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환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 19401-19500

by 리치캣 2023. 1. 12.

환경 및 무역 관련용어 모음집 environmental and trade terms : 19401-19500

번호                  용어                  해설

19401             FROTH CONTROL SYSTEM                       거품제거장치

19402             FRS                Formal Reporting System

19403             Frumkin isotherm                    a relation describing how the extent of adsorption of a substance on an electrode depends upon concentration, potential, and temperature.

19404             FS                  여과성 고형물; Filterable solids

19405             FS                  타당성조사; 불량매립지 개선절차 중의 한 단계이며 여러 개선안이 개발, 평가, 선정된다. Feasibility Study

19406             FS                  Feasibility Study

19407             FSA                Food Security Act

19408             FSP                송풍기 정압 : fan static pressure

19409             FSS                Facility Status Sheet; Federal Supply Schedule

19410             fT value          a measure of beta decay lifetimes, or comparative half-lives, derived from the magnitude of the matrix element used to calculate the total transition rate of beta emitters.

19411             FTA                자유무역 협정  free trade agreement

19412             FTD : FLAME THERMIONIC DETECTOR                     알칼리열이온화 검출기

19413             FTP                Federal Test Procedure (for motor vehicles)

19414             FTS                File Transfer Service

19415             FTTS               FIFRA/TSCA Tracking System

19416             FUA               Fuel Use Act

19417             fuel bed          a layer of burning fuel and ash, as on a furnace grate.

19418             fuel cell          a galvanic cell in which electricity is produced through the oxidation of a fuel such as methanol

19419             FUEL DESULFURIZATION           연료탈황

19420             Fuel Economy Standard            The Corporate average Fuel Economy Standard (CAFE) effective in 1978. It enhanced the national fuel conservation effort imposing a miles-per-gallon floor for motor vehicles.

19421             Fuel Efficiency             The proportion of energy released by fuel combustion that is converted into useful energy.

19422             FUEL EQUIVALENCE RATION                     연료등가비

19423             fuel injection               a system for spraying fuel directly into the cylinder or combustion chamber of a spark-ignition engine cylinder, thus eliminating the need for a carburetor; used in diesel engines and in many gasoline engines. Thus, fuel-injection engine.

19424             fuel injector                in the fuel injection process, the mechanism that sprays fuel into the engine cylinders or combustion chamber, consisting of a pump, valves, and nozzles.

19425             FUEL NOX                   연료 Nox

19426             fuel pump                   any pump used for delivering fuel from a storage tank to an engine or furnace.

19427             fuel ratio                    the extent of the heating capability of a fuel in comparison to another fuel used as a standard.

19428             Fuel Switching             1. A precombustion process whereby a low-sulfur coal is used in place of a higher sulfur coal in a power plant to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions. 2. Illegally using leaded gasoline in a motor vehicle designed to use only unleaded.

19429             fuel system                 a system for the storage and delivery of fuel, including such components as a fuel tank, fuel pump, and fuel line.

19430             fuel tank                     a storage component of a fuel system, often one of several composite or cellular sections.

19431             fuel-cell electrolyte                   an ionic conductor of electricity between the electrodes of a fuel cell.

19432             FUEL-LEAN BURN                    연료희박연소, =lean burn

19433             FUEL-LEAN FLAME                   연소연료불꽃; 가연성 가스와 조연성 가스의 비를 적게 한 불꽃

19434             FUEL-NITROGEN          연료질소 : 질소산화물이 배출되는 경로로서, 연료내에 존재하는 화학적으로 결합된 질소

19435             FUEL-RICH BURN                     연료 과잉 연소, =rich burn

19436             FUEL-RICH FLAME                    연료과잉불꽃; 가연성 가스와 조연성 가스의 비를 크게 한 불꽃

19437             fugitive dye                 a dye that is not colorfast; used for purposes of identification.

19438             FUGITIVE EMISSION                 불특정 배출물 : 포획되지 않은 배출물

19439             Fugitive Emissions                       Emissions not caught by a capture system.

19440             FUGITIVE SOURCE                    불특정 오염원

19441             fulcrum          the pivot point about which a lever operates.  Anatomy. any point on a body part that acts like a mechanical fulcrum, usually on a bone such as the ulna or femur.

