환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 19201-19300
번호 용어 해설
19201 ◆ forward direction ◆ the direction that offers the least resistance to current flow.
19202 ◆ forward drop ◆ the voltage drop that occurs at the lowest point of resistance across a rectifier.
19203 ◆ forward recovery time ◆ the time required for the forward current or voltage to attain a specified value after a forward bias has been applied.
19204 ◆ forward resistance ◆ ㆍ the lowest level of resistance in a P-N junction.the lowest level of resistance in a P-N junction. ㆍ the resistance measured at a given forward voltage drop in a rectifier.the resistance measured at a given forward voltage drop in a rectifier.
19205 ◆ forward scatter ◆ the radiant energy that is scattered into space in an area bounded by a plane normal to the direction of the scatter.
19206 ◆ forward wave ◆ a wave in which the velocity follows the same direction as the flow of current.
19207 ◆ forward-acting regulator ◆ a regulator that ensures that adjustments made to maintain the consistency of a transmission do not affect the quantity of the transmission.
19208 ◆ FORWARD-BIASED ◆ 정바이어스
19209 ◆ forward-mixing Frings aerator ◆ a machine that precisely controls the aeration rate needed for the continuous production of vinegar; it consists of a rotating hollow-body turbine surrounded by a stator, and air is passed against the direction of the rotation.
19210 ◆ FOSSIL FUEL ◆ 화석연료
19211 ◆ Fossil Fuel ◆ Fuel drived from ancient organic remains; e.g., peat, coal, crude oil, and natural gas.
19212 ◆ Foucault's pendulum ◆ a pendulum of great length, free to swing in any direction. Over an extended time the Coriolis force will cause the plane of oscillation to rotate slowly, thus demonstrating the rotation of the earth. If the pendulum were at the North Pole, the plane would rotate exactly once each 24 hours.
19213 ◆ Foulger's test ◆ a test using urea and stannous chloride added to an unknown solution; a blue color indicates the presence of fructose.
19214 ◆ FOULING ◆ 부착; 여러가지 종류의 물질이 시스템내에 달라붙어 퇴적물이 성장되는 과정을 말함
19215 ◆ fouling index (FI값) ◆ 오염도 지수 : RO등의 순수한 물 장치에 공급수탁도의 표시 방법의 한개.
19216 ◆ fouling (오열) ◆ 막자체의 구조는 변화하지 않지만, 목힐과 부착층의 형성에 의해 막의 기능이 저하되는 현상.
19217 ◆ fouling index (더러움 지수) ◆ 역침투법에 있어서,모듈에로 공급 수중의 미량인 현탁물질을 정량화하는 지표. 비고 1. FI또는SDI로(에서) 표현한다. 2. FI ( SDI ) 의 요구(분)편을, 다음에 나타낸다. FI (SDI ) = (1- T0 /T15) x 100 / 15 여기에, T0 : 0.45μ m의 정밀 여과막을 이용해, 시료수를206kPa의 가압하에서 여과하는 때에, 처음에 500ml를 여과하는데 필요한 시간. T15 : T0와 같은 상태로(에서)15분간계속해 여과한 뒤에, 500ml를 여과하는데 필요한 시간.
19218 ◆ fouling plates ◆ metal plates that are immersed in water to attract fouling organisms; the organisms are then studied to determine the effects that environmental conditions and time have on the inhabitants of a body of water.
19219 ◆ foundation coefficient ◆ a measurement indicating how much greater the effect of an earthquake would be on a given rock than on an undisturbed crystalline rock, in identical circumstances.
19220 ◆ fourable ◆ a section of drill pipe, tubing, or casing composed of four joints that are connected together; every fourth joint is unscrewed in removing the pipe from a well.
19221 ◆ four-bar linkage ◆ a mechanism consisting of an assemblage of four links that are pinned tail to head in a closed loop and are capable of relative motion.
19222 ◆ Fourdrinier machine ◆ a machine for making paper in a continuous strip or web, characterized by a wire part whose upper forming surface is nearly horizontal.
19223 ◆ fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) ◆ 푸리에 변환 적외 분광법 : 적외 분광 분석법의 1 방법. FT-IR는 시료로부터의 적외 영역의 빛을 빛간섭계에, 나오는 빛의 강도를 가동거울의 이동 거리의 함수로서 측정하고, 그 푸리에 변환에 의해 스펙트럼을 얻는 것으로 고감도, 고분해가능 측정에 이용된다.
