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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 19101-19200

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 12.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 19101-19200

번호                  용어                  해설

19101             flush-joint casing                     a smooth joint, flush with the outer diameter of the remainder of a section length, formed by connecting lengths of casing end to end.

19102             fluting            a set of parallel channels or grooves having a helical or longitudinal orientation.a set of parallel channels or grooves having a helical or longitudinal orientation. the machining process of cutting such grooves in a cylindrical or conical part such as a tap or reamer.the machining process of cutting such grooves in a cylindrical or conical part such as a tap or reamer.

19103             flutter             rapid and inappropriate fluctuations in the pitch of a recorded sound, due to variations in recording or playback speed; usually caused by mechanical defects in the recording or reproduction equipment.  : a distortion or fluctuation in the strength of a signal caused by interaction with another signal or frequency.  Engineering. an irregular motion in sections of a relief valve that arises when there is pressure but no contact between the valve disk and the seat.  Aviation. a self-excited vibration in an aeroelastic environment wherein the vibration draws energy from the airstream and depends on the aerodynamic inertial, elastic, and dissipative properties of the system.

19104             flutter echo                 repetitious rapid fluctuations in fidelity, gradually diminishing; often due to two large parallel surfaces in a recording room, or a curvature in one of the surfaces.  : a rapid succession of echoes resulting from a single transmitted pulse.

19105             FLUVIAL SEDIMENT                  하천유사

19106             Flux               1. A flowing or flow. 2. A substance used to help metals fuse together.

19107             flux                any substance that will promote the melting of another substance to which it is added.  Materials. a resin or similar substance that is used in soldering, welding, or brazing in order to remove oxides from the surfaces to be joined and thus promote their bonding.  Metallurgy. in liquid metal processing, a nonmetallic material that is used to protect the metal and remove impurities.  : the electric or magnetic field lines of force that traverse a given cross-sectional area.

19108             flux (용제)                   야금학(금속 공학의 한 분야) 용어로 용제 또는 융제

19109             flux decline factor (투과 수류량감소 지수 )                     역침투막의 투과 수류량의 감소율을 표현하는 지수로(에서), 다음 식으로 정의하다m의 값.  J / J0 = (t / t0 ) ?m 여기에, m : 투과 수류량감소 지수 J : t시간뒤의 투과 수류량 J0 : 초기(t0 )의 투과 수류량 t : 운전 경과 시간 t0 : 운전 개시 시간 (t0, 일반적으로는 운전 개시뒤 1시간을 기준으로 한다. ) 비고: 막의 내구성을 표현하는 한개의 지표이다.

19110             fly                  a horizontal arm that is weighted at each end and pivots about the screw of a press; when the screw is lowered, the momentum of the fly increases the force of the press.a horizontal arm that is weighted at each end and pivots about the screw of a press; when the screw is lowered, the momentum of the fly increases the force of the press. a multiblade fan used in light machinery to control speed by means of air resistance.a multiblade fan used in light machinery to control speed by means of air resistance.

19111             FLY ASH          비산재; 소각시설에서 소각후 고형잔류물

19112             Fly Ash           Non-combustible residual particles expelled by flue gas.

19113             fly cutter                     a single-point cutting tool, used in a milling machine to produce a flat surface. Thus, fly cutting.

19114             flyback           a sudden decrease in previously rising current or voltage.a sudden decrease in previously rising current or voltage. the rapid return of an electron beam to its starting position in a television picture tube or oscilloscope.the rapid return of an electron beam to its starting position in a television picture tube or oscilloscope.

19115             flyback power supply                in television equipment, a power supply that uses a flyback signal to generate high voltage.

19116             flying head                 a read/write head on a magnetic disk or drum that floats a microscopic distance off the moving magnetic surface.

19117             flying spot                  the tiny point of light in a flying-spot scanner.

19118             flying-aperture scanner             a component in a computer that converts text into electrical signals by flooding the text with light, then retrieving the light spot by spot from the illuminated text.

19119             flying-spot scanner                  a device in which a rapidly moving spot of light scans an image on a transparent screen; a phototube then absorbs the light reflected by the screen and converts it into electric signals; used for television film, slide transmission, and character recognition. Also, OPTICAL SCANNER.

19120             flywheel          a heavy wheel that rotates on a shaft so that its momentum imparts uniform rotational velocity to the shaft and attached machinery. Also, BALANCE WHEEL.

19121             flywheel synchronization           a method of automatically synchronizing a television scanning system, in which the receiver evaluates synchronization signals from the transmitter and replaces weak signals with pulses based on the overall rate of reception.