19442             Full Bridge (훌다리)                  4개의 활동 소자또는 왜게이지를 이용한 호이트스톤 다리 구성.

19443             Full Rated Pressure                  정격압력

19444             FULL SCALE                 실제 규모의

19445             FULL SCALE BOILER                  열량계로 실규모 보일러

19446             Full Scale Output (훌스케일 출력)              압력 트랜스듀서의 풀 스케일 출력이란(과는), 트랜스듀서에 정격압력을 부하했을 때에 얻어지는 출력.  증폭 회로를 가지지 않는 압력 트랜스듀서의 풀 스케일 출력은, mV/V또는 려발전압에 대한 특정의mV출력으로서 통상 명시됩니다.  증폭 회로를 가지는 압력 트랜스듀서의 경우, 훌스케일 출력은, DC전압또는 mA전류의 최고 출력값으로서 통상 명시됩니다.

19447             Full Scale Pressure (훌스케일 압력)                     통상의 조건하에서 조작을 위해서 설계되었다. 기기의 최고 계측 압력.  : 압력 레인지가0-2000 PSIG (0-13.8MPa)의 트랜스듀서의 정격압력은2000PSI (13.8MPa).

19448             full-bore                     operating or moving at maximum power or speed.

19449             fullerene                     any of various cagelike molecules that consitute the third form of pure carbon (along with the forms diamond and graphite), whose prototype C60 (buckyball) is the roundest molecule that exists. Fullerenes are a class of discrete molecules, soccerball-shaped forms of carbon with extraordinary stability. The different forms of fullerenes are given nicknames, such as fuzzyball, bunnyball, and platinum-burr ball. (From Buckminster Fuller; because their configuration suggests the shape of his famous geodesic dome.)

19450             full-force feed             a system for lubricating an engine with oil under pressure.

19451             full-gear          of a steam-engine valve gear, in the position giving maximum valve travel and cutoff for full power.

19452             fullness of tone           the acoustic quality of a tone, based on the ratio of the loudness of a reverberant sound to the loudness of a direct sound.

19453             full-track vehicle          a vehicle, such as a tank, that is entirely supported, driven, and steered by an endless belt or track on each side.

19454             full-wave bridge           a bridge arrangement of four diode or tube rectifiers that provides full-wave rectification of the full secondary voltage of the power transformer.

19455             full-wave control          a phase control that performs on both halves of each AC cycle to vary load power over the full range from zero to the full-wave maximum value.

19456             full-wave rectification               a rectification process in which the negative half-cycle of the alternating input current is inverted, thus producing two positive half-cycles for each input cycle. Thus, full-wave rectifier.

19457             Fully mixed analysis                 완전혼합 분석;

19458             fumarole                     a vent, usually in volcanic regions, from which vapors or gases are released.

19459             FUME             연무 ; 어떤 물질이 연소, 승화, 증발할 때 일단 고온상태에서 기체분자가 된채 또는 화학반응으로 새로운 물질이 생성되어 대기중에서 냉각되어 콜로이드상태로 되는 고체상의 물질

19460             Fume             Tiny particles trapped in vapor in a gas stream.

19461             fume cloud                 a cloud of vaporous volcanic gas that rises from a body of molten lava

19462             fumes             the smoky particulate matter that emanates from heated materials.the smoky particulate matter that emanates from heated materials. vapors evolved from concentrated acids or solvents.vapors evolved from concentrated acids or solvents.

19463             Fumigant                    A pesticide vaporized to kill pests. Used in buildings and greenhouses.

19464             fumigant                    any vaporous toxic compound that is used as a pesticide

19465             FUMIGATION               훈증()

19466             FUNCTION                  기능. 작용.역활(사진적 의미)

19467             function generator                   a signal generator that outputs several selectable waveforms and frequencies.  Computer Technology. an analog computer circuit that creates a variable based on a mathematical function and one or more input variables.

19468             function switch            a switch that permits the selection of the various functions in a multifunction instrument, such as a voltohm-milliammeter.

19469             FUNCTIONAL ELEMENT             기능적 요소; 폐기물의 발생에서 최종처분까지 폐기물관리와 관련된 다양한 할동요소를 묘사하기 위하여  표현되는 용어

19470             Functional Equivalent                Term used to describe EPA's decision-making process and its relationship to the environmental review conducted under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). A review is considered functionally equivalent when it addresses the substantive components of a NEPA review.

