located at the center of the earth and approximating the source of the actual magnetic field of the earth.

19730             geomagnetic reversal               a reversal of the polarity of the earth's magnetic field that has occurred in the past as indicated by the remanent magnetization found in igneous and sedimentary rock. Also, GEOMAGNETIC FIELD REVERSAL.

19731             geomagnetic storm                  a disruption of the geomagnetic field caused when ions unleashed by a solar disturbance reach the earth.

19732             geomagnetic variation              any change that occurs to the geomagnetic field, either short or long term.

19733             geomagnetism             the various magnetic phenomena that are generated by the earth and its atmosphere, and by extension the magnetic phenomena in interplanetary space.the various magnetic phenomena that are generated by the earth and its atmosphere, and by extension the magnetic phenomena in interplanetary space. the study of these phenomena.the study of these phenomena.

19734             GEOMEMBRANE          인공차수막

19735             geometric isomer                     a compound that exists in two or more geometrically different configurations, as when atoms or groups of atoms are attached in different spatial arrangements on either side of a double bond or other rigid bond. Also, GEOMETRICAL ISOMER(ISM).

19736             GEOMETRIC MEAN                  기하평균

19737             GEOMETRIC SIMILARITY            기하학적 상사도 : 두개 송풍기의 모든 크기 규모가 동일한 비를 가짐을 뜻함

19738             GEOMETRIC STANDARD DEVIATION                     기하표준편차

19739             GEOMETRICALLY SIMILAR FAN                  상사송풍기 : 일정한 회전속도를 갖는 두개의 기하학적으로 비슷한 송풍기

19740             GEOMETRY                 지형, 기하학, 형상

19741             GEONET          지오네트; 매립지 합성차수막위에 설치하여 배출층으로 이용된다

19742             geophone                   a seismic transducer that responds to motion of the ground at a location on or below the surface of the earth.

19743             geophysical                 of or relating to     :

19744             Geophysical Log          A record of the structure and composition of the earth encountered when drilling a well or similar type of test hold or boring.

19745             geopotential height                  a measure of the altitude of a point in the atmosphere expressed in terms of its potential energy per unit mass at that altitude, relative to sea level.

19746             geopotential number                a numerical value, C, given to a geopotential surface, expressed in geopotential units (gpu); nearly equivalent to height above sea level (1 gpu = l meter × 1 kilogal).

19747             geopotential surface                 an area in which geopotential is everywhere equal; almost equivalent to height above sea level. Also, GEOP.

19748             geopotential thickness              the difference in geopotential height between two geopotential surfaces.

19749             geopotential topography           the contours of a geopotential surface as represented by lines of equal geopotential.

19750             geopotential unit          a unit of gravitational potential energy, 1 kgm, equal to the difference in potential energy of two points that are 1 m apart vertically when the strength of the gravitational field is 10 m per second squared.

19751             geopressure                a pressure of more than expected strength exerted on the earth by a subsurface formation.

19752             geostrophic                 of or relating to the deflective forces produced by the earth's rotation.

19753             geostrophic approximation                       the use of the geostrophic wind as an approximation to the actual wind in operational forecasting or as a replacement for certain terms in the equations of motions. Also, geostrophic assumption.

19754             geostrophic current                  a wind or ocean current in which the horizontal force is exactly balanced by the Coriolis force.

19755             geostrophic equation               a formula that computes the speed of the geostrophic current.

19756             geostrophic equilibrium            the state of a moving, nonviscous liquid in which the force of the horizontal pressures exactly balances the horizontal Coriolis force at all points in the field.

19757             geostrophic flow          a flow gradient in which the horizontal pressure force exactly balances the Coriolis force.

19758             GEOSTROPHIC WIND               지균풍

19759             GEOSYNTHETIC SERIES COVER                 덮개계열 복토재

19760             GEOTEXTILE                 지오텍스타일; 매립지 합성차수막과 지오네트사이에 물질 분리를 위해 사용된다

19761             geothermal                 relating to the internal heat of the earth.

19762             geothermal energy                   지열에너지

19763             geothermal gradient                 the graded rate of temperature change in soil and rock from the surface to the interior of the earth; on the average, about +10oC per kilometer.

19764             Geothermal/Ground Source Heat Pump                     These heat pumps are underground coils to transfer heat from the ground to the inside of a building. (See: heat pump; water source heat pump,)

19765             GEP                Good Engineering Practice

19766             Gerard reagent            any of various compounds, principally quaternary ammonium compounds, that are used to separate sex hormones from urine, and ketones from fatty natural substances.

19767             germanium transistor               a germanium semiconductor device having three or four sections or layers of N-type and P-type material; it has various uses such as amplifiers, oscillators, and switches.

19768             Germicide                   Any compound that kills disease-causing microorganisms.

19769             GET                국제환경신탁기금  global environment trust fund

19770             getter             a substance that binds gases to its surface, maintaining or increasing vacuum conditions in a vacuum tube.

