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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 18901-19000

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 11.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 18901-19000

번호                  용어                  해설

18901             fixture            in the manufacture of interchangeable parts, a device used to hold and position a piece of work without guiding the cutting tool.

18902             fixturing          the ensemble of fixtures used in a given work process.

18903             FLAGSHIP                   깃대종 : 생태계 여러종족에서 사람들의 인식에 중요하다고 여겨지는 생물종을 의미함

18904             FLAIL MILL                  프레일밀; 폐기물처리의 단위공정인 파쇄과정에 이용되는 장비

18905             flaking            a continuous process that causes solidification of a liquid by cooling it.

18906             flaking mill                 a machine for converting material to flakes.

18907             FLAME ATOMIZATION               불꽃 원자화법 : 분석물 용액을 안개와 같이 분무하여 기체 산화제나 연료의 흐름과 함께 불꽃으로 운반하여 뜨거운 기체상태의 매질에서 방출 흡수 스펙트럼을 얻는 방법

18908             flame coloration          a qualitative flame test performed by fixing a substance to a platinum wire, moistening it with hydrochloric acid, placing it in a nonluminous flame, and observing the resulting color. Calcium, for example, colors the flame brick red, while sodium yields bright yellow and potassium purple.

18909             FLAME COMBUSTION               불꽃 연소

18910             flame detector             a sensing device and ignition detector that indicates whether fuel is burning and signals a controller if ignition is present.

18911             FLAME EMISSION SPECTROSCOPY             원자 방출분광법

18912             flame ionization detector          an instrument used in gas chromatography that decomposes the neutral solute molecules in a flame into charged species and electrically measures the changes in conductivity

18913             flame test                   any qualitative test made with a Bunsen burner, such as a bead test or flame coloration.

18914             flame-emission spectrophotometry                     a process of photometric analysis in which a sample solution is aspirated onto a hydrogen-oxygen or acetylene-oxygen flame and the emitted wavelength of the ions is recorded on a photographic plate. Also, ATOMIC EMISSION ANALYSIS.

18915             FLAMMABILITY            연소성,가연성 ; 유해폐기물의 특성

18916             Flammable                  Any material that ignites easily and will burn rapidly.

18917             flap trap          an antiflooding valve consisting of an intercepting chamber fitted with a hinged metal flap that allows flow in one direction only.

18918             flap valve                    a valve or sheet of flexible material fitted with a hinged flap that swings only in one direction to allow air flow.a valve or sheet of flexible material fitted with a hinged flap that swings only in one direction to allow air flow. a nonreturn valve for liquids containing metal; used in low- pressure applications with O-rings.a nonreturn valve for liquids containing metal; used in low- pressure applications with O-rings.

18919             flare               a burner, usually installed outdoors in an elevated position, used to dispose of combustible waste gases from chemical or refining processes by igniting them.

18920             Flare              A control device that burns hazardous materials to prevent their release into the environment; may operate continuouly or intermittently, usually on top of a stack.

18921             flare factor                  the degree of outward flare of an exponential horn, described as the constant m in the formula Sx = S0 exp(mx), with x representing the distance from the throat and S0 representing the throat area.

18922             flare gas                     a surplus or waste gas combusted by a flare.

18923             FLARE STACK               화염굴뚝

18924             flash arc          in a large thermionic vacuum tube, an abrupt surge of current between the cathode plates at high plate voltage; may short-circuit the power supply.

18925             flash boiler                 a steam boiler with hot tubes of small capacity designed to convert small amounts of water to superheated steam as it is fed through by a feed pump.

18926             flash carbonization                   a method of carbonization in which coal is exposed to a short residence time in the reactor in order to produce the largest possible yield of tar.

18927             flash chamber             a process for converting a carbonaceous material to carbon in a higher-pressure vessel by flashing it into a low-pressure, conventional oil-and-gas separator. Also, flash trap, flash vessel.

18928             flash drum                  a drum or tower in which heavy oil or residue is flashed to a lower pressure in order to vaporize the volatile components.

18929             FLASH DRYER              급속 건조기; 슬러지 건조를 위한 기계적 공법

18930             FLASH DRYING            순간 건조

18931             flash evaporator           an evaporator used for solvent recovery in downstream processing; the feed solution is fed into a container where the temperature is high enough that rapid evaporation of the solvent occurs.

18932             flash lamp                  a gaseous-discharge lamp that is attached to a photoflash unit which produces bursts of high-intensity light for stroboscopic photography. Also, STROBOSCOPIC LAMP.