19224 ◆ Fourier analysis ◆ the determination of the harmonic components of a complex waveform in terms of a Fourier series.
19225 ◆ Fourier map ◆ a map that is computed for a periodic function by the addition of waves of known amplitude, frequency, and phase. The term is generally used for an electron density or difference electron density map obtained by X-ray diffraction techniques for a crystal structure.
19226 ◆ Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy ◆ a computerized system for obtaining and analyzing a whole single-beam infrared spectrum.
19227 ◆ four-jaw chuck ◆ a chuck having four jaws set at right angles to each other; used in lathes and other machine tools to hold rectangular or irregularly shaped workpieces.
19228 ◆ four-layer device ◆ a device, such as a silicon-controlled rectifier, that has four layers of alternating P- and N-type material to provide three P-N junctions.
19229 ◆ four-layer diode ◆ a device such as a pulse generator or memory device that has three junctions formed by terminal connections at its outer layers; it may be used to perform a number of functions in a system.
19230 ◆ four-layer transistor ◆ a device, such as a thyristor, that has several regions wherein conductivity occurs, but only three terminals.
19231 ◆ Four-stage bardenpho process ◆ 4 단계 바덴포공정; 질산화 탈질화 혼합공정
19232 ◆ four-stroke cycle ◆ an engine cycle that is completed in four piston strokes: a suction or induction stroke, a compression stroke, an expansion or power stroke, and an exhaust stroke.
19233 ◆ four-way dip ◆ a dip in geophysical prospecting, determined by sounding devices set up in four separate directions from the shot point.
19234 ◆ four-way valve ◆ at the meeting point of four waterways, a valve that allows for passage between any two adjacent waterways by the use of a movable element operated by a quarter turn.
19235 ◆ four-wheel drive ◆ an automobile drive system arrangement in which the drive shaft powers all four wheels.
19236 ◆ four-wire repeater ◆ a repeater used in a four-wire transmission system, comprising two amplifiers that amplify the signals propagating in the opposite directions.
19237 ◆ four-wire terminating set ◆ a circuit arrangement wherein four-wire circuits are terminated in a manner that permits interconnection with two-wire circuits.
19238 ◆ fox lathe ◆ a lathe that has a chasing bar and leaders for cutting threads; used to turn brass.
19239 ◆ FP ◆ Fine Particulate
19240 ◆ FPA ◆ Federal Pesticide Act
19241 ◆ FPAS ◆ Foreign Purchase Acknowledgement Statements
19242 ◆ FPD ◆ Flame Photometric Detector
19244 ◆ FPEIS ◆ Fine Partiulate Emissions Information System
19245 ◆ FPM ◆ Federal Personnel Manual
19246 ◆ FPPA ◆ Federal Pollution Prevention Act
19247 ◆ FPR ◆ Federal Procurement Regulation
19248 ◆ FPRS ◆ Federal Program Resources Statement; Formal Planning and Supporting System
19249 ◆ FQPA ◆ Food Quality Protection Act
19250 ◆ FR ◆ Federal Resister. Final Rulemaking
19251 ◆ FRA ◆ Federal Register Act
19252 ◆ fraction ◆ an individual, recognizable portion of crude oil, the product of a distillation or refining process.
19253 ◆ fractional condensation ◆ the separation of a vaporized liquid mixture into its components through repeated condensations; separation is accomplished by differences in boiling points.
19254 ◆ fractional coordinate ◆ an atomic coordinate expressed as a fraction of the unit cell length.
19255 ◆ fractional crystallization ◆ a process used to separate or purify components of a mixture by lowering the temperature of the solution until one substance forms crystals and the rest of the mixture remains liquid. Petrology. magmatic differentiation caused by the separation of crystals and liquid prior to complete solidification; the process may produce residual liquids that are very different in composition from the original liquid. Also, FRACTIONATION, CRYSTALLIZATION DIFFERENTIATION.
19256 ◆ fractional distillation ◆ a procedure for separating components of different boiling points from a liquid mixture by vaporizing the liquid and passing the vapor through a fractionating column.
19257 ◆ fractional precipitation ◆ a series of analytical precipitations, used to improve the purity of the desired sample.