19771             getter sputtering          the application of a vaporized metal to remove unwanted impurities remaining in a vacuum.

19772             GFF                Glass Fiber Filter

19773             GFO               Grant Funding Order

19774             GFP                Government-Furnished Property

19775             GHG              온실가스  greenhouse gas

19776             GHG-CAPSS (Greenhouse Gas Clean Air Policy Support Program)           대기오염물질과 온실가스에 대하여 사업장, 지자체, 유관기관 등을 통해 입수하는 자료를 바탕으로 구축한 상향식 통계시스템 (1999년부터 구축한 대기정책지원시스템(CAPSS)를 개선, 2008.4 1차 구축완료, 국립환경과학원 수행)

19777             ghost             on a television screen, an undesired duplicate image offset somewhat from the desired image due to a delayed, reflected signal.

19778             ghost mode                an undesirable mode of oscillation in a waveguide due to an imperfection in the wall of the waveguide.

19779             ghost signal                an unwanted signal on the screen of a radar indicator, such as an echo that experiences multiple reflections before reaching the receiver. Also, ghost pulse.

19780             GHS (Globally Harmonized System of classification and labelling of chemicals)             화학물질 분류·표지 세계조화 시스템으로써 전세계적으로 통일된 분류기준에 따라 화학물질의 유해·위험성을 분류하고, 통일된 형태의 경고표지 및 MSDS로 정보를 전달하는 방법을 말한다.

19781             GI                  그린피스  greenpeace international

19782             giant nuclear resonances          strong excitations of atomic nuclei that appear as electric or magnetic oscillations in dipole or quadrupole modes arising from absorption of high-energy gamma radiation.

19783             Giardia Lamblia           Protozoan in the feces of humans and animals that can cause severe gastrointestinal ailments. It is a common contaminant of surface waters.

19784             Gibbs adsorption equation                       a formula stating that the concentration of a solute at the surface of a liquid is greater than in the bulk liquid when added solute decreases surface tension, and less than in the bulk liquid when the added solute increases surface tension.

19785             Gibbs phase rule          the expression F + P = C + 2, which demonstrates that F, the number of degrees of freedom or independent variables such as temperature or pressure, plus P, the number of coexisting phases such as ice or vapor, equals C, the number of components such as water or salt, plus 2; this equation applies generally to multicomponent thermodynamic systems at equilibrium. Also, PHASE RULE

19786             Gibbs-Duhem equation             an equation, restricted to binary systems, used to calculate the change in the chemical potential of one component of a uniform solution, provided the activity of the other components is known over a range of compositions. Also, DUHEM'S EQUATION; GIBBS-DUHEM RELATION.

19787             Gibbs-Helmholtz equation                       an equation used to determine the effect that temperature and pressure have on the ability of a chemical reaction to perform useful work.

19788             GICS              Grant Information and Control System

19789             Giemsa stain               a stain consisting of eosin dyes and methylene blue, used to mark hemopoietic tissues and hemoprotozoa.

19790             GIF (Generation-IV International Forum)                     4세대 원자력시스템 국제포럼. 한국을 포함한 원자력 선진국 10개국으로 구성된 GIF에서는 원자력발전의 지속성 유지, 안전성, 경제성 및 핵확산 저항성 등 기술적 요건을 만족하는 6개의 미래 원자력시스템을 선정하고 공동연구개발을 추진하고 있다.

19791             Gilbert circuit              a circuit that uses the logarithmic properties of diodes and transistors to compensate for nonlinearities and instabilities in monolithic variable-transconductance circuits.

19792             Gillespie equilibrium still           a recirculating distillation device used in the process of determining the azeotropic properties of liquids.

19793             gimbal mount             a mount equipped with gimbals, commonly used to support a nautical compass or gyroscope.

19794             gin                 a three-legged hoisting machine equipped with pulleys, ropes, and a windlass.

19795             GIPME            해양환경프로그램상 오염조사  global investigation of pollution in the marine environment program

19796             GIS                Geographic Information System; Global Indexing System

19797             gja                 a large gaping fissure that is the source of volcanic activity in the Icelandic Rift System. (An Icelandic word meaning chasm.)

19798             glaciation limit            the lowest altitude in a given location in which a glacier can form.

19799             Gland (그랜드)             검출 소자와 압력근원을 삭구 기계적인 어태치먼트 (부속하는 것) . 그랜드는 검출 소자의 불가결한 부분으로서 제조되거나, 검출 소자란(과는) 별로 제작된 뒤에 용접등에 의해 접합됩니다.

19800             GLASPHALT                 도로포장용 재료



컬러링 스몰미빌딩 (20개 도시 세트) 미술교육. 창의력 발달. 해외여행. 창의력교육. 색칠공부, :

[스몰미 와 아트리트] 나만의 작은 나. 스몰미, 색다른 자기표현. smallME.