19471             functional switching circuit                      a circuit that implements a Boolean function and forms a basic element of a switching system; examples include AND, OR, NOT, NAND, and NOR circuits.

19472             fundamental strength               the amount of stress, without creep, that a geologic body can withstand regardless of time.

19473             fundamental tone                    the lowest frequency in a harmonic series of frequencies.

19474             FUNDAMENTAL VIBRATION                      기본진동 : 주기적 진동의 경우는 그 주기에 상당하는 진동, 주기적이 아닌 경우는 그 성분 중 진동수의 최소의 것

19475             FUNDAMENTAL WAVE              기본파 : 주기적 복합파의 경우는 그 주기에 상당하는 진동수를 갖는 정현파, 주기적이 아닌 경우는 그 성분중 진동수의 최소의 것

19476             FUNGI            곰팡이

19477             fungible          describing petroleum products that have similar characteristics, so that they can be blended.

19478             fungicide                    Pesticides which are used to control, deter, or destroy fungi.

19479             Fungistat                    A chemical that keeps fungi from growing.

19480             Fungus (Fungi)            Molds, mildews, yeasts, mushrooms, and puffballs, a group of organisms lacking in chlorophyll (i.e., are not photosynthetic) and which are usually non-mobile, filamentous, and multicellular. Some grow in soil, others attach themselves to decaying trees and other plants whence they obtain nutri- ents. Some are pathogens, others stabilize sewage and digest composted waste.

19481             funicular distribution                a distribution of two phases of immiscible liquids in a porous body, in which the wetting phase is continuous over the surface of the body.

19482             funicular polygon                    the two-dimensional or three-dimensional pattern formed by a cord under tension when it is acted on (or supported) by forces at various points.the two-dimensional or three-dimensional pattern formed by a cord under tension when it is acted on (or supported) by forces at various points. a figure drawn for solving equilibrium problems of rigid bodies or cables acted on in this manner.a figure drawn for solving equilibrium problems of rigid bodies or cables acted on in this manner.

19483             furfural extraction                    a refining method for organic substances by contacting with furfural as a selective solvent.

19484             FURNACE                    연소실; 연소로, 또는 소각로로도 불림

19485             Furrow Irrigation          Irrigation method in which water travels through the field by means of small channels between each groups of rows.

19486             FURS              Federal Underground Injection Control Reporting System

19487             fuse diode                  a diode that opens under particular current surge conditions.

19488             fused-salt electrolysis               a process in which an electric current is passed through purified fused salts to produce a chemical reaction.

19489             fusible            able to be fused or melted.

19490             FUSING POINT OF ASH             재의 융점; 폐기물의 소각으로부터 생긴 재가 용융, 응고되어 고형물을 형성시키는 온도로 정의된다.

19491             fusion            a nuclear process in which two light nuclei combine, at extremely high temperatures, to form a heavier nucleus and release vast amounts of energy. The explosive force of a hydrogen bomb is an example of uncontrolled fusion, and the energy of the sun and other stars is believed to derive from fusion reactions; speculated to occur at room temperature in electrochemical cells with palladium electrodes. Also, NUCLEAR FUSION.

19492             fusion of cells              the process in which certain enveloped viruses, such as the Sendai virus, cause cells to fuse; used in the production of hybrid cells.

19493             fusion protein             a protein molecule that brings about fusion between host cells, as between a virus envelope and a host plasma membrane in a Sendai virus or a Paramyxovirus; produced by recombinant DNA technology, usually when a gene is inserted into a plasmid vector in such a way that the terminal stop codon is deleted.

19494             fusion tube                 a device used to analyze the elements in a compound by fusing the sample with other compounds and analyzing the products.

19495             Future Liability             Refers to potentially responsible parties' obligations to pay for additional response activi-ties beyond those specified in the Record of Decision or Consent Decree.

19496             FVMP             Federal Visibility Monitoring Program

19497             F-WASTES                   불특정 발생원 유해폐기물  Non-specific source hazardous wastes

19498             FWCA             Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act

19499             FWPCA           Federal Water Pollution and Control Act (aka CWA). Federal Water Pollution and Control Administration

19500             FWS : FREE WATER SURFACE SYSTEM                     자연 수면법