19258 ◆ fractionating column ◆ a vertical tube containing a packing such as glass beads or metal turnings; used in fractional distillation, liquid-liquid extraction, and liquid-solid adsorption.
19259 ◆ fractionation ◆ any of a number of methods of separating the components of a mixture into fractions, such as gel filtration, electrophoresis, or partition. Materials Science. any of several precipitation or phase-separation methods used to determine the molecular weight distribution of polymers, based on the tendency of polymers of high molecular weight to be less soluble than those of low weight. Nucleonics. a change in the isotopic composition of a substance that arises from minor differences in the physical and chemical properties of an element's isotopes; observed in nature and in waste from nuclear weapons production.
19260 ◆ Fracture ◆ A break in a rock formation due to structural stresses; e.g., faults, shears, joints, and planes of fracture cleavage.
19261 ◆ fracture stress ◆ the maximum stress that a solid can withstand before fracturing.
19262 ◆ fractured formation ◆ rock that has been broken and split by hydraulic pressure produced by injected fluids in a reservoir formation.
19263 ◆ fracturing ◆ a method of opening up access to the pores of a hydrocarbon-bearing formation through the use of high- pressure fluid directed at the rock, causing it to crack and split.
19264 ◆ frame frequency ◆ in television, the number of times per second that the frame is scanned; equal to 30 in the United States.
19265 ◆ framer ◆ a device that adjusts FAX equipment so that, as the line progresses, the recorded elemental area has the same relationship to the record sheet as the corresponding transmitted elemental area has to the subject copy.
19266 ◆ FRAMEWORK CONVENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE ◆ 기후변화협약 : 온실효과를 나타내는 가스에 의해 지구온난화현상이 심각한 지구환경문제로 대두되면서 체결된 국제협약으로, 각국의 온실가스배출을 규제하기 위한 기본협약임
19267 ◆ framing ◆ ㆍ the process of synchronizing the vertical component of a video signal in order to align the top and bottom of the transmitted and received pictures.the process of synchronizing the vertical component of a video signal in order to align the top and bottom of the transmitted and received pictures. ㆍ in FAX technology, the process of adjusting the picture to a desired position in the direction of line progression.in FAX technology, the process of adjusting the picture to a desired position in the direction of line progression.
19268 ◆ framing control ◆ a knob for centering and adjusting the height and width of a television picture.
19269 ◆ Francis turbine ◆ a reaction hydraulic turbine that operates on a low and medium head, with water entering radially and leaving axially; used in many large hydroelectric configurations.
19270 ◆ francium ◆ a chemical element having the symbol Fr, the atomic number 87, and atomic weight 223; the heaviest of the alkali metals, probably existing only as radioactive isotopes, of which francium-223 is the longest-lived, with a half-life of 21 minutes. (From France; named by its discoverer, the French scientist Marguerite Perey
19271 ◆ frangibility ◆ the property of a material whose grains are too weakly bonded to withstand large stress.
19272 ◆ frangible ◆ hard but fragile; describing a material that will break or fracture from the effect of large stress.
19273 ◆ Frank partial dislocation ◆ a partial dislocation in which the Burgers vector is not parallel to the fault plane.
19274 ◆ Franklin oscillator ◆ a two-terminal feedback oscillator using transistors whose frequency-determining circuits are coupled to small capacitances of the input and output of a two-stage electron tube amplifier.
19275 ◆ Fraunhofer diffraction ◆ diffraction observed with parallel incident radiation; the incoming and outgoing wavefronts are planar.
19276 ◆ Frazer-Brace extraction method ◆ a procedure used to draw oil from citrus fruits, in which a machine with abrasive carborundum rolls grates the peel from the fruit under a water spray; the mixture of water and peel is screened to separate the peel, allowing the oil to settle.
19277 ◆ FREDS ◆ Flexible Regional Emissions Data System
19278 ◆ free ◆ not combined with something else such as another element or electron; uncombined, unattached. Mathematics. given a graph H, a graph G such is H-free if no vertex-induced subgraph of G is isomorphic to H. K1,3-free graphs (or claw-free graphs) have a place in the study of Hamiltonian cycles.
19279 ◆ free radical (프리-라디칼) ◆ 유리기 라디칼이라고도 말한다. 불대전자를 가지는 화학종으로, 분자의 열분해, 광분해, 방사선 분해등에 의해 생성한다.