18933             flash photolysis           a technique in which an intense flash of light is used to activate gas molecules so that they can be observed spectroscopically.

18934             Flash Point                  The lowest temperature at which evaporation of a substance produces sufficient vapor to from an ignitable mixture with air.

18935             flash point                  the lowest temperature at which vapor above a volatile liquid will quickly ignite when the liquid is heated under standard conditions.

18936             flash process               a liquid-vapor system in which the composition remains constant, but the ratio of gas phase to liquid phase alters as temperature or pressure changes, as in a flash drum or tank.

18937             flash tank                   the unit in a processing operation that separates the gas and liquid phases.

18938             flash vaporization                       specifically, a technique used for removing liquefied petroleum gas from storage, in which liquid is first flashed into a vapor in an intermediate pressure system, and then a second-stage regulator contributes the low pressure required to use the gas in appliances.

18939             flashback voltage                     the inverse peak voltage needed to ionize gas in a tube.

18940             flash-drying                the quick evaporation of liquid from a granular or porous solid by a rapid reduction in pressure or an updraft of warm air. Thus, flash-dry.

18941             flash-ferm process                   an inexpensive variation of the vacuum fermentation process for ethanol production in which the oxygen requirement for the yeast is met through the use of sparged air.

18942             flashing          the vaporization of volatile fluids by either pressure reduction or heat.

18943             flashing flow               the state of a liquid at its boiling point when it flows through a heated chamber or passage and is heated, causing partial vaporization which results in a two-phase, vapor-liquid flow.

18944             flashlight                    a portable, battery-powered device that produces a beam of light.

18945             flashover                    a disruptive, often luminous charge around or over the surface of an insulator, usually due to high voltage.

18946             flask               a vessel or receptacle designed to hold a substance, typically a long-necked glass vessel used to hold a liquid.  Metallurgy. in casting, the container in which a sand mold is made.

18947             flat                 a musical half step (100 cents) down in pitch from a specified note.a musical half step (100 cents) down in pitch from a specified note. the condition of being lower in musical pitch than what is intended or specified.the condition of being lower in musical pitch than what is intended or specified.

18948             flat spin          the motion of a rotating projectile or aircraft whose yaw exceeds 45°.

18949             flat trajectory              a trajectory whose gravitational deflection is negligible due to the high speed or brief duration of the flight.

18950             flat tuning                  a method of adjusting a radio receiver in which a change in frequency of the received waves produces only slight changes in the current in the tuning apparatus.

18951             flat(sheet) membrane (평막)                      평면장 또는 시트장의 막.

18952             flat-blade turbine                     an impeller having flat blades that extend radially from the shaft.

18953             flat-edge trimmer                     a machine designed to trim the notched or slotted edges of metal shells.

18954             flatpack          an integrated circuit network in which the components are encased in a thin, rectangular package, with the connecting leads extending out from the edge of the package.

18955             flat-turret lathe            a lathe having a low, flat turret on an electrically driven, cross-sliding headstock.

18956             fleet               the sideways movement of a rope or cable when being wound on a drum.

18957             fleet angle                  the maximum angle between a rope or cable and a line drawn perpendicular to the drum on which it winds.

18958             Fleming cracking process          a thermal cracking method for heavy petroleum fractions in a vertical shell still under pressure.

18959             Fleming tube               a diode that allows negative current to flow from its heated filament to its cold electrode, but prevents it from flowing in the reverse direction.

18960             Flesh-Demag process               a procedure for making gas using a cyclic water-gas unit for feeding, and charring coal for gas generation.

18961             fleshing machine          equipment that strips flesh from hides in a tannery.

18962             FLETC             Federal Law Enforcement Training Center

18963             Fletcher-Munson curve             a graph plotting sound intensity, as expressed in decibels, in comparison with frequency, for which each point represents equal loudness over the contour. Also, Fletcher-Munson contour.

18964             flex                to move from a straight course or position; bend or curve.to move from a straight course or position; bend or curve. the act of bending, or the capacity to bend.the act of bending, or the capacity to bend.

18965             flexibility                     the quality or condition of offering little resistance to being bent; being able to withstand repeated bending.the quality or condition of offering little resistance to being bent; being able to withstand repeated bending.

18966             flexible           having the property of flexibility; able to be repeatedly bent and still maintain its original shape afterward.

18967             flexible circuit              a device in which the electrical elements are mounted onto a pliable plastic sheet, so that it may be fitted between large components.