19122             FML               Flexible Membrane Liner

19123             FML : FLEXIBLE MEMBRANE LINER             합성차수막

19124             FMP               Facility Management Plan

19125             FMP               Financial Management Plan

19126             FMS               Financial Management System

19127             FMVCP           Federal Motor Vehicle Control Program

19128             Foaming                     거품현상; 활성슬러지공정 운영상의 문제점

19129             focus control               a device that sharpens the image on the screen of a CRT tube by varying the current flowing through the focusing coil or by changing the position of a permanent magnet.

19130             focus projection and scanning                  in a hybrid vidicon, the control of the movement of the electron beam by using a transverse electrostatic field to deflect it and an axial magnetic field to focus it.

19131             focusing anode            an external anode used to adjust the electron beam in a cathode-ray tube.

19132             focusing coil               a coil that generates a magnetic field parallel to an electron beam in order to focus the beam.

19133             focusing electrode                   the terminus to which voltage is applied in order to focus an electron beam in a cathode-ray tube.

19134             focusing magnet          a magnet that is used to create a magnetic field in order to focus an electron beam in a cathode-ray tube.

19135             FOE                Friends Of the Earth

19136             Fogging          Applying a pesticide by rapidly heating the liquid chemical so that it forms very fine droplets that resemble smoke or fog. Used to destroy mosquitoes, black flies, and similar pests.

19137             FOHN WIND               푄 풍 : 고도가 높은 산맥에 직각으로 강한 바람이 부는 경우에는 산맥의 풍하측에 강하고 고온 건조한 바람이 불어내리는데 이 바람을 푄바람이라 함

19138             FOIA              Freedom Of Information Act

19139             FOISD             Fiber Optic Isolated Spherical Dipole Antenna

19140             Folcculation                Process by which clumps of solids in water or sewage aggregate through biological or chemical action so they can be separated from water or sewage.

19141             folded cavity               in a klystron, an arrangement of devices that force the incoming wave to act on the electron stream at several points.

19142             foldover          a distortion in which a white line frames a television screen, usually caused by a defect in the receiver's horizontal or vertical deflection circuits.

19143             FONSI            Finding Of No Significant Impact

19144             FOOD CHAIN              먹이연쇄

19145             Food Chain                 A sequence of organisms, each of which uses the next, lower member of the sequence as a food source.

19146             Food Processing Waste             Food residues produced during agricultural and industrial operations.

19147             Food to microorganism ratio                    먹이-미생물비; F/M

19148             FOOD WASTE              음식쓰레기

19149             Food Waste                 Uneaten food and food preparation wastes from residences and commercial establishments such as grocery stores, restaurants, and produce stands, institutional cafeterias and kitchens, and industrial soures like employee lunhrooms.

19150             Food Web                   The feeding relationships by which energy and nutrients are transferred from one species to another.

19151             foot section                the part of a conveyor at the opposite end from the delivery point, consisting of a frame and a drum or sprocket upon which the chain or belt travels.

19152             foot valve                   a nonreturn suction valve that is fitted in the bottom of a suction pipe of a pump or barrel to prevent the backward flow of water.

19153             foots              a mixture of soap, oil, and impurities that precipitates from an oil or wax upon standing. Also, foot's oil.

19154             footstock                    a device that supports a workpiece on a milling machine, usually used in connection with a dividing head.

19155             FORAST          Forest Response to Anthropogenis Stress

19156             force              any external agent that causes a change in the motion of a free body, or that causes stress in a fixed body.

19157             force constant             an expression of the ratio of force to displacement in an elastic material. Also, SPRING CONSTANT, HOOKE'S CONSTANT.

19158             force feed                   the lubrication under pressure of a machine, especially an internal-combustion engine.

19159             force field                   the generalized region of space in which a specific force has effect and can be described by a vector.

19160             FORCE MAIN               압력간선; 펌프장으로부터 나오는 압력수로

19161             force pump                 a pump consisting of a barrel fitted with a solid plunger, and a valve chest with suction and delivery valves; delivers liquid under a pressure greater than its suction pressure.

19162             FORCED ANGULAR FREQUENCY               강제각진동수

19163             forced circulation                     the use of a pump or other device to move liquid through pipes.

19164             forced oscillation          in a simple oscillator or an equivalent mechanical system, an oscillatory current produced by an external periodic driving force, so that the frequency of the current is determined by factors other than the constants of the circuit in which they are flowing. Also, forced vibration.

19165             FORCED OXIDATION PROCESSES               강제산화법 : 습식폐기공정의 유형

19166             forced ventilation                     a system of ventilation in which pressurized air is forced through inlet or outlet ducts.

19167             FORCED VIBRATION                 강제진동; 주기적인 외력에 의해 지속되는 진동

19168             forced-air heating                    a heating system in which the positive circulation of warm air is supplied by means of a blower or fan.