19280 ◆ free atmosphere ◆ the atmosphere at an altitude of about 600 meters, at which the influence of surface friction is assumed to be negligible and air is an ideal fluid. Also, FREE AIR.
19282 ◆ free available chlorine (유리형유효 염소 : 유리 잔류 염소) ◆ 수중에 잔류하는 유효 염소 중, 단체 염소(Cl)와 다음아염소산(OCl)의 것. 결합형과 비교해 산화력은 강하다.
19283 ◆ FREE AVAILABLE RESIDUAL CHLORINE ◆ 유리잔류염소; 물속에서 HOCl이나 OCl- 형태로 존재하는 염소
19284 ◆ FREE BOARD ◆ 유동상식 소각로에서의 연소실(폐)
19285 ◆ Free carbon dioxide ◆ 유리탄산; 수중에 용해하고 있는 탄산가스
19286 ◆ free electromagnetic field ◆ an electromagnetic field in space that does not interact with matter.
19287 ◆ free fall ◆ ㆍ the ideal motion of a body when it is affected by gravity but completely unaffected by any other forces; the motion may be either descending or ascending.the ideal motion of a body when it is affected by gravity but completely unaffected by any other forces; the motion may be either descending or ascending. ㆍ an actual descent that is comparable to this because air resistance is minimized.an actual descent that is comparable to this because air resistance is minimized. 3. specifically, the initial stage in a parachute jump when the jumper has not yet opened the parachute.specifically, the initial stage in a parachute jump when the jumper has not yet opened the parachute.
19288 ◆ free field ◆ an isotropic, uniform sound field in a volume with no interacting boundaries.
19289 ◆ free flight ◆ the flight of an unattached, unguided, unpropelled body, such as a rocket descending without power or guiding direction.
19290 ◆ free gas ◆ ㆍ a hydrocarbon that exists at reservoir temperature and pressure in the gaseous phase and remains so when produced under standard conditions.a hydrocarbon that exists at reservoir temperature and pressure in the gaseous phase and remains so when produced under standard conditions. ㆍ natural gas produced alone, not with condensate or crude oil.natural gas produced alone, not with condensate or crude oil.
19291 ◆ free impedance ◆ the input impedance of a transducer when its load impedance is zero. Also, NORMAL IMPEDANCE.
19292 ◆ free ion ◆ an ion whose properties, such as spectrum and magnetic moment, are not significantly affected by neighboring atoms or molecules; commonly seen in ionized gases.
19293 ◆ free molecule ◆ a molecule whose properties, such as spectrum and magnetic moment, are not affected by neighboring atoms or molecules; commonly seen in ionized gases.
19294 ◆ Free Product ◆ A petroleum hydrocarbon in the liquid free or non aqueous phase. (See: non-aqueous phase liquid).
19295 ◆ FREE PROGRESSIVE WAVE ◆ 자유진행파 : 자유공간을 진행하는 파
19296 ◆ free radical ◆ a usually short-lived, highly reactive molecular fragment that contains one or more unpaired electrons; formed by the splitting of a molecular bond, and capable of initiating or mediating a wide variety of chemical reactions.
19297 ◆ FREE TRADE AGREEMENT ◆ 자유무역협정 : FTA, 정치적 또는 경제적으로 밀접한 관계에 있는 둘 이상의 나라가 지구적인 연합을 위해 서로 관세를 철폐하는 등 통상을 자유화하려는 협정
19298 ◆ free turbine ◆ ㆍ a power-takeoff turbine that is mounted behind the main turbine/compressor assembly, drives the output shaft, and is not connected to the shaft driving the compressor.a power-takeoff turbine that is mounted behind the main turbine/compressor assembly, drives the output shaft, and is not connected to the shaft driving the compressor. ㆍ any auxiliary turbine that is a separate unit fed by a remotely produced fuel supply.any auxiliary turbine that is a separate unit fed by a remotely produced fuel supply.
19299 ◆ free vector ◆ a vector that does not have a fixed position in space, such as a coordinate base vector.
19300 ◆ FREE VIBRATION ◆ 자유진동; 외력이 제거된 후에 일어나는 진동으로 계의 성질에 따라 결정되는 주기를 갖는 진동
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