18968             flexible coupling          a coupling containing a resilient member such as a metal spring or rubber disk; used to connect two rigid shafts that cannot be aligned.

18969             FLEXIBLE MEMBRANE LINER                     유연성 합성차수막, 차수막의 종류

18970             FLEXIBLE PIPE              연성관

18971             flexible shaft               a shaft that can transmit rotary motion up to an angle of 90°.a shaft that can transmit rotary motion up to an angle of 90°. any shaft that is made of flexible material.any shaft that is made of flexible material. 3. a shaft whose bearings are designed to allow for minor misalignment.a shaft whose bearings are designed to allow for minor misalignment.

18972             flexura.           the deformation of a body under a load, so that points which were a straight line are now in a plane curve; the process of bending.

18973             flexural modulus          a constant used in the calculation of bending, equal to the Young's modulus of the material times the moment of inertia (the square of the radius of gyration of a cross section perpendicular to the plane of bending). Also, flexural rigidity.

18974             flexural strength          the critical bending load that a beam can withstand without failure.

18975             flexure theory              the application of elastic theory to long structural members deflected primarily by bending moments.

18976             flicker             a variation in a regulated power supply that occurs due to sudden, brief, minimal variations in the reference voltage or the regulator.  Telecommunications. in television, a repetitive variation in luminance of a particular area of the display that occurs when the field frequency is insufficient to synchronize the visual images.

18977             flicker effect                the noise created by the large, often erratic changes in current flow that arise from an irregularly coated cathode in an electron tube.

18978             flight conveyor            a conveyor in which paddles, scrapers, roller-chains, and the like are used to drag or push pulverized or granulated materials along a trough. Also, DRAG CONVEYOR.

18979             flight feeder                a short-length flight conveyor used to feed solid materials to a process vessel at a predetermined rate.

18980             flint mill          a ball mill that uses flint pebbles as a pulverizing agent to grind materials such as conglomerate in cement.a ball mill that uses flint pebbles as a pulverizing agent to grind materials such as conglomerate in cement. in pottery works, a mill in which flints are ground.in pottery works, a mill in which flints are ground.

18981             flip chip          a semiconductor die in which all of the terminals are placed on one side of the substrate so that it can be flipped over for bonding onto a matching substrate, after being treated with an inert material to prevent contamination.

18982             flip-flop          a two-position relay that alternates positions with successive pulses.a two-position relay that alternates positions with successive pulses.

18983             FLM               Federal Land Manager

18984             float collar                  a coupling unit placed in a casing string that holds a check valve, allowing fluid to pass downward but not upward through the casing; used on casing during cementing operations.

18985             FLOAT-ACTUATED PUMPING STATION                     부자 연동 펌프장

18986             floating          of or relating to a device that is isolated from a voltage supply or isolated from the common circuit ground.  Building Engineering.  the equal spreading of plaster, stucco, or cement by means of a float board.the equal spreading of plaster, stucco, or cement by means of a float board. describing the second of three coats applied with a coat board to protect the level of the screeds.describing the second of three coats applied with a coat board to protect the level of the screeds.

18987             FLOATING AQUATIC PLANT SYSTEM                     부유 수생식물법; 폐수의 자연적처리법

18988             floating axle                a live axle that is used to turn the wheels of a motor vehicle.

18989             floating grid                a type of vacuum-tube grid that remains detached from the rest of the circuit and takes on a negative potential with respect to the cathode.

18990             floating lever               a horizontal brake lever with a movable fulcrum, used to control railcar motion and direction.

18991             FLOATING PLANT TREATMENT SYSTEM                     부유식물 처리시스템

18992             floating scraper           a balanced scraper blade used to remove solids collected on a rotating drum surface.

18993             FLOATION                   부상선별; 폐기물선별방법

18994             Floc               A clump of solids formed in sewage by biological or chemical action.

18995             floc                small masses of colloidal particles formed in a fluid due to the aggregation of fine suspended particles.

18996             floc point                    the temperature at which waxes or solids form a definite floc in illuminating oils such as kerosene.

18997             floc test          a test to detect substances in illuminating oils that are rendered insoluble by heat.

18998             flocculant                   a substance that induces the formation of floc in a dispersion of solids in a liquid. Also, flocculating agent.

18999             FLOCCULANT SETTLING            응집침전; 2형 침전

19000             Flocculating center feed clarifier               중앙유입식 응결 침전지; 중앙 유입부에 응결메카니즘을 결합한 침전지형태