19169             forced-circulation boiler            a steam boiler in which water and steam are continuously circulated over heating surfaces by pumps for improved circulation efficiency.

19170             forced-draft                describing a heating or air-conditioning system using a flow of air that is forced through pipes or ducts by a heater or blower.

19171             forensic analysis          chemical analysis that is performed in connection with legal proceedings, and whose findings may be used in court.

19172             foreshock                   an earthquake tremor that precedes the main shock of an earthquake.

19173             FOREST PRINCIPLES                 산림원칙 : 전세계 산림의 경영, 보전 및 지속가능한 개발에 관한 원칙으로 1992년 리우회위에서 법적인 구속력이 없는 성명의 형태로 채택됨

19174             fork oscillator              a circuit that generates alternating current, characterized by by the use of a tuning fork to determine frequency.

19175             forked lightning           a common form of cloud-to-ground discharge in which branching from the main lightning channel can be observed.

19176             forklift            a small vehicle equipped in front with two prongs that can slide under goods or into pallets and then be raised or lowered to move and stack goods; widely used in warehouses, shipping depots, and factories. Also, forklift truck, fork truck.a small vehicle equipped in front with two prongs that can slide under goods or into pallets and then be raised or lowered to move and stack goods; widely used in warehouses, shipping depots, and factories. Also, forklift truck, fork truck. to move goods with a forklift.to move goods with a forklift.

19177             form factor                 the ratio of the modulus of rupture of a beam of given cross-sectional shape to that of a beam of equal cross-sectional area having a standard (usually square) shape.

19178             form grinding              the grinding of cylindrical work by the use of a wheel whose cutting face is contoured to the form required and extends over the full length of the work. Also, PROFILE GRINDING, PLUNGE GRINDING.

19179             FORM SERIES COVER               거품계열 복토재

19180             formal charge              the charge assigned to a donor atom (+1) and an acceptor atom (-1) that form a covalent bond based on the sharing of electrons.

19181             formal potential           the measured potential of a half cell relative to a reference electrode, such as the standard hydrogen electrode when the ratio of the concentrations of the reduced and oxidized species is unity.

19182             FORMALDEHYDE          포름알데히드 : HCHO, 무색의 기체 또는 무색투명한 액체로 존재하는데 자극성이 대단히 큰 물질

19183             Formaldehyde              A colorless, pungent, and irritating gas, CH20, used chiefly as a disinfectant and preserva-tive and in synthesizing other compounds like resins.

19184             FORMATE                   개미산, 포름산염

19185             formation damage                   the lessening of the permeability of reservoir rock due to the penetration of treating and drilling fluids into the section close to the wellbore.

19186             formation factor          the ratio between the conductivity of an electrolyte and the conductivity of a rock saturated with that electrolyte. Also,RESISTIVITY FACTOR, FORMATION RESISTIVITY FACTOR.the ratio between the conductivity of an electrolyte and the conductivity of a rock saturated with that electrolyte. Also,RESISTIVITY FACTOR, FORMATION RESISTIVITY FACTOR. for a reservoir rock system, a function of the rock's porosity in terms of the degree to which precipitated minerals are bound together.for a reservoir rock system, a function of the rock's porosity in terms of the degree to which precipitated minerals are bound together.

19187             formation fracturing                 in a reservoir formation, a technique using hydraulic pressure to fracture rock, thus increasing oil production.

19188             formation gas              the original gas yielded underground from a reservoir.

19189             formation resistivity                  the electrical resistivity of reservoir formations, used to determine their fluid content and lithography

19190             formation solubility                  the degree of rock solubility in an oil-well acidizing solution, such as hydrochloric acid or hydrochloric-hydrofluoric acid.

19191             formation tester           an instrument used to retrieve samples of fluid from a formation in an oil reservoir.

19192             formation-volume factor           the extent or volume of an oil-bearing zone estimated to exist in an underground formation.

19193             formed cutter              a milling cutter shaped to the profile specified for the workpiece.

19194             formula weight            the sum of the atomic weights of atoms in a compound.

19195             formulation                 the method and process of selecting the components of a mixture.the method and process of selecting the components of a mixture. the product of such a process.the product of such a process

19196             Formulation                The substances comprising all active and inert ingredients in a pesticide.

19197             forward bias                a voltage applied to a semiconductor P-N junction to make the P side positive with respect to the N side.

19198             forward coupler           a directional coupler used for sampling incident power.

19199             forward current           current that flows through a P-N junction as the result of a forward bias.

19200             FORWARD CURVED FAN           전향 날개형 송풍기 : 원심력 송풍기의 유형